View Full Version : Classify music band

Damiăo de Góis
04-02-2017, 11:29 PM

Damiăo de Góis
04-03-2017, 07:46 PM
Any ideas?

04-03-2017, 07:54 PM
Atlanto-Med + Berid, Atlantid + Borreby?, Gracile Med
Atlantid, Alpine + Atlanto-Med, Atlanto-Med/Atlantid

Tooting Carmen
05-18-2017, 11:20 PM
Guy on top right corner is Gracile Med/Berid. Rest are Atlantids.

Damiăo de Góis
05-19-2017, 09:18 PM
Guy on top right corner is Gracile Med/Berid. Rest are Atlantids.

Thanks for bumping but how are the other 5 "Atlantids"? They all look different from each other.

Bell Beaker
05-19-2017, 09:24 PM
Bottom Row (left to right): Alpine Med, Blue eyed Atlanto Med with heavy Dinarid admixture, Berid-Gracile med

Front row (following the same pattern: Atlantid, Alpine and Atlanto-med with perhaps a bit of Gracile med

05-19-2017, 09:40 PM
From left to right > Alpine/Berid, Atlantid + Alpine, Berid/Med influence, Dinaricized Atlantid, Alpine, Atlantid.

Bell Beaker
05-19-2017, 09:54 PM
From left to right > Alpine/Berid, Atlantid + Alpine, Berid/Med influence, Dinaricized Atlantid, Alpine, Atlantid.

Guy bottom centre is a Dinaricized or Dinarid-Atlanto-Med (the only one who is trully Dinaro form).

05-19-2017, 10:02 PM
Guy bottom centre is a Dinaricized or Dinarid-Atlanto-Med (the only one who is trully Dinaro form).

I don't think so, a video here show Dinarization for front left.


Damiăo de Góis
05-19-2017, 10:08 PM
if it helps:


Bell Beaker
05-19-2017, 10:14 PM
if it helps:


I stand my case.

05-19-2017, 10:18 PM
Guy on top right corner is Gracile Med/Berid. Rest are Atlantids.

Berid type does not exist like other types. Whether a type actually exists or whether it is an invented type is easy:

1. First, it is necessary to search on the Internet for certain names of anthropologists who approach the subject of the different European races and see if these different anthropologists have spoken of this type (Berid in this case);

2. Then if you to find one or two anthropologists who have approached this topic (Berid in this case), you should look at the examples illustrating this type that they display in his book and also look carefully at the characteristics of this type;

3. Then, we must compare the different examples displayed and analyze whether the people who have been exposed to serve as an example have many traits in common (I am not talking about resemblance).

Example with pseudo-"Paleo-Sardinian"/Berid fake type ; no facial homogeneity, we cannot prove that there is a "Paleo-Sardinian" type by taking this example:

1. The old man does not (or does not seem to have) the same facial features (it seems much more Dinarized) than the first man;
2. There is a young girl in the picture: we cannot "classify" young people (here she is not even a teenager), because the facial features change;
3. The young man (more mature than the girl, it seems) does not have the same features as the first man (with the mustache) and old man...

+ By Cosmoo

"Racial classification within the White Family + a list of non-existant phenotypes:

Here is a chart I made based on classification system from "The Races of Europe" by C.S. Coon (chapter VIII, section 6), together with a list of invented phenotypes with no basis in reality.
Below is a short list of non-existant European phenotypes, with no basis in reality, which are both products of anthrotard internet “experts” and real “anthropologists”.

Totally non-existant phenotypes:

1. East Mediterranid
No anthropologist ever used this type. People that get classified as so usually have absolutely no metrical difference from Gracile/Atlanto-Mediterraneans.

2. West Baltid/(”common”) Baltid/”east” (“mongoloid” Baltid)/Kurganoid/etc.
All of these types don’t exist. There is only one type, named Baltic by some anthropologists, and East Baltic by Coon (because it’s found on eastern shores of Baltic sea). It is type derived from basal Ladogan type, heavily mixed with Corded, Hallstatt, and western UP. Any of these types can become more express in this mixture, for this type is not a stable blend, but a very variable one. Comment from TRoE photographic plate:
Fig. 5 (3 views). A Finn from Tampere, Tavastehus. This man seems to show more evidence of Nordic influence than the others. As these pictures show, the East Baltic is not a stable or a basic racial type, but a variable blend. (C.S. Coon, “The Races of Europe”, photographic supplement)

Phenotypes which have been described but have no basis in reality:

3. Faelid
A type invented by Gunther, a politically-motivated creation just like rest of his phenotypes. He glorified Nordic race as a part of Nazi ideology, but as the time went by, it was discovered that Germany’s greatest figures (like Leibniz, Kant and Schopenhauer) were all brachycephalic. So he conveniently created “Faelisch” type, which consisted of individuals that would be classified by Coon and others as Borreby, East Baltic, Brunn and Alpine, and he defined it as a sub-type of Nordid race.
This is what imaginary “Faelid” was supposed to look like:

If you learned anthropology from internet forums, rather than from books, then these examples will be a huge surprise for you…

4. Strandid
A type designed by Lundman (and used by no one other than himself) as a “Scandinavian variant of Alpine”. Needless to say, there is not a single trait which separates them from Alpines elsewhere, making this type wrong in its root.

5. Berid
CM-Mediterranean-Alpine mixture. Clearly not a type of its own.

6. Paleo-Atlantid/Tydal
Supposed pigmented, unreduced, dolichocephalic Upper Palaeolithic survivor of northwestern parts of Europe. Not only does this type appear extremely rarely, but Lundman’s own examples contradict his description of this type. As is the case with rest of his types described here, they were used by no one other than himself. His pictorial example of the type (you don’t get any FURTHER from unreduced CM than many of people on photo):

7. Gorid
Supposed eastern European version of Alpine. As is the case with Strandid, there is nothing which separates it from regular Alpine.

Blatantly fake types which need no further explanation:

8. Baskid
9. Mtebid/Caucasid
10. Aisto Nordid/East Nordid
11. Paleo-Pontid/Pre-Slavic
Attached Images Attached Images"