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Thread: Secret Jew Tunnel in Brooklyn

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    God chosen people - totally agree. The way they see children is disgusting. Their god is Moloch.

    Jews are Pagans on Satans rite - end of it

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph. 6:12

    Definition of untrustworthy and loose character are those that don't believe in God.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Elizabeth~ View Post

    "...BREAKING: Unexplored Jewish tunnels proven to lead South in the exact direction of a Jewish Ritual Bathhouse at 394 Kingston Ave (900 feet away from Chabad HQ) and linked to a child rape case from two months ago..."

    BREAKING: Unexplored Jewish tunnels proven to lead South in the exact direction of a Jewish Ritual Bathhouse at 394 Kingston Ave (900 feet away from Chabad HQ) and linked to a child rape case from two months ago - Pravda EN

    Forensic analysis of the blood stained mattress will determine if the blood came from a child or a menstrurating woman.

    An impartial lab is very important, as the results could bring down the entire Chabad movement with the infamous blood libel allegations.


    More people need to see this picture:

    "...The small Simon, a little boy from Trent, was slayed on the 21st March, 1475 A.D., on Maundy-Thursday during Holy Week. The Jews of this town wanted to celebrate their Passover in their own way; so they secretly abducted the small boy and carried him to the house of the Jew Samuel. During Holy Week on Maundy-Thursday, the day before Good Friday, "and" on the day before the outlawed "Perfidious Passover", about three hours after supper, the little boy, like children do, was sitting in front of his parents’ house.

    Neither his father nor mother were home at the time as they were at Church. It was at this time that the Jew Tobias approached the child, who was not quite 30 months old, and while speaking kindly and offering the boy a piece of money, picked him up and carried him at once to the house of the Jew Samuel..."

    ~St. Simon of Trent~
    Bethy Boop, any luck finding a Jewish tunnel under your crib? Just hoping your house doesn't have a "no entry" policy this time.
    Crossing my fingers for a period of no period-related issues.
    Last edited by Florstadt; 01-13-2024 at 08:04 PM.

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    I unironically saw a reel with a man in voiceover over the video showing a Hasidic Jew escape from the vent saying "What in the Jewish mutant ninja turtles dreidels in the half shelf turtle power" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    "Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not"
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    Quote Originally Posted by catgeorge View Post
    God chosen people - totally agree. The way they see children is disgusting. Their god is Moloch.

    Jews are Pagans on Satans rite - end of it

    moloch/baa'l/marduk , you really need to read something about the annunakis

    Was Moloch really Ba’al, the Ancient God Who Demanded Child Sacrifice?

    Moloch, or Molech, is well known in the Bible for being the god to whom child sacrifices appear to have been made in a shrine outside the city of Jerusalem. Although Moloch is well known in the Bible, he is less well-known in the archaeological and historical records leading to disagreements over the identity of the god as well as the exact nature of the cult of Moloch.
    Origin of the Name

    The name “Molech” or “Moloch” most likely comes from the Hebrew word Melekh, meaning king. For a long time, it was believed that Moloch was another name for Milcom, the chief deity of the Ammonites, but this view has fallen out of favor because of more recent research.
    The name of Molech was most likely a title or epithet for a deity rather than an actual name. It is common in Phoenician and Canaanite inscriptions for deities to be referred to as king of something. Malkandros, another name for El, the head of the Canaanite pantheon, for example, translates to “King of Man.”
    Moloch – followers sacrificed children to the idol. Source: Jonund / Public Domain.
    Moloch and Ba’al-Hadad

    One suggested identity for Molech is the Canaanite deity, Ba’al-Hadad or Hadad. Hadad was considered the king of the gods by the ancient Canaanites. Evidence that Moloch can be identified with him comes from the fact that the pagan alters in the valley of Ben-Hinnom where children were sacrificed are also described as altars to Ba’al by the prophet Jeremiah. Furthermore, Assyrian texts state that child sacrifices were made to Adad, the Assyrian equivalent of the Canaanite Hadad. This makes it reasonable to suggest that child sacrifices may have also been made to Hadad and that a cult of child sacrifice may have been related to him.
    Hadad, God of Weather, Hurricanes, Storms, Thunder, and Rain - Assyrian soldiers carrying a statue of Adad. (Lindert / Public Domain)
    Cult of Moloch

    In the Biblical account, children are said to have been sacrificed or “passed through the fire” to Moloch at a shrine outside the city walls of Jerusalem called Topheth, in the valley of Ben-Hinnom. Although it is most likely that this practice was due to the introduction of a foreign deity, it has also been suggested that the Judahites believed that that they were making sacrifices to Yahweh, the national deity of the ancient Judahites and Israelites. Either way, the prophets harshly condemn this practice as being offensive to Yahweh whether it be a corruption of Yahweh worship or worship of a foreign deity such as Ba’al-Hadad.
    The practice of child sacrifice is attested in other sources throughout the ancient Mediterranean world, particularly in Carthage. In the city, a sacred grove and a temple were dedicated to one such cult.
    Moloch’s sacrifice altar. (Archivist / Adobe)
    Carthage was founded by Phoenician colonists which gives them a connection to the Canaanites. It has been suggested that there is also a connection between the child sacrifices practiced in Carthage and similar practices in Canaan and Judah such as the cult of Moloch.
    Some scholars dispute this suggestion saying that the Carthaginian practices differed from the cult of Moloch. It is commonly believed that child sacrifice at Carthage was usually only done during times of extreme crisis, in accordance with Classical sources, whereas child sacrifice is said to have been a regular part of the cult of Moloch.

    On the other hand, it is isn’t necessarily clear from the Biblical text that child sacrifice was as regular as it has been suggested in the cult of Moloch. The cult of Moloch may also have only involved sacrifice of children in times of crisis, or it may have occurred only on special occasions such as annual festivals or at the birth of a first-born child. These practices are attested in other parts of the ancient Mediterranean. As a result, there isn’t necessarily a reason to think that one cult involved regular sacrifices while the other one did not.
    Child Sacrifice or Initiation?

    Another major point of contention in the study of Moloch is whether or not children were sacrificed at all. Some scholars as well as ancient Rabbis have suggested that “pass through the fire” meant passing between rows of fire in an initiation rite. In this view, the “abomination of Moloch” condemned by the Hebrew prophets was Jewish children being initiated into paganism. Thus, children were not actually sacrificed at all and it was the initiation ceremony that alarmed the prophets.
    There are some problems with this view, however. Although there are some cases where the text could be referring to something like this initiation rite, there are also cases where passing through fire is clearly referring to burning. Furthermore, ancient Near Eastern texts give good reason to believe that actual child sacrifice occurred.
    Uncertainty Remains

    There is a lot of uncertainty regarding Moloch, though a few things can be said with relative confidence. It is clear from Biblical and ancient Near Eastern sources that Moloch was probably a title or epithet used for a prominent Canaanite deity to whom children were at least occasionally sacrificed. This deity was either a foreign deity or he may have been a mischaracterization of Yahweh himself, though this is one of the less likely explanations. Beyond this, there is still much to learn.
    Post by bob12 on Feb 5, 2010 at 11:23pm

    Hooded men standing in front of a huge statue of an owl. The owl is a symbol that is linked to Minerva and Athena, a reptilian Godess linked to Anath and Baal. It is also linked to the Sumerian (Anunnaki) Godess Lilith. At the Bohemian grove it is at the centre of a Moloch-type cult, as expressed in this "Cremation of Care" ritual.

    "Worshiped as a sun god, Moloch embodied the savage and devastating aspects of the sun's heat."

    "Shamash ... in Semitic languages, means Sun." Sitchin also discovered that Shamash was in charge of all space-related activities, including a spaceport in the Sinai. This would explain the references to him lighting up the heavens and Earth, a description with which anyone who has witnessed a night-time space shuttle launch would agree. Sitchin also discovered that the spaceport was nuked in about 2000 B.C., leaving nothing but a vast scorched area which can be seen from space.
    Molech Revealed
    The Great Owl of the Bohemian Grove is typically identified as Moloch, the chief god of the Ammonites who lived in Ammon, an eastern section of Canaan. This form of worship spread to a few other cities in the region, including Tyre and Carthage, where, for example during a siege of the city in 307 B.C., two hundred boys of the best families were burned to death in sacrifice to Moloch. Some sources claim that "passing through the fire" meant being quickly passed through flames, which would not harm the child, as a means of dedicating the child to the god. However, there is archeological evidence of actual child sacrifice in areas corresponding to Moloch-worship. This location, known as Gehenna, among other names, became the basis for the popular notion of Hell, which actually doesn't exist, although a person who commits evil deeds on Earth will suffer in the afterlife because of them, and in future lives on Earth. This is not intended as retribution, but as an evolutionary lesson, as well as compensation. My research into the nature of this idol indicates that it resembled a seated human with a bull's head, with its arms extended forward. Sitchin indicates that the significance of the bull is that it represents the astrological sign of Taurus, and the "New World Order" which was established at the beginning of the last age of Taurus in about 2000 B.C. Specifically, at that time, Marduk was appointed as "Bel," which means "great god" - i.e. leader of the pantheon of Anunnaki "ET-gods." Previously, according to Sitchin, Enlil was "the Bel," as in "Brotherhood of the Bell." When Marduk became Bel, there was a trend toward monotheism, and all of the gods in the pantheon became aspects of Marduk. Thus, the term Bel-Moloch referred to Moloch, but as an aspect of Marduk. I assume this was intended to reflect the spiritual hierarchy, the beings of which are aspects of God. The pattern of evidence indicates that the mode of worship adopted for this god was based on his association with fire and the Sun:
    "Worshiped as a sun god, Moloch embodied the savage and devastating aspects of the sun's heat."
    I was having difficulty in determining whether there was a real god underlying the worship of Moloch until I ran across a reference to a passage in Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, which as I have stated elsewhere, has been generally heavily influenced by occult orders with a selfish agenda. Still, the pieces fell into place when I looked up this passage:
    During that period which is absent from the Mosaic books -- from the exile of Eden to the allegorical Flood -- the Jews worshipped with the rest of the Semites Dayanisi [Dionysus] "the Ruler of Men," the "Judge," or the SUN. Though the Jewish canon and Christianism have made the sun become the "Lord God" and Jehovah in the Bible, yet the latter is full of indiscreet traces of the androgyne [androgynous] Deity, which was Jehovah the sun, and Astoreth the moon in its female aspect, and quite free from the present metaphorical element given to it. God is a "consuming fire," appears in, and is encompassed by fire." It was not only in vision that Ezekiel (viii., 16) saw the Jews "worshipping the sun." The Baal of the Israelites (the Shemesh of the Moabites and the Moloch of the Ammonites) was the identical "Sun-Jehovah," and he is till now "the King of the Host of Heaven," the Sun....
    The key was "Baal of the Israelites (the Shemesh of the Moabites and the Moloch of the Ammonites) was the identical 'Sun-Jehovah,' and he is till now 'the King of the Host of Heaven,' the Sun...." A passage beginning on page 117 of the world-shaking 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin provided the clues I required to solve the mystery. There, he mentions that one of the Anunnaki, named Utu/Shamash, was known by several epithets associated with bright light and the Sun. One example is "Utu ... [the one who] lights up Heaven and Earth." But the clincher was that "Shamash ... in Semitic languages, means Sun." Sitchin also discovered that Shamash was in charge of all space-related activities, including a spaceport in the Sinai. This would explain the references to him lighting up the heavens and Earth, a description with which anyone who has witnessed a night-time space shuttle launch would agree. Sitchin also discovered that the spaceport was nuked in about 2000 B.C., leaving nothing but a vast scorched area which can be seen from space. The connection between Jehovah and Shamash appears to be that Shamash was working with Jehovah, a God of Form connected with the Moon. (Some of the Anunakki, such as Ea/Enki, had to have been initiates.) The famous Code of Hammurabi was given to him by Shamash, and the Biblical account of Moses obtaining the Ten Commandments indicates that they were delivered to him by Shamash or some of his underlings. Perhaps they were delivered by rocket-ship to impress their importance upon the Israelites. Shamash's connection to rockets would also explain his connection to fire, and references to him as a "consuming fire," of as appearing in, or being encompassed by fire. The association between fire and "ascending to the god" might have been the argument used for incinerating children by the priestly progenitors of "free trade economists." Although it appears that Shamash's association with the fire and the Sun were the inspirations for the way Moloch was worshipped, I assume that he was still considered to be an aspect of Bel, and that the sacrifices were intended for Bel.
    Early Child Sacrifice: Evil or Just Plain Stupid?

    Old Testament god of human child sacrifice – MOLOCH - Represented as a bull

    The Luciferic antics conducted in Ascona, Switzerland, which also include wild dances, are echoes of this Luciferic drive to regress consciousness. (See The Lucis Trust by Scott Thompson.)
    It is obvious from Ezekiel that Shamash, or his underlings which interfaced with Ezekiel, acting as Jehovah's emissaries, strongly discouraged the veneration of pagan idols, including those which represented themselves, and especially through such means as the atrocious Molochian rites. So, the sacrifice of children was probably the invention of a priesthood which was at the very least grossly misguided, and at worst demonically possessed (a phenomenon which as reported in the Bible did occur in ancient times). Obviously, the parents would rather not have burned their children to death as a means of "improving society," but were convinced by the priesthood that it was necessary. Today, a similar priesthood continues to recommend ever-greater degrees of "free trade" despite the accumulating evidence that it is DESTROYING society, and parents everywhere mindlessly accede to sacrificing their children to the market-Molech, largely on the "authority" of its wicked priests Adam Smith and Friedrich von Hayek, both of whom had very close ties to the feudal oligarchy. I will not presume to know the ulterior motive of the Molochian priests which Daemonalatria describes as dancing around an altar in a frenzy, as if possessed, during sacrifices to Moloch. Perhaps they truly regarded it as the best possible means of obtaining blessings from their god for their society. However, I suspect that the rites, which included the beating of drums were at least partly a Dionysian/Bacchic means of attempting to stimulate the atavistic clairvoyant mode of consciousness which was fading at that time, in order to regress, as Lucifer would have us do, to what Steiner called our "cosmic childhood." As the intermediaries between the god and the masses, the priesthood would be interested in reviving this atavistic clairvoyance as a source of authority, and their dances around the idol seem to reflect the ancient awareness of the Sun as the home of the highest gods, and the planets as the realms of the lower gods. The Luciferic antics conducted in Ascona, Switzerland, which also include wild dances, are echoes of this Luciferic drive to regress consciousness. (See The Lucis Trust by Scott Thompson.) Note that LSD, which Ascona acolyte Allen Dulles pushed on America in enormous quantities, is a favorite means of the Aquarian Conspiracy for SIMulating this atavistic clairvoyance, which they call "visitation of the gods." But their actual, hideous goal is to facilitate Lucifer's theft of our free will by stimulating visionary clairvoyance:
    "[M]an is perpetually exposed to the danger of having his free will wrested from him and dragged by Lucifer and Ahriman into the Eighth Sphere [the spiritual plane where they are trying to make their own kingdom]. This happens if the element of free will is transformed, for example, into visionary clairvoyance [hallucinations]. When this is the case, a man is already in the Eighth Sphere. This is a matter of which occultists are reluctant to speak, because it is an awful, terrible truth."
    Luciferians John Ruskin and his Pre-Raphaelite Society, Emerson, and William James (with his "Variety of Religious Experiences" and nitrous oxide) are examples of people working to regress consciousness in more recent times.

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    This is AI generated. I found it on another forum.

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    It's weird (understatement of the year). Maybe they need a hideout in case there's a lockdown after the Klaus Schwab crew release Disease X after Trump wins the presidency.

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    Rense calling out the tunnel jews, as well as showing an odd child effigy ritual in a sinagogue:
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