

The term Noric was coined by Lebzelter, and derives from Noricum, the name of an ancient Roman province centered in the mountains of modern-day Austria, where the modern Noric racial type is found in its greatest concentration.

Other names:

- Sub-Adriatic (Deniker; Adriatic is Deniker's name for the Dinaric race)
- Sub-Nordic (Czekanowski; includes the Sub-Nordic type)


Central European Nordic brachycephalized by Dinaric admixture (a varying though mostly stabilized blend).


The Noric type, in most respects, takes the form of a blond Dinaric variant. It displays features which are traditionally associated with the Dinaric race - a shallow nasion depression, leptorrhiny, great nose length, height, and convexity, great brachycephaly, and moderately tall stature. Norics are not, though, as accentuated in these Dinaric features as are the Dinarics themselves, but show a slightly less exaggerated nasality, a somewhat lower cephalic index (82-85), and a smaller stature, due to the predominance of the Nordic strain, which is mainly of Keltic inspiration.

Norics are, like Dinarics, planoccipital. This means that the occiput of the skull, the lower posterior bone extending from the foramen magnum to lambda, is straight rather than curved or projecting.

Norics are by definition blond, and typically Nordic in pigmentation. The hair is usually medium brown to golden blond, the eyes light or light-mixed, though this varies. In areas where the Dinaric element predominates, pigmentation naturally tends in a more brunet direction.


The main photo section deals with the most distinct, typical cases, where there is little doubt as to the subracial classification of the individuals. Note, however, that these cases represent a minority within the racial types to which they belong; 'typical' does not mean 'common'.

Examples from The Races of Europe:

(Berlin, Germany) (Galicia, Poland) (Zadrima, Albania)

Recent examples (celebrities):

.......Kurt Waldheim........-...Steffi Graf.............Celine Dion

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy


Recent examples (non-celebrities):


Less distinct Norics:

The "less distinct" category applies to less typical examples of the types in question, either because they are more generalized in phenotype (and thus very often reflecting a more common racial condition), or because they are of mixed racial ancestry, yet still eligible for inclusion within the wider range of the type.

............Ross Perot


Geographical distribution:

The modern Noric racial zone is centered in Austria and Switzerland, the greater Noric territory reaching eastward and southward from northern France - the Sub-Nordic country - through the Swiss Alps, and into the brunet Dinaric racial zone of northern Italy and the Balkans. In France it blends with Alpines in the south and with Nordics in the terrirories to the north, and is everywhere transitional to the Sub-Nordic or Alpine-mixed Nordic type. In southern Germany it is found in combination with Alpine, Borreby, and other elements. Norics are found as individuals in most countries where relatively pure Nordics and Dinarics are present.

Percentage estimates of Noric and Sub-Nordic in European populations (McCulloch):

Austria: ------------------- -..---35%
Switzerland: -------..-------------30%
France: ------------------.-------30%
Czech Republic and Slovakia: -------.15%
Germany: ------------------....---15%
Former Yugoslavia: -------------...-10% (most common in the north)
Romania: ------------.------------7% (most common in the west)
Poland:-----------------------..-- 5%
Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine: -----...-5%
Albania: ------------------------.-5%
Italy:---------------------------- 4% (most common in the north)
Hungary: ---------------------...--2%
England: -------------------------2%
Ireland: --------------------------2%

Specialized types:


Related types:

- A blond dinaricized Neo-Danubian, common in Yugoslavia.
- Keltic Nordic
- Dinaric
- Sub-Nordic

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