View Full Version : Can this half Ethiopian woman pass in Europe or the Levant?

10-21-2014, 01:06 AM
IMO yes, but her Ethiopian traits are obvious. Eyes, mouth, etc.


10-21-2014, 01:08 AM
I guess she could. She looks part Iberian or Greek.

10-21-2014, 01:10 AM
Yes, looks fully Caucasoid. Could pass as a Jew or something like that.

10-21-2014, 01:11 AM
Yes, looks fully Caucasoid. Could pass as a Jew or something like that.

Her eyes do not look Ethiopian? IMO her whole face does, just with the hair and color of a European.

10-21-2014, 01:11 AM
I would say she looks pan-Southern Euro. I can see her being everything, from Romanian to Portuguese. Do you have another angle? maybe her african admixture will be more visible.

10-21-2014, 01:20 AM
What is the other half?

Black Wolf
10-21-2014, 01:22 AM
I actually know a girl who is of mostly British Isles and French ancestry who looks a bit like her lol.

10-21-2014, 01:23 AM
Her eyes do not look Ethiopian? IMO her whole face does, just with the hair and color of a European.

Pure Cushites clearly represent an ancient Caucasoid type. And add to that the the Semitic influences in Ethiopians.. Some (but not most) Ethiopians show no negroid influence. (Which came later on from mixing with Bantu, and Nilotics)

10-21-2014, 01:27 AM
Some Ethiopians look almost like Egyptians or even pseudo Dominican. Like this:


Andrei the 2nd
10-21-2014, 01:28 AM
I can detect the Ethiopian in her eyes.

10-21-2014, 01:40 AM