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  1. Rank them in swarthiness; Malta, Calabria, Campania, Crete, and the Aegean islands.
  2. Poles from Katowice, where can they pass?
  3. Who s lighter circassians or Svans people?
  5. Is there Arabid-influence in Southern Italy and Sicily?
  6. Why Aren't Celts Germanic?
  7. Nordid Albanians
  8. Which nation are purest Germanics?
  9. North Italians are as light as French according to a recent study
  10. Race War between Greeks and Iranians
  11. The Mix of Iranid + Nordid + Borreby = Supreme Highlander Race!
  12. Cushitic race examples
  13. High Foreheads
  14. What is the smallest amount of Black African DNA that you can have, and have it still show in looks?
  15. WHo is more blaqr?
  16. Who´s lighter : Bulgarians or Abkhazians?
  17. Which phenotypes are the most common in Austria and Slovenia?
  18. Icelanders-more Nordic or Celtic-looking?
  19. Finnish Kale aka Finnish Roma
  20. Differences between Brunn, Borreby and Turanid
  21. Nordic People are Originally Arabs From Arabia
  22. Ethnic groups with the largest Pontid element.
  23. Phenotypes in Czech and Poland?
  24. The Emishi
  25. Anthropological Mangatars
  26. Average faces of women around the world
  27. Team GB Faces: Winter Olympics 2014
  28. Phenotypical differences between Ancient Assyrians, Israelites, Phoenicians, Romans and Greeks.
  29. Too many subtypes?
  30. Does this forum phenotype represent real life?
  31. In Europe, to what extent does geography correlate with phenotypic and genetic overlaps?
  32. The Mediterranean Race in Arabia
  33. Which African region is the predominant phenotypical influence on these New World groups?
  34. so what if im a little bit jewish?
  35. The Mediterranean Facade
  36. Which types are typical for Poles, Baltoids or Nordpontids?
  37. Mix of ethnicities need classifying
  38. True or False
  39. Who do the French resemble more in appearance? Swedes or Greeks?
  40. European Phenotpyes with highest narrow cheekbones/deepset eyes.
  41. Which ski jumpers look distinctly Polish to you?
  42. Arabid VS Indid ?
  43. Atlantids or Pontids
  44. Turanid is not inside you..
  45. What Race or Sub-race were the original people from each Haplogroup?
  46. Swedish(/Scandinavian) Phenotypes in Ingmar Bergman films.
  47. Berbers we are sandniggers acording to apricity members (not all, but for majority)
  48. Keltic-Nordids are Preeminent
  49. Do You Think Carbon Dating is Accurate?
  50. Turk Anatolians are ARABS NOT Europeans!
  51. Councillors from Cardiff, Wales
  52. Which country has the largest percentage of brown hair?
  53. What is a "pan-European" look?
  54. Can "Homo sapiens" be divided into different species?
  55. Where are all the places Cypriots can pass, typically?
  56. Pontid type is next to alpinid or med?
  57. Who´s Whiter : Georgians , Chechens or Circassians?
  58. Is there such a thing as a "pan-Mediterranean" phenotype
  59. Who´s lighter : Georgians or Abkhazians?
  60. Who do has more Mongol influences, Finland or Russia?
  61. Iraqi Persians
  62. Racial Similarities between Turks and Arabs
  63. Does 1/8 Amerindian show up in phenotype
  64. Male councillors from Zaragoza, NE Spain and from Treviso, NE Italy - compare and contrast
  65. Crimean War Scots
  66. The older I get....
  67. Hallstatt Nordid examples of Italians and Spaniards
  68. can pass this georgian - gurian kids france?
  69. Modern day people who could pass as Romans
  70. Why many Amerindians from North America do not look Mongoloid?
  71. Mongols are not originally "asian", proto mongols were "european"
  72. Who´s lighter : English people or Scotish people?
  73. Swedish Olympic Athletes at Sochi
  74. Images of indigenous tribes around the world
  75. Phenotypically who are the Serbs closer to, Albanians or Slovenians?
  76. Melungeons: What can they pass as?
  77. Why Germans and Europeans look friendlier then Americans?
  78. Question to Turks.....
  79. Who is lighter? Koreans or Bulgarians; Here lighter means less darker, don't confuse white & yellow
  80. Information on the cranium and chphalic index
  81. Facial traits matter more than pigmentation when it comes to distinguishing ethnic groups...
  82. (POLL) Do people over exaggerate how much Jews and Italians in general overlap?
  83. Classify this Kurd
  84. Modern People who look like people from ancient civilizations
  85. Face recognizer
  86. British Look according to you
  87. Bulgarian athletes in Sochi
  88. Afghan Jews in New York :)
  89. How much % of Russians have brown eyes ?
  90. Bulgarian MPs
  91. Are Baltid women the sexiest?
  92. Do they show non-European Admixture?
  93. Are Ashkenazi Jews from Persia? The Ashkenazi-Levite Jews Iranian origin theory
  94. Why do white people have so much freckles?
  95. Gurians
  96. Italian look according to you
  97. How important is skin color for classification and for race determining.
  98. Paleo-Atlantid Norwegians
  99. Amber Eyes
  100. Who looks more out of place for their location? Brits or Iranians?
  101. Nice Polish girls in latex
  102. From Nilotid to Nordid - Racial cline
  103. What is the ancient Balkan look?
  104. Anglo Indians
  105. Chindians (half Indian half Chinese)
  106. Most Archaic - Most Modern, European phenotype.
  107. Do Turanids really exist in Hungary ?
  108. Balanced mulattos...?
  109. What is Eye Color Poll!
  110. Hungarians race = not Turanid , not Magyars , not Huns , JUST SLAVIC with small Uralic ancestry
  111. Central Italy
  112. Are Iranians more lighters then Arabs?
  113. Ukrainian look to you
  114. Tsakonians/Isolated Dorian tribe
  115. Sfakians/Isolated Dorian tribe
  116. Where would more of these British people pass? Sweden or Portugal?
  117. Are Cromagnid progressive?
  118. Cossacks
  119. German vs French Phenotypes
  120. Etruscan Racial Type
  121. who is lighter ossetians or georgians?
  122. Compiling British Islander Phenotypes on The Apricity
  123. Greek phenotypes (excluding Cypriots).
  124. Male members of Madrid City Council
  125. Classify the "Albanian Bear" #1 boxer & MMA fighter in the world of he's age group
  126. MPs from Mexico City
  127. Universities from across Colombia
  128. Universities from across Mexico
  129. Sapiens men of the Middle Pleistocene
  130. Are "Old-World" YDNA Haplogroup Q Holders Honourary Native Americans?
  131. Do dark Poles look more like Serbo-Croat or Bulgarian?
  132. MPs from Antioquia, Colombia
  133. The Races of England
  134. Women Classifications are difficult
  135. How likely is it to be 1/16 French, and the rest Inuit but look white?
  136. question to iberians
  137. Estimating Average IQ of Europid Subraces
  138. Needing assistance on classifying this person.
  139. Is it possilbe to tell Russians and Ukrainians apart just by looking at them?
  140. Do Gurians look more like the French or the Croatians?
  141. Atlantid Types in Poland?
  142. Where does she pass? (and classify)
  143. Correct use of "Berberid"
  144. Are Scots darker then brits?
  145. Difference between Corded Nordid and East Nordid
  146. Cool Eye Colors
  147. Baskid vs. Keltic-Nordid. What is the difference?
  148. Do you think this guy looks like Hercules?
  149. What shape does my face got?
  150. Post Your Cranial Ridges
  151. Slovenian MPs
  152. Were Hobbits Really Black?
  153. What is more common? Mediterranean-looking Scandinavians or Nordic-looking Southern Europeans?
  154. "transitional to"
  155. Are Australoids With Denisovan Admixture Partial Homo Erectus Survivors?
  156. Palestine, Jewish origins, and the eastern Jews
  157. Iraqi Turkmens
  158. Facial feature proportions
  159. Dark Borreby
  160. Criminal behavior of Europid races according to Earnest Hooton
  161. On the origins and physical anthropology of the Celts.
  162. The Minoans
  163. Which subraces age the slowest and the quickest
  164. Races of the Far East
  165. Chaoui Berber people
  166. Dark Skin, Light Brown/Blond Hair, Blue Eyes.
  167. Man or woman?
  168. Who´s lighter : Abkhazians or Gurians?
  169. Paleo-Atlantid
  170. Regional Parliament of Aragon, Northeastern Spain
  171. What is your definition of Swarthy.
  172. Hello gorgeous members
  173. Post the lightest AND darkest extremes of your ethnicity.
  174. Did the Armenians Originate In The Balkans?
  175. what vibe my eye colour gives to you?
  176. Are Georgians Armenoids?
  177. Turdetania - neolithic farmers who came to Andalusia in 1000 BC and founded Tartessos
  178. Huns and Scythian-Samartian of Kyrgyzstan before conquest of Europe
  179. Please Help Me Refute The Racist Polygenist Theory That Negroes Are The "Missing Link"
  180. Amud - elucidate your idea of cromagnons
  181. Earliest skull with cleft chin? And do you think this skull has a cleft chin?
  182. Are Circassians much lighter than Georgians?
  183. Regional politicians from Aragon, NE Spain and from Piedmont, NW Italy - compare and contrast
  184. Why are people on here so obsessed with being macho manly warriors?
  185. Eye Shape Across Europe?
  186. The eastern Arabo-Berbers, Libya, and the oases
  187. subrace of people with long legs and arms.
  188. Eastern finns - a specific look?
  189. What are you on the van luschan scale
  190. Post examples of people of a darker ethnicity, who are lighter than people from a lighter ethnicity.
  191. Dolicho head big body
  192. How much of Eastern Europe is actually neither European nor Uralic, but Iranic?
  193. Usual Body Type of Your Ethnicity
  194. What is difference between distinctive Albanian and Serbian look?
  195. Six Nations Rugby Fans
  196. Longskulled CMs of Central Europe
  197. What are the most unlikely overlaps in phenotypes?
  198. Councillors from Lyon, France
  199. Where do Canary Islanders fit in Europe?
  200. The brachycephalized Jews: Asia and Central Europe
  201. What is more important in determining phenotypes? Climate/latitude or migration/settlement patterns?
  202. How should I feel being partially Jewish?
  203. Jesus was Blond and Greek
  204. Link phenotypes to sports performance
  205. Dinaric type in the Hungarians
  206. Classify attractive young man
  207. Who's closer; Greeks-Germans, Spaniards-Brits, or Georgians-Croatians?
  208. Who is closer: Finns to Mongolians or Finns to Sicilians?
  209. Which gender has a higher chance of passing off as a different ethnicity?
  210. Russian skating team for the Olympics
  211. Who is darker, Nigerien or Nigerian?
  212. state main phenotypes
  213. Group the entire Caucasoid world from lightest regions to darkest regions
  214. Sloping forehead
  215. morphing website/program?
  216. Could you guess my genetic heritage by looking at my face?
  217. Do these MPs from Istanbul look more Southern European, more Middle Eastern, or 50/50?
  218. Is Armenid influence almost nonexistent in Jews, and South Italians/Sicilians?
  219. MPs from Ile-De-France (Greater Paris region)
  220. Who´s lighter : Italians or Spaniards?
  221. Which of these is the PRIMARY difference between Sicilians and Greeks?
  222. Racial Type and Profession?
  223. Are basque people Spanish gypsies?
  224. Out of the Pyrenees, Alps and Danube, where does the sharpest change in average phenotype occur?
  225. Where does the sharpest change in average phenotype occur - the Black Sea or the Mediterranean Sea?
  226. HELP! I am trying to identify my ethnic origins.
  227. Kurdish Men and Women
  228. Pigmented subnordids
  229. Post the typical lightest and darkest individuals of your ethnicity
  230. Are Dinarid - Noric phenotypes in Italy from Balkan admixture!?
  231. Main types among these Albanians from Kosovo
  232. Australoid/Weddid -looking East Africans
  233. Indigenous Races of the Americas
  234. Atlantid Type in the British Isles
  235. The Only True Celts are Atlantomeditarranid Med Types
  236. Who is lighter Circassians or Gurians?
  237. post your pigmentation (hair and eyes)
  238. Italian-Americans
  239. African origins of Haitians, Dominicans, Brazilians, and African Americans according to a study.
  240. Were Indo-Europeans All Fair Pigmented Prior To Mixing With Neolithic Euros, Meds and Indids?
  241. europeans with flat faces.
  242. when you see an alpignig walking down the street
  243. Match European subraces to their animal counterparts in appearance.
  244. Generalize about the personalities of the different subraces
  245. Indian women (random pics)
  246. Balkan Borrebies, where can be found , which state or part of Balkans?
  247. Russians closer more mongols or georgians?
  248. Which phenotypes are more dominant?
  249. Post Atlantid Scandinavians
  250. Top 5 most common types in your ethnicity in order of significance