View Full Version : Classify Lebanese pornstar

01-02-2015, 11:23 PM
Mia khalifa


01-02-2015, 11:40 PM
She looks South Asian (I'm not trolling).

spanish catalan
01-02-2015, 11:44 PM

01-02-2015, 11:44 PM
IF you mean India (and proppably she could fit only in specific regions there) yes but other parts of south asia no

01-03-2015, 12:02 AM
More pics


01-03-2015, 12:12 AM
looks iranian

01-03-2015, 12:15 AM
Where's sikeliot?

01-03-2015, 12:18 AM
She looks South Asian (I'm not trolling).

Dude how is that trolling? It's your opinion bro come on man

01-03-2015, 12:20 AM
Nice rack. ;) She looks Turk.

01-03-2015, 12:39 AM

01-03-2015, 12:52 AM

Well that's part of the theme but not a proper classification...hornyoid?

01-03-2015, 01:15 AM
She looks South Asian to me also.

01-03-2015, 06:12 AM

01-03-2015, 06:21 AM
Irandid. Its a shame that a beauty like her would work in a degenerate career.

01-03-2015, 07:02 AM
Iranid-indid. doesn't look Levantine. But then again whole of Middle east has received South Asian-like genetic input. Probably from Islamic migrations or possible even Roma. But even in Turkey, South Indian affinity is there and significant.

01-03-2015, 07:10 AM
Iranid-indid. doesn't look Levantine. But then again whole of Middle east has received South Asian-like genetic input. Probably from Islamic migrations or possible even Roma. But even in Turkey, South Indian affinity is there and significant.

pre-islamic horny indian traders is more like it

Fear Fiain
01-03-2015, 07:15 AM
Mia khalifa



seriously. unwankable.

01-03-2015, 07:17 AM

01-03-2015, 07:20 AM
Doesn't look Levantine? According to Apricity Levantines are more Southern European than half of Italy and the Balkans.

01-03-2015, 07:24 AM
Irandid. Its a shame that a beauty like her would work in a degenerate career.

Oh. You want her to be ending up being the second wife of a sheik?

01-03-2015, 07:44 AM
She's dark... But she has a classic Lebanese face. Look at that nose.


01-03-2015, 07:50 AM
Perfectly in the Levantine range and she's quite pretty too. Some people really need to stop thinking that the Levant is some extension of Europe, or even remotely linked to is, as it is absolutely not in all ways (genetics, history, phenotypes, etc)
A random group of Levantines has much more chance to pass in Saudi Arabia than anywhere in Europe
All of the ethnicities there have significant genetic overlap with peninsular Arabs as well, which is shown in all PCA's/plots and papers.

All this commotion on fora about them is laughable at best. They're about the same breed as most Turks, Kurds, Iranians, Azeris, Armenians, etc in terms of pigmentation and ''Europeaness'' which is, exactly, definetely not close to Europeans.
Only the Jordanians/Palestinians/Levantine Bedouins deviate from this due to stronger pulls towards peninsular Arabs.

01-03-2015, 08:07 AM
Doesn't look Levantine? According to Apricity Levantines are more Southern European than half of Italy and the Balkans.

To me she looks levantine Arabid.

01-03-2015, 08:28 AM
Assyrid = Armenid + Arabid

01-03-2015, 08:30 AM
Assyrid = Armenid + Arabid


01-03-2015, 04:24 PM
Doesn't look Levantine? According to Apricity Levantines are more Southern European than half of Italy and the Balkans.

Nobody here thinks that at all. Anyways, it's not her pigmentation (although she is dark); her phenotype isn't common. She gives off a pseudo-indid vibe. That's not to say she couldn't pass here of course, but she's not typical.

01-03-2015, 04:30 PM
Nobody here thinks that at all.

I can immediately name you one who does.

01-03-2015, 04:31 PM
I can immediately name you one who does.

Sikeliot? I can't think of anyone else who would.

01-03-2015, 04:35 PM
Perfectly in the Levantine range and she's quite pretty too. Some people really need to stop thinking that the Levant is some extension of Europe, or even remotely linked to is, as it is absolutely not in all ways (genetics, history, phenotypes, etc)
A random group of Levantines has much more chance to pass in Saudi Arabia than anywhere in Europe
All of the ethnicities there have significant genetic overlap with peninsular Arabs as well, which is shown in all PCA's/plots and papers.

All this commotion on fora about them is laughable at best. They're about the same breed as most Turks, Kurds, Iranians, Azeris, Armenians, etc in terms of pigmentation and ''Europeaness'' which is, exactly, definetely not close to Europeans.
Only the Jordanians/Palestinians/Levantine Bedouins deviate from this due to stronger pulls towards peninsular Arabs.

This is line with pretty much all genetic studies and phenotypes in the region.

01-03-2015, 04:38 PM
Would whitewash

01-03-2015, 04:38 PM
This is line with pretty much all genetic studies and phenotypes in the region.

Only part of his post is true, and it is not in line with scientific evidence. The Levant is basically a bridge between the two regions, with some populations there being pulled towards each side.

01-03-2015, 04:38 PM
I fapped to her video weeks ago i thought she was indian pakistani

01-03-2015, 04:40 PM
Asiatic Alpine + something else.

https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/thumbs/3929D68CD01143807576539103232_3.0.1.71318225882749 3567.mp4.jpg?versionId=MM8HJCqw9a0K2M1rnQi18esOZ6A fbPRf


In the video:



01-03-2015, 04:41 PM
^ 90% of Lebanese look identical to Italians and Greeks actually

Lebanon is part of Europe originally and the name "Lebanon" comes actually from the sentence the lebanese people said to other europeans back then when they wanted to move their geographical location ...they said "Let me be ...even though I am European I want my soil to get tagged to the near east you morons because I can need distance from you"

01-03-2015, 07:50 PM

01-03-2015, 08:54 PM
I don't think she's Lebanese. I think she's Iranian posting as Lebanese so the psycho Iranian Shias wont kill here or something.

01-03-2015, 08:55 PM
^ 90% of Lebanese look identical to Italians and Greeks actually

Lebanese are not Indo-Europeans and do not resemble them on average. And on average most Southern Europeans do not look Semitic, like Lebanese etc.

I don't think you have ever visited Southern Europe, you must be out of your mind, saying this.

01-03-2015, 09:07 PM
Lebanese are not Indo-Europeans and do not resemble them on average. And on average most Southern Europeans do not look Semitic, like Lebanese etc.

I don't think you have ever visited Southern Europe, you must be out of your mind, saying this.

what are you serious ? Lebanese are almost identical to Italians and Greeks

90% can fit easily ...maybe even 95%

01-03-2015, 09:09 PM
what are you serious ? Lebanese are almost identical to Italians and Greeks

90% can fit easily ...maybe even 95%

Are you on drugs or something?

01-03-2015, 09:14 PM
Are you on drugs or something?

I think you are on drugs tbh.

Lebanese are actually European people

dont you see how most Lebanese that are posted here look euro ?

are you trolling me right now ? :confused:

if you dont believe me take a look





01-03-2015, 09:18 PM
I think you are on drugs tbh.

Lebanese are actually European people

dont you see how most Lebanese that are posted here look euro ?

are you trolling me right now ? :confused:

if you dont believe me take a look





Ofcourse SOME will pass. It was heavily settled by Greeks and Romans who buttraped many levantines. LOL JOKER.
Many Lebanese Christians are actually Greeks and Armenians not Arabic.

Most will not, not even in southern parts, you will clearly see they're not from there.

01-03-2015, 09:19 PM
Lebanese are not an Indo-European people.

01-03-2015, 09:21 PM
Lebanese do not look identical to southern Europeans, but this woman is also not typically Levantine either. It doesn't have to be either or.

01-03-2015, 09:23 PM
Lebanese do not look identical to southern Europeans, but this woman is also not typically Levantine either. It doesn't have to be either or.

I am just trolling the retard troll

01-03-2015, 09:27 PM
I am just trolling the retard troll

Well take a look in the mirror, handsome.

01-10-2015, 02:31 PM
Perfectly in the Levantine range and she's quite pretty too. Some people really need to stop thinking that the Levant is some extension of Europe, or even remotely linked to is, as it is absolutely not in all ways (genetics, history, phenotypes, etc)
A random group of Levantines has much more chance to pass in Saudi Arabia than anywhere in Europe
All of the ethnicities there have significant genetic overlap with peninsular Arabs as well, which is shown in all PCA's/plots and papers.

All this commotion on fora about them is laughable at best. They're about the same breed as most Turks, Kurds, Iranians, Azeris, Armenians, etc in terms of pigmentation and ''Europeaness'' which is, exactly, definetely not close to Europeans.
Only the Jordanians/Palestinians/Levantine Bedouins deviate from this due to stronger pulls towards peninsular Arabs.

There's no doubt about what you have said. The levant indeed has no ties with Europe whatsoever whether its culturally or racially, but unfortunately, we have many OWDers who say otherwise, and they would scape goat and demonize Arabians, Blacks and other peoples just to gain acceptance from Europeans. Levantines DO have significant Arabian admixture, and its all shows in their phenotype and genotype. I was born and raised in Oman for 10 years and currently living in the UAE, and im very happy that im continue in living in peace with my family and friends without worrying about whats happening in the outside world. Middle Easterners and NAs are MUCH more closer together genetically than to Europeans or to any races.

"Network analysis of the J-M267 included 448 haplotypes, mostly from Middle Eastern populations (Figure S3D). J-M267 was found in all North Africans except the Tuareg. All North Africans also shared the modal haplotype with the Levantines. Diversity estimates within haplogroup J-M267 were 0.9524 ± 0.0067 and 2.9387 ± 1.5428 for HD and MPD, respectively.

Haplogroup J-M172 was frequent in Middle Eastern groups (73.9%), and less in Europeans (18.5%) and North Africans (7%) (Figure S3C). J-M172 network shows that clusters are shared mostly between Middle Easterners and Europeans and that most North African lineages stem out from Middle Eastern clusters."

"Genetic affinity between the studied groups was further investigated by calculating pairwise genetic distances (RST) using Y-STR haplotypes. The MDS (Figure 2B) shows a geographical clustering similar to the PCA. The first dimension splits the sub-Saharan Africans from all other populations. The North Africans cluster close to Middle Easterners with Tuareg drawn towards sub-Saharans and Egypt close to Palestinians."

"Results show significant variance among groups when Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia were pooled in one group and Libya, Tuareg, Egypt and the Middle East pooled in the second group. Variance among groups decreases but remains significant when Libyans and Tuareg are added to the first group. Conversely, significant differences between groups are lost when Egyptians are added to the North African group (Table S3). This result is also reflected in the PCA and MDS and shows Egypt's strong affinity to the Middle East rather than to North Africa."

"To examine population relations and the time depth in which the North African structures have emerged, we employed BATWING to create hypotheses on historical population splitting and coalescent events. BATWING results show that North Africans form their own branch, which is close to Middle Easterners (Figure 3). Egypt appears on the Middle East branch rather than with other North Africans, again in agreement with previous analyses."


More --> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3842387/

01-10-2015, 02:34 PM
Nice body. Would bang this Levantine wench.

01-10-2015, 02:36 PM
Not true that MENAs are with no racial ties with Europeans. They are two branches of the Caucasian race.

01-10-2015, 02:47 PM
I prefer natural boobs

01-10-2015, 03:10 PM
There's no doubt about what you have said. The levant indeed has no ties with Europe whatsoever whether its culturally or racially, but unfortunately, we have many OWDers who say otherwise, and they would scape goat and demonize Arabians, Blacks and other peoples just to gain acceptance from Europeans. Levantines DO have significant Arabian admixture, and its all shows in their phenotype and genotype. I was born and raised in Oman for 10 years and currently living in the UAE, and im very happy that im continue in living in peace with my family and friends without worrying about whats happening in the outside world. Middle Easterners and NAs are MUCH more closer together genetically than to Europeans or to any races.

And the sky is purple because I said so. Stop obsessing over shit that no one is claiming. When is the last time you've seen a Levantine on anthrofora trying to associate/be accepted by Europeans? And weren't YOU the one making racist remarks about blacks a few months ago?

01-10-2015, 03:15 PM
And weren't YOU the one making racist remarks about blacks a few months ago?
Only a few members here don't.:rolleyes:

01-10-2015, 03:24 PM
Only a few members here don't.:rolleyes:

Yeah and they do because they associate the word ''black'' with trashy african-americans!

01-10-2015, 03:26 PM
Yeah and they do because they associate the word ''black'' with trashy african-americans!
Africans of Africa are different from Aframs, yet they don't appeal to most people either.

01-10-2015, 03:28 PM
she looks good, and would be perfect without fake boobs

01-10-2015, 07:30 PM
Dude how is that trolling? It's your opinion bro come on man

Some people can see this as trolling.

01-10-2015, 07:48 PM
People should know there is a big difference between porn actrice and pornstar.. if she's a porn star what's jenna jameson than? goddess of porn :D