View Full Version : Classify me

07-19-2010, 07:53 PM
Okay, I believe the time has come to get myself classified. I have a fairly sure idea of what sub-race I belong to, but I'd like to hear it from an expert.

I'm also the result of two rather racially different European ethnicities which may make me harder to classify and I'm still quite young aswell.

But I'm sure I won't be too hard to classify :)

07-19-2010, 07:59 PM
Mostly Baltid

07-19-2010, 07:59 PM
I classify you as a younger version of me.

07-19-2010, 08:02 PM
Baltid FTW!

07-19-2010, 08:02 PM
Borreby + Baltid

07-19-2010, 08:04 PM
West Baltid

You look mostly Swedish imo.

07-19-2010, 08:27 PM
Well looks like you all have agreed on that I'm Baltid. :thumbs up
I've always known I've been Baltid, but I haven't been sure about wether I've been West,East or just Baltid proper.

Pallantides; as far as I'm aware, I have close to no Swedish blood in me. I'm part Finnish and part Hungarian. My Finnish part of the family have been livin in eastern Finland ( near Kuopio ) for almost four centuries and my Hungarian family comes from Somogy, sw Hungary and came to Sweden following the failed revolution of 1956.

Surprisingly, all my Hungarian ancestors look very Dinaric, yet I don't see a single Dinaric trait in me. Except, perhaps my hair which is rather dark nowadays, my hair used to be ash-blonde till I was ten years old and is now more medium-brown.

Thanks for the fast replies :)

07-19-2010, 08:28 PM
Yeay, Kuopio! :thumbs

07-19-2010, 08:31 PM
Pallantides; as far as I'm aware, I have close to no Swedish blood in me. I'm part Finnish and part Hungarian. My Finnish part of the family have been livin in eastern Finland ( near Kuopio ) for almost four centuries and my Hungarian family comes from Somogy, sw Hungary and came to Sweden following the failed revolution of 1956.

Lol seems I was bit off with the Swedish.:p

So you're like Ville Valo then, he has a Hungarian mother and Finnish father.

Surprisingly, all my Hungarian ancestors look very Dinaric, yet I don't see a single Dinaric trait in me. Except, perhaps my hair which is rather dark nowadays, my hair used to be ash-blonde till I was ten years old and is now more medium-brown.

Thanks for the fast replies :)

Dominant Finnish genes:D

* lol I noticed Põhjamaalane removed his thanks to my post

07-19-2010, 08:55 PM
Lol seems I was bit off with the Swedish.

Hehe, don't let the Swedish flag in my description fool you ;)

So you're like Ville Valo then, he has a Hungarian mother and Finnish father.

Had no idea who that was. But yep exactly, except my father is Hungarian and my mother a Finn, so it's vice versa :tongue .I could have sworn I was the only Hungarian/Finnish mix in the world, we are a unique breed to say the least.

07-20-2010, 10:01 PM
You actually look a bit like the American actor Michael Pitt

07-20-2010, 10:21 PM
You actually look a bit like the American actor Michael Pitt

Maybe so, but minus the red beard :biggrin:

By the way, anyone else except Pallantides who might have any idea of wether I'm East, or West Baltid? ( Agrippa? :D )

07-20-2010, 10:27 PM
You look northern Slavic

07-20-2010, 10:39 PM
Slavic is just an ethno-linguistic group, is it not?

07-20-2010, 10:44 PM
Slavic is just an ethno-linguistic group, is it not?

Not just that, it's also a way of life and a fashion statement.


07-20-2010, 10:44 PM
I have a fairly sure idea of what sub-race I belong to,

You are very lucky, as most of us don't since we're all mixtures of different types really. It's not an exact science.

07-20-2010, 10:53 PM
Not just that, it's also a way of life and a fashion statement.

Okay, I take your word for it :thumb001:

You are very lucky, as most of us don't since we're all mixtures of different types really. It's not an exact science.

You are right, I've noticed that about Western Euroepans and especially New Worlders. I guess I'm lucky indeed.

07-21-2010, 09:40 AM
You look like a typical Finn to me. I can't see any Hungarian in you.

07-21-2010, 10:19 AM
I can't see any Hungarian in you.

I am not a specialist of Hungary of course but it seems that Hungary has pretty many different subracial types.I looked at Hungarian members of Myspace.com and saw pretty many baltid faces there.

07-21-2010, 11:15 AM
You look like a typical Finn to me. I can't see any Hungarian in you.

I've never been to Hungary and don't really know what a "typical" Hungarian would be like, but I agree that Kossu would not look out of place at all here.

07-21-2010, 05:49 PM
I am not a specialist of Hungary of course but it seems that Hungary has pretty many different subracial types.I looked at Hungarian members of Myspace.com and saw pretty many baltid faces there.

Well I do resemble my Finnish mother moreso than my Hungarian father. His hair is quite dark but not black, his eyes are green and he has the typical Dinaric nose. Which are quite usual Dinaric traits, whereas I'm Baltid from my mothers side and hardly resemble any Dinaric peson at all.

Yes, it's true that alot of Magyars belong to the Baltid ( or the controversial Neo-Danubian ) subrace, however 15-20% Magyars are Dinarics and most of them live in sw Hungary, where I'm from. Either way, the Baltid features I have comes solely from my Finnish side :)

07-21-2010, 06:44 PM
Yes, it's true that alot of Magyars belong to the Baltid ( or the controversial Neo-Danubian ) subrace, however 15-20% Magyars are Dinarics and most of them live in sw Hungary, where I'm from. Either way, the Baltid features I have comes solely from my Finnish side :)



07-22-2010, 02:41 AM
I always have a hard time interpreting maps like this, but I assume what the map is trying to prove is that Magyars are Alpine with a Neo-Danubian minority? Surely, Neo-Danubians are the majority? Bartucz and McCulloch believed so, as did Coon if I'm not too wrong. :confused:

And I can't see any Dinarics in Hungary or South Eastern Europe at all for that matter, or maybe I'm just blind.

How reliable would this map be?

07-22-2010, 04:03 AM
Viva Finno-Ugrics.

07-22-2010, 04:10 AM
How reliable would this map be?

Great job for the author of this map but... my eyes are bleeding now

07-22-2010, 09:27 AM
I always have a hard time interpreting maps like this, but I assume what the map is trying to prove is that Magyars are Alpine with a Neo-Danubian minority? Surely, Neo-Danubians are the majority? Bartucz and McCulloch believed so, as did Coon if I'm not too wrong. :confused:

And I can't see any Dinarics in Hungary or South Eastern Europe at all for that matter, or maybe I'm just blind.

How reliable would this map be?

It's not that good, atleast in regards to Norway, there is definitly a large East Baltid and a minor Lappid presence in the eastern counties of Oppland, Akershus and Hedmark.

There is as much phenotypical varity among us eastern Norwegians as it is in the west, it seem many of the people who make these sort of "racial" maps have very little knowledge of the historical immigrations to Norway and even migrations within Norway.

07-22-2010, 10:12 AM
You are right Pallantides. I also think the spread of Hallstatts in Scandinavia is overexagerated. I live in Westrogothia ( Västergötland ) and this is allegedly the place with the highest number of Hallstatts in the world, yet I actually find more Alpines, Faelids and Borrebys here, and they aren't even illustrated on the map. I've also encountered alot of Baltids, so they aren't just restricted to Norbotten as the map illustrates. But I actually believe this map is better than most I've seen so far. I found it on Stormfront half a year ago or so, I've no idea who made it.

07-22-2010, 09:01 PM
Yes, it's true that alot of Magyars belong to the Baltid ( or the controversial Neo-Danubian ) subrace, however 15-20% Magyars are Dinarics and most of them live in sw Hungary, where I'm from.
I would appreciate if someone could let me know the characteristics of the Hungarian people's faces.What is their facial index compared to the neighbours?Maybe i am totally wrong but i looked some women pics at Myspace and it seemed to me that Hungarians have a bit more round faces than Slovaks, for example.

07-22-2010, 10:34 PM
I would appreciate if someone could let me know the characteristics of the Hungarian people's faces.What is their facial index compared to the neighbours?Maybe i am totally wrong but i looked some women pics at Myspace and it seemed to me that Hungarians have a bit more round faces than Slovaks, for example.

Round faces are an Alpinid characteristic right? I believe Alpines to be more frequent among Magyars than Slovaks, so that might be why.

07-23-2010, 07:09 PM
I always have a hard time interpreting maps like this, but I assume what the map is trying to prove is that Magyars are Alpine with a Neo-Danubian minority? Surely, Neo-Danubians are the majority? Bartucz and McCulloch believed so, as did Coon if I'm not too wrong. :confused:

And I can't see any Dinarics in Hungary or South Eastern Europe at all for that matter, or maybe I'm just blind.

How reliable would this map be?

That map is probably the most false anthropological map I have ever seen.

There are also no Baltids in Hungary, Alpines yes, but no Baltids. Baltids and Alpines are similar, but not the same.

W. R.
07-23-2010, 08:53 PM
Great job for the author of this map but... my eyes are bleeding nowBlame the person who added the colours. The author's initial variant was pretty colourless.

07-23-2010, 10:06 PM
There are also no Baltids in Hungary, Alpines yes, but no Baltids. Baltids and Alpines are similar, but not the same.

Well, I'm not really an expert on the subject, but according to McCulloch 35% of all Magyars are Neo-Danubian. Bartucz believed there to be 20% Baltids in Hungary, and both of them believed Baltids being at a higher number than Alpines. Eventhough both of them represented a way too high number of Turanids in Hungary ( both of them around 25-30% ) which obviously is bollocks, so I'm not sure about wether the distribution of Baltids/Alpines is correct either. I'm not quite sure what Coon thought though.. but I guess that map you showed me was one of his ? But stating that there is no Baltids in Hungary at all is rather ignorant, no offense intended.

07-23-2010, 10:18 PM
Well, I'm not really an expert on the subject, but according to McCulloch 35% of all Magyars are Neo-Danubian. Bartucz believed there to be 20% Baltids in Hungary, and both of them believed Baltids being at a higher number than Alpines. Eventhough both of them represented a way too high number of Turanids in Hungary ( both of them around 25-30% ) which obviously is bollocks, so I'm not sure about wether the distribution of Baltids/Alpines is correct either. I'm not quite sure what Coon thought though.. but I guess that map you showed me was one of his ? But stating that there is no Baltids in Hungary at all is rather ignorant, no offense intended.

Baltid (http://www.theapricity.com/snpa/rg-baltid.htm) in SNPA.

Hungary isn't in NE-Europe.

For some reason, a lot of people over empathize the relations of Hungarians and Finns/Estonians.

Hungarians are genetically closest to their neighbours, Germanics and Slavs. Hungarians also look like neighbouring peoples.

That's right, Hungarians are more similar genetically and anthropologically to people 100km north/west/south/east of Hungary, than to people 1500 kilometres north of them.

07-23-2010, 10:28 PM
For some reason, a lot of people over empathize the relations of Hungarians and Finns/Estonians.

It's because of the linguistic connection, which isn't as close as many seem to think.

07-23-2010, 10:33 PM
It's because of the linguistic connection, which isn't as close as many seem to think.

Yes, a lot of people think that the entire Finno-Ugric group is very close in culture/language etc.

To put that linguistic distance into Indo-European terms...

Finnish is as similar to Hungarian as English is to Persian. That's my opinion.

07-23-2010, 10:33 PM
Hungary isn't in NE-Europe.

For some reason, a lot of people over empathize the relations of Hungarians and Finns/Estonians.

Hungarians are genetically closest to their neighbours, Germanics and Slavs. Hungarians also look like neighbouring peoples.

That's right, Hungarians are more similar genetically and anthropologically to people 100km north/west/south/east of Hungary, than to people 1500 kilometres north of them.

Well, I don't like the whole Finno-Ugric theory either. Finns are more related to the Dutch, than to Magyars and Magyars are more related to Poles than to Finns. There might have been some linguistic connection in the past, but modern Magyars and Finns don't have much in common. The N haplo is not found among Magyars either ( or is it?? ), while R1a1 is. So yes you are correct. But ofcourse there is Baltids in Hungary, even in that map you showed me it said that we were Alpines with a Neo-Danubian minority. I haven't really seen any anthroplogist who have denied the existence of Baltids in Hungary. Either way I don't feel like arguing about this.

07-23-2010, 10:57 PM
It's because of the linguistic connection, which isn't as close as many seem to think.

Well, I am in fact not the one who overrates linguistical aspects.At least I do not believe that there are Balto-Finnic and Baltic "subraces" and those subraces look completely different.;)

Btw, are Hungarian and Finnish as different as English and Persian?What about similar pronunciation for instance or is it just coincidental.

I just asked about Baltid Hungarians because I read at somewhere that Hungarians may look pretty Baltid.But who knows, maybe those pics I saw were just Alpinid, not Baltid.;)