View Full Version : Pride makes you delusional

10-20-2016, 05:17 PM
Pride is a feeling of well being , but not necessarily a feeling that is caused by doing objectively good things. A lot of evil people ''love'' themselves and are proud of what they are , rationalizing their acts ,as a defensive coping mechanism.

So we can say that when someone is Prideful he is not necessarily strong , if strength means self-sacrifice and doing the right thing. But a Prideful man will rationalize his petty acts , so he will be thinking he is doing great good all the time.

Therefore, a prideful man is easy to control as he may be doing great evil but thinking he does great good.

-''Controlled by whom?''

By people who want to do evil.

But how do evil people delude the masses into thinking they are doing great things while they are digging their own graves?

What they did was to remove Religion from society and define morality themselves.

A good thing to say is something that is accepted by the majority. A great act is an act that is applaud by the majority. Because the majority believes in doctrines. When you can ''pour'' these doctrines in the society , you can control the minds of the ignorant , Prideful people that would blindly accept them as ''God given'' and therefore take pride in exercising them.

These doctrines may vary a lot, depending on the psychosynthesis of the said masses (but with all the same goal, to delude you into a self-superiority fuckery).

For example, in Southern Europe where people are more ''alive'' and aggressive , Macho behavior is promoted by the Media (and then stupid people) as a way of self-Pride (wog pride) which is just a way to introduce the southern European man to modernity, where fucking tons of women and having an expensive car is the meaning of life. (you can see that even by threads where S.Europeans pimp their own women , in a ''look what i'm fucking'' attitude)

Similarly , Northern Europeans and Americans, as people that developed technology the quickest were taught to be tolerant and accepting as it's the right thing to do for a ''civilized'' man. That of course, led to massive migrations , acceptance of degenerate behavior as ''cultural enrichment'' and an aversion for anything traditional. But the majority will still stick to that, as long as it is defined as ''Superior'' by their Media and politicians.

There are a lot of such examples. For women it is promoted to be sexually free and promiscuous , for teenagers it is to belong in a subculture , for lazy workers to be against Upper class, for a devoted worker to be ''hard working''. There's a doctrine fitting for anyone.

Apart from being brainwashed , these armies of Prideful plebs are paralyzing society in such a way that it's impossible for a proper human being to function.

How can a good boss survive when all his workers are Commies?

How can a good man get married when all he gets are former sluts who are looking to ''settle down''?

How can a parent raise his children properly , without the risk of them being emo's , gays, skinheads or any other of these degenerate subcultures?

How can a good man be innovative when he is forced to work for companies as a robot?

All this complexity , division and misunderstanding (since many of these doctrines get mixed up with real values) is the result of leaving God for lowly stuff , mainly Pride.

People would rather rationalize their behavior than accept Truth, especially when the said behavior is promoted as the ''Truth''

Western Elites have discovered the most intelligently evil way of mind control and inner division , creating armies of Prideful social justice warriors who are struggling to convince or have convinced their minds that they're not subhumans.

Don't be proud of who you are, don't be proud of your accomplishments. Accept that you know nothing and start questioning everything you ever taken as ''fact''.

Only God can save you.

10-20-2016, 06:00 PM

Poise n Pen
10-20-2016, 06:03 PM
Quit victim shaming, shitlord.

10-21-2016, 10:46 AM
Quit victim shaming, shitlord.

i don't shame anyone , i blame Pride which is a very big bad SIN

s i n

10-21-2016, 10:52 AM
Yes, pride is dangerous, and useful for those who choose to manipulate the proud. We are full of weaknesses and blind spots ready to be exploited by those who know how.

10-21-2016, 10:54 AM
Yes..just like MrAnthropologies and his facade of "Aryan" Pashtuns.

10-21-2016, 10:58 AM
Yes, pride is dangerous, and useful for those who choose to manipulate the proud. We are full of weaknesses and blind spots ready to be exploited by those who know how.

Even the exact moment im quoting you i may have fallen in the trap of Pride , as a satisfaction for being loud about these things and boosting my ego. Even this little ''pride'' is enough to ruin me and people around me. It should be anihilated.

Mortification or death

10-21-2016, 11:01 AM
Yes..just like MrAnthropologies and his facade of "Aryan" Pashtuns.

Yes, OWD is the result of Ethnic and personal pride, as in seeing yourself or your group superior to your ME palls.

10-21-2016, 11:02 AM
Even the exact moment im quoting you i may have fallen in the trap of Pride , as a satisfaction for being loud about these things and boosting my ego. Even this little ''pride'' is enough to ruin me and people around me. It should be anihilated.

Mortification or death

lol... to say that pride is dangerous or risky doesn't mean it will always lead to ruin. Perhaps we need to qualify it somehow - pride can be a problem where it clouds judgement, or pride in excess is a problem, right?

This goes back to the ancient Greek aphorisms of "know thyself" and "nothing in excess".

10-21-2016, 11:15 AM
lol... to say that pride is dangerous or risky doesn't mean it will always lead to ruin. Perhaps we need to qualify it somehow - pride can be a problem where it clouds judgement, or pride in excess is a problem, right?

This goes back to the ancient Greek aphorisms of "know thyself" and "nothing in excess".

Pride is the problem

Even a tiny bit of Pride is enough to ruin you. The Devil see's that you trust your coincidence and estranges you from the Grace of God. As a result you will be self-absorbed and put down your fellows , which will brake the bond of Love you created with them.

Ancient Greeks used to be ''proud'' of their first ancestors, but they believed them to be Gods and semi-Gods (or descendants of them), which is more like the equivalent of loving and worshiping the perfect through them (like the Saints and Holy Mary in Christianity) , that is God. This also shows that Ancient Greeks weren't a uniform ethnic group, but that's another story.

Pride was seen as i described it , more or less.

10-21-2016, 11:21 AM

I will turn away from My signs those who are arrogant upon the earth without right; and if they should see every sign, they will not believe in it. And if they see the way of consciousness, they will not adopt it as a way; but if they see the way of error, they will adopt it as a way. That is because they have denied Our signs and they were heedless of them.

Pride is the problem

Even a tiny bit of Pride is enough to ruin you. The Devil see's that you trust your coincidence and estranges you from the Grace of God. As a result you will be self-absorbed and put down your fellows , which will brake the bond of Love you created with them. .

The Prophet http://www.islamweb.net/ver2/Archive/images/icon--1.gif said: "He who has in his heart the weight of an atom of pride shall not enter Paradise." [Muslim]

10-21-2016, 11:30 AM
The more I look into Orthodox Christianity, the more I have respect for them. They are truly 'the Book people'.

A Christian Orthodox is a brother in 'tawheed' (monotheism), more than a dirty Alawite who deifies and worships Ali, or a Druze with a secret proto-masonic mystery religion (God does not work in conspiracy circles)

10-21-2016, 11:37 AM
orthodox christians don't practice this at all

10-21-2016, 11:46 AM
The more I look into Orthodox Christianity, the more I have respect for them. They are truly 'the Book people'.

A Christian Orthodox is a brother in 'tawheed' (monotheism), more than a dirty Alawite who deifies and worships Ali, or a Druze with a secret proto-masonic mystery religion (God does not work in conspiracy circles)

I would place those two on par with Catholics , who are not even Christians but heretics that worship Pope.

It's not a coincidence that Greeks and Arabs had always respected each other, despite big conflicts and wars.

10-21-2016, 11:47 AM
orthodox christians don't practice this at all

they dont practice what?

10-21-2016, 11:59 AM
Night of the fight you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fuckin' widchoo. Fuck pride! Pride only hurts. It never helps.

Good examples of where pride can get you can be found in the Middle Eastern leaders (and many of their subjects) who could have swallowed their pride and sold-out to an infinitely superior power (being the US and allies) but instead sided with their pride and ego. Bravo.

10-21-2016, 12:30 PM
Night of the fight you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fuckin' widchoo. Fuck pride! Pride only hurts. It never helps.

Good examples of where pride can get you can be found in the Middle Eastern leaders (and many of their subjects) who could have swallowed their pride and sold-out to an infinitely superior power (being the US and allies) but instead sided with their pride and ego. Bravo.

In this case we shall examine whether the US would be positively or negatively impact these countries and if in the end, their ways are applicable to the word of God. Because if the US and allies are not barriers of the Hollly Spirit then it's them who have degenerated by Pride, and Middle Eastern peoples could be right in opposing them (and wrong in the way they opposed them, if they did it for to pass their similarly egoist way).

10-21-2016, 12:50 PM
+1 brother..

10-21-2016, 12:52 PM
Night of the fight you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fuckin' widchoo. Fuck pride! Pride only hurts. It never helps.

Good examples of where pride can get you can be found in the Middle Eastern leaders (and many of their subjects) who could have swallowed their pride and sold-out to an infinitely superior power (being the US and allies) but instead sided with their pride and ego. Bravo.

Pride isn't the same thing as self-respect.

10-21-2016, 12:53 PM
they dont practice what?

Pride, I guess. Which isn't a practice or anything of that sort. It's something you are, an evil within. Plenty of Orthodox Christians are prideful. We all are, because we are all imperfect.

10-22-2016, 08:50 PM
The more I look into Orthodox Christianity, the more I have respect for them. They are truly 'the Book people'.

A Christian Orthodox is a brother in 'tawheed' (monotheism), more than a dirty Alawite who deifies and worships Ali, or a Druze with a secret proto-masonic mystery religion (God does not work in conspiracy circles)

Very good observation Wadaad, the orthodog might as well bend his knees and pray to Allah because he is muslim in all but name.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-22-2016, 08:52 PM
I'm proud of myself, and it counts because I am proud of some things I have achieved that were very hard to do, and many people probably couldn't do it.

10-22-2016, 09:50 PM
Very good observation Wadaad, the orthodog might as well bend his knees and pray to Allah because he is muslim in all but name.

So far it's the Westerners that bend over to Muslim immigrants....

10-23-2016, 05:56 PM
So far it's the Westerners that bend over to Muslim immigrants....

What exactly are you trying to imply here? That I am wrong, that the westerners are in fact the cultural and ideological equivalents of muslims?

10-23-2016, 05:58 PM
lol Orthodoxy is not of the book
Things not in the Bible
Saints, sacraments, etc...

10-23-2016, 06:01 PM
What exactly are you trying to imply here? That I am wrong, that the westerners are in fact the cultural and ideological equivalents of muslims?

No, if they were they wouldn't bend over. That makes them inferior to both, but also doesn't make the two identical.

10-23-2016, 06:12 PM
lol Orthodoxy is not of the book
Things not in the Bible
Saints, sacraments, etc...


5:82 Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe (to be) the Jews and the idolaters. And thou wilt find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe (to be) those who say: Lo! We are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud.

10-23-2016, 06:14 PM

5:82 Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe (to be) the Jews and the idolaters. And thou wilt find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe (to be) those who say: Lo! We are Christians (Nazarenes). That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud.

A Quran verse has no real meaning to me.

10-23-2016, 06:15 PM
No, if they were they wouldn't bend over. That makes them inferior to both, but also doesn't make the two identical.

I still see no rebuttal to what I said, if that was your intention.

10-23-2016, 06:17 PM
do you guys actually believe any of this shit

10-23-2016, 06:31 PM
I still see no rebuttal to what I said, if that was your intention.

I mean it's better to be Muslim than a degenerate Westerner, but if you are an Orthodox there is no reason for you to switch faith.

10-23-2016, 06:31 PM
do you guys actually believe any of this shit

Yes xD

10-23-2016, 06:35 PM
Yes xD

I disagree with the God part and also with when you say that even a little bit of pride is detrimental. It really depends on how you look at it, I could even argue that pride is our only hope of salvation from degeneracy. Western civilization is degenerating but I believe it can still be salvaged if there are enough people who love it and take pride in being part of it.

10-23-2016, 06:57 PM
I disagree with the God part and also with when you say that even a little bit of pride is detrimental. It really depends on how you look at it, I could even argue that pride is our only hope of salvation from degeneracy. Western civilization is degenerating but I believe it can still be salvaged if there are enough people who love it and take pride in being part of it.

Western civilization is degenerating because of Pride.

Look at all these egoistic people who want to amerce their views onto society.

Pride is what isolate us from Truth , by deluding the person into thinking he can trust his own mind. It divides the common consciousness (which is the word of God) into personal views. The West is degenerating to you, but a proud Liberal sees all these as an improvement. A proud westerner can be a nationalist but also a son of illegal immigrants depending on how he misinterprets reality in order to make himself feel better.

Love is just enough to acknowledge the Truth. Unconditional love to your fatherland resembles that of your child. You will protect it, work for it, even sacrifice your life but you'll also be strict , straightforward and absolute if needed. You will be nice and not nice depending on the situation. This kind of love-motivated thinking gets poisoned by pride. A prideful parent wouldn't take responsibility for his kid being a lazy bum, but would rather blame it on teachers, his friends, the environment. That's because he is drowned by Pride so much that he cannot accept his failure as a parent and actually do something about it.

10-23-2016, 07:17 PM
I mean it's better to be Muslim than a degenerate Westerner, but if you are an Orthodox there is no reason for you to switch faith.

Is it? One is flat out stripped of his identity and purpose, the other tries disingenuously to squeeze philosophy out of fraud, just so he can maintain that lie of an identity and purpose he inherited.

The difference is superficial, I'd say the net positive of both is about the same, 0.

10-23-2016, 07:20 PM
Is it? One is flat out stripped of his identity and purpose, the other tries disingenuously to squeeze philosophy out of fraud, just so he can maintain that lie of an identity he inherited. The difference is superficial, I'd say the net positive of both is about the same, 0.

It's better because it serves a purpose. The first doesn't even suffice for basic survival.

10-23-2016, 07:24 PM
It's better because it serves a purpose. The first doesn't even suffice for basic survival.

It is false purpose. Maybe fit for the non-sentient automatons that compose the majority of humanity as a tool to keep them functional, but not for those who seek true ascendancy.

10-23-2016, 07:29 PM
It is false purpose. Maybe fit for the non-sentient automatons that compose the majority of humanity as a tool to keep them functional, but not for those who seek true ascendancy.

This is true

but then again you said Orthodoxy is identical to Islam. So idk what you mean by true ascendancy.

10-23-2016, 07:57 PM
This is true

but then again you said Orthodoxy is identical to Islam. So idk what you mean by true ascendancy.

A lot of the ideological similarities were imposed by geopolitics. The orthodox world was for a long time and still is in conflict with the west, much like the islamic world. There is a tribal incentive to adapt and promote traits different from and opposing to those of your enemies that kicks into gear in such rivalries.

I do not yet have a fully formed idea of what true ascendancy is, all I know for sure is that you will not find it in any of the aforementioned religions.

Colonel Frank Grimes
10-23-2016, 08:13 PM
I mean it's better to be Muslim than a degenerate Westerner, but if you are an Orthodox there is no reason for you to switch faith.

Which photo fits the West?



I'll take so called degeneracy and so would millions of people who come from societies that offer little in opportunities. Apparently cultures that aren't degenerate suck.

10-23-2016, 08:37 PM
A lot of the ideological similarities were imposed by geopolitics. The orthodox world was for a long time and still is in conflict with the west, much like the islamic world. There is a tribal incentive to adapt and promote traits different from and opposing to those of your enemies that kicks into gear in such rivalries.

I do not yet have a fully formed idea of what true ascendancy is, all I know for sure is that you will not find it in any of the aforementioned religions.

Christians didn't adopt any ideas from Muslims let alone Orthodox, who believe in Holy Trinity which Muslims and Catholics deny. I would say in a theological aspect Catholicism and Islam are closer to each other. It's probably because the West has turned atheist,that Orthodox are seen as more similar to Muslims for believing in God.

The Orthodox world had been in war with Arabs and Turks for centuries , it's not like we are buddies.

10-23-2016, 08:39 PM
Which photo fits the West?



I'll take so called degeneracy and so would millions of people who come from societies that offer little in opportunities. Apparently cultures that aren't degenerate suck.

You can play with rockets without being a degenerate. Iran has nuclear weapons, but it's not atheist.

Colonel Frank Grimes
10-23-2016, 08:46 PM
Christians didn't adopt any ideas from Muslims let alone Orthodox, who believe in Holy Trinity which Muslims and Catholics deny. I would say in a theological aspect Catholicism and Islam are closer to each other. It's probably because the West has turned atheist,that Orthodox are seen as more similar to Muslims for believing in God.

The Orthodox world had been in war with Arabs and Turks for centuries , it's not like we are buddies.

Catholics don't deny the Holy Trinity.

Colonel Frank Grimes
10-23-2016, 08:48 PM
You can play with rockets without being a degenerate. Iran has nuclear weapons, but it's not atheist.

Their technology is based on what others have created. Unlike the Japanese they didn't adopt and then add to it.

Perhaps we can call Iran OWD for wanting modern military weapons and knowledge? I dunno...

10-23-2016, 08:55 PM
Catholics don't deny the Holy Trinity.

Τhey do, Filioque distorts the doctrine of Holy Trinity.

10-23-2016, 08:58 PM
Their technology is based on what others have created. Unlike the Japanese they didn't adopt and then add to it.

Perhaps we can call Iran OWD for wanting modern military weapons and knowledge? I dunno...

Wanting knowledge and weapons doesn't make you OWD. They would be OWD if they adopted as the Japanese.

Colonel Frank Grimes
10-23-2016, 09:14 PM
Τhey do, Filioque distorts the doctrine of Holy Trinity.

Then it should be said Catholics believe in a distorted doctrine of the Holy Trinity instead of saying they don't believe in the Holy Trinity.

Wanting knowledge and weapons doesn't make you OWD. They would be OWD if they adopted as the Japanese.

Your first sentence contradicts your second sentence.

10-23-2016, 09:22 PM
Then it should be said Catholics believe in a distorted doctrine of the Holy Trinity instead of saying they don't believe in the Holy Trinity.

They believe in a distorted doctrine which results in not believing in practice.

Your first sentence contradicts your second sentence.

Adaption as you meant it sounds more like slavery.

The difference is that Iran merged technology to their culture, while Japan submitted their culture to technology. The second is OWD, the first isn't.

10-23-2016, 09:25 PM
Their technology is based on what others have created. Unlike the Japanese they didn't adopt and then add to it.

Perhaps we can call Iran OWD for wanting modern military weapons and knowledge? I dunno...

When the translation movement was conducted by the Abbasids in the new found city of Baghdad, all sorts of Greek manuscripts were translated. The Arabs translated medical, military, astronomical, scientific literature...all the Greek plays, odes, phil-hellenic stuff, they tossed in the garbage. If they translated and adopted that stuff, it would be OWD, but nothing OWD in seeking science.

J-pop, anime, etc...is OWD. Japanese culture is not Japanese but Western.

Styrian Mujo
10-23-2016, 09:26 PM
Pride really is delusional...my mother seems to be proud of me and my brother even though we are incompetent losers. Another example would be Croat and Serb nationalism...

10-24-2016, 12:13 AM
Christians didn't adopt any ideas from Muslims let alone Orthodox, who believe in Holy Trinity which Muslims and Catholics deny. I would say in a theological aspect Catholicism and Islam are closer to each other. It's probably because the West has turned atheist,that Orthodox are seen as more similar to Muslims for believing in God.

The Orthodox world had been in war with Arabs and Turks for centuries , it's not like we are buddies.

Don't look at orthodoxy as an ideology, but as a population, and you will see what I am saying. Consider the fanatic nature of the orthodox archetype, his dedication to his religion, his willingness to cross moral lines on behalf of faith. In this aspect it is indisputable that he is closer to a muslim than to the average catholic or protestant, both of whom are completely neutered in comparison. Ideological lore is ultimately superficial, it is the similar behaviors they produce that matter.

10-24-2016, 06:20 PM
Pride really is delusional...my mother seems to be proud of me and my brother even though we are incompetent losers. Another example would be Croat and Serb nationalism...

yeah nationalism is retarded

But you are a good guy and as long as you are not proud and selfish you have no reason to call yourself a loser.

10-24-2016, 06:32 PM
Don't look at orthodoxy as an ideology, but as a population, and you will see what I am saying. Consider the fanatic nature of the orthodox archetype, his dedication to his religion, his willingness to cross moral lines on behalf of faith. In this aspect it is indisputable that he is closer to a muslim than to the average catholic or protestant, both of whom are completely neutered in comparison. Ideological lore is ultimately superficial, it is the similar behaviors they produce that matter.

Morality is defined by Faith. Everything done with the Grace of God is moral. Any moral codes remained in western society are products of Christianity and some behavioral patterns of few humanoid people that don't follow doctrines and act natural. If you can't see that you are deprived of morality and virtue.

Staying faithful to Virtue is not a negative fanaticism.

10-24-2016, 10:31 PM
Morality is defined by Faith. Everything done with the Grace of God is moral. Any moral codes remained in western society are products of Christianity and some behavioral patterns of few humanoid people that don't follow doctrines and act natural. If you can't see that you are deprived of morality and virtue.

Staying faithful to Virtue is not a negative fanaticism.

No, primal morality is genetically hardcoded, the rest of it is the optimal set of principles through which a stable society can be formed. They came first, organically imposed as a necessity of social life, then emerged faith to enforce them through fear of punishment. To claim them as products of Christianity is absurd and insulting, if for no other reason because Christianity itself is nothing but Jewish heresy that simply carried on preexisting codes.

Dogmatic belief, self demanding even at that, is not a virtue. 100% of humans are capable of that, even children as young as three. It takes no constitution, it poses no challenge, it demonstrates no wisdom. It is simply a state of being, the primal state of man. To transcend beyond that is the true virtue. Many westerners have achieved this with varying degrees of success, although what they quickly found out is that the subhuman masses were unable to follow. Their rebellion against the fraud simply spawned a new one, and now we have the religion of the equality god as a result.

10-24-2016, 10:43 PM
In this case we shall examine whether the US would be positively or negatively impact these countries and if in the end, their ways are applicable to the word of God. Because if the US and allies are not barriers of the Hollly Spirit then it's them who have degenerated by Pride, and Middle Eastern peoples could be right in opposing them (and wrong in the way they opposed them, if they did it for to pass their similarly egoist way).

Pride isn't the same thing as self-respect.

Whatever you want to call it.... it was their call, and it was the wrong one.