View Full Version : Can you classify me?

01-31-2014, 11:25 PM
Can you classify me?

Ancestrality german+Italian+Spanish, 27 years old and 1,70m!

01-31-2014, 11:28 PM

01-31-2014, 11:28 PM
Some type of med(Atlanto-Med I'd say)+Alpine.

01-31-2014, 11:42 PM
Some type of med(Atlanto-Med I'd say)+Alpine.


Your classifications are always perfect!

01-31-2014, 11:44 PM

Your classifications are always perfect!

I try to,thanks:)

01-31-2014, 11:46 PM
I see some mediterranid and alpinid admixtures both balanced.

Carlito's Way
01-31-2014, 11:48 PM
lol the brazilian who said was confuse for a gringo in Jalisco :lol:

Carlito's Way
01-31-2014, 11:51 PM
if i saw you in Jalisco, id think you are another mestizo

01-31-2014, 11:54 PM
lol the brazilian who said was confuse for a gringo in Jalisco :lol:

In fact any white fellow in Jalisco-Mex. they call as ´´gringo´´, not only me... LOL
where I live ´´Gringo´´ means who has Italian ancestrality!

01-31-2014, 11:54 PM
You look like what you say you are. I can see the German in you and don't think you look overwhelmingly med.

Carlito's Way
01-31-2014, 11:57 PM
In fact any white fellow in Jalisco-Mex. they call as ´´gringo´´, not only me... LOL
where I live ´´Gringo´´ means who has Italian ancestrality!

because you look like a tourist, not because your phenotype is out of place there, i was also taken for a gringo in Brazil :rolleyes:
also you are not white but a triracial ugly no jaw line brazilian lol your mtdna is Native American and im sure you have black ancestors

Prisoner Of Ice
02-01-2014, 12:00 AM
Hmm, you are hard to classify. Interesting occipital bump, though. Your facial profile is also fairly receding, which is neanderthal feature. Your nose looks iberian but you could fit on balkans (and maybe better). So I guess I have to give you the dreaded 'gracile med' classification.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-01-2014, 12:02 AM
because you look like a tourist, not because your phenotype is out of place there, i was also taken for a gringo in Brazil :rolleyes:
also you are not white but a triracial ugly no jaw line brazilian lol your mtdna is Native American and im sure you have black ancestors

He's got no black or mestizo features.

Carlito's Way
02-01-2014, 12:03 AM
He's got no black or mestizo features.

it doesnt matter, he has black and native american ancestry

02-01-2014, 12:03 AM
Its called projecting. People who are not very smart or put together project their own insecurites onto others when they feel overwhelmed or defenseless (insecure).

02-01-2014, 01:54 AM
it doesnt matter, he has black and native american ancestry

Are you ok?Do you wanna know If I have a black-meztizo blood-line, in fact I had made a DNA by 23andme and there found some reflect of No European ancestrality.
Like: 0.1% Sub-Saharan African, 0.4% East Asian & Native American, 0.1% Middle Eastern & North African. But my family came to Southern Brazil 3 generations ago, that means theses ´´non-whites´´ mixed came so much time before my arrive in Souther Brazil, and is very acceptable too for the places that my family came! Hasborn-Germany, Veneto-Italy and Cantabria-Spain. Also, I have Italian Citizenship too, because my father applied it when I borned, But I´m very proud to live in South of Brazil, place founded by my ancestrals, different of you, Who lives like a immigrant (son of immigrants) in USA! And I´m proud to look like a typicall Southern Brazilian, I hated be confused with another nationality like happened in Jalisco-Mex. one year ago!

Take care freak boy! ;)

02-01-2014, 02:07 AM
Its called projecting. People who are not very smart or put together project their own insecurites onto others when they feel overwhelmed or defenseless (insecure).

Generally, faggots/nerds become very ´´brave´´ in front of a computer!

Carlito's Way
02-01-2014, 05:52 AM
Are you ok?Do you wanna know If I have a black-meztizo blood-line, in fact I had made a DNA by 23andme and there found some reflect of No European ancestrality.

your MTDNA is C1 which is a native american haplogroup you cunt, stop trying to claim you are 100% european lol and since you are a brazil favela boy, you have blacn ancestry, dont be ashamed of your bantu ancestry

Like: 0.1% Sub-Saharan African, 0.1% East Asian & Native American, 0.2% Middle Eastern & North African. But my family came to Southern Brazil 3 generations ago, that means theses ´´non-whites´´ mixed came so much time before my arrive in Souther Brazil, and is very acceptable too for the places that my family came! Hasborn-Germany, Veneto-Italy and Cantabria-Spain.


Also, I have Italian Citizenship too, because my father applied it when I borned, But I´m very proud to live in South of Brazil, place founded by my ancestrals, different of you, Who lives like a immigrant (son of immigrants) in USA! And I´m proud to look like a typicall Southern Brazilian, I hated be confused with another nationality like happened in Jalisco-Mex. one year ago!

you dont look typical southern brazilian, southern brazilian look quadroon on average with light brown skin lol you cant fool me, i have been to Brazil, of course you were confused for another nationality in Mexico, you are not a mexican :thumb001:

i remember when i was told in brazil that i was a gringo and didnt look brazilian :lol:

bader grow a jaw line and remove that nasty turkey neck lol wobble wobble

Mn The Loki TA Son
02-01-2014, 05:58 AM
Some type of med(Atlanto-Med I'd say)+Alpine.


02-01-2014, 06:32 AM

Mn The Loki TA Son
02-01-2014, 06:33 AM
your MTDNA is C1 which is a native american haplogroup you cunt, stop trying to claim you are 100% european lol and since you are a brazil favela boy, you have blacn ancestry, dont be ashamed of your bantu ancestry

I'm a C1 also but not sure if same clade as him, my mtDNA is C1b2 a subgroup of C. and Yes haplogroup C is a Native American haplogroup Also from Asia.

Carlito's Way
02-01-2014, 06:35 AM
I'm a C1 also but not sure if same clade as him, my mtDNA is C1b2 a subgroup of C. and Yes haplogroup C is a Native American haplogroup Also from Asia.

he claims to be 100% pure european LOL

02-01-2014, 06:36 AM
if i saw you in Jalisco, id think you are another mestizo

I had a Mexican friend that told me I would be a freza is that true?

Prisoner Of Ice
02-01-2014, 06:37 AM
Are you ok?Do you wanna know If I have a black-meztizo blood-line, in fact I had made a DNA by 23andme and there found some reflect of No European ancestrality.
Like: 0.1% Sub-Saharan African, 0.1% East Asian & Native American, 0.2% Middle Eastern & North African. But my family came to Southern Brazil 3 generations ago, that means theses ´´non-whites´´ mixed came so much time before my arrive in Souther Brazil, and is very acceptable too for the places that my family came! Hasborn-Germany, Veneto-Italy and Cantabria-Spain. Also, I have Italian Citizenship too, because my father applied it when I borned, But I´m very proud to live in South of Brazil, place founded by my ancestrals, different of you, Who lives like a immigrant (son of immigrants) in USA! And I´m proud to look like a typicall Southern Brazilian, I hated be confused with another nationality like happened in Jalisco-Mex. one year ago!

Take care freak boy! ;)

0.1% is probably false positive, anyway.

Han Cholo
02-01-2014, 06:38 AM
This guy is a full on cracker to me. Looks even more cracker than Neanderthal.

Carlito's Way
02-01-2014, 06:41 AM
I had a Mexican friend that told me I would be a freza is that true?

lol @ fresa, i think you are too gangster to be a fresa, fresa is a preppy obnoxious conceited stuck up mexican

02-01-2014, 06:45 AM
Yes as has been said before Atlantomed + Alpine is correct.

02-01-2014, 10:44 AM
your MTDNA is C1 which is a native american haplogroup you cunt, stop trying to claim you are 100% european lol and since you are a brazil favela boy, you have blacn ancestry, dont be ashamed of your bantu ancestry


By your fonts, I can see how smart you are! Like your political ideology as well!
Never said that I´m 100% european, I said that all grandparents came as europeans colonists to Southern Brazil.
Below a print of my 23andme ancestrality results.


you dont look typical southern brazilian, southern brazilian look quadroon on average with light brown skin lol you cant fool me, i have been to Brazil, of course you were confused for another nationality in Mexico, you are not a mexican :thumb001:

i remember when i was told in brazil that i was a gringo and didnt look brazilian :lol:

bader grow a jaw line and remove that nasty turkey neck lol wobble wobble

I don´t need to ´´fool you´´, You do that by yourself easily.
Have you ever been in Southern Brazil? Can you prove that by pictures, Rio and São Pauolo are not Southern!
´´Light Brown skin´´? We have the largest immigration of Germans, 2° largest Italian immigration (1° USA), 2° largest spanish immigration (1° Argentina), 1° largest Portuguese imigration, 2° Polish immigration (1° USA) and large immigration of Ukranians/Russians too.

Southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina share the same ethinicity, that we call ´´Gaucho culture´´.
And just to finish, What is your problem? Are stress because You don ´t got you green card or you are mad like that in your live?

https://www.google.com.br/search?newwindow=1&rlz=1C1KMZB_enBR553BR553&espv=210&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=nova+petropolis&oq=nova+petropolis&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.14403.19633.0.21266. 0.273.2347.6j3j7.16.0....0...1c.1.32.img..6.11.102 2.K7dsqP2AViM

I have some friends in MEXICO (real friends, no virtual friends), and for sure they are one of the best people that I had met! So stop with this kind of bullshit and grow-up! That is not my problem if you live as cunt in USA, trying to be american...

Anyway, have a great weekend with your family! ;)

02-01-2014, 08:56 PM
Generally, faggots/nerds become very ´´brave´´ in front of a computer!

It's brain just comprehends the world in a limbic responsive primitive infantible and impulsive way. The convolutions of it's brain aren't quite as developed as modern humans and it has difficulties interacting with the modern world. It's really quite unfortunate. The world would be better if it hadn't existed in the first place but it only causes itself to suffer.

02-01-2014, 10:50 PM
Haplogroups only account for a very tiny and minor input of your overall gentic output.

02-11-2014, 11:22 PM
I think you are Pontid (east type of the Mediterranean Race). Look here - 44407