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  1. What's this hair color
  2. 10-20% of Ashkenazi Jews can pass utterly unnoticed in the British isles
  3. What distinguishes South Asian faces from Middle Eastern ones?
  4. Who is more Western looking, Poles or Russians?
  5. Main phenotypes from Khorog Tajikistan
  6. An hair and eye colour study on 14 relatives (serbian gypsies)
  7. POLL - Portuguese look closer to Moroccans or Swedish? (read OP at least)
  8. Is there a typical ginger "face"
  9. 3 Moroccans - Where would they pass ?
  10. 5 tunisian women
  11. Does she look central asian ?
  12. Who are the most Western looking East Europeans?
  13. Would you rather be a white-passing non-European or a non-white passing European?
  14. Irish Palest and Reddest?
  15. Who looks more alike: French and Danes or Greeks and Ukrainians?
  16. Ancient origins of Red Hair
  17. Genome analysis of victims of 6200yo massacre in Croatia
  18. Do Scandinavian women prefer blond guys?
  19. Remedy for those, who have a "problem" with black Indoeuropeans.
  20. Among which phenotypes is the lipochrome pigment most common?
  21. Guess which woman is kurd, Jordanian and Moroccan
  22. Which country has more British Isles ancestry overall: Canada or New Zealand?
  23. How big is the difference between the French from the North and the South?
  24. On the whole, is there more British ancestry in Canada or Spanish ancestry in Argentina?
  25. On the whole, is there more British ancestry in the USA or Portuguese ancestry in Brazil?
  26. Post examples of celebrities whose 'exoticness' is often overrated
  27. Who are the darkest south europeans?
  28. Classify David Portnoy and where this type could commonly be found
  29. Wtf is golden red hair
  30. Wtf is golden red hair
  31. Are these real Greeks?
  32. Classify and pass Greek Basketballer
  33. Old, Full Blooded Aboriginal Woman
  34. does he look kelticized?
  35. Germanic English Type
  36. Why are Nordics and Dinarics taller averagely?
  37. Sea gypsies of Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia
  38. Out of Africa theory is a complete MYTH!
  39. A true EHG Turkmen president
  40. Can heavy weightlifting broaden the face
  41. Broadfaced men enjoy effort
  42. Greek Basketballer part 2
  43. Could Henry Cavill pass in Iberia?
  44. proto yakut skull
  45. Is Borreby same to Baltid?
  46. Would you say Serbs, Croats, Albanians and Bosnians are window into how BACKWARD stone age men were?
  47. NE Romanians from Rădăuți, Suceava
  48. Aquiline nose looks epic on some cases
  49. What's rarer, light gray or navy blue eyes
  50. What's is my phenotype ?
  51. Highest leg/torso ratio phenotype on Caucasoid?
  52. Do North Italians look closer to Turks or Norwegians?
  53. Who passes better in Scandinavia, Scots or Poles?
  54. Why are English Americans darker than English people?
  55. "Latin America is to Spain what the Caribbean is to Britain". Discuss.
  56. Classify 100% Han Chinese Gao Weiguang
  57. How come Europeans and Northeast Asians look nothing alike?
  58. "Algeria was to France what India was to Britain". Discuss.
  59. What would mestizo say look like if the Americas were colonized by Bougainvilleans?
  60. Pontid or Atlanto-Med, which is more common in Greece?
  61. Are North Germans as tall as the Dutch?
  62. French people look closer to the Dutch or Spaniards?
  63. Would Europeans look completely balloon-heads without NF admixture?
  64. Afghan MMA Fighters
  65. Southern Europeans' being mistaken as MENA in Northern Europe is simply a lie!!!
  66. Gathering of over 10,000 Jewish girls in New York
  67. What modern race do Neanderthals & Homo Erectus most phenotypically resemble?
  68. Why is Irish DNA so undesirable?
  69. Send in the Africans to Ireland
  70. where would this ATYPICAL moroccan woman pass ?
  71. Why do Irish people look so different from Scandinavians if they're so close genetically?
  72. IRANICS: Where do they pass ?
  73. Sanpaku eyes - prey eyes
  74. Classify Russian figure skater Alexander Abt
  75. Who differs most from the rest of two(phenotypically): Georgians, Sardinians, and Latvians
  76. Long face rarity among Slavs
  77. Perfect Alpinid (?)
  78. Are MENA the ideal medium between white and brown?
  79. Classify my maternal grandmother
  80. Do Iberians look closer to Iraqis or Saami people?
  81. Are Keltic Nordids really just Hallstatt Nordids with convex noses?
  82. More southern than both parents?
  83. How mongoloid is Assam? How it experienced a demongolization in recent years?
  84. Who are lighter skinned on average: North Africans or Northern South Americans?
  85. Classify super robust Korean guy
  86. The Romanians are closer to the Greeks or the Ukrainians?
  87. Do Greeks pass better in Scotland or Syria?
  88. Classify my phenotype
  89. Body hair map!
  90. My friend wants to know where he can pass
  91. Is sub-Saharan Africa the hottest place on Earth?
  92. Who has longer and more protruding noses- Turkmens or Peruvian highlanders?
  93. What percentage of Levantines are properly fair-skinned?
  94. Why is blondism so pronounced in the Baltic States?
  95. Makeup and skin color (hundreds of phenotypes)
  96. Can east asians have Type I or II skin?
  97. Most robust and most gracile European ethnicities?
  98. Classify wayuu tribal girl singing the Colombian national anthem
  99. Who is more Germanic between Swiss Germans and Scots?
  100. Mediterranean and Nordic: Same structure, different pigmentation & hair color?
  101. What countries did Coon travel to in order to complete his book "Races of Europe"?
  102. Name racial anthropologists, their books and where I could find their book on racial anthropology
  103. Are there Europid subraces that have become extinct?
  104. What is my phenotype
  105. What is my phenotype
  106. What is my phenotype
  107. Why are Indids so much darker than Iranids?
  108. Two types of Japanese men
  109. What’s it like to be NON-white passing?
  110. Polish guy with a interesting look
  111. GORID phenotype
  112. Classify the phenotypes of my cousins and which regions would they pass.
  113. Old order Teens and tweens
  114. Mediterranean and Atlantic men are wonderful
  115. Is Pontic Mediterranean the same as Pontid?
  116. Who’s whiter; Uruguayans or Cypriots?
  117. What Caucasoid phenotype did the Beaker Folk of the Bronze Age mostly belong to?
  118. Mixed Sinid phenotypes (Eurasian, Chindian & Blasian etc. phenos)
  119. Classify Hutterites From Canada/U.S
  121. Do Berids and Paleo Sardininians have Negroid influence?
  122. Lighter and Darker Nations - Lighter and Darker Groups From Each
  123. As a whole, do Southern Europeans overlap more with Armenians or Estonians?
  124. Are Germans closer to Poles or Brits?
  125. Why do Bantus have more beard/body hair than Somalis despite Somalis being ~1/3 west Eurasian?
  126. Overlap among iberians/italians/greeks
  127. Classify Japanese-Filipino sumo wrestler Takayasu Akria
  128. classify my Paraguayan friend
  129. What are the most common phenotypes for the French?
  130. How much % SSA?
  131. Main type among Afghans ( Taliban , Civilians and Army )
  132. Do Brits look closer to Danes or the French?
  133. Jaw-line and lips: most significant difference between European and non-European Caucasoids
  134. Who looks more white/european, Erling Haaland or Pep Guardiola?
  135. Does it make sense to focus on populations when the main genetic variation is individual?
  136. Dutch-looking algerian (atypical ofc)
  137. Do people confuse berber phenotypes for the typical "arab" one ?
  138. Does he look part Asian ?
  139. Facial reconstruction of akhenaten
  140. What does the average Syrian look like?
  141. Who is the most typically European person you can imagine?
  142. Where would you place this unique phenotype ?
  143. I made an autosomal proximity map.
  144. Why do the Iberians plot with the center of Europe and yet are they described as Mediterranean?
  145. Is this guy Hallstatt Nordid or Keltic Nordid?
  146. What did the ancient Egyptians really look like?
  147. Why did Anthropologists used to think that the Irish and Welsh were mediterranean?
  148. Classify Serbian guy Dalibor Micic
  149. I think the Sardinian people look like ordinary Europeans.
  150. Classify popular German Neo-Nazi family
  151. Was her skin type II or III?
  152. Facial reconstruction of a punic from Ibiza
  153. What would your color be on this table?
  154. What is the phenotype type of lady gaga?
  155. How common is blonde hair with brown eyes?
  156. Libya sports teams vs Jordan sports teams - Who looks closer to Gulf Arabs?
  157. Canarid Exemples
  158. It's funny when lunatics try to compare Iberians with North Africans.
  159. Is there a difference between the skin of an albino and a redhead? (Outside the freckles)
  160. How close in appearance are Satmar Jews in comparison to Hungarians/Romanians?
  161. Not every blonde has pale / pink skin. ( Exemples )
  162. Please classify Olafur Hauksson
  163. The nose type of each subtype?
  164. Classify my cousin
  165. rate these Volleyball players
  166. Sicilians and Sardinians closer to Africa than Europe?
  167. The fact that some northern Italians use 'terroni' as a racial offense is quite funny
  168. Europe are the last place to find phenotype homogeneity.
  169. Another asiatic looking moroccan
  170. Female WHG appearance? ( Video )
  171. Gracile Mediterranean = Pigmented Nordic
  172. Europeans skin tones is the result of the adaptation to a particular environment over a long period
  173. Is hair color also the result of an adaptation to a specific climate?
  174. Is the Atlantid the best - looking Europid phenotype? Why do you think?
  175. North Atlantid = Dark-haired Nordic?
  176. Atlantid?
  177. Skin sub tone ( Exemples )
  178. No, southern Europeans have no reason to want to be northern Europeans.
  179. Famous Ashkenazi jews - Phenotypes
  180. Atlantid ? ( Spanish Singer )
  181. Based on the pictures, what would you say my ethnicity is?
  182. Classify her ( fake brunette )
  183. How some East Asians simulate white skin (video)
  184. Corded (Battle-axe) Type Spread | Map
  185. Corded (Battle-axe) Type Spread | Map
  186. Hi, how would you classify my friend?
  187. Who are the PUREST europeans?
  188. Classify Mongolian sumo terunofuni.
  189. Portuguese TV presenters. Google list.
  190. Faces of Amish folk I found on Facebook. Some can’t pass as white American
  191. Can Indians/South Asians be as dark skinned as South Sudanese/Nilotics, the darkest Africans?
  192. Would prehistoric humans have been considered negroid or australoid by modern standards?
  193. Is this Filipina typical for the Philippines? What about her parents?
  194. Why do Papuans/Melanesians & Australian aboriginals have different natural hairstyles?
  195. Is it true that Irish/Welsh/Scottish people aren't actually Celtic?
  196. If I told you these were descendants of Greeks ....
  197. Does this moroccan look like he's partially Khoisan ?
  198. Classify the mafiosi phenotype
  199. What makes Slavic women so beautiful?
  200. Classify German foreign minister Heiko Maas
  201. Were ancient/bronze age europeans uglier than today?
  202. Classify former German president Joachim Gauck
  203. "Double nose"
  204. Saudi women lighter than men?
  205. Do Amerindians take long to have gray hair compared to other ethnicities?
  206. Balkanites especially Albanians are the Alpha men and dominate the dating market
  207. Classify Brazilian writer Ariano Suassuna
  208. Classify Japanese professional wrestler “Antonio” Ionoki
  209. Guess 5 Iranic guys
  210. Classify Swiss Americans- Are they the ugliest and most inbred group in the U.S?
  211. Southern Europeans are shorter because of malnourishment
  212. What do Sardinian people look like to you?
  213. Classify this berber looking italian woman
  214. Which other European countries could this Irish sports presenter look native in?
  215. Collection of images of half-Japanese people around the world
  216. Anatolia Barcin Skulls ?
  217. Morphs of Ice Hockey World Championship 2021
  218. Is Sunghir the Basal Eurasian?
  219. Classify Phenotype of My uncle and which regions would he fit in.
  220. Can 5% Euro admixture show up in a Mongoloid person's phenotype?
  221. Promiment ears
  222. Northern Africans are Whites, they are a mixed - race people.
  223. Are Atlanto-Meds brown-eyed brunette Nordids?
  224. Sardinian Footballers
  225. Can Danielle Panabaker pass as German?
  226. Classify former Dutch soccer player Marco van Basten
  227. Is Arabid/Orientalid really uncommon among Anatolian Turks?
  228. Samaritans are the purest Israelites.
  229. Is olive skin really something that makes sense?
  230. 🇬🇧 Classify white Londoner 🇬🇧
  231. Turkey VS Lebanon : WOG/ WASP competition
  232. What is the average height of modern Med types?
  233. Jewish ( or jewish like ) ancestry in modern European populations.
  234. Orientalid examples?
  235. Classify Jebel Irhoud & Turkana Boy
  236. Indo-Europeans Reconstruction
  237. Which phenotype is this?
  238. Who looks more North East Asian between these 2
  239. gorid height
  240. Are far northern Europeans really Caucasian?
  241. northwest europe growth
  242. Are pouty lips disappearing?
  243. Classify the downtrodden Musahar “rat eaters” “so poor that even the Dalits look down upon them”
  244. Phenotypes of central Italians, Marche region, Ancona province and Pesaro and Urbino province
  245. the Arabian subtype of the "Mediterranean" branch.
  246. Is East Nordid a real phenotype?
  247. Who have narrower skulls... Southern Europeans, or Middle Easterners?
  248. Are Italians more similar to Middle Easterners and North Africans in general than europeans?
  249. Which race have the largest skulls?
  250. West Med vs Central Med vs East Med