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  1. Caucasoid of Europe, North Africa and Middle East
  2. Short legs of Pontids
  3. Berberid is present all over West Europe
  4. My Dad: Textbook Tronder, My Uncle: Textbook Borreby. yes or no?
  5. Native American Silvid Types are Whiter than Southern Italians
  6. Who's closer to Southern Euros in phenotype ? Castizos or Northern Euros [take typical faces]
  7. Where would more of these Brits pass? Scandinavia or Iberia?
  8. European phenotypes closest and furthest from neanderthal
  9. Are Romanians much lighter than Georgians?
  10. Correlation between race and female body shape?
  11. Who look like Italians Indians are Georgians?
  12. Who do Andalusians resemble more in appearance? Germans or Turks?
  13. What Are Some Of The Best Original Anthropological Theories From This And Other Anthro-Forums?
  14. Head circumference
  15. Albanian traditional head shaves 1929 (photos from Dr. Carleton Stevens Coon)
  16. POLL: Swedes, Danes and Norwegians. Which one is the most Nordic?
  17. Orientalid phenotype
  18. Swansea Rugby Team (the amateur side)
  19. Mixed race couple have second sets of black and white twins
  20. who looks more Europen. 1/2 Indian 1/2 white or 1/2 Asian 1/2 white?
  21. Hamatic Turanid Nord-Indid are Caucasian races.
  22. North Asians, Native Americans, and Sami (AND POLL)
  23. Were the Irish and Phoenicians one and the same?
  24. What Caucasus subrace do gypsies fall under?
  25. Arabid and Iranid
  26. National hockey team of Slovenia (men's)
  27. National hockey team of Slovenia (women's)
  28. Taxonomy Of Your Four Grandparents
  29. East med doesn't even exist
  30. Is red hair truly "Celtic"? If not, where are its origins?
  31. Classify This Guy and Guess Where He is from
  32. Balkan republics/Presidents and Prime ministers/compare&contrast
  33. National volleyball team of Slovenia (men's)
  34. National volleyball team of Slovenia (women's)
  35. Caucasians are simply neanderthals
  36. Do they look a like? English actor and German WW2 pilot!
  37. The Mediterranean race: a study of the origin of European peoples (1909)
  38. National football team of Slovenia (men's)
  39. National football team of Slovenia (women's)
  40. Alsu (singer)
  41. Ancient Hungarian Anthropology
  42. Nordo-Med examples
  43. Turanid examples
  44. African origins exposed
  45. Are there any CM or Baltid types that are pred. leptomorphic?
  46. Who is more alike; Irish-Russian, or Portuguese-Sicilian?
  47. Who is more alike; French-Spaniard, or Georgian-Croatian?
  48. Part II: Who are more alike -- British and Polish, or Spanish and Greek?
  49. Question...
  50. Creepiest/most hostile looking European phenotype
  51. Who is more alike;Bulgarians-Romanians, or Georgians-Circassians?
  52. Paul Walker is 0% Albanian
  53. Green eyes
  54. Caucasoid/Europid shades
  55. What if head size....
  56. Are Georgian Giorgi Loria like more Spaniard or Georgian?
  57. Italkim Jews... HELP!
  58. Like she English girl?
  59. Where are widows peaks prevalent ?
  60. Azeris with strong Mongoloid appereance
  61. How come the french are stereotyped as swarthy ''dago'' looking types in american and british films
  62. POLL: Which population do (the white) Berbers look closer to?
  63. Does Steve Harwell look Jewish? (lead singer of Smash Mouth)
  64. Do you agree that the original Berbers came from Iberia?
  65. rank the races from darkest to lightest
  66. The Nature of the Alpine Aborginals
  67. Modern Berber and Ancient Libyan clothing patterns.
  68. What do you think about Eugenics?
  69. What countries does this man fit best in?
  70. Are some classifications more prestigious than others? Cast your vote.
  71. Hungarian faces vs ancient faces from sumer, scythia
  72. Who is lighter Avar people or Gurians?
  73. long vs. wide faces and poor nourishment
  74. EXTINCT eye and hair colors?
  75. North East England and Yorkshire
  76. Bigger brain = moar self control
  77. Where in Europe do the white Berbers fit best in your opinion?
  78. Why do "Black Irish" grey prematurely?
  79. Do I look more West German (Nordic) or South German (Alpine)?
  80. Do more Egyptians pass in the Levant, or in the Hispanic Caribbean?
  81. British Media Depicts Cro-Magnon Man as Black In Article
  82. Would I pass as a Greek?
  83. Japan
  84. Iraqi Arabs are not Arabized
  85. Is there a David Wenham profile because I could've sworn there use to be??
  86. Australians
  87. Classify Scottish-Australian actor Jordan Smith
  88. Anthropological make-up of the Hebrideans
  89. A little closer to truth - neanderthals 'no smarter than' modern humans
  90. What Skin-Colour And Pigmentation Did proto-Caucasoids have?
  91. The Faces of Ancient Europe: The Romans
  92. Which Southern Europeans have the lowest frequency of pan-Southern Euro phenotypes?
  93. China
  94. Why ButlerKing is Wrong in Automatically Equating Haplogroup with Race
  95. Brunns in Southern Europe?
  96. Are These Eyes So-called Paleolithic, Neolithic, or What the Deelio?
  97. National Female Faces
  98. South Asia (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka)
  99. Proof ! Tatars were Mongoloid and mixed ( before Mongol Turkl invasion )
  100. Is Tydal and Corded nordic types?
  101. Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon skull side by side comparison
  102. Favoring A Narrow Range of Phenotype Traits Despite Overall Genotype
  103. The 6 Caucasoid head formations, which type do you have?
  104. Mongolia and the Tungid Race
  105. North African anthropology
  106. Turkic anthro thread
  107. Southeastern Asia and the Palaemongolids
  108. Phenotypically Maghrebians closer Southern Europeans or Middle Eastern ?
  109. Mainland Greek phenotypes.
  110. Wrist size? Yet more stuff to measure....
  111. Is the illustrious George R. R. Martin the reincarnation of Socrates?
  112. can indians be considered mullatos?
  113. You wish you were tall?
  114. Italyan, Georgian ,Spaniard or French?
  115. How europeans got to be ~10% amerindian - Articles
  116. Who is lighter Algerians or Iranians ?
  117. Who is lighter Algerians or Iranians ?
  118. May as well do ankles now
  119. Which Caucasoid Phenotypes or Ethnic Groups Have The Most Proto-Caucasoid Admixture?
  120. Why do black-mixed people always get happy when someone scores SSA%?
  121. The main question in anthropology as far as I am concerned
  122. Nordic Scythian myth
  123. Human Hands Evolved for Fighting, Study Suggests
  124. Middle Eastern closer European or Hispanic ?
  125. Horn of Africa
  126. Ashkenazi Regional Variation
  127. Do you consider Papua New Guineans Negroids?
  128. Lip Type and Ethnicity?
  129. Where these Gorals can pass?
  130. Circassians look like more European or Middle Eastern people?
  131. who is lighter Slovenians or French people?
  132. Who is lighter Georgians or Circassians?
  133. Who is lighter Gurians or Crcassians ?
  134. Who is whiter: CMT or Dombra
  135. Proof: Amerindians no caucasoid features . Native American only have pseudo-caucasian traits.
  136. Gracilized
  137. Balkar women where can they pass?
  138. resting bitch face
  139. Are Amerindians from South America mixed with Australoids?
  140. Which Polish women look distinctly Polish to you?
  141. Skhul/Qafzeh hominids are ancestral to modern Arabs
  142. Difference between blonde W Europeans and blonde E Europeans?
  143. Who is lighter Chechens or Circassians???
  144. Which angle is the most important for classification
  145. Face reconstrutions (Scythians, Sarmatians, Dacians, Huns, Bulgars, Turks, Magyars, etc
  146. What Exactly is Sub-Nordid?
  147. Which Phenotype Is Tougher Looking: Paleo-Atlantids or Cromagnids?
  148. Dinarids vs Borrebies? Who would you thought as strongest in a fight.
  149. Ashkenazim (Particularly German Jews) and the Noric Phenotype?
  150. SSA Admixture in North Africans
  151. Deer in the headlights look
  152. Son finds his lost mother in a Stone Age tribe
  153. "whitest" near eastern peaple in your opinion
  154. Palestinians: Which other ethnicities would they pass as?
  155. Please Post Jewish-Looking Palestinians
  156. African Americans who can pass as being biracial
  157. Males; which ones look distinctly Polish to you?
  158. Post your mandible
  159. Melanesians
  160. The overlap of euro-mediterranean peoples (Iberians, Italians and Greeks) NON TROLLING THREAD
  161. Hungarian etnic types
  162. What was the racial type, genetic mix and physical appereance of tocharians, scythians,sakas etc
  163. Nubians ancient and modern were different from each other or from north sudanese?
  164. How come some arabic levantines and north africans don't want to be called arab?
  165. Diversity of Southasia
  166. Japanese / Korean = LOOK THE SAME 同じ顔. 日本人 = 80% 弥生の血 新モンゴロイド 20% 縄文の血 古モン
  167. Ainu: Which major race do they look closest too?
  168. South Asians are Smart
  169. Who is lighter Germans or Russians?
  170. Do Haitians, Jamaicans and Afro-Cubans look New World black, or like Africans in the Caribbean?
  171. Slovakian anthropology
  172. S Italians and Jews (genetically compared)
  173. Are Slovenes more eastern or western looking?
  174. Do the British look closer to the Irish or the Germans?
  175. What is more common? Olive-skinned Europeans or fair-skinned Middle Easterners?
  176. what is the average height of the nordic women?
  177. National handball team of Slovenia (women's)
  178. Mea Shearim, the famous Orthodox neighborhood in Jerusalem
  179. Japanese Cranial History
  180. National handball team of Slovenia (men's)
  181. Who Were The Phoenicians?
  182. Greeks, South Caucasians and Turks: Lump two of them together
  183. French, Italians and Spaniards: Lump two of them together
  184. Spanish, Greek and Turkish morphs: which differs most?
  185. Do Serbs look closer to Greeks or Russians?
  186. Do Argentines look closer to Mexicans or Spaniards?
  187. The human skull that challenges the Out of Africa theory
  188. Who's more different: French and Spaniards or Italians and Germans?
  189. Which South American National Team looks the most and least representative of thier country
  190. Do Hungarians look closer to Austrians or Romanians?
  191. Do (Greek) Cypriots look closer to Greeks or Levantines?
  192. Do Iranians look closer to Turks or Indians?
  193. Classification of races defined or even revised?
  194. Germans: Which other ethnicities would they usually pass as?
  195. Southern/Northern Germans or Southern/Northern Italians: Which phenotypical divide is greater
  196. Hungarian anthropology= Scythian, Sarmatian
  197. The Aramean spread (Levant and Mesopotamia) :
  198. Bulgarians looking more Georgians or North Caucasians in skin color?
  199. What Race Were The Original Holders Of Haplogroup Q?
  200. Bulgarians in Chicago. Are they white?
  201. Who is lighter Bulgarians or Gurians?
  202. Who looks more similar: Brits and Germans or Spaniards and Italians?
  203. double thread
  204. Turanid vs Eurasian ( same race or not ? )
  206. Who looks more similar to palestinians
  207. Korean chiseled face ( No Jomon bullshit Japanese )
  208. Who look like, Bosnians and Romanians in Caucasus: Circassians or Georgians?
  209. Who looks more similar: Brits and Poles or Italians and Romanians?
  210. Is there any significant amount of Slavic influence in Greeks?
  211. Do all Europeans possess the recessive gene for light eyes ??
  212. Black African ancestry of Yemeni Arabs
  213. Silvid Amerindian Master Race
  214. Atlantids = Progressive Alpignids!!!
  215. How rare is dark hair among Italians?
  216. who is more european looking : Circassians vs Georgians
  217. Classify The English National Team
  218. Which European National Team in the WC looks the most/least respresentitive?
  219. Who looks more similar: Brits, French and Germans or Japanese, Koreans and Han Chinese?
  220. Ottomans = Turkmens NOT Turkish !!! Miniatures of sultan shows Mongoloid traits ( authentic ).
  221. Is South-Asian Pigmentation Due To Australoid Admixture?
  222. Are Paleoatlantid Features Due To Neanderthal Admixture?
  223. Athena (the Greek goddess) was Alpinid-Dinarid
  224. Post examples of typical Jews here.
  225. Theapricity, is it for Europeans only or??
  226. Which race is the most unatractive?
  227. About what percent of Turks have Mongoloid admixture?
  228. Are Circassians much lighter than Georgians or bit lighter than Georgians?
  229. Who are more attractive, south asians or south-east asians?
  230. Red haired people among Caucasians
  231. Do Syrians mostly look East Med, or are they more Arabian on average?
  232. Syrian phenotypes, which countries can the people pass in?
  233. Red haired people among Russians / Eastern Slavs
  234. Origin of Alpinids?
  235. Japan ruling class ( Westerners are ignorant pigs Japanese girl say ) Yakonid Japanese propaganda
  236. Why does everyone love Nordic race
  237. Dark brown Egyptians Caucasoids
  238. Why are we still using the term "Cro-magnid"?
  239. Are Blacks and the rest two different subspecies?
  240. On nasal prominence and its relation to mongoloid and caucasoid people
  241. Neanderthal Survivors In Modern Wales, English More Celtic Than Scots or Irish
  242. Dienekes: Turkish Speaking Anatolians Are Irano-Armenians Who Adopted the Turkish Language
  243. Can anyone give me a link for description for other European races like there is for SNPA here?
  244. Does The Relatively High Percentage Of YDNA Haplogroup Q In Croatia Prove The Persian Origin Theory?
  245. half S.Asian Half Euro thread
  246. time for a new eye shape&colour thread
  247. What would you get if you bred a Nordid with an Alpine?
  248. What would you get if you bred an African with a Nordid?
  249. Test DNA based on ''racial types''
  250. System of European Phenotypes