View Full Version : How prevalent is the 'Slavic look' in Poland?

Mario M.
06-18-2015, 01:06 PM
I know that a couple of years ago Poland used to be a very homogeneous country where most people were ethnic Poles. So most people had light eye pigmentation (blue/green/grey eyes) and light skin tone. And after that, there has been a lot of genetic mixing with people of other ethnicities. So as a result, there are more Pontid types in Poland. So the light skin-light eyes population must have deceased. But my question is, has it decreased significantly? Do a majority of Poles have lighter features? When I search Polish people on Google, a significant number of results show people with black hair and slightly dark skin. Is this the most common look in Poland nowadays?

06-18-2015, 01:11 PM
What? Majority of Poles look very Slavic, and fair. And I saw lot of them. I think they are one of nations that mixed the least.

PS ''dark'' Poles don't really look exotic to me, just normal darker Slavic phenotypes.

06-18-2015, 01:13 PM
My great-grandparents looked stereotypically Slavic as can be.

Violin Spider
06-18-2015, 01:34 PM
My grandmother was from Warsaw, she looked Slavic-Baltic indeed, fair skin and very light colours too.

06-18-2015, 02:27 PM
What ethnicities Poles are mixed with at first place?

06-18-2015, 02:34 PM
OP seems a grade A ignoramus.

Violin Spider
06-18-2015, 02:52 PM
OP seems a grade A ignoramus.
At least he's not an ignorant European, he's pretty far from our territory, that would be a little excuse :p