View Full Version : Classify UK-based Indian billionaire Gulam Noon

Tooting Carmen
04-08-2015, 06:11 PM
He's from Mumbai but has lived for several decades in London. A strange look for an Indian.

04-08-2015, 06:20 PM
^Gulam Noon is a Gujarati.

Tooting Carmen
04-08-2015, 06:22 PM
^Gulam Noon is a Gujarati.

But from Mumbai. Anyway, how'd you classify him?

04-08-2015, 07:50 PM
Is he pure? maybe old age distorts too, got younger photos? Looks almost Borreby-ish in these ones

Tooting Carmen
04-08-2015, 08:13 PM
Is he pure? maybe old age distorts too, got younger photos? Looks almost Borreby-ish in these ones

Cannot find any I'm afraid.

04-08-2015, 10:31 PM

04-08-2015, 11:21 PM
Dinarized Borreby/Indo-Brachid

06-11-2017, 11:37 AM

06-11-2017, 12:03 PM
Looks pure Caucasoid. No Australoid in him (phenotypically). Could pass as European.

Guys like this just proves that if was not for the Australoid blood Indians would resemble Europeans a lot. It just crush the dreams of Indian nationalists.

06-11-2017, 12:06 PM
His name sounds like a Batman Villain.

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2017, 06:08 PM
Looks pure Caucasoid. No Australoid in him (phenotypically). Could pass as European.

Guys like this just proves that if was not for the Australoid blood Indians would resemble Europeans a lot. It just crush the dreams of Indian nationalists.

Middle Easterners most of the time don't even resemble Europeans, so why would South Asians?

06-11-2017, 06:11 PM
Middle Easterners most of the time don't even resemble Europeans, so why would South Asians?

Well Middle Easterners and Europeans clearly belong to the same race.

My bet is that most Indians would look more like North Caucasians than like Europeans if not for the Australoid blood.

06-11-2017, 06:13 PM
He looks very strange indeed. Reminds me of the Druze Lebanese politician(can't remember his name).

06-11-2017, 06:16 PM
almost looked white shows diversity of India

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2017, 06:18 PM
Well Middle Easterners and Europeans clearly belong to the same race.

Only to an extent. Despite bordering each other, Greeks and Turks still look pretty distinct from each other as a group. There is also Mongoloid/Turanid admixture in Turkey, SSA in the Levant and especially the Gulf, Indian in Iran etc.

06-11-2017, 06:26 PM
cool guy. aryan castes

06-11-2017, 06:42 PM
Only to an extent. Despite bordering each other, Greeks and Turks still look pretty distinct from each other as a group. There is also Mongoloid/Turanid admixture in Turkey, SSA in the Levant and especially the Gulf, Indian in Iran etc.

Yes. But both are full Caucasoid. Non-Caucasoid admixture is high only in some groups of the Arabian Peninsula.

There's more overlap between Europe and the Middle East than people would like to admit.

Tooting Carmen
06-11-2017, 06:47 PM
Yes. But both are full Caucasoid. Non-Caucasoid admixture is high only in some groups of the Arabian Peninsula.

There's more overlap between Europe and the Middle East than people would like to admit.

Only in the Mediterranean regions of both, but even they still look distinct from each other. There is not really any overlap between Scandinavia and Arabia, except maybe for some extremely atypical/rare individuals. Even within Europe itself, the far North and the far South of the continent only have at most a 15-20% overlap with each other phenotype-wise.

06-11-2017, 07:00 PM
Only in the Mediterranean regions of both, but even they still look distinct from each other. There is not really any overlap between Scandinavia and Arabia, except maybe for some extremely atypical/rare individuals. Even within Europe itself, the far North and the far South of the continent only have at most a 15-20% overlap with each other phenotype-wise.

I'm not saying that they look the same. The basic structure is the same though.

But as I said in another thread, this whole thing of passing is a little more complex than people here would like to admit. Only Nordics, SSAs and Mongoloids are totally unpassable in most foreign countries.

06-11-2017, 07:08 PM
Looks pure Caucasoid. No Australoid in him (phenotypically). Could pass as European.

Guys like this just proves that if was not for the Australoid blood Indians would resemble Europeans a lot. It just crush the dreams of Indian nationalists.

You clearly are an anti-Hindu troll. I did a quick google search on this man, Gulam Noon, and he's an Indian Muslim, which means he has tons of invader non-Indian ancestry in him and that probably explains his lighter skin tone and "European" look.

If anything, he's the type that Hindu nationalists despise.

06-11-2017, 07:11 PM
Not to mention Indian Muslims mixed with British colonials the most.