View Full Version : Classify hot Mexican castiza Lissette Morelos Zaragoza

04-29-2014, 11:37 PM
Her European extraction, like in most white, castizo, and mestizo Mexicans, is mostly (if not all) from Spain:





04-29-2014, 11:52 PM
Pareciera hasta con un aire medio de ucraniana, however you have already said it all: Castiza.

04-29-2014, 11:54 PM
Pareciera hasta con un aire medio de ucraniana, however you have already said it all: Catiza.

She does look Ukrainian to me.

04-30-2014, 12:03 AM
Many castizo people can have like a "Russian" vibe (and particularly when they are very light pigmented), but that is due, in many cases, to the small Asian input that is commonly found among many eastern European people.

Some Amerindian is visible in her, and on top of that, she is very light pigmented. All that together gives the wrong impression of she having Slavic ancestry. But being the case that she has two Spanish last names, is very likely that most (if not all) of her European ancestry is Spanish.

04-30-2014, 03:38 PM

04-30-2014, 03:47 PM
Looks like one of them mail order Russian brides.

05-28-2014, 06:52 AM

Han Cholo
05-28-2014, 07:19 AM
Many castizo people can have like a "Russian" vibe (and particularly when they are very light pigmented), but that is due, in many cases, to the small Asian input that is commonly found among many eastern European people.

Some Amerindian is visible in her, and on top of that, she is very light pigmented. All that together gives the wrong impression of she having Slavic ancestry. But being the case that she has two Spanish last names, is very likely that most (if not all) of her European ancestry is Spanish.

Castizos/light Mestizos often look like Romanians or Bulgarians more than further North people like Belarusians or Russians. One Romanian member here told me I could pass in Romania.

05-28-2014, 07:46 AM
Interesting look, I wouldn't have guessed she is a Castiza from Mexico :)

05-28-2014, 01:29 PM
Castizos/light Mestizos often look like Romanians or Bulgarians more than further North people like Belarusians or Russians. One Romanian member here told me I could pass in Romania.

I think that she looks like kind of Russian or Ukrainian in the first and third pic, because she dyed her hair, but she actually looks more like Romanian or Bulgarian with her natural hair color. Like in this pictures:



And another think that contribute to her somewhat "Russian" look (particularly more in her first an third pic) is that she is very light pigmented.

05-28-2014, 02:34 PM
I think that she looks like kind of Russian or Ukrainian in the first and third pic, because she dyed her hair, but she actually looks more like Romanian or Bulgarian with her natural hair color. Like in this pictures:



And another think that contribute to her somewhat "Russian" look (particularly more in her first an third pic) is that she is very light pigmented.

True, she looks Eastern Euro.

05-28-2014, 02:47 PM
True, she looks Eastern Euro.

But her European ancestry is Spanish. Is very common that Latin-American castizas have a pseudo "Eastern-European" look, but that's because their small Amerindian input combined with their Spanish input, creates a similar effect as the combination of mostly Euro and small Asian input that characterizes the Eastern European people.

FYCW Parasite
03-11-2018, 08:24 AM
You make pretty good posts of mexican celebrities. How do you know so much of them? Well I think this girl is like alyssa, she looks eastern european, but it may actually hace some amerindian in her.

03-11-2018, 10:24 PM

FYCW Parasite
03-11-2018, 10:56 PM
More answers.

03-12-2018, 12:25 AM
Looks fully euro to me, Atlantid?

FYCW Parasite
03-12-2018, 12:31 AM
Looks fully euro to me, Atlantid?

03-12-2018, 12:47 AM
Looks awsome

Whats the difference between Castizo and Mestizo?

03-12-2018, 01:14 AM
Looks awsome

Whats the difference between Castizo and Mestizo

Mestizo is somebody with a balanced mix of European (generally Spanish) and Amerindian blood (within the 40-60% range)

Whereas castizo is somebody with higher Euro (generally Spanish) than Amerindian mixture, and within the 70-85% Euro range.

Harnizos (who are mestizos within the 60-70% Euro range) would be in between.

All these terms are not longer used by Latin Americans on an everyday basis, but only on Internet forums. Indeed, most everyday people from Latin America (those who are not into these themes) don't know about these terms.

These terms come from the colonial Spanish racial hierarchy system.

03-12-2018, 02:54 AM
You make pretty good posts of mexican celebrities. How do you know so much of them? Well I think this girl is like alyssa, she looks eastern european, but it may actually hace some amerindian in her.

I know them from Mexican soap operas and/or TV series.

10-03-2018, 11:22 PM
I came here because I saw a photoshoped picture of her, with Aletta Ocean's body. Yeah, she looks urkanian. In fact, she would have no problem passing there.

10-10-2018, 05:42 PM
No Amerindian in her phenotype.

Brian O'Conner
10-10-2018, 06:01 PM
No Amerindian in her phenotype.

I also don't see it

10-10-2018, 06:43 PM
She doesn't look Eastern Euro or Russian at all. She gives off Southern vibe even with blond hair


10-10-2018, 11:15 PM
She doesn't look Eastern Euro or Russian at all. She gives off Southern vibe even with blond hair


Blond hair makes her look swartier, but with her original colour, she does look eastern european.

10-10-2018, 11:42 PM
She's not a castiza :picard1: she's one of those 10 million white Mexicans 85%+

10-11-2018, 12:36 AM
She's not a castiza :picard1: she's one of those 10 million white Mexicans 85%+

... :picard1:

10-11-2018, 12:38 AM
... :picard1:

Wtf troll

10-11-2018, 01:56 AM
Wtf troll


10-11-2018, 02:14 AM
She's not a castiza :picard1: she's one of those 10 million white Mexicans 85%+

... :picard1:

Wtf troll


I swear to G-d Meejeecunts have to be the most bogus and toxic tryhards around, these humble-colored liliputians don't even get along within themselves :rofl:

10-11-2018, 02:21 AM
I swear to G-d Meejeecunts have to be the most bogus and toxic tryhards around, these humble-colored liliputians don't even get along within themselves :rofl:

Your race killed an important part of their descent, to be blessed by their G-d, and are the most toxic human plague in history, expelled from for dozens of countries in history... You are not even humans, you are obstacles.

10-11-2018, 02:31 AM
Your race killed an important part of their descent, to be blessed by their G-d, and are the most toxic human plague in history, expelled from for dozens of countries in history... You are not even humans, you are obstacles.

Nu-uh chonga, the only obstacle that you'll find in your life is your single-digit IQ and the immediately noticeable Olmec input on your malnourished hideous face, don't hold grudges, you'll always be a puppet of the tribe and your mortgage is still going up the next year :rolleyes:

10-11-2018, 03:47 AM
Nu-uh chonga, the only obstacle that you'll find in your life is your single-digit IQ and the immediately noticeable Olmec input on your malnourished hideous face, don't hold grudges, you'll always be a puppet of the tribe and your mortgage is still going up the next year :rolleyes:

No, in fact, you are the only obstacles of the entire human race. You are a plague, a virus, cancer. Something that shouldn't even exist. You are freaks of nature. Useless in every form, except for stealing and take advantage of others. Jews in Europe, during the 1900, didn't even live in healthy places, because they couldn't even clean their houses. That's how useless you are. Without slaves that you cheat and punish for being alive, you will be dead. You are nothing but animals. And that is a fact. A documented fact. Tell me how many countries and cultures have kicked you out? You think all of that is natural or unjustified? Don'e be psychotic. You are an abomination, a parasite, a jew.

10-11-2018, 05:09 AM
No, in fact
Nothing that comes from the poorly endowed brain of a Meejeecunt mongrel could be considered a fact, now, in fact, sharp thinking and factual analysis is part of the Jewish heritage, check out Pilpul, blame our superior ethos, hunny

you are the only obstacles of the entire human race
I'd like to paraphrase that as we are the cornerstone of civilization and you're salty af

You are a plague
No attributions taken, you border-hopping, desert-running, fence-jumping kitty litter-smelling pussy hoe

a virus
Like the Mexican flu? http://eswi.org/knowledge-center/the-mexican-flu-a-pandemic/

Something that shouldn't even exist
But we here nigga, keeping it ten toes down at all times

You are freaks of nature
That sounds like an odd literal Spanish translation, guess they don't have those English as a second language programs at CONALEP

Useless in every form
Incorrect, more likely the most successful ethnic group in the history of mankind

except for stealing and take advantage of others
Perks of being a superior breed, mamma bean

Jews in Europe, during the 1900, didn't even live in healthy places, because they couldn't even clean their houses
Whole lotta drift, chola, OCD is an Ashkenazi thing, Jewish households are known for being neato burrito, Joos had the highest life span and lowest incidence of contagious diseases amongst Europeans all due netilat yadayim or Jewish ritual washing, check your facts, dummy

Without slaves that you cheat and punish for being alive
Tell me that you wrote this with the Afrikáans grammar structure and I would believe you

you will be dead
Alive and scamming out the mansion, you low-tier whore

You are nothing but animals
Damn, you're anal and cringy as fuck, dudette, simmer down, real talk

Tell me how many countries and cultures have kicked you out? You think all of that is natural or unjustified?
Nobody likes a superior kind strolling around the hood, basic sociology

You are an abomination, a parasite, a jew
I should teach you how to dress you look a mess, I'm a king, I make moves just like chess, I stole your bitch, I plead guilty, I confess, I'm on top of the food chain, I'm a T. Rex


10-11-2018, 05:35 AM
Nothing that comes from the poorly endowed brain of a Meejeecunt mongrel could be considered a fact, now, in fact, sharp thinking and factual analysis is part of the Jewish heritage, check out Pilpul, blame our superior ethos, hunny

I'd like to paraphrase that as we are the cornerstone of civilization and you're salty af

No attributions taken, you border-hopping, desert-running, fence-jumping kitty litter-smelling pussy hoe

Like the Mexican flu? http://eswi.org/knowledge-center/the-mexican-flu-a-pandemic/

But we here nigga, keeping it ten toes down at all times

That sounds like an odd literal Spanish translation, guess they don't have those English as a second language programs at CONALEP

Incorrect, more likely the most successful ethnic group in the history of mankind

Perks of being a superior breed, mamma bean

Whole lotta drift, chola, OCD is an Ashkenazi thing, Jewish households are known for being neato burrito, Joos had the highest life span and lowest incidence of contagious diseases amongst Europeans all due netilat yadayim or Jewish ritual washing, check your facts, dummy

Tell me that you wrote this with the Afrikáans grammar structure and I would believe you

Alive and scamming out the mansion, you low-tier whore

Damn, you're anal and cringy as fuck, dudette, simmer down, real talk

Nobody likes a superior kind strolling around the hood, basic sociology

I should teach you how to dress you look a mess, I'm a king, I make moves just like chess, I stole your bitch, I plead guilty, I confess, I'm on top of the food chain, I'm a T. Rex


Actually I said nothing subjective. All of that is backed by history. Yes, you are succesful, cause you are plague. White people are the ones that created everything that makes you comfort. You are just stealers, bastards, maniacs, psychapaths, assasings, corrupts, and cancer. No arument in your comnents...

Wikipedia posts lmao...

10-11-2018, 05:38 AM

10-11-2018, 06:34 AM
Blond hair makes her look swartier, but with her original colour, she does look eastern european.

But I still dont see anything Russian or, like you said, Ukranian about her:

10-11-2018, 08:50 PM
Nice pic btw. I'm gonna steali it if you don't mind.

Well, I suppose it depends on the person. Many of us see it, but you can't. Maybe you are some of those atomic white persons that would say Guillermo del Toro looks mestizo cause he is mexican, and that's why you don't want these girl to be confused with ukranians. What ever the case, we can't argue about opinions, there is nothing factual to discuss about.