View Full Version : classify and guess this woman

11-28-2010, 04:12 PM

11-28-2010, 04:15 PM

11-28-2010, 04:18 PM

Might i ask where do you see ''Baltid'' from her ?

11-28-2010, 04:19 PM
Alpine Pontid.
She has this stereotypical slavic Look.

11-28-2010, 04:21 PM
Looks pretty Bulgarian to me.

11-28-2010, 04:27 PM
Alpine Pontid.
She has this stereotypical slavic Look.

Not really.

This is what stereotypical Slavic look :

11-28-2010, 04:29 PM
I think she looks a bit orientalid

11-28-2010, 04:29 PM
Might i ask where do you see ''Baltid'' from her ?

Rather important interorbital distance in combination with robust facial architecture (broad cheekbones) mainly.
It's also a general impression I get from her, best seen on the third picture.
However, it's difficult to tell what is "made" on her and what is natural.

11-28-2010, 04:33 PM

11-28-2010, 04:33 PM
Rather important interorbital distance in combination with robust facial architecture (broad cheekbones) mainly.
It's also a general impression I get from her, best seen on the third picture.
However, it's difficult to tell what is "made" on her and what is natural.

There is nothing Baltid in her, at all. Baltid are quite rare in Bulgarian.

11-28-2010, 04:37 PM
Not really.

This is what stereotypical Slavic look :

She donīt look South Slavic and not Stereotypical.
You pick only Pictures with most West looking Females.

11-28-2010, 04:39 PM
the woman is not bulgarian

11-28-2010, 04:43 PM
She donīt look South Slavic and not Stereotypical.
You pick only Pictures with most West looking Females.

That women looks very West Slavic/East Slavic.

11-28-2010, 04:43 PM
That women looks very West Slavic/East Slavic.

Now is it West or East what you think ?

11-28-2010, 04:45 PM
Now is it West or East what you think ?

Both i'd say but East Slavic looks East Baltid. You can find her looks in Poland, Belarussia and Ukrainie.

11-28-2010, 04:48 PM
Both i'd say but East Slavic looks East Baltid. You can find her looks in Poland, Belarussia and Ukrainie.

She just only looks baltid.. and btw she donīt look slavic only because of her Blonde hair.

11-28-2010, 04:57 PM
She just only looks baltid.. and btw she donīt look slavic only because of her Blonde hair.

Many Slavic have blonde hair especially Poles, Ukrainian, Czech, Russian and Slovakian. Where did you get this ideas from ? She looks very Slavic, imo.

11-28-2010, 05:02 PM
Dark blonde are very Slavic trait.
Where did you get this ideas from ?

I have more to ask you.

Dark blonde are very Slavic trait.
Your writings are messed up Bullshit.

11-28-2010, 05:03 PM

11-28-2010, 07:41 PM
She is gypsy, not stereotypical gypsy but still filthy gypsy. Her blonde hair is fake

11-28-2010, 08:17 PM
Many Slavic have blonde hair especially Poles, Ukrainian, Czech, Russian and Slovakian. Where did you get this ideas from ? She looks very Slavic, imo.

Dude, are you serious? She's the fakest blonde I've ever seen. She's definitely Slavic. She's clearly gracile Southeastern Med, although I'm hesitant to call her Pontid, and she also has Dinaric influences. She very well may have Baltic ancestry as well. These Southeastern Europeans are such intra-European mutts, it's sometimes hard to put your finger on the geography it all comes from.

11-28-2010, 08:25 PM
Not really.
This is what stereotypical Slavic look :
I'd say that's right in the middle of stereotypical Slavic and Baltic looks... And she'd be pretty common in Russia. There's so much genetic diversity amongst Slavs and Balts that to me, it seems oversimplistic to just generalize by ethnolinguistic group. Perhaps just to put a vague name on it, but to hold a counterargument? That's why we use race categories instead.

Both i'd say but East Slavic looks East Baltid. You can find her looks in Poland, Belarussia and Ukrainie.
"Belarussia" has tons of immigrants from Russia who, for the most part, you'd have trouble telling apart from everyone else.

I think she looks a bit orientalid
Not any more Mongolid than most other Southern Europeans. Polish people and many Balts have more Archaic Mongolid admixture than most of the Southeastern Slavs.

Looks pretty Bulgarian to me.

11-28-2010, 08:56 PM
She is just a gypsy... Don't call her Bulgarian, nor Slavic

11-28-2010, 09:46 PM
Dude, are you serious? She's the fakest blonde I've ever seen. She's definitely Slavic. She's clearly gracile Southeastern Med, although I'm hesitant to call her Pontid, and she also has Dinaric influences. She very well may have Baltic ancestry as well. These Southeastern Europeans are such intra-European mutts, it's sometimes hard to put your finger on the geography it all comes from.

Wut ? I've never said that she's blonde.

11-28-2010, 09:48 PM
I'd say that's right in the middle of stereotypical Slavic and Baltic looks... And she'd be pretty common in Russia. There's so much genetic diversity amongst Slavs and Balts that to me, it seems oversimplistic to just generalize by ethnolinguistic group. Perhaps just to put a vague name on it, but to hold a counterargument? That's why we use race categories instead.

This type is very common among Slavic people more than Finnic or even Baltic but stil, it's Slavic and Baltic looks.

Not any more Mongolid than most other Southern Europeans. Polish people and many Balts have more Archaic Mongolid admixture than most of the Southeastern Slavs.
You are wrong. Polish people do not have Mongoloid admixture.

11-28-2010, 10:02 PM
This type is very common among Slavic people more than Finnic or even Baltic but stil, it's Slavic and Baltic looks.

You are wrong. Polish people do not have Mongoloid admixture.

Most East Baltids, and especially Lappoids, which are mixed in with East Baltids to some extent, do. If they have epicanthal folds, you can pretty much bet on archaic Mongoloid admixture. Not to say all Poles have significant Mongoloid ancestry, but here's just an example:

This is not to say that her Cro-Magnid ancestry isn't dominant. But you can pretty much bet that her pedomorphic stature and semi-monofolds are Mongoloid-influenced... Her shovel-shaped teeth are a strong indicator as well. Of course, this is ARCHAIC admixture, so you don't go calling her "Asian". She's still a member of the East Baltid subtype. There are Africans in the Congo with epicanthal folds as well, but this is from an even more archaic Asian back-migration. It doesn't make them Asian in any way, and behavior-wise nothing shows through.

Wut ? I've never said that she's blonde.
No, but it seemed like you were using blondism as some kind of indicator. I'm generally confused about your arguments because...

Many Slavic have blonde hair especially Poles, Ukrainian, Czech, Russian and Slovakian. Where did you get this ideas from ? She looks very Slavic, imo.
...Czechs and Ukrainians usually don't have blond hair, and blond hair would, statistically speaking, be more of an indicator of Balticization.

11-28-2010, 10:10 PM
Mongoloid-influenced... Her shovel-shaped teeth are a strong indicator as well.

How do you know she has shovel-shaped teeth? :confused: Anyway the pic looks photoshopped especially the nose.

11-28-2010, 10:11 PM
Most East Baltids, and especially Lappoids, which are often mixed, do. If they have epicanthal folds, you can pretty much bet on archaic Mongoloid admixture. Not to say all Poles have significant Mongoloid ancestry, but here's just an example:

East Baltid are not common among Polish people. Polish people are mostly Baltid (proper) and Baltid (proper) have no mongoloid admixture at all.

Polish Baltid :

East Baltid :

11-28-2010, 10:13 PM
How do you know she has shovel-shaped teeth? :confused: Anyway the pic looks photoshopped especially the nose.
The pic isn't Photoshopped in the slightest.
Magda Frąckowiak. She has large, wide teeth and shovel shaped central incisors. She usually doesn't show her teeth, because they are freaking huge, but you can make out half of her top teeth and a few of her bottom teeth after looking at enough of her pictures.


11-28-2010, 10:18 PM
East Baltid are not common among Polish people. Polish people are mostly Baltid (proper) and Baltid (proper) have no mongoloid admixture at all.

Dude... You're missing the point. I was referring to East Baltids, not all Baltids. You said "Polish people have no Mongoloid admixture". And I pointed out that there are East Baltid Poles, and that East Baltids and Lappoids in general typically have Mongoloid admixture. There are also proper Baltids with archaic Mongoloid traits. Not all Poles, but... that was NEVER what I was arguing.

11-28-2010, 10:23 PM
Dude... You're missing the point. I was referring to East Baltids, not all Baltids. You said "Polish people have no Mongoloid admixture". And I pointed out that there are East Baltid Poles, and that East Baltids and Lappoids in general typically have Mongoloid admixture. There are also proper Baltids with archaic Mongoloid traits. Not all Poles, but... that was NEVER what I was arguing.

^ My apologies. East Baltid are not common among Polish people but yeah, East Baltid do present there. East Baltid are quite among Finnish people.

11-28-2010, 10:26 PM
Magda Frąckowiak. She has large, wide teeth and shovel shaped central incisors.

Large and wide central incisors do not mean they're shovel shaped. My incisors are large and they are not shovel shaped. Unless you can show the underside of her incisors which I know you can't, then you are a bullshitter.

11-28-2010, 10:37 PM
Large and wide central incisors do not mean they're shovel shaped. My incisors are large and they are not shovel shaped. Unless you can show the underside of her incisors which I know you can't, then you are a bullshitter.

Look at all of her pictures and decide for yourself. In the pictures that aren't Photoshopped especially, her incisors, or what you can see of them, look wide and rounded. Perhaps I even chose a bad example (:(). I don't want to nitpick with you over the details, simply because there isn't a one-and-only truth here, and Mongoloid traits are often independent anyway. I just know that most of my information comes straight from PA websites and our very own Nordish glossary.

11-29-2010, 04:25 AM

She looks like this Polish girl.
