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  1. Top 5 Atypical Tips on How to Overcome Rudeness and Avoid Conflicts

    Conflict situations happen to all. Bypassing them is not possible, but to overcome rudeness and avoid serious conflict is always possible. To do this you need to follow some simple tips.

    Don't Repeat the Words of the Interlocutor

    If the one with whom there is a conflict, asks you for something or asks why things are not the way they should be, never answer him with his own words. For example: "You owe me money back for the broken product." Don't answer, "We don't owe
  2. 3 Ukraines - Novorossiya


    Nicholas Nicholaides; 18.10.2017.


    The future of Russia as an independent state and world leader in a multipolar world will be determined in Novorossiya.
    The battle for Novorossiya (and eastern Malorossiya) will be determined in the Kreml. As soon as the russian leaders decide to liberate Novorossiya

    Updated 03-09-2022 at 09:29 PM by Tannhauser

  3. The Scariest Games of All Time

    Fear is one of the most important human emotions. Some try to avoid this state as much as possible, and others enjoy being terrified. To obtain emotions, a modern man has a lot of sources, from various literature, theater, movies, horror online slots, and video games. Here are the most terrible games, where you can test yourself.

    Cry of Fear
    Cry of Fear is out on Steam as a free standalone game. Everything aims to scare the player in every way possible. And at this point, a
  4. Excel Tool: 4 Easy-to-Follow Tips To Help You Create Your Graphs

    Excel Tool: 4 Easy-to-Follow Tips To Help You Create Your Graphs


    Learn how to graph in Excel with these 4 easy-to-follow tips from Venngage! We'll walk you through everything, from graph maker design and chart maker type selection to graph formatting and what the different graph types mean. And if you're not sure where to start, we've also included a template for your convenience!

    Where to find
  5. yooo


    Gambling is one of the most popular activities in the world today. According to an online survey conducted on a Facebook gambling group, up to three hundred thousand people play casino games daily in the American city of Vegas alone. However, the popularity of gambling has massively increased as a result of the advancement of technology in the industry with the development of gambling apps and online platforms spearheading a wide variety of technological innovations.

    Gambling is
  7. Uptightness: Loosen Up To Be More Socially Successful

    As I promised in my last post (Hedgehog's Dilemma) almost a year ago I will continue to develop on interpersonal relationships, here is the second post:

    -By Chris MacLeod, MSW.

    One broad way to do better with people is to lighten up a bit. For a subset of people with social difficulties, a core issue they have is that many of their behaviors and attitudes are too uptight:

    • They get irritated by social annoyances that most people let slide.
    • They care

    Updated 07-25-2021 at 05:04 AM by Tannhauser

  8. 5 Unique Gift Ideas To Blow Your Mind

    Whether you are looking for birthday gift ideas or you just feel like to surprise some of your loved ones, then you should stick with the plan because we have got you covered. Amaze them with something unique and awesome as they are.

    Though, we are very sure about the gift ideas to blow your loved one's mind. But we think one day still does not seem enough to show all your feelings and to show your gratitude for all the unconditional love you have received from them. To make everything
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  9. How To Keep Your Children Safe On The Internet While You Are Away?

    There is no doubt, modern parents are under more pressure than ever before to keep up with their children’s online activities. Children are the world’s most vulnerable Internet users. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children about the dangers lurking around every corner of the World Wide Web. How is this possible when parents have to work extended schedules, leaving children at home to their own devices? To help jumpstart your effort, a list of tips is provided in the article below. ...
  10. #11

    Zavoleh tvoj osmeh,
    Oči još pamtim,
    Srce ovo ludo,
    Hoće da te vratim,
    I na kraj sveta,
    Da odeš daleko,
    Biće prava šteta,
    Da te voli neko.
    A da to nisam ja...
    A da to nisam ja...
    I sve da odneseš,
    Da se i ne okreneš,
    Poželećeš da me vidiš,
    Ime da mi spomeneš,
    I na kraj sveta,
    Da odeš daleko,
    Biće prava šteta,
    Da me voli neko.
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