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Thread: Kosovo War - Albanian pain through pics

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    Quote Originally Posted by DamCz View Post
    The Serb invasion of Kosova and colonization, written by a Serb in the 20th century:
    Name of the writter?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hazmatnik View Post
    Name of the writter?
    Kosta Novakovic: .

    However he makes a mistake, he tells the supposed myth of the 'Great Migration of Serbs in 1690' which I believe is definitely false considering that place was Albanian even back then, other than that, nothing more I could say other than very well written. He mentions how they took Hungarian territory without any problems but wanted non-Serb areas too.

    By another author of todays time:

    This essay examines both the historical facts concerning the migration of Serbs from Kosovo in 1690, and the claims made about that migration by subsequent historians—claims which, at their most extreme, suggested that hundreds of thousands of Serbs departed, with huge effects on the ethnic composition of the region. This essay demonstrates that there was no large-scale organized exodus of Serbs under the Serbian Orthodox Patriarch, Arsenije Crnojević: his departure from Kosovo in early 1690 was extremely hasty, and he had not, in any case, been leading organized resistance to the Ottomans. A large number of Serbs did move with the Patriarch to Hungarian territory later in that year; he himself gave their numbers as 30,000 or 40,000. But they had gathered, from many areas, in the Belgrade region, and only a small proportion were from Kosovo itself. One unsupported claim was made many years later, by a Serbian monk, that the Patriarch had brought 37,000 families to Hungary; and in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries many Serb writers interpreted that figure maximally, while also assuming that all those people had come from Kosovo. This essay analyses the ideological influences (operating primarily on Serbs within the Habsburg territories in the nineteenth century) that helped to shape that interpretation; it also criticizes excessive claims made by modern Albanian and Turkish historians.

    In fact the people that revolted were specifically mentioned as Albanian and supported by it's demographics of that time too.

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    It's pretty easy to invent history without any evidence yet accept it
    as a fact which is what these people have done, but where is the evidence ?
    I got plenty enough evidence that supports the Albanian version of history:

    The only major factor that might have led to a greater decline in the Serb population overall is the fact that the eastern areas, from which—as the statistics of those villages show—flight had been comparatively easy, had a population containing a higher proportion of Orthodox Slavs. But on the other hand there is evidence of a quite large drop in the population of the towns, most of which did not regain their pre-1690 levels until the nineteenth century; and the towns—of which this part of the Balkans possessed an unusually dense network—were overwhelmingly populated by Muslim Albanians. (Jovan Cviji¢s claims about the departure of 35-40,000 Serb families from Kosovo were implausible not only on numerical grounds, but also because he described those families as mostly urban.)**
    On such grounds I previously suggested, offering a very rough estimate, that it was unlikely that more than one quarter of the Serbs who arrived in Hungary had come from Kosovo. Since then I have looked more closely at accounts of the Serb population in central Hungary after 1690. Lists survive of the heads of household of the Serb community in Buda in 1702 and 1720, which in some cases give the person's place of origin. An analysis of these by Dusan Popovié gives the following totals: 70 from Serbia (excluding Kosovo); c.30 from Kosovo; c.20 from Montenegro; 11 from Bosnia; 4 from Macedonia; 1 from Bulgaria. In this sample, therefore, the Serbs from Kosovo make up 22 per cent of the total.*°
    (In the record of a meeting of Serb dignitaries held in Belgrade in June, the names of people from many parts of the Serb lands are specified, but, as it happens, no one from Kosovo apart from the Patriarch himself.) Finally, in the last months of 1690
    Given the facts we have considered, the claim that Kosovo was emptied of its Serb population would seem plausible only if that population had been remarkably small in the first place, or geographically limited to villages in the area between Trepca, Vushtrri and Prishtina. Serb historiography is reluctant—rightly—to endorse either of those views.

    Let's not forget the towns in Dardania such as Nish, Shkup etc which have been inhabited by Albanians most probably since pre-Slavic times.

    Claim there was a max exodus in an area inhabited by Albanians even back then
    Not only this, but they changed the 30,000-40,000 people that went to Hungary which had
    come actually from many areas outside of Kosovo, changed them into 30k-40k families
    and claim they all came from Kosovo, and even from the towns which were
    in fact Albanian!!!!!

    Some members here seem to love slinging this type of false history like it is some fact, but provide evidence or be quiet.

    If there is someone in the Balkans who should be pitied it is certainly
    Albanians, we are dealing with a bunch of agressive propagandists that
    pretty much invent their own history and we have to constantly defend
    ourselves while their false history is accepted as a fact when in fact it isn't.

    Evliya Celebi, travelling Kosovo in the 1660's, included Western and Central Kosovo and the Llapi region in North-Eastern Kosovo within 'Albania'[82][83][84][85]

    Sources from the 16th-17th century indicate the towns in Kosovo such as Peja, Prizren, Prishtina, Gjakova, Vushtrri and others were mainly Albanian.[86][87][88][89][90]

    During the Great Austro-Turkish War, Albanian Catholic leaders Pjetër Bogdani and Toma Raspasani rallied Kosovo Albanian Catholics and Muslims to the pro-Austrian cause. Sources from the period make mention of 20,000 Albanians in Kosovo that had turned their weapons against the Turks.[91] 5,000 Muslim Albanians in Prishtina are mentioned 'who had risen against the Turks'.[92][86] There stood outside Prizren 5,000-6,000 Albanians.[93] After the Austrians were forced to retreat, reprisals on the population followed as a result. In the 1690s Raspasani wrote that many of the Catholics in Kosovo had fled to Budapest where most of them died of hunger or disease [94], and that "I escaped from the Turks by the skin of my teeth, they made a special attempt to capture me" and that "Nobody was able to get out of Prizren or Peja, they all remained there as prey to the barbarian"[95]

    Gjergj Bogdani, a nephew of Pjeter Bogdani, wrote later: 'My uncle, being found already dead and buried, was dug up from his grave and put out as food for the dogs in the middle of Prishtina'.[96] Catholic tribes from Northern Albania and the highlands of Gjakova also took part in the revolt on the Austrian side such as the Gashi, Krasniqi, Morina, Fandi etc and were punished after the defeat of the Austrians.[97][98]
    It's easy to invent history and sling it like some fact without any evidence.

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    In the documents of the Austrian High Command, for example, in the promemorie on Albania of the General Marsiglio, a high ranking member of the Austrian General Staff dated April 1, 1690, in the letters of the Catholic Vicar of the Shkup, Thoma Raspasan who had substituted the leader of the Albanian uprising, the Archbishop of Albania, Pjetër Bogdani, it said clearly that “Prizren was the capital of Albania,” that “Peja and Shkup were parts of Albania,” and that in the area of Kosova people spoke the Albanian language.

    When his armies entered into Kosova, the Emperor of Austria, Leopold I remarked that his armies were fighting in Albania. There were no reasons for Leopold I to alienate Serbs if they were as they say, the majority in Kosova. The Archbishop Pjetër Bogdani is called “Archbishop of Albania,” and the Bishopric of Shkup was included within Albania. In numerous works of Austrian and Italian historiography that also rely on these documentary sources, it is unequivocally admitted that the territories of Kosova were inhabited by Albanians and these territories were included within the territories of Albania.
    On the Autochthony of Albanians in Kosova and the Postulated Massive Serb Migration at the End of the XVIIth Century

    Selami Pulaha Institute of History

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