View Full Version : Classify the Prime Minister and main Opposition leader of Bangladesh

09-24-2015, 02:57 AM
Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina

Opposition leader, Khaleda Zia
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Prinses_Beatrix_en_mevrouw_Begem_Ziaur_Rahman_bezo eken_Madurodam.jpg/440px-Prinses_Beatrix_en_mevrouw_Begem_Ziaur_Rahman_bezo eken_Madurodam.jpg

It's interesting how Sheikh Hasina has Greenish-Blue eyes but is pretty dark while Khaleda Zia is comparatively lighter but has dark brown eyes. Anyway, politics in Bangladesh has been so consistent that for for the past two decades, power has just been rotating between these two women, sad really.

09-24-2015, 03:14 AM
i think both are indobrachid the second has some gracile indid influence

spanish catalan
09-24-2015, 03:18 AM
indo brachid

09-24-2015, 05:04 AM
Green-eyes. What's with the eye-brows though? Obviously descends partially from the white IE upper-class high-castes in pre-Muslim society (or possibly partially from Persians more recently).

09-24-2015, 05:55 AM
Sheikha Hasina reminds me of Tarek Fatah


09-24-2015, 06:15 PM
Green-eyes. What's with the eye-brows though? Obviously descends partially from the white IE upper-class high-castes in pre-Muslim society (or possibly partially from Persians more recently).

They were middle-class, but I guess if they have the "Sheikh" title associated with the name, they belong to Sheikhs of Bengal. I doubt they have foreign ancestry in anyway though. Her father's wiki page:

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born in Tungipara, a village in Gopalganj District in the province of Bengal in British India,to Sheikh Lutfur Rahman, a serestadar, an officer responsible for record-keeping at the Gopalganj civil court. He was born into a native Bengali family; and unlike the tradition of Arabic and foreign ancestry popular among the Pakistani counterparts, he was fiercely proud of being a Bengali.

I didn't even know she had light eyes tbh, and I find them to be more Blueish than actual green.
This is what I would call green.

Her look is pretty Bengali though

09-25-2015, 01:45 AM

09-25-2015, 01:47 AM
First one is atypical for sure. Looks like she has some sort of exotic Muslim ancestry. Khaleda Zia OTOH is some kind of Indid with East Asian influence.

09-25-2015, 01:53 AM
First one is atypical for sure. Looks like she has some sort of exotic Muslim ancestry. Khaleda Zia OTOH is some kind of Indid with East Asian influence.

Actually Hasina's look is more typical. Besides, the light eyes, she is very typical while Khaleda Zia is atypical.
There is no chance of any foreign ancestry in Hasina for sure.

09-25-2015, 02:02 AM
Actually Hasina's look is more typical. Besides, the light eyes, she is very typical while Khaleda Zia is atypical.
There is no chance of any foreign ancestry in Hasina for sure.

What other Bengalis look like her?

I feel both are atypical in complexion, but the Hasina more so. Her look is uncommon among Bengalis in my experience. Most Bengalis that I see have a more gracile face structure.

09-25-2015, 02:05 AM
What other Bengalis look like her?

I feel both are atypical in complexion, but the Hasina more so. Her look is uncommon among Bengalis in my experience. Most Bengalis that I see have a more gracile face structure.

I posted Shakib Al Hasan who has a similar look to her. Sheikh Hasina has still mainly gracile features, her non-gracile facial strucuture or whatever you are seeing is probably from her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (who looks a lot like her and was also like 6 feet tall which was a great height of the time).

09-25-2015, 02:19 AM
They were middle-class, but I guess if they have the "Sheikh" title associated with the name, they belong to Sheikhs of Bengal. I doubt they have foreign ancestry in anyway though. Her father's wiki page:

I didn't even know she had light eyes tbh, and I find them to be more Blueish than actual green.
This is what I would call green.

Her look is pretty Bengali though

She is clearly Persian (Iranid) admixed.

09-25-2015, 04:15 PM
What other Bengalis look like her?

seems atypical to me but I dont know much about that Region of course

but these are Bengali women


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