View Full Version : Classify Cody Christian (Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars)

04-16-2017, 06:51 AM
He's Plebescot NA on his mom's side.





His mom and non-passing brother:


04-16-2017, 07:10 AM
what s his ancestry?

06-07-2017, 12:47 AM
I think mostly English and Penobscot Nation.


06-07-2017, 02:07 AM
I doubt his mother is mostly Native American, I very much doubt it. Native American tribal membership is extended to people who are 1/32+ for many tribes. She is probably Native American in the way my mother is black... one great-grandparent was clearly mixed with it and then everyone else white.

Grab the Gauge
06-07-2017, 03:11 AM
I doubt his mother is mostly Native American, I very much doubt it. Native American tribal membership is extended to people who are 1/32+ for many tribes. She is probably Native American in the way my mother is black... one great-grandparent was clearly mixed with it and then everyone else white.

Nope. Both she and your mother are completey non-White. Are you gettin' chills just looking at her, thinking you could have ended up as mixed-looking as Cody's brother? It's like the feeling you get when you nearly fall off something high. Holy mother of God, I just nearly DIED!!!!!!!!!! :scared::scared::scared:

06-07-2017, 03:15 AM
Nope. Both she and your mother are completey non-White. Are you gettin' chills just looking at her, thinking you could have ended up as mixed-looking as Cody's brother? It's like the feeling you get when you nearly fall off something high. Holy mother of God, I just nearly DIED!!!!!!!!!! :scared::scared::scared:

His mother looks 1/4 Native American at most, and the brother just looks dark European. She clearly has a lot of European in her, and more than half at that.

06-07-2017, 03:16 AM
He's adopted.

Grab the Gauge
06-07-2017, 03:21 AM
Just the statement I would expect from an ignorant Southern European, modifying the standard of European-ness to the point where literally anyone in the world can pass for European. This is why Southern Europe must be either forcibly re-Nordicized or completely exterminated.

Obviously, his brother doesn't look European at all; other than in the sense that some Amerindians are partly Caucasoid. He looks like Joe Medicine Crow.


06-07-2017, 03:26 AM
The brother looks kind of Middle Eastern but he does not look like someone with significant Amerindian, nor frankly does the mother.

Grab the Gauge
06-07-2017, 03:33 AM
The brother looks kind of Middle Eastern but he does not look like someone with significant Amerindian, nor frankly does the mother.

He does not look remotely middle eastern, he looks like the Crow Indian I posted above.

His mother also does look Amerindian and typical of the people you see on reservations today.

06-07-2017, 03:42 AM
His mother also does look Amerindian and typical of the people you see on reservations today.

Yes, but that is because they are mixed with European. The average person on the reservations is less Amerindian than the average Mexican, for that matter. She looks more or less the same range as Eva Longoria, who if I remember right is 27% Native American.

06-07-2017, 03:46 AM
That new facial recognition gave this for the mother.. it takes the photo of the person on the left when there are more than one person:


Grab the Gauge
06-07-2017, 03:54 AM
Yes, but that is because they are mixed with European. The average person on the reservations is less Amerindian than the average Mexican, for that matter.

Lmao, no.

Grab the Gauge
06-07-2017, 03:56 AM
That new facial recognition gave this for the mother.. it takes the photo of the person on the left when there are more than one person:


That app is utter horseshit. I knew it would it would permeate in here thanks to low IQ wog swine.

06-07-2017, 11:36 AM
Lmao, no.

She is going to be less Native American than most Mexicans are, I guarantee it.

02-17-2021, 11:14 PM
His mother also does look Amerindian and typical of the people you see on reservations today.
I don't know if you'll see this, but I'm not sure what you're smoking. The vast majority of Native Americans, even those claim they're "full" and have all that tribal membership/reservation stuff, are heavily mixed with European. As already mentioned, tribal membership can extend to people with very distant Amerindian heritage. I remembered seeing a video of a guy getting his "tribal membership" even though he was like 1/16 (6%) Amerindian and obviously looked fully European.

EDIT: Sub-Nordid. I see no Amerindian in him at all. Cody's supposed "Amerindian" mother looks at least 75-80% European and the brother, while more "exotic" looking, doesn't look that Native at all. There are other photos of the mother where she doesn't look that dark. She's actually quite pale.

In fact, look at this video of supposed "full" Native Americans discussing Halloween costumes. They all look mixed/predominantly European. You're telling me that the woman at the 0:09 mark in the blue tank top and necklace looks predominantly Amerindian? LOL. And the woman at the beginning in the red tank top and the man with the light brown hair and black shirt also both look mixed as hell.


02-17-2021, 11:30 PM
Subnordid + Silvid influence