View Full Version : Serbian gay activists and their opponents

09-22-2015, 07:37 PM
The Gay Pride Parade was held in Belgrade on Sunday for the the second year in a row.

Boris Milicević, gay activist, firts declared gay politician in Serbia

Dušan Kosanović, gay activist, organizer of gay pride parade

Goran Miletić, gay activist, organizer of gay pride parade

Dragan Marković Palma, politician, opponent of gay pride parade

Uroš Mišić, well-known Red Star Belgrade football fan who arrested because he planned the attack on gay pride parade marchers

Vladan Glišić, politician, opponent of gay pride parade

09-22-2015, 08:48 PM

http://www.alo.rs/resources/images/0000/012/513/Gej%20parada%20popovi%20foto%20Petar%20dimitrijevi c%20(2)_1000x1000.jpg


09-22-2015, 08:50 PM
LOL. hipsters everywhere. look at those caricatures at the parade

09-22-2015, 08:54 PM

We just need to get Leonid Simonovich-Nikshich to participate next year.

09-22-2015, 09:25 PM
Dragan Markovic Palma is borreby, but could be an elephant sea too.

09-22-2015, 09:34 PM
I'm for gay rights!

09-22-2015, 09:34 PM

http://www.alo.rs/resources/images/0000/012/513/Gej%20parada%20popovi%20foto%20Petar%20dimitrijevi c%20(2)_1000x1000.jpg

Opponents are outnumbered, but they're armed with powerful spells.

09-22-2015, 09:39 PM
btw.. serbians are quite depigmented.. i'd say more than the average italian

this is seen also with my serb average morph

..Beograd is 45 paralel, like turin tought..

09-22-2015, 09:45 PM
Oh the second year already of the Parade. So apparently they made it, after this:
Gay rights march in Belgrade triggers violent riots


09-22-2015, 09:46 PM
I'm for gay rights!

Lol, I don't think homosexuals we're dragged out of their homes and executed in public, or even jailed or perscuted in Europe before this "Gay Right" agenda started to gain momentum these recent Years....

Sure you wanna fuck a dude in the ass, or if you're a girl and like to lick a vagina that tastes like battery acid, be my guest.... what happends in your bedroom is none of my concern.

What I don't like is these annual circus parades of every clown, freak, perv and sexual deviant to gather in the city center to be put on display dressed like 5 dollar bangkog hookers. That is rather distasteful....I'm afraid !
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/11889594_10153080901132467_3552326947363010972_n.j pg?oh=f64e9d006f8e3d2c91105ac75b2a4f30&oe=56A94283
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11898517_10153080905527467_7923225378823302408_n.j pg?oh=970c1065bf5ff7976f1a37fd7194cc36&oe=566576B3
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11898672_10153080898557467_5679887764877301041_n.j pg?oh=4133ce7f5012c3b3642baded5ab4a702&oe=5665D291

09-22-2015, 09:51 PM

why do you judge? they are free to parade as they like

what i m not shure is gay adoption.. but at the end some people convinced me that gays should adopt

09-22-2015, 09:57 PM

why do you judge? they are free to parade as they like

what i m not shure is gay adoption.. but at the end some people convinced me that gays should adopt

Listen I'm not judging, like seriously what purpose does these annual clown carnivals serve ?

Being proud of a Sexual-orientation ?
That's about as productive as celebrating an orgasm.......

Which reminds me, where's my Straight/hetro-sexual parade at.... ?

spanish catalan
09-22-2015, 09:58 PM
baltid - gorid - pontid mix

09-22-2015, 09:59 PM
baltid - gorid - pontid mix

Dude, you're like a machine spitting out meaningless numbers... Or in this case phenotypes !

09-22-2015, 10:01 PM
Listen I'm not judging, like seriously what purpose does these annual clown carnivals serve ?

Being proud of a Sexual-orientation ?
That's about as productive as celebrating an orgasm.......

Which reminds me, where's my Straight parade at.... ?

well.. it s their fault if they ruin their reputation.. but personally for me they don t ruin it.. as none it s normal here.. all we have some sexual deviations from the standard..
..like all the people aren't psicologically healthy.. we are all a bit or less deviating from the norm

i was not convinced of adoption.. it s my big doubt.. i used to think that a baby needs at least a mum.. but some people pinted me out that there are abandoned babies in places were they beat them.. so.. better then be lonely and beaten.. it s better two parents.. a mum and a dad.. or ... two mums or two dads

spanish catalan
09-22-2015, 10:02 PM
Dude, you're like a machine spitting out meaningless numbers... Or in this case phenotypes !

ok, cromagnon - north eurasian mix

09-22-2015, 10:06 PM
well.. it s their fault if they ruin their reputation.. but personally for me they don t ruin it.. as none it s normal here.. all we have some sexual deviations from the standard..
..like all the people aren't psicologically healthy.. we are all a bit or less deviating from the norm

i was not convinced of adoption.. it s my big doubt.. i used to think that a baby needs at least a mum.. but some people pinted me out that there are abandoned babies in places were they beat them.. so.. better then be lonely and beaten.. it s better two parents.. a mum and a dad.. or ... two mums or two dads

I wasn't discussing gay-rights of adoption, I'm sort of neither for or against gays adopting children.... Unless I see some factual studies, I'm not in a position of having an opinion about it.....

And I swear to god, I'm not being paranoid or anything but it's as if Homosexuality is on the rise.... 7-8 years when I was a teenager, there wasn't this massive amount of young teenage homosexuals back then. I seriously don't have a clue what it is, is it a trend ? is it brainwashing ? is it mother-nature ?

The Illyrian Warrior
09-22-2015, 10:07 PM
Congrats faggot parade, davai. :D

09-22-2015, 10:10 PM
I wasn't discussing gay-rights of adoption, I'm sort of neither for or against gays adopting children.... Unless I see some factual studies, I'm not in a position of having an opinion about it.....

And I swear to god, I'm not being paranoid or anything but it's as if Homosexuality is on the rise.... 8-10 years when I was a teenager, there wasn't this massive amount of young teenage homosexuals back then. I seriously don't have a clue what it is, is it a trend ? is it brainwashing ? is it mother-nature ?

out of 100 person 2 are Always gay.. 2% of world population is prevalently homosexual

4% is homosexual plus bisexual

and more than 4.. probably 8% is homosexual, bisexual, and slightly for it s sex even if predominatly etherosexual

09-22-2015, 10:27 PM
out of 100 person 2 are Always gay.. 2% of world population is prevalently homosexual

4% is homosexual plus bisexual

and more than 4.. probably 8% is homosexual, bisexual, and slightly for it s sex even if predominatly etherosexual

Not as this rate.... The display of let's say a "Homosexual Nature" whether be it behaviour or dress between Teenagers is much more prominant today than during my days as a youth (teen) mid 2000's, (I'm still youth goddamn it at 23 :cool:) It might be the sexual revolution of LGBT croud, that we're witnessing.

I don't know how things are in Italy, but that's how it is here in Denmark....

09-22-2015, 10:35 PM
Not as this rate.... The display of let's say a "Homosexual Nature" whether be it behaviour or dress between Teenagers is much more prominant today than during my days as a youth (teen) mid 2000's, (I'm still youth goddamn it at 23 :cool:) It might be the sexual revolution of LGBT croud, that we're witnessing.

I don't know how things are in Italy, but that's how it is here in Denmark....

..no.. 2 out of 100 people are pure unambiguous homosexual.. it s Always been like that.. in antiquity and since prehistory

09-23-2015, 04:18 PM

09-23-2015, 04:56 PM
It's great to see open-minded and educated people in Serbia.

Dragan Markovic Palma is borreby, but could be an elephant sea too.

Classification is not science but yes, he could be an elephant seal or a pig (if "borreby" means pig).

Listen I'm not judging, like seriously what purpose does these annual clown carnivals serve ?

Being proud of a Sexual-orientation ?
That's about as productive as celebrating an orgasm.......

Which reminds me, where's my Straight/hetro-sexual parade at.... ?

You're forgetting that homosexuals WERE dragged, humiliated and physically harassed when caught for a long time (and still is the case in some backward cultures). The pride parades were at their creation a way to break taboos and to have access to visibility. Nowadays, they're just a tradition in the West, a reminder of the long struggle of several minorities, and a way to have fun (most people in parades are usually straight).

As for you not liking what there is in gay prides, to each his own and I don't like it either. I'd even say most homos do even go to parades (here in France at least). But part of what you don't like (effeminate men, drag queens, flamboyant costumes and naked people) is part of a minority within a minority which had a decisive role in the fight for gay rights: crossdressers and transgender women. If it wasn't for this very obvious and visible minority, "regular" homosexual men would have kept to the old way: marrying women and secretly doing their business with other men.