View Full Version : classify Bronze Age faces found in Lichtenstein cave

10-01-2014, 12:38 AM

“Haplogroup I2b* was found in the skeletal remains of Lichtenstein Cave, a Bronze Age archaeological site in central Germany associated with artifacts of the Urnfield culture [7]. Of the 19 males represented in the cave, 15 yielded the full 12 tested STR values, with twelve showing I2b*, one R1b, and two R1a. Of the 21 females in the cave, the majority were mtDNA H, with mtDNA U5b the runner-up. No radio-carbon dating was discussed and no metrics were assigned based on the adult remains, which are thought to be about 3000 years old. The small sample and their possible familial connections do not permit drawing conclusions regarding the overall contemporary population mixture. However, the cave lies at the center of the area predicted to be high in historical I2b population density based on statistical analysis of current population DNA.”


Interestingly 40% of the members of this genus were lactose intolerant.

Not a Cop
10-01-2014, 07:16 AM
Any skulls? Reconstructions look mostly cromagnoid, lactose intoleranse is indeed very high, tolerance peaks among Atlanto-Baltic populations, where intolearance is almost non-existant.

10-01-2014, 08:42 AM
All three seem to be pred. Atlanto-Nordoid - Cromagnoid of some sort, with Taurid tendencies in the women probably.

The man is like the Kurgan-variants ("Kurkanoid") probably, Cromagnid with Atlanto-Nordid tendencies, more progressive features.