Target: Kostek_scaled
Distance: 2.5444% / 0.02544389 | R5P
45.6 Russia_Sunghir_Medieval.SG
39.0 Estonia_Medieval.SG
8.6 Italy_Medieval_EarlyModern.SG
4.6 Ukraine_Medieval.SG
2.2 Oland
Target: Kostek_scaled
Distance: 2.5444% / 0.02544389 | R5P
45.6 Russia_Sunghir_Medieval.SG
39.0 Estonia_Medieval.SG
8.6 Italy_Medieval_EarlyModern.SG
4.6 Ukraine_Medieval.SG
2.2 Oland
I'm Polish and a bit Ruthenian on my fathers side. My family tree goes as far as 1600's and I only have Slavic ancestors. But many calculators give me about 10-15% Germanic.