View Full Version : Classify Me

06-25-2017, 10:51 AM
I am 19 years old. I am 1,80 meters tall. My legs are long and my torso is small. I have almost no body hair, those that I have are rufuous. I cannot tan at all. This is the darkest my skin can get while spending the Summer in a very hot city. The child image of me should show how drastically my phenotype has changed, especially considering hair colour, and is a hint for my ethnicity.


I uploaded the images to imgur so hopefully they will work now.

06-25-2017, 10:52 AM
fix the pics..i can't see anything

06-25-2017, 10:53 AM
The photos don't work

06-25-2017, 10:56 AM
I am obviously new to this forum. I attached images from my phone. Do you know how I can make it work or why I doesn't work?

06-25-2017, 10:57 AM
I am obviously new to this forum. I attached images from my phone. Do you know how I can make it work or why I doesn't work? When I click on the attachment it show me my pictures.

06-25-2017, 11:09 AM
Photos works for me,you are very strange for a German,and not Slav looking too,so Im guessing you live somewhere west along the French border or south along Italy?

06-25-2017, 11:16 AM
You are very close. Here's another hint: My Father isn't German and my mother descends from various towns on the French/Luxembourgian border. Most of them from Trier but some from northern Alsace and Lorraine. I uploaded the images to imgur so hopefully they will work now.

06-25-2017, 11:43 AM
Do you have Swiss roots?

06-25-2017, 11:48 AM
If you're guessing my non-german father's side, no. As stated, my german mother's side I am slightly more northern than you guessed, yet on the western border.

06-25-2017, 11:51 AM
I would guess half kurdish or half northafrican i see even slight SSA in the lower face/mouth region

06-25-2017, 11:53 AM
I would guess half kurdish or half northafrican i see even slight SSA in the lower face/mouth region

what kind of nonsense are you talking again

06-25-2017, 11:54 AM
what kind of nonsense are you talking again

thats my opinion, half mena either westasian or northafrican

06-25-2017, 11:55 AM
what kind of nonsense are you talking again

He does look a bit ethnik, not standard german look imo

edit: ok now I'm reading his father is not german

06-25-2017, 11:56 AM
thats my opinion, half mena either westasian or northafrican

aha ok ....

opinions are like assholes everybody has one

me as a kurd I can say I see nothing kurdish about this guy

looks more like a mix of east european

06-25-2017, 11:57 AM
aha ok ....

opinions are like assholes everybody has one

me as a kurd I can say I see nothing kurdish about this guy

looks more like a mix of east european

he doesnt look east european, he looks too ethnik for east european. and your opinion is not more worth then mine. stop being aggressive you did that often when kurd is mentioned you are oversensitive.

06-25-2017, 11:57 AM
In my opinion, you look atlanto-mediterranid.
Example of atlanto-med:
Or gracile med. Example of gracile med:

06-25-2017, 11:58 AM
In my opinion, you look atlanto-mediterranid.
Example of atlanto-med:
Or gracile med. Example of gracile med:

for some strange reason he looks like wadaad just in pale. especially mouth, so maybe a hint to being octroon possible too

06-25-2017, 11:59 AM
he doesnt look east european, he looks too ethnik for east european. and your opinion is not more worth then mine. stop being aggressive you did that often when kurd is mentioned you are oversensitive.

I am not being aggressive but when it is about my ethnicity my opinion IS more worth of course

he doesnt look kurdish nor half kurdish trust me

06-25-2017, 12:00 PM
for some strange reason he looks like wadaad just in pale. especially mouth, so maybe a hint to being octroon possible too

and we kurds are ssa ?

you want to troll me right ? why ?

06-25-2017, 12:01 PM
I am not being aggressive but when it is about my ethnicity my opinion IS more worth of course

he doesnt look kurdish nor half kurdish trust me

i know many kurds though, and im less biased then you im pretty sure the afghan guys posted look textbook kurdish yet you said only guy on right could pass as atypical. you are very biased. i wouldnt trust your opinion, kurds are quiete diverse too though. but that was only my first impression, i now hint towards northafrican or octroon. i see SSA in his lower face

06-25-2017, 12:02 PM
and we kurds are ssa ?

you want to troll me right ? why ?

no kurds are not SSA, i dont want to troll that was only my first impression that he could be part kurd, because of eyes and upper face, but seeing the lower face, i changed to northafrican or octroon. sorry bro.

06-25-2017, 12:02 PM
In my opinion, you look atlanto-mediterranid.
Example of atlanto-med:
Or gracile med. Example of gracile med:

The last example isn't a gracile med.

06-25-2017, 12:03 PM
i know many kurds though, and im less biased then you im pretty sure the afghan guys posted look textbook kurdish yet you said only guy on right could pass as atypical. you are very biased. i wouldnt trust your opinion, kurds are quiete diverse too though. but that was only my first impression, i now hint towards northafrican or octroon. i see SSA in his lower face

I am not biased I even said to some of your gypsies that they pass dont get on my nerves and dont accuse me of things that are not true . the afghan guys didnt look kurdish . I am always honest you just have a problem with my opinions and are using this thread to troll me but I will not allow this to happen

dont lecture me about my ethnicity ok . you dont see me lecturing you about serbs , romas , russians etc

06-25-2017, 12:04 PM
Getzinger - du passt zu keiner der europäischen Subgruppen - am Ehesten zutreffend ist noch - Atlantid

06-25-2017, 12:04 PM
I am not biased I even said to some of your gypsies that they pass dont get on my nerves and dont accuse me of things that are not true . the afghan guys didnt look kurdish . I am always honest you just have a problem with my opinions and are using this thread to troll me but I will not allow this to happen

dont lecture me about my ethnicity ok . you dont see me lecturing you about serbs , romas , russians etc

i dont want to troll you kurd was only my first impression because of hairline, eyes upper face, but lower face changed my mind. sorry. i didnt want to imply kurds are part ssa, they are not.

06-25-2017, 12:07 PM
Guys, for the record, I am in no way kurdish so let's stop the debate, ok? Great guesses overall, but I'm surprised not to see any Alpine guesses.

06-25-2017, 12:08 PM
Guys, for the record, I am in no way kurdish so let's stop the debate, ok? Great guesses overall, but I'm surprised not to see any Alpine guesses.

are you part black?

06-25-2017, 12:10 PM
Meinst du, dass ich eher zu einer nicht Europaeischen Subgruppe passe?

06-25-2017, 12:11 PM
i dont want to troll you kurd was only my first impression because of hairline, eyes upper face, but lower face changed my mind. sorry. i didnt want to imply kurds are part ssa, they are not.

ssa is not an insult to me . I am 1% ssa myself on gedmatch :laugh: . I even had an off-black-dilemma as a teenager and wanted to be like Tupac etc. . I dont have anything against anybody but as you know I am very precise (erbsenzähler) and have a tic that everything is put out as realistic as possible if possible with data also. and I also know my people best and it should be obvious that I am neither biased nor lying but represent my people very realistically

I looked at OPs pics again and imo he has something north caucasian about him . I really tend to think that he is half east euro or something and is a bit "exotic" (less than you guys say and I see no ssa either)

06-25-2017, 12:13 PM
Not in any way at all. It's the lips, isn't it? I do not know of anybody in both sides of my family, who has lips as big as mine. And I highly doubt I'm a bastard child. Also, wouldn't it almost be impossible for me to have such pale skin and also red hair as a child if I was part African or Kurdish?

06-25-2017, 12:16 PM
Not in any way at all. It's the lips, isn't it? I do not know of anybody in both sides of my family, who has lips as big as mine. And I highly doubt I'm a bastard child. Also, wouldn't it almost be impossible for me to have such pale skin and also red hair as a child if I was part African or Kurdish?

I dont get it . so what are you half german half ?

you dont look kurdish at all I am kurdish and you can take my word but you being pale and redhead is not the reason we have also people like this and a half kurdish half german person can often be pale . I have cousins that are 1/4 german and both look like balkan people btw

so what are you ? my guess is half east euro half german

06-25-2017, 12:20 PM
A lot of Europeans cannot be classified cause they are too much mix or they look Paneuropean (you can find them almost everywhere in Euroe).

If I post any person, I try to find someone who is typical for any European subgroup. So it should be easy to classify this example ;)

06-25-2017, 12:22 PM
You are fairly close. My father is Greek. I would say, that the best guess for my father's side was gracile med. I have done DNA Tests on my grandparents on my fathers side and both state that they're half Southern European and half Middle Eastern. I might post pics of my parents or my grandparents later on.

06-25-2017, 12:22 PM
and as usual I am quite right :)

I thought more about Romania Bulgaria but Greece makes sense

06-25-2017, 12:27 PM
Not in any way at all. It's the lips, isn't it? I do not know of anybody in both sides of my family, who has lips as big as mine. And I highly doubt I'm a bastard child. Also, wouldn't it almost be impossible for me to have such pale skin and also red hair as a child if I was part African or Kurdish?

No its not impossible for a half northafrican to be pale to me your features remind me of wadaad a somali who posts here ime serious no offense

06-25-2017, 12:28 PM
You are fairly close. My father is Greek. I would say, that the best guess for my father's side was gracile med. I have done DNA Tests on my grandparents on my fathers side and both state that they're half Southern European and half Middle Eastern. I might post pics of my parents or my grandparents later on.

I see makes sense

06-25-2017, 12:29 PM
and as usual I am quite right :)

I thought more about Romania Bulgaria but Greece makes sense

DOes he really look Romanian, though? I don't see it, lol.

06-25-2017, 12:37 PM
I do not think, that I look Romanian or Bulgarian. So what should we settle for in Taxonomy? Due to my brachycephaly, my head shape and my nose I think that I look Alpine but mainly Atlandid.

06-25-2017, 12:38 PM
No its not impossible for a half northafrican to be pale to me your features remind me of wadaad a somali who posts here ime serious no offense

I am not offended at all :) Also, my grandmother was born in Alexandria in Egypt, but her parents were from Volos, Greece. Your guesses were great!

06-25-2017, 12:44 PM
DOes he really look Romanian, though? I don't see it, lol.

no not necessarily . I just thought that the other half of his ethnicity is probably from east europe and I was quite accurate

he is just a little exotic looking Pontid-Atlantid type

06-25-2017, 12:48 PM
no not necessarily . I just thought that the other half of his ethnicity is probably from east europe and I was quite accurate

he is just a little exotic looking Pontid-Atlantid type

East europe is different then greece he also stated his greek ancestors were half mena on genetic test i was more right then you bro

06-25-2017, 12:50 PM
East europe is different then greece he also stated his greek ancestors were half mena on genetic test i was more right then you bro

ok if you say so

today you are trying hard to argue with me I wonder what happened :laugh:

06-25-2017, 12:51 PM
tiny SSA and medeterranean or kurdish

06-25-2017, 12:51 PM
:lol: love you guys

06-25-2017, 12:53 PM
ok if you say so

today you are trying hard to argue with me I wonder what happened :laugh:
Orry if i appeared like that
i love you bro

06-25-2017, 01:06 PM
No its not impossible for a half northafrican to be pale to me your features remind me of wadaad a somali who posts here ime serious no offense

Why would he be offended?

Porn Master
06-25-2017, 01:15 PM
I smell OWD here

06-25-2017, 01:28 PM
I smell OWD here

What is OWD?

06-25-2017, 01:31 PM
You can pass in Turkey(Aegean),south Italy,Cyprus,South Germany and some parts of Greece.

Porn Master
06-25-2017, 01:33 PM
What is OWD?

ask Wadaad. He's inventor and a smart guy

06-25-2017, 02:23 PM
You are fairly close. My father is Greek. I would say, that the best guess for my father's side was gracile med. I have done DNA Tests on my grandparents on my fathers side and both state that they're half Southern European and half Middle Eastern.

I'd need to see this. Volos is on the mainland and I've never seen a full mainland Greek who is unmixed with Cypriot, Pontic, etc. coming up half Middle Eastern.

06-25-2017, 02:23 PM
East europe is different then greece he also stated his greek ancestors were half mena on genetic test i was more right then you bro

See my post to understand why I am not sure I believe him that they came up that way on tests.

06-25-2017, 02:25 PM
You can pass in Turkey(Aegean),south Italy,Cyprus,South Germany and some parts of Greece.

He doesn't look southern Italian or Cypriot at all. I would have thought he was part black before I would guess these.

06-25-2017, 04:48 PM
I'd need to see this. Volos is on the mainland and I've never seen a full mainland Greek who is unmixed with Cypriot, Pontic, etc. coming up half Middle Eastern.

These are the results of my grandmother, whose parents were both born and raised in Volos. I have been there many a time and know how people from Volos look. Please do not make baseless assumptions without having the proper knowledge...


06-25-2017, 05:35 PM
These are the results of my grandmother, whose parents were both born and raised in Volos. I have been there many a time and know how people from Volos look. Please do not make baseless assumptions without having the proper knowledge...


"Asia Minor" is a common component to many populations also (Southern Europe included), it doesn't imply Middle Eastern in the sense you may think of it in which case you'd want a Levant or SW Asian component, even though it is present in some Middle Easterners.

I didn't comment on what people in your grandmother's town looked like. I said you look neither southern Italian nor Cypriot.

06-25-2017, 05:58 PM
In the test result, the Levant is included and coloured(it is barely visible in the picture). Also, I don't get why some people think that there are Cypriot and Pontic descended populations mainland Greece. As far as I know, Cypriots are rare outside of Cyprus and Athens, and Ponts are mainly in Macedonia(Northern Greece). Either way, I concur with your conclusion.

06-25-2017, 06:22 PM
In the test result, the Levant is included and coloured(it is barely visible in the picture). Also, I don't get why some people think that there are Cypriot and Pontic descended populations mainland Greece. As far as I know, Cypriots are rare outside of Cyprus and Athens, and Ponts are mainly in Macedonia(Northern Greece). Either way, I concur with your conclusion.

Levantines have the Asia Minor component but there also is a Levant/SW Asian one on that test that is centered on them too.

06-25-2017, 06:34 PM
You look part roma

06-25-2017, 06:37 PM
You look part roma

There are no significant Roma populations in either country of my ethnicity, so I highly doubt it. Is there any reason why you guessed Roma instead of mediterranean?

06-25-2017, 06:42 PM
Not in any way at all. It's the lips, isn't it? I do not know of anybody in both sides of my family, who has lips as big as mine. And I highly doubt I'm a bastard child. Also, wouldn't it almost be impossible for me to have such pale skin and also red hair as a child if I was part African or Kurdish?

No. I had red hair as a kid and I'm of Pashtun descent. You being obviously mixed with European makes it more likely to happen.

06-25-2017, 06:45 PM
I am not offended at all :) Also, my grandmother was born in Alexandria in Egypt, but her parents were from Volos, Greece. Your guesses were great!

You look white/European overall, but your lips just kinda threw me off tbh. I was only joking when I said you look part roma because Mortimer said you look part kurdish and ssa.

06-25-2017, 06:46 PM
You look white/European overall, but your lips just kinda threw me off tbh. I was only joking when I said you look part roma because Mortimer said you look part kurdish and ssa.

I thought part black but it is only based on a few features that I said this.

06-25-2017, 06:48 PM
No. I had red hair as a kid and I'm of Pashtun descent. You being obviously mixed with European makes it more likely to happen.

That sounds really interesting! I have never seen a Middle eastern person with natural red hair. Do you have any pictures? Considering that the most "typical" phenotype for a middle easterner is having black hair, how do you explain this phenomenon?

06-25-2017, 06:49 PM
That sounds really interesting! I have never seen a Middle eastern person with natural red hair. Do you have any pictures? Considering that the most "typical" phenotype for a middle easterner is having black hair, how do you explain this phenomenon?

Your reddish hair is likely a mixture of your parents hair colors.

06-25-2017, 06:58 PM
That sounds really interesting! I have never seen a Middle eastern person with natural red hair. Do you have any pictures? Considering that the most "typical" phenotype for a middle easterner is having black hair, how do you explain this phenomenon?

Well my hair is brown now, but when I was little it was red for some time. My deceased grandfather had Auburn hair naturally, and on my dad's side there's a relative with dark skin, dark head hair, but a natural bright red beard.

Me as a child
http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p633/drcypriot084/Screenshot_2016-09-21-23-59-10-1_zpspgs0v2s2.png (http://s1159.photobucket.com/user/drcypriot084/media/Screenshot_2016-09-21-23-59-10-1_zpspgs0v2s2.png.html)

06-25-2017, 06:58 PM
Your reddish hair is likely a mixture of your parents hair colors.

Everyone from my fathers family has totally black hair. My hair are obviously not red anymore, although my body hair are. I guess it comes from my mother's side, even though she had blonde hair, which became brown in her adulthood.

06-25-2017, 06:59 PM
Everyone from my fathers family has totally black hair. My hair are obviously not red anymore, although my body hair are. I guess it comes from my mother's side, even though she had blonde hair, which became brown in her adulthood.

Hair darkens with age for like 90% of people.

06-25-2017, 07:02 PM
Well my hair is brown now, but when I was little it was red for some time. My deceased grandfather had Auburn hair naturally, and on my dad's side there's a relative with dark skin, dark head hair, but a natural bright red beard.

Me as a child
http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p633/drcypriot084/Screenshot_2016-09-21-23-59-10-1_zpspgs0v2s2.png (http://s1159.photobucket.com/user/drcypriot084/media/Screenshot_2016-09-21-23-59-10-1_zpspgs0v2s2.png.html)

I think that some Muslim population dye their beard hair red. If your grandfather had auburn hair, how do you think it came to be? Isn't it extremely rare in the Middle East? Do you think he perhaps had Europeaen ancestry?

06-25-2017, 07:45 PM
I think that some Muslim population dye their beard hair red. If your grandfather had auburn hair, how do you think it came to be? Isn't it extremely rare in the Middle East? Do you think he perhaps had Europeaen ancestry?

It's not that rare to find middle easterners with light hair or eyes, just less common. There are even some pockets in the middle east that consist of small isolated ethnic groups that have a large portion of people with light hair and eyes despite them genetically being like their neighbors. Some men dye with henna, but that is very noticeably different from someone with natural red hair because that usually looks orange ish.

06-25-2017, 07:52 PM
Atlanto-Med + Alpine.

06-26-2017, 02:03 AM
You look white/European overall, but your lips just kinda threw me off tbh. I was only joking when I said you look part roma because Mortimer said you look part kurdish and ssa.

but you were trolling and i was not. he does look half west asian and tiny bit SSA makes sense he is greek and half asia minor.

06-26-2017, 02:04 AM
I thought part black but it is only based on a few features that I said this.

indeed he has a few black feauteres its obvious, but its not uncommon for greeks to be tiny bit SSa (and im not trolling). Kasidiaris gives of some slight SSA vibes too, that greek golden dawn nazi (not the old guy, but the young guy)

06-26-2017, 09:18 PM
but you were trolling and i was not. he does look half west asian and tiny bit SSA makes sense he is greek and half asia minor.

Let's not forget I'm half German as well. Also, it is fairly unlikely that I'm part SSA, as there were never any significant populations in Greece and interbreeding is even rarer. My features are not restricted to SSA, but to Middle Eastern populations overall.

06-26-2017, 09:27 PM
I see ZERO ssa whatsoever

but maybe thats just me *confused*