View Full Version : Internet use at work

01-13-2009, 07:29 PM
I thought this might be interesting as I think quite a few of us here use the internet at work. This from where I work. It is a message posted to employees on an electronic bulletin board warning about internet usage. Technically, we are not supposed to use the internet at all while working, so I am completely guilty of this:

Internet Access Privileges

"XXX Corporation is very generous in not blocking or restricting a lot of Internet access, allowing associates to use the Internet during breaks and lunch time for personal use. However, Internet misuse continues to occur.
Did you know that monthly reports are reviewed on Internet access? We monitor all websites visited, especially those that are against Corporate policy.
Did you also know that most of the PC re-builds that the IT department completes are due to spyware and unauthorized dowloads from sites visited? And, most of the time that associates complain about PC slowness is due to these same issues?
These additional re-builds and computer clean-ups cost the corporation valuable resources in time and money.
Please make sure that you are not abusing a very generous privilege."


01-13-2009, 07:33 PM
I thought this might be interesting as I think quite a few of us here use the internet at work. This from where I work. It is a message posted to employees on an electronic bulletin board warning about internet usage. Technically, we are not supposed to use the internet at all while working, so I am completely guilty of this:

Internet Access Privileges

"XXX Corporation is very generous in not blocking or restricting a lot of Internet access, allowing associates to use the Internet during breaks and lunch time for personal use. However, Internet misuse continues to occur.
Did you know that monthly reports are reviewed on Internet access? We monitor all websites visited, especially those that are against Corporate policy.
Did you also know that most of the PC re-builds that the IT department completes are due to spyware and unauthorized dowloads from sites visited? And, most of the time that associates complain about PC slowness is due to these same issues?
These additional re-builds and computer clean-ups cost the corporation valuable resources in time and money.
Please make sure that you are not abusing a very generous privilege."


Well given the fact that I'm my own boss, and work out of my home, I often get mad at me, myself and I too for internetting during worktime aswell.:D

01-13-2009, 07:54 PM
It's just the usual bla bla bla, they have to say those things in order to cover themselves in legal eventualities. All large companies have these rules. But as for enforcing it, that is entirely dependant on the particular management team. If you're lucky, they wouldn't care. Mostly scare tactics than anything more serious.

Some companies I've worked for have blocked most websites, excluding a few news sites like the BBC. That sucks.

My current company only blocks web-email providers such as Hotmail and GMail, and also social networking sites like MySpace and facebook. But thankfully they have overlooked the best one of them all, The Apricity. :thumb001:

01-14-2009, 11:16 AM
Mine doesn't block anything. I am sure there dozens of male colleagues downloading porn at the moment. :D

01-14-2009, 11:23 AM
Here, they've blocked as much as they possible can, but as we need some internett usage for work, there are some proxies they can't block, including the on Apricity uses:) They do also allows us to check our e-mail and stuff like that:) But porn, nope, nowhere to go:p Even though there are allways someone who manages to find it and use it:p

01-17-2009, 01:02 PM
At my current job, they have blocked MSN which is embarassing because MSN is not working in my place ! I still have the Facebook chat but not great.

Otherwise I don't have much time to spend on the internet at my job. And I don't want to frequent racialist forums either there.