View Full Version : Classify Tatar girl

01-20-2014, 09:58 AM



Does she have Ugro-Finnic origins, in your opinion?

01-20-2014, 10:56 AM
Would she pass in Hungary or Bulgaria, since she is from Yurmi tribe, which has ancient connections with those ethic groups.
Does she have something Turanid in her? What do you think?

01-20-2014, 10:57 AM
Doesn't look Uralic influenced. Uralics tend to be much lighter pigmented.

01-20-2014, 12:15 PM

01-20-2014, 12:20 PM
Doesn't look Uralic influenced. Uralics tend to be much lighter pigmented.

I think she does have SOME Mongo mixture though, IMO

her forehead is just TOO wide even for an Alpignid or a Balt. and look at her cheekbones too, sort of

01-20-2014, 12:20 PM

She has definitely some Mongolid influence. Probably Tungid.

01-20-2014, 12:24 PM
Would she pass in Hungary or Bulgaria, since she is from Yurmi tribe, which has ancient connections with those ethic groups.
Does she have something Turanid in her? What do you think?


01-20-2014, 12:31 PM
Would she pass in Hungary or Bulgaria, since she is from Yurmi tribe, which has ancient connections with those ethic groups.

First time I ever hear about such tribe, as for her, she doesn't look Bulgarian.

01-20-2014, 12:36 PM
She looks Russian.

01-20-2014, 01:41 PM
First time I ever hear about such tribe, as for her, she doesn't look Bulgarian.

"Этническая история башкир племени юрми связана с волжскими булгарами, мадьярами рода Кер, и с болгарами рода Ерми."

The Yurmi can be found both among Bashkirs and Tatars.

01-20-2014, 01:47 PM
Would she pass in Hungary or Bulgaria, since she is from Yurmi tribe, which has ancient connections with those ethic groups.
Does she have something Turanid in her? What do you think?


don't listen to Twitch and morski

Vesuvian Sky
01-20-2014, 01:49 PM
Asiatic alpine. I've seen girls like her in Kazakhstan but with more mongoloid phenotypical elements persisting. She obviously has some but its really not enough to consider her Turanid proper.

01-20-2014, 01:58 PM
Asiatic Alpinoid / Some tungid element.

Also I thought she could have some pamirid admixture. She seems a woman of Central Asia.

01-20-2014, 02:27 PM

don't listen to Twitch and morski

She doesn't look Bulgarian, she has obvious Mongoloid influence.

01-20-2014, 02:43 PM


^ Rather similar with this Norwegian Saami girl.

01-20-2014, 05:26 PM
lol bulgaria , maybe there is another bulgaria not only the one i know :rolleyes:
since mostly of the users here have a weird image of bulgarians

01-20-2014, 05:28 PM
Asiatic Alpine.

01-20-2014, 05:30 PM
Asiatic alpine

01-20-2014, 05:33 PM
rather an ogre

01-20-2014, 05:40 PM
Well, IMO she is pretty...

01-20-2014, 05:46 PM
She has mongolian influences,

01-20-2014, 05:47 PM
nothing turkic

01-20-2014, 05:51 PM
I agree with Asiatic Alpine.


^ Rather similar with this Norwegian Saami girl.
Except that they don't look similar at all. That Norwegian girl is narrow faced, mainly nordid. Tatar girl is round faced brachy. Even their eyes and noses are different.

Not a Cop
01-20-2014, 07:09 PM
Doesn't look Uralic influenced. Uralics tend to be much lighter pigmented.

Lappids are dark though

01-20-2014, 07:11 PM
Lappids are dark though

Yes, this is true, although, the Lappids have mixed with Scandinavians, Finns, and Russians, so some are now light pigmented but with predominantly Lappid features.

Not a Cop
01-20-2014, 07:13 PM
Yes, this is true, although, the Lappids have mixed with Scandinavians, Finns, and Russians, so some are now light pigmented but with predominantly Lappid features.

Yeah, lappids are one of the reason for dark pigmentation in NE europe

01-20-2014, 07:19 PM
Lappis are responsible for the swarthiness of Africa.

01-20-2014, 07:21 PM
Yeah, lappids are one of the reason for dark pigmentation in NE europe
I would say in your side of the border, it's gorids and pontids.

Not a Cop
01-20-2014, 07:26 PM
I would say in your side of the border, it's gorids and pontids.

Depends on the place, really, north to Tver' you would'nt find many gorids and pontids in villages. For example my granda is from Karelian village and dark, taxonomicaly she is something like Lappid\Nordid

01-20-2014, 07:34 PM
Depends on the place, really, north to Tver' you would'nt find many gorids and pontids in villages. For example my granda is from Karelian village and dark, taxonomicaly she is something like Lappid\Nordid
Yes, but I would guess many people in St.Petersburgh have moved there from other parts in Russia, where gorids and pontids are more common. Are lappid-types common in Karelia? Saami-people used to live much more in the South in the middle ages.

Not a Cop
01-20-2014, 08:07 PM
Yes, but I would guess many people in St.Petersburgh have moved there from other parts in Russia, where gorids and pontids are more common. Are lappid-types common in Karelia? Saami-people used to live much more in the South in the middle ages.

Yes, Saint-Petersburg is midsed.

Well lappids are not very common, more like east-baltids, although lappids are cenrtenly not rare

01-21-2014, 05:49 AM
I've seen girls like her in Kazakhstan but with more mongoloid phenotypical elements persisting.

As you know, the Republic of Kazakhstan has more than 100 different ethnic groups, including European colonials (about 30% - 40%). One can meet there local people of French or Korean descent and that's not fantastic at all. It would be rather erroneous to generalize about the native Kazakhs from these touristic observations.
Actually there are no native, indigenous Central Asians of her look at all. Some of Kazakhs and Kyrgyz have depigmentation (very few, probably 3%), but they still look like depigmented Mongolians or Chinese, generally speaking.

01-21-2014, 03:50 PM
She looks a lot like a Latin-American Castiza. Very pretty!! :thumb001: