View Full Version : What do most French-Canadians look like?

12-18-2014, 07:30 PM
I'm referring to the white French Canadians. Now I've heard several contrasting answers to this question. Some people have told me that they don't look any different from Anglo-Canadians. But wouldn't that make them more Germanic looking? From my experience, most of the Anglo-Canadians I've seen look like they have Germanic roots (just like white Americans). Other people have told me that they look mediterranean like the Italians and Southern French. That means they have darker features like olive skin, dark hair and brown eyes. So I'm pretty confused. Some people told me they have Celtic roots, some told me they look like Atlanto-meds and some told me they look North-Atlantid (looking exactly like Nordic people except with dark hair). Could someone clarify this for me? Are most white French-Canadians (especially in Montreal) more Nordic/Germanic looking or mediterranean looking?

01-13-2015, 12:08 AM
They look atlantid med... Long noses, usually dark hair or dirty blonde. Little to no red heads. Celine Dion is the typical looking french canadian.

01-13-2015, 02:22 AM
They look atlantid med... Long noses, usually dark hair or dirty blonde. Little to no red heads. Celine Dion is the typical looking french canadian.

If you go to Quebec and observe the true ethnic french people there, you will know that Celine Dion is not the most typical. She's not even typical in her family, she's the oddball in her family as far as phenotype is concerned. I don't know why most people here say she's typical but she's not. To really understand what phenotypes are typical for Quebec you have to trace the population's roots back to the 2 or 3 provinces where the original settlers came from in France. I don't remember what those provinces are so maybe someone can tell us if they know. There's a thread entirely devoted the French Canadians, look for that because there are lots of photos of French Canadians there and you can decide for yourself. You can also search for French canadian or quebec and see individual threads devoted to them. You will certainly find that atlantid-med is not the dominant phenotype.

01-13-2015, 02:34 AM

01-13-2015, 02:42 AM
If you go to Quebec and observe the true ethnic french people there, you will know that Celine Dion is not the most typical. She's not even typical in her family, she's the oddball in her family as far as phenotype is concerned. I don't know why most people here say she's typical but she's not. To really understand what phenotypes are typical for Quebec you have to trace the population's roots back to the 2 or 3 provinces where the original settlers came from in France. I don't remember what those provinces are so maybe someone can tell us if they know. There's a thread entirely devoted the French Canadians, look for that because there are lots of photos of French Canadians there and you can decide for yourself. You can also search for French canadian or quebec and see individual threads devoted to them. You will certainly find that atlantid-med is not the dominant phenotype.

I'm doing my genealogy right now, I can say that we are mainly from La Rochelle, Poitou-Chartes, Perche-Chartres, Normandy, Britannia and Paris. These are the main eras where the settlers came from.

01-13-2015, 02:45 AM
They look atlantid med... Long noses, usually dark hair or dirty blonde. Little to no red heads. Celine Dion is the typical looking french canadian.

Celine Dion is not a good exemple. We are usually brown haired, but we have our share of blonde. We have red heads as well, they are not the most common, but they exist, more than you think

01-13-2015, 03:25 AM
Oddly enough, with the exception of maybe one or two people, most of the French Canadians I have run across were blue eyed blondes who I initially thought were German or Nordic. They were very courteous to me and quite proud of their French heritage.

01-13-2015, 05:06 AM
If you go to Quebec and observe the true ethnic french people there, you will know that Celine Dion is not the most typical. She's not even typical in her family, she's the oddball in her family as far as phenotype is concerned. I don't know why most people here say she's typical but she's not. To really understand what phenotypes are typical for Quebec you have to trace the population's roots back to the 2 or 3 provinces where the original settlers came from in France. I don't remember what those provinces are so maybe someone can tell us if they know. There's a thread entirely devoted the French Canadians, look for that because there are lots of photos of French Canadians there and you can decide for yourself. You can also search for French canadian or quebec and see individual threads devoted to them. You will certainly find that atlantid-med is not the dominant phenotype.
I live in Quebec and find that she looks unmistakably french canadian but these things are subjective. Then again I am noy exposed to other areas of quebec where it could be different.

11-25-2019, 03:08 AM
As a frequent visitor to Quebec the main phenotypes are Atlantid and Subnordid instead of meds. Their hair colour ranges from Blonde to medium brown. Eyes are mainly light or mixed occasionally dark. I’m not talking about Montreal which is a mixed bag but some towns which have majority Québécois population. Celine Dion types ain’t the most common. Natasha St Pierre and Isabelle Boulay are the more typical ones.

08-18-2020, 07:54 AM
French Canadian refers strictly to Canadians who descend from French colonists, typically from North/Western France. French Canadians are by default all considered "white" in Canada because they're a European descended ethnic group.

Anyways, they look like your typical people from Northern/Western France. They can have a wide variety of phenotypes. Ranging from blonde to medium brown hair, light eye colors to brown, and they usually look Alpine/Atlantid/Nordid, not med.