View Full Version : Man raped and stabbed his cousins 8.5 month pregnant 19 y.o. girlfriend and burned down her home.

♥ Lily ♥
09-21-2014, 09:37 PM

I noticed this news article on a UK forum and I'd never heard of this before just reading it.

2 years ago, Carl Whant, a 27 year old 6'3" tattooed bouncer from south Wales (who apparently was in the Welsh Guards), went out drinking with his cousin and got high on cocaine. He then left the bar at 5am to drive to his cousins 19 year old girlfriend (Nikitta Grender's) home (knowing that she was alone and 8 and a half months pregnant), he then raped his cousins pregnant girlfriend, stabbed her in the stomach several times killing her unborn baby, cut her throat, burned her home down in a large blaze, drove back to the bar to take his cousin back home to his dead girlfriend, and then feigned tears when his cousin found his girlfriend and their unborn baby dead inside the burned-out home.

He was given 35 years in jail and will probably be released earlier on parole.

That's so-called UK 'justice' for you.

09-21-2014, 09:41 PM
England is so messed up

09-21-2014, 09:43 PM
drove back to the bar to take his cousin back home to his dead girlfriend, and then feigned tears when his cousin found his girlfriend and their unborn baby dead inside the burned-out home.

Gustave H
09-21-2014, 09:46 PM
He should be raped, and burned to death. :coffee:

♥ Lily ♥
09-21-2014, 09:54 PM
He should be raped, and burned to death. :coffee:

The UK Justice system is far too soft with people who do sick crimes. When I read news articles like this, it makes me feel that capital punishment should be reinstated.
He'll live on 3 hot meals a day, use of a gym, free heating, free ability to study, etc, at the expense of taxpayers.

The US justice system is much better than the soft UK.

09-21-2014, 09:57 PM
The UK Justice system is far too soft with people who do sick crimes. When I read news articles like this, it makes me feel that capital punishment should be reinstated.
He'll live on 3 hot meals a day, use of a gym, free heating, free ability to study, etc, at the expense of taxpayers.

The US justice system is much better than the soft UK.

at least you have a 'working' system. turkey doesnt send rapists to jail. only child rapers. also jucidiary ministry poll indicates that only 12% of people trusts justice of turkey.

09-21-2014, 09:59 PM
He was given 35 years in jail and will probably be released earlier on parole.

That's so-called UK 'justice' for you.

Agreed that is not enough. The only way things will change in the justice department is when the English people rebel against their "justice" system. Till then these short sentences will continue.

I won't go on blaming the victim's boyfriend but..... What the hell was he thinking going out with his cousin who is high on drugs and drunk?
Once you are a dad you shouldn't be out late at night partying it up as though you are single and childless. He didn't choose his crowd wisely. Just because he is your cousin doesn't mean he wants the best interest for you. Something happened that night that made his cousin snap.

09-21-2014, 10:11 PM
:picard1: what a fucked up story. you never hear about this kind of shit in my neck of the woods. Had this man gone to a county jail for as long as 24 hours he would be reported dead within 12 hours of being there. The gangs would kill him for his crime in prison. Guards turn a blind eye to fucked up people like that.

♥ Lily ♥
09-22-2014, 12:03 AM
Agreed that is not enough. The only way things will change in the justice department is when the English people rebel against their "justice" system. Till then these short sentences will continue.

I won't go on blaming the victim's boyfriend but..... What the hell was he thinking going out with his cousin who is high on drugs and drunk?
Once you are a dad you shouldn't be out late at night partying it up as though you are single and childless. He didn't choose his crowd wisely. Just because he is your cousin doesn't mean he wants the best interest for you. Something happened that night that made his cousin snap.

The Welsh, English and Scottish should rebel against the UK 'justice' system. Certainly in England there were lots of BNP protestors standing outside the grand courts in London at the sentencing of the Woolwich killer and demanding that capital punishment should be reinstated.

But this young Welshman was only 16 years old at the time of the murder of his pregnant girlfriend, he was very much in love, his baby wasn't yet born, he was with his cousin whom he trusted as his relative and friend... not wise to go out drinking all night whilst his girlfriend was expecting a baby, but I don't think anyone could predict that his drugged-out, drunk, disturbed and calculating cousin would plot to take a knife and drive to his cousins heavily pregnant young girlfriend at 5am with the intent to rape and kill her and her unborn baby.

And he showed no remorse for the despicable crimes which he is responsible for doing.

I don't think the justice system is much different in latino states of Europe either, I think the whole of the EU's justice is lousy compared to the US system of justice.

♥ Lily ♥
09-22-2014, 12:19 AM
:picard1: what a fucked up story. you never hear about this kind of shit in my neck of the woods. Had this man gone to a county jail for as long as 24 hours he would be reported dead within 12 hours of being there. The gangs would kill him for his crime in prison. Guards turn a blind eye to fucked up people like that.

I have a close relative in the police force and he had to take photographs of a very sick crime scene once of a dead baby stuffed into a closet and he also thinks the justice system is better in the US too. I strongly admire the US system of justice, because in the US a life sentence means just that, but in the UK, (and I think across much of the EU), a life sentence rarely means life.

I watch a lot of crime documentaries about serial killers and shocking crimes, and also documentaries about capital punishment in the US, and I think some people deserve the death penalty when I see the crimes some people have done.

I think it's good that the US still keeps capital punishment so long as it's used on those who are 100% proven guilty of the crimes they're charged with and it's great that US jails are tough with killers.

Mad dogs are executed for far less serious offences than what some humans have done.

♥ Lily ♥
09-22-2014, 12:31 AM
at least you have a 'working' system. turkey doesnt send rapists to jail. only child rapers. also jucidiary ministry poll indicates that only 12% of people trusts justice of turkey.

That sounds even worse. European laws have gone very soft over the last century.

I think one of the reasons why capital punishment was removed in Europe was due to the Enlightenment ending all the Trials by Ordeals which lasted for centuries in Europe, which resulted in thousands of Europeans being tortured to death for centuries over religious and superstitious beliefs in the churches (and the churches were the supreme law of the land prior to the age of reason, science and the enlightenment which ended the religious tortures and trials by ordeals across Europe which was used for centuries to determine a persons supposed innocence or guilt, and fairer trials were then held in courts following the enlightenment).

I think it's due to the amount of people who were tortured to death across Europe for petty offences and superstitious beliefs has now created a fear of Europe returning to capital punishment because of the way this system was abused in the past across Europe.

Prisoner Of Ice
09-22-2014, 12:56 AM
I think it's due to the amount of people who were tortured to death across Europe for petty offences and superstitious beliefs has now created a fear of Europe returning to capital punishment because of the way this system was abused in the past across Europe.

That's probably the reason europeans usually have a low crime rate in the first place, though.

Leo Iscariot
09-22-2014, 01:04 AM

09-22-2014, 01:22 AM
onlyyy 35 years jail time?




kill the sick cunt

09-22-2014, 01:23 AM