View Full Version : Classify these Turkmens

06-27-2017, 08:18 PM

06-27-2017, 08:27 PM
Girl looks Turkmen but man doesnt. Turkmenistan has Iranic minorities btw. Also historically...

The Turkomans observe a difference between their children from Turkoman mothers, and those from the Persian female captives whom they take as wives, and the Kazakh women whom they purchase from the Uzbeks of Khiva. The Turkomans of pure race enjoy full privileges, while the others are not allowed to contract marriages with Turkoman women of pure blood, but must choose themselves wives among the half-castes and Kazakh captives.

As there exists a great animosity between the Yamuds and Goklans they do not intermarry, although they reckon themselves of equally noble lineage. The same hatred is extended to the Tekke Turkomans, whom the Goklans and Yamuds, moreover, look upon as their inferiors, being, according to their genealogies, the descendants of a slave-woman, whilst they are the posterity of a free-woman. (p. 71)

The Turkoman women are, like the men, tall, and when young, well-shaped; their faces are rounder than those of the men; the cheek-bones less prominent; the eyes black, with fine eye-brows, and many with fair complexion; the nose is rather flat; the mouth small, with a row of regular white teeth. In a word, a great number of the younger part of the community might be reckoned as fair specimens of pretty women. (p. 73)

Bode, C.A. "The Yamud and Goklan tribes of Turkomania". Journal of the London Ethnological Society, vol. 1, 1848, pp. 60–78.

;) half castes

06-27-2017, 08:33 PM
Yea 30 million Azeris in Iran are dont look as Turks too, so they are not i guess. WAOW SHE GOT A SLANTY EYES MUT BE TURKIC. low iq fuck

06-27-2017, 08:35 PM
It's not slanty eyes you idiot, it's look. Not all of them have slanty eyes. South Asian shift look is more typical of Persians in that area of the world.
These are Turkmens too and not slanty.

http://i.hizliresim.com/J3mz2j.png (http://hizliresim.com/J3mz2j)

http://i.hizliresim.com/rEnNMV.jpg (http://hizliresim.com/rEnNMV)

http://i.hizliresim.com/ZYmzkg.png (http://hizliresim.com/ZYmzkg)

http://i.hizliresim.com/aXmN37.png (http://hizliresim.com/aXmN37)

http://i.hizliresim.com/J3mzAW.png (http://hizliresim.com/J3mzAW)

http://i.hizliresim.com/2jBojN.png (http://hizliresim.com/2jBojN)

http://i.hizliresim.com/D3p5Dz.png (http://hizliresim.com/D3p5Dz)

06-27-2017, 08:52 PM
It's not slanty eyes you idiot, it's look. Not all of them have slanty eyes. South Asian shift look is more typical of Persians in that area of the world.
These are Turkmens too and not slanty.

Lol, they look quite identical to some Tajiks. Also first girl and two last ones look nice :laugh:

06-27-2017, 08:55 PM
Iranian turkmens


06-27-2017, 08:57 PM
It's not slanty eyes you idiot, it's look. Not all of them have slanty eyes. South Asian shift look is more typical of Persians in that area of the world.
These are Turkmens too and not slanty.

Theres this concept called assimilation

06-27-2017, 09:04 PM
Mostly Asiatic Alpines.

06-27-2017, 09:37 PM
It's not slanty eyes you idiot, it's look. Not all of them have slanty eyes. South Asian shift look is more typical of Persians in that area of the world.
These are Turkmens too and not slanty.

Im pretty sure its about eyes and cheekbones. They all look like my family members.

You can only jerk of to that pictures black sean hamsito

Полковник 95
06-27-2017, 09:42 PM
It's not slanty eyes you idiot, it's look. Not all of them have slanty eyes. South Asian shift look is more typical of Persians in that area of the world.
These are Turkmens too and not slanty.


06-27-2017, 10:04 PM
Mostly Asiatic Alpines.

I think so too.