View Full Version : Classify Me

03-03-2014, 11:37 PM
Hey folks, please classify my phenotypes / taxonomy. (Please ignore my ethnicity). Curious what overall opinion is...

03-03-2014, 11:42 PM
no visible , you must post direct photos

03-03-2014, 11:46 PM
Ok no problem.

I added a main frontal picture.

+ 2 profiles left & right.

03-04-2014, 02:00 AM
Your photobucket is password protected.

03-04-2014, 02:04 AM

03-04-2014, 02:06 AM
Very British or Irish.

03-04-2014, 02:09 AM
North Atlantid + Kelto-Nord.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-04-2014, 02:13 AM
Sure you are not serbian? Kind of a dinaric look. But you do fit to british isles, guess I'd say Keltic Nordic + general cromag.

03-04-2014, 02:31 AM
He looks very North Atlantid + Keltic Nordid. I would of said overall Nordid from the frontal pic, but the back of his head does show some Med influence so North Atlantid overall.

03-04-2014, 04:03 AM
What is the Cro-Magnon features ?

The pear shape head - is this North Atlanid (vs Nordid) ?

I had thought Nordid was more Doliocephalic (Long head) head vs Brachycephalic (Short and Wide). Can anybody chime in !

Could anybody briefly explain features as they connect to Keltic, Nordid, Dinaric, Atlantid ?

03-04-2014, 05:13 AM
Ultra-Roman features. CroMagnid mainly...

03-04-2014, 05:20 AM
Cromagnid is predominant, and I would say with a Keltic influence as well.

03-04-2014, 06:03 AM
Cromagnid is predominant, and I would say with a Keltic influence as well.

Is Cromagnid the polar opposite of Nordid (brachiocephalic vs doliocephalic) ??

03-04-2014, 06:07 AM
Is Cromagnid the polar opposite of Nordid (brachiocephalic vs doliocephalic) ??

Well classic Cromagnids are mesocepahlic to dolichocephalic, but there are some brachycephalic variants as well.

03-04-2014, 07:57 AM
Cool tatt. You have an unusual head shape and very prominent cheekbones. Otherwise what they said.

Styrian Mujo
03-04-2014, 07:59 AM
Mostly Nordocromagnid with some minor Atlanto-mediterranid /Atlantid.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-04-2014, 08:05 AM
What is the Cro-Magnon features ?

The pear shape head - is this North Atlanid (vs Nordid) ?

I had thought Nordid was more Doliocephalic (Long head) head vs Brachycephalic (Short and Wide). Can anybody chime in !

Could anybody briefly explain features as they connect to Keltic, Nordid, Dinaric, Atlantid ?

Cromag is very robust strong boned features especially strong, wide jaw and chin. Think of rowdy roddy piper, he is a good croma example but there's subtypes like borreby and brunn (both common to irish, especially brunn).

Keltic Nordid




Zmey Gorynych
03-04-2014, 08:16 AM
Cro-Magnon with a minor North-Atlantid/Keltic Nordid influence

03-04-2014, 09:40 AM
Very nordic, more British influence, definitely not "black" irish! lol

Fortis in Arduis
03-04-2014, 10:04 AM
Sure you are not serbian? Kind of a dinaric look. But you do fit to british isles, guess I'd say Keltic Nordic + general cromag.

Tending towards Keltic-Nordic with CM, however, there is a Dinaric element that I say that would seem a little too strong to be purely Isles.

That said, my father is of the more heavily Dinaricised Keltic-Nordic type, and he looks a little unusual for the Isles, even though he's British.

However, UlsterDuke's ears are not angled backwards, which can be a Dinaric trait, is that not right?

King Claus
03-04-2014, 10:15 AM
Hmm keltic nordid with atlanto med with cm tendencies. I see a quick slope and the forehead is not very impressive for a pure or mainly cm type so i think it's a bit exaggerated.

03-04-2014, 11:31 AM
Tending towards Keltic-Nordic with CM, however, there is a Dinaric element that I say that would seem a little too strong to be purely Isles.

That said, my father is of the more heavily Dinaricised Keltic-Nordic type, and he looks a little unusual for the Isles, even though he's British.

However, UlsterDuke's ears are not angled backwards, which can be a Dinaric trait, is that not right?

He def has some North Atlantid based on the profile pic, the shape of the head especially the back, shows mix of Nordid and Med leaning more toward the Nordid influence.

03-04-2014, 11:45 AM
North Atlantid+CM

03-04-2014, 01:54 PM
but the back of his head does show some Med influence so North Atlantid overall.

That is mainly found in Keltic-Nordids also. KNs are usually flatter on top and can stick out at back.

03-04-2014, 01:56 PM
Bruenn, you look northwestern European.

03-04-2014, 01:56 PM
Is Cromagnid the polar opposite of Nordid (brachiocephalic vs doliocephalic) ??

It's the strong cheek bones that gives the CM impression. You are mainly Kelto-Atlantic with CM.

Not polar, but Nordid is more Long headed. CM is like old school strong faced caveman. :P

03-04-2014, 02:13 PM
That is mainly found in Keltic-Nordids also. KNs are usually flatter on top and can stick out at back.
Interesting so Keltic Nordic and atlanto meds heads look very similar.

03-04-2014, 02:32 PM
Interesting so Keltic Nordic and atlanto meds heads look very similar.

I'm not sure. But here are Irish Keltics/Celts. You'll notice.


03-04-2014, 02:33 PM
Interesting so Keltic Nordic and atlanto meds heads look very similar.

KN are slightly dinaricized but there is some similarity I suppose (and in general with all nordics and meds). Meds have softer features than northern euros. Northern Euros have a bit harder more angular features generally and same goes with skull shape as well.

03-04-2014, 02:34 PM
I'm not sure. But here are Irish Keltics. You'll notice.


I think these are pretty bad examples. The first two are Aran Islanders that were very inbred. The last is a deformed man. I would remove those ones for better and more realistic examples.

03-04-2014, 02:39 PM
Achh the photos are as old as the term KN itself! Measured sizes an aw. Isnae tae bad. :)

A would get newer yins, but cannae be arsed Robert. :P

03-04-2014, 02:39 PM
Where are ...... your pics? You know, I'm by far the best classifier on here. Post them again!

03-04-2014, 02:55 PM
Oh aye, forgot to say welcome.

03-04-2014, 02:56 PM
Where are ...... your pics? You know, I'm by far the best classifier on here. Post them again!

Here ya go

03-04-2014, 02:59 PM
Here ya go

Oh no sorry, I was joking. I just wanted to see your tattoo haha.

Whoa you look so stereotypically Irish. 7.5/10

03-04-2014, 03:02 PM
Lol. No worries. Ha 7.5/10 Irish - whats the other 2.5 ? Some people said Atlantid….

03-04-2014, 03:03 PM
Thanks my yDNA R1b Celtic brother!

03-04-2014, 03:06 PM
Lol. No worries. Ha 7.5/10 Irish - whats the other 2.5 ? Some people said Atlantid….

No. I rated your looks.

03-04-2014, 03:08 PM
No. I rated your looks.

7.5 ? Better than a kick in arse.

03-04-2014, 03:12 PM
Dammit Blondesalad, stop thumbing me down for no reason again. lol ;)

03-04-2014, 03:21 PM
Dammit Blondesalad, stop thumbing me down for no reason again. lol ;)

Why? I like getting your attention http://i.imgur.com/hEJZZKv.gif

03-04-2014, 03:23 PM
Why? I like getting your attention http://i.imgur.com/hEJZZKv.gif

I want to taste Blonde Salad


03-04-2014, 03:36 PM
I want to taste Blonde Salad

Only if you like women that look like this


03-04-2014, 03:43 PM
Only if you like women that look like this



Prisoner Of Ice
03-04-2014, 04:50 PM
Where are ...... your pics? You know, I'm by far the best classifier on here. Post them again!

Hey you dumb cunt stop thumbing me down for no reason.

03-04-2014, 04:52 PM
Hey you dumb cunt stop thumbing me down for no reason.

Haha nice try :p

03-04-2014, 04:55 PM
Curious, people often mention Aryan here....Is Keltid-Nordid an Aryan type ?