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  1. Where do these siblings pass ? And what's their taxonomy ?
  2. Post the most atypical people of your ethnicity
  3. Why are Atlanto Mediterranid and East Mediterranid high skulled but Gracile Mediterranid...?
  4. Why are Hungarians unknown?
  5. No muscle mass = Gracile
  6. R1a more 'European' than R1b?
  7. Appearance of the Goths
  8. Sicily or Turkey?
  9. do you have fun, or enjoy having lighter hair colour? brunettes, blondes and redheads
  10. Classify Brazilian youtuber Zelune
  11. Does this man look Sicilian?
  12. Classify Mata Hari
  13. Is Taurid = Eastern Dinarid?
  14. Albino Negro + Euro White = ???
  15. Where does Linda Sarsour pass?
  16. Classify Brazilian youtuber Alessandra Aleixo
  17. Nations you cant stand
  18. Is the Caucasoid Race closer related to Negroid race or to the Mongoloid race?
  19. Can we agree that Tesla is the only pride of Balkans?
  20. What are the details of relationship between Asiatic Alpines and other Alpine groups
  21. are they caucasoids?
  22. Who had best living standard in eastern bloc?
  23. Who looks more alike: White Americans and White Brazilians or Black Americans and Black Brazilians?
  24. Classify Brazilian youtuber Ronaldo Azevedo
  25. Which Balkan culture NATIVELY has most Middle Eastern influence?
  26. Classify Marcio, ex-Galatsaray player from Brazil
  27. Are there a larger minority of "extreme" MENA influenced types in Iberia or mainland Greece?
  28. Northern Moroccan phenotypes: Passable as European, or no? (Vote where if passable)
  29. Where is the core population of West Turanid?
  30. Classify Alfred E Neuman of Mad magazine
  31. Which Mediterranid subvariety is the least in terms of number of individuals?
  32. What modern population would Proto-Indo-Europeans most likely resemble physically?
  33. Can phenotype change by time?
  34. Are Western Slavs more germanic than Southern Germans?
  35. Do Albanians really look so different from Adriatic region Italians and mainland Greeks?
  36. Does Mario Adorf look Calabrian?
  37. If language defines ethnicity then why do Hungarians deny their Mongolic origin?
  38. What is the most common phenotype among Eastern Anatolians?
  39. could you please some examples of Indo Brachid / Alpinid etc + mixed with Weddoid, Melanids
  40. What type of European ancestry predominates in Native Americans from Maine?
  41. Most common phenotypes in Anatolia, region by region. Is this map accurate?
  42. According to Lundman, Caspid and Atlantid are umbrella terms. What do you think about this?
  43. Inverted Triangle face is a Dinaric trait
  44. Face shapes and phenotypes
  45. Modified skulls in German burials belonged to the Huns.
  46. Taxonomy
  47. Skulls show women moved across medieval Europe, not just men
  48. Which one is "Taurid proper"? Which one is " East Mediterranid proper"?
  49. Classify Finnish band Loituma
  50. Please classify this Serbian boy my friends
  51. Guess group photo of people
  52. Do most Jews in the US identify as Jewish, or with their ancestral country of origin?
  53. Guess woman
  54. Scando Nordid vs East Nordid
  55. Sorting Cro Magnids out
  56. Greeks and Albanians look nothing alike
  57. Post examples of south Europeans who could easily pass in Central or Northern Europe, and viceversa
  58. Mediterranid sub-types. Are those predictions accurate?
  59. Group photos of Sicilians,where do they pass
  60. Are dinarics dissapearing ?
  61. Group photos of Sicilians part 2 where do they pass?
  62. what percentage of predominantly Nordids among these peoples?
  63. Central Asians are swarthy
  64. The difference between West and East europe
  65. About Pamirid, Andronovo Turanid and West Turanid?
  66. Phenotype isn't the same as Racial belonging
  67. classify Eric Andre
  68. Does this woman pass in Sicily?
  69. Dolichocephal Alpinids
  70. Dolichocephal Dinarids
  71. Does Aphrodite look Albanian?
  72. Hair and eye color among Georgians
  73. Does this man look Sicilian?
  74. What is swarthy?
  75. East Asians are swarthier...
  76. What type does this girl look like to you?
  77. Cromagnoid skull...
  78. Classify half Mexican half russian
  79. Are those types Brachy or Doli?
  80. Is the dark hair/eyes and Mediterranean features of western Ireland true or myth?
  81. Who on the whole looks more Nordic: White Argentines or White Brazilians?
  82. Rooted/High-Rooted nose?
  83. I look asian?? Please,classify my phenotype
  84. Is Irano Afghan "Corded Mediterranid" or is Irano Mediterranid (Cappadocid) "Corded Mediterranid"?
  85. What is the most common phenotype among Russians?
  86. Sloping forehead
  87. Real life Greek types,whats their best fit
  88. Where the affleck brothers can go best in southern europe + france or belgium and holland.
  89. Pseudo Turanid in France
  90. What does "rhomboid head" mean?
  91. Do Eastern Europeans usually have higher skulls when compared to Western Europeans?
  92. Which Southern European region has the FEWEST people who can pass phenotypically in Ireland?
  93. my trip to Northern Italy
  94. Classify Lue Broadlick
  95. What's the difference between negroid eyes and caucasian eyes?
  96. Etnic Group in Kazakstan
  97. Indian superior to European in physical diversity
  98. On the representation and the white concept in the colonization of America
  99. Classify Brazilian youtuber Firmeza da Verdade
  100. What are the most common phenotypes among Southern Italians?
  101. What is the proper name of high skulled Gracile Med?
  102. Is Iranid = Doli Armenoid or is Iranid = doli Dinarid ?
  103. Guess woman
  104. Classify Brazilian Table Tennis player Hugo Calderano
  105. Protruding occiput
  106. Rank the ethnicities by where they pass best: Spain, Portugal, North Italy, Sicily, Greece.
  107. Where do North Africans fit best/worst in general of these 3 choices RANKED?
  108. Where do Levantine Arabs fit best/worst of these choices RANKED?
  109. Where do Irish and British fit best/worst of these choices? Rank please!
  110. Where would Russians fit best/worst of these choices? Vote please!
  111. Where would Iranians fit best/worst of these choices? Rank please!
  112. Serbs,Montengrins compared to Cretans
  113. Who are more lighter on average, the Germans or Irish?
  114. Cappadocian Greeks
  115. Why didn't the Balkan nations get compensations from Ottoman Turkey?
  116. Celtic element in Kosovar Albanians and North Greeks
  117. Iberians vs Sicilians,how do they compare to these Cretans
  118. Thessalian Greeks compared to Montengrins
  119. Mesolithic Romania
  120. Which ethnic group in Western Europe looks more Western and which group looks less?
  121. Greek Mainlanders compared to Islanders compared to Montengins
  122. Why do East Med woman have bigger feet than West Med woman?
  123. Light-skinned Papuans
  124. Classify Gaúcho da Copa
  125. Classify Hitler Mussolini
  126. Publishes atypical Europeans that you think can pass in North Africa and Levant.
  127. As a whole, do Pakistanis and North Indians pass better in Lebanon or Somalia?
  128. As a whole, do Romanians and Bulgarians pass better in Denmark or Armenia?
  129. What does Atlantid, Pontid, Iranid cline mean?
  130. Is Nord Indid a Mediterranid subrace?
  131. Classify Brazilian austronaut Marcos Pontes
  132. Turanid and Pamirid?
  133. Do people underestimate, or overestimate, the amount of MENA looking Iberians?
  134. Which phenotype would a Dolicocephal Alpinid look like the most?
  135. Cromagnid?
  136. "Brunn" does not exist, it is a result of alcoholism
  137. Mongoloid men had raped Iranid women and Turanid phenotype has formed. Is it true?
  138. Doesn’t Dinarid phenotype look very Iranid?
  139. Most common types in each European country... Is this map accurate?
  140. Is Keltid a Taurid subtype?
  141. Which one is the most common Turanid type?
  142. Iranid/Irano-CM examples
  143. Anyone have good profile view composite photos for different phenotypes?
  144. Assyrians, Northern Iraqis and Iraqi Jews -- rank best to worst fit: South Italy, Iberia, Greece
  145. Classify Irish football player Jonathan Walters
  146. Which type comes to your mind if I say "West Asian type"?
  147. Is Cappadocid a Semitic phenotype?
  148. Do South Italians look more like Bulgarians than like Spanish/Portuguese?
  149. Blonde Asians
  150. Greek nose
  151. Where do Turks fit best/worst in general of these 3 choices ranked?
  152. Where do Central Asians fit best/worst in general of these 3 choices ranked?
  153. Where do Spaniards fit best/worst in general of these 3 choices ranked?
  154. Where do Moroccans fit best/worst in general of these 3 choices ranked?
  155. Post English people who look "Celtic" vs "Germanic"
  156. ...
  157. Do you think that Nikki Haley can happen in southern Europe?
  158. How common is Iranid in Iraq?
  159. Have you ever measured your cephalic index? Mine is 78.
  160. Which one are Japanese anthropologically closest/furthest in general of these 3 choices ranked?
  161. Is Dinarism in the nose?
  162. Head Size map Europe + West Asia
  163. Classify Avraham Stern, leader of the Lehi, a Zionist group
  164. Are Indians Caucasian?
  165. Where do Ukrainians fit best/worst in general of these 3 choices ranked?
  166. Guess the ethnicity...
  167. Do you have freckles?
  168. Someone has an idea of exactly how one person looks, half Japanese and half European, white?
  169. Is Cappadocid Arabid + Gracile Mediterranid or is it Iranid + Gracile Mediterranid?
  170. As a whole, do Slovenes and Croats pass better in Denmark or Portugal?
  171. Armenoid examples
  172. Who do black people from Africa resemble more? Whites or Mongoloids?
  173. Body type differences between European countries?
  174. Main anthropometric traits for classification
  175. Arabid in Spain, Italy, Madagascar and Western Indonesia...
  176. they look like more georgians or circassians?
  177. Agree or disagree: the concept of "Celtic nations" in the modern era should be questioned.
  178. Are Alpinid, Baltid and Dinarid fully European?
  179. Where should Gypsies be placed on the American Race Census?
  180. Who looks more "arabid" Algerians or Pakistanis ?
  181. Where is the pale white skin, black hair & light eyed type most common?
  182. Do most Anglos have dark or light hair?
  183. Do you judge what ethnicity a person is by their facial features or the vibe you get from them?
  184. Brachy vs Dolico
  185. Could it be that Gypsies are the first Europeans?
  186. As a whole, do darker Latin American Mestizos pass better in Pakistan or Tonga?
  187. Classify Brazilian youtuber Jujuba ATÔMICA
  188. What are Dravidians from Andhra Pradesh and Kerala racially?
  189. Turanid can be either dolico, meso or brachy because it is a combination of Iranid and Mongoloid.
  190. Hallstatt Nordid and Corded Nordid?
  191. Post pictures of Latinos who pass as South Asian and vice-versa..
  192. Classify Half Spanish YouTuber
  193. Nordid predominance in high IQ people
  194. How common is Iranid influenced types in Eastern Europe?
  195. Were ancient Celts mostly Alpinid?
  196. As a whole, do Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews pass better in Sweden or Pakistan?
  197. Who are they ? (From the Western Ukraine region Near Lviv)
  198. Pontid phenotype is more masculine and more robust than...
  199. Do different German regions look different?
  200. Why does Robert De Niro look fully Sicilian? He's only 1/4 Italian, and his Italian is from Molise
  201. Which types are Orientalid types?
  202. Whom are pure Native Indians genetically closest to?
  203. What percentage of French people would pass as typical white Americans?
  204. Savolaxid = Neo-Danubian ?
  205. Post West Asians and North Africans who could pass in Central or Northern Europe
  206. What did EHGs look like?
  207. Was this the phenotype of ancient Egypt?
  208. Samaritans: Where can they pass in Europe?
  209. Classify this guy
  210. Is my southasian more caucasian or more oceanian/asian?
  211. What percentage of these Italians from Bergamo pass in your country/ethnicity?
  212. What are the physical differences between Pontid and North Pontid?
  213. Which Turanid subvariety is the most proper one?
  214. Which of these 2 actors look more like a typical American white?
  215. Out of the three pictures; which looks more stereotypically "Belgian?"
  216. Human height 16,000 BC to present
  217. Which one is closer to Northeast Europeans? Gracile Mediterranids or Turanids?
  218. Eye & Hair colour of world leaders
  219. Is it weird that my face is Iranid but I have neither Persian nor Kurdish roots?
  220. Most common types in each European country:
  221. Keltic Nordid vs Iranid
  222. Warrior vs Wimp Skulls
  223. Skin colour of Iranids?
  224. As a whole, do Mainland Greeks pass better in Bosnia or Cyprus?
  225. Are there Finns who could pass in the Balkans or vice versa?
  226. How common is Iranid among Arabs (Middle Eastern Arabs)?
  227. Classify me, please
  228. Ethnic groups that have people who could pass for Polish as well as people who could pass for Armeni
  229. classify morphed ancient egyptians
  230. classify morphed ancient romans
  231. What is this person's ethnicity???
  232. Who differs most phenotypically: Mainland Greece, Sicily or Cyprus?
  233. Fair Celtics vs Germanics
  234. I have Greek feet
  235. What are the most common ethnic groups that people inaccurately say that people look like?
  236. How drastically do you think Anglo-American phenotypes have been reduced due to mixing?
  237. Serbians are mostly Whiter than Iberians, Western Asians and North Caucasians.
  238. About Mesopotamians...
  239. Armenoid among deep Southern Ukrainians is common. What do you think of it?
  240. Is brachycephaly more dominant than dolichocephaly?
  241. Which are more phenotypically different from each other?
  242. Which is more common: Nordic-looking Italians or Mediterranean-looking Germans?
  243. Which was the most common phenotype in original Eastern Slavs?
  244. Americans and the word 'Anglo'
  245. Why do people act as if someone's classification determines where they pass?
  246. Classify me
  247. What percentage of Spaniards and Italians people pass as typical white Americans?
  248. Most Turks have Armenoid faces?
  249. Are those predictions correct?
  250. "Inbreeding" makes people look more recessive