View Full Version : Inside the Saudi Kingdom 1/6

08-10-2010, 11:37 PM

Grumpy Cat
08-10-2010, 11:56 PM
Why are Western countries still buying oil from those creeps when there is lots of perfectly good oil in Canada?

08-11-2010, 12:00 AM
Why are Western countries still buying oil from those creeps when there is lots of perfectly good oil in Canada?

Indeed, why? :(


Grumpy Cat
08-11-2010, 12:07 AM
Well, it's been said that if the Saudis pulled their money out of the US, the economy would crash.

But still... there's Europe. I mean I just heard this though a Norwegian friend of mine, who claimed that during the Saudi oil embargo in the 80s, Saudi Arabia said they would resume sending oil to Europe if they increased their immigration from Muslim countries. The mosques in Europe which preach an intolerant version of Islam are largely Saudi-funded too.

I also watched a documentary once on how the Saudis pay off the education boards in many countries to not teach about historical atrocities committed by Muslims.

Oh yeah, and I have no doubts in my mind that the rumours being pushed in the American media about Canadian oil being "dirty" has somewhat of a Saudi link... since the Saudi Kingdom does own how much of Time Warner?

08-11-2010, 12:11 AM
If it involves oil and money, be sure to see the pack of diseased wolves picking prime chunks regardless of where it comes from.

08-11-2010, 12:13 AM
I have to be honest, I thoroughly enjoy Saudi Arabia's existence. Minus the whole Bin Laden 9/11 ordeal. They are not all monsters and to be accurate and fair by the time 9/11 occurred Bin Laden had for years already been hated and wanted by Saudi royals.

I like their culture and how they have preserved it. I like Western culture better due to it's evident superiority yet I wholly respect and admire Saudi culture and their protection of it. I see them as good friends, they are good harbingers of conservatism and this makes me happy.

Grumpy Cat
08-11-2010, 12:20 AM
There are more respectful people in the Middle East. Like the Iraqis, Iranians, Kuwaitis, or the Lebanese. Palestinians too.

I don't get why the US attacked Iraq when the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis and Egyptians.

And Saudis try to push their culture on other parts of the Middle East, and on Muslims living in the West.

08-11-2010, 12:24 AM
I don't get why the US attacked Iraq when the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis and Egyptians.

Saddam had cut his strings and was a puppet gone mad. The US thought it prudent to rein him in and "deal with him" by any means necessary.

Grumpy Cat
08-11-2010, 12:24 AM
Saddam had cut his strings and was a puppet gone mad. The US thought it prudent to rein him in and "deal with him" by any means necessary.

They should have dealt with him in 1991.

08-11-2010, 01:15 AM
Why are Western countries still buying oil from those creeps when there is lots of perfectly good oil in Canada?

because the saudis became a american vassal sometimes just after ww1. Getting guns and training and being protected against the british empire that held iraq, palestine, yemen, egypt..

What exactly the americans hoped to gain must have been a bit open, aside from keeping the empire from enveloping all. Oil came much later. And the more oil bought from the saudis, the more guns can be exported.
And lets not forget that for every plane a foreign nation buys, the us military gets one too. They are that overpriced.

08-11-2010, 01:21 AM
Why are Western countries still buying oil from those creeps when there is lots of perfectly good oil in Canada?

Indeed, why? :(

Because Canadian oil is mostly in the form of tar sands, which are more expensive to exploit and take more energy to transform into a usable product.

08-11-2010, 01:22 AM
Saddam had cut his strings and was a puppet gone mad. The US thought it prudent to rein him in and "deal with him" by any means necessary.

Not quite, he still considered himself protected by the us, and with ussr gone, thought he was allowed to do anything he wanted... aslong as he didnt hurt any of the other us puppets.
When it turned out he was mistaken, he withdrew and offered to sell the country to the us :p

iirc 50 billion dollars or some such rather silly sum. The price tage of less than 1/10 of the initial first day missile barrage.. Im quite surprised mossad didnt pressure the us to pay and let mossad own iraq. Owning babylon and all of that, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm1g8FFRArc (as zionist as it gets)

08-11-2010, 03:01 AM
Saddam was just another character on the remove-list of the U.S./Israel/Western Europe.

Do you all really believe your beloved Europe and Canada are somehow "clean" on the issue of the Middle East? You are being played as puppets in a game. Europe is just as much involved and in toe with the U.S. and Israel as they possibly could be, the mentality that somehow they aren't is naive. They are joined at the hip wake up.

You guys act like Europe is not an entity, as if the U.S. controls Europe or Canada, wake up call, it doesn't. ALL these nations are 100% together internationally in regards to the Middle East, any public or political hoopla that suggests they aren't is a smoke screen to hide that they are. Smart people are at the helm and to think your beloved Canada or Europe are somehow "above" it all is laughable if not outright amusing.