View Full Version : Ancient Greek faces/phenotypes

07-04-2017, 05:54 PM
I gathered most of what I could from busts(straight and profile angle),paintings of these busts ,wall paintings or coins.Feel free to send more.

https://s16.postimg.org/xj4zv6wzp/image.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/jpgn654e9/)

https://s16.postimg.org/klmrwg9s5/image.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/waqrkf0qp/)

https://s16.postimg.org/sjclkcxol/image.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/sw3zqjfy9/)

https://s16.postimg.org/57jfy5d39/Aesop.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/u0szysw3l/)

https://s16.postimg.org/82wj50h39/Aischines.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/4w1zldwn5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/r4fm9dlz9/Aischylos2.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/5597m654x/)

https://s16.postimg.org/k7guj40at/Alcibiades_Bust_profile.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/c1yskyc1t/)

https://s16.postimg.org/p4pd73vyd/Anacreon.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/npnsiduv5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/4ylv880at/Anaximander.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/ql0vp8yv5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/n2txpz4at/Antinus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/8we6uqtfl/)

https://s16.postimg.org/qstkivg5h/Antiochus_III.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/mwg8mvv5t/)

https://s16.postimg.org/cha2dyxz9/Antiochus_III_Megas.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/3z0m9mrgh/)

07-04-2017, 05:54 PM
https://s16.postimg.org/u0y1vx2f9/Antisthenes.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/69yodt281/)

https://s16.postimg.org/6udpghvgl/Ant_Kyth_Prax.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/lqc8o36v5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/9080azyx1/Apollodorus_of_Damascus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/uzeey7fr5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/d1p3gnr7p/Apollonius_of_Perga.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/glb16gtxd/)

https://s16.postimg.org/889xpjk3p/Apollonius_of_Tyana.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/kmwppvblt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/ktaesykqt/Archidamos.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/j1hfy21dt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/f8xxiblvp/Archilochus1.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/uhnuw3fk1/)

https://s16.postimg.org/9w4hqg8lh/Archytas_or_Pythagoras.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/a8vvwmqv5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/roz8pt4lh/Aristarxos_O_Samios.png (https://postimg.org/image/gcmn80vwh/)

https://s16.postimg.org/6vs8nnmo5/Aristippus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/lrqrv8y2p/)

https://s16.postimg.org/rxwtfqhdx/Aristogeiton_Themistokles.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/fw1fll85d/)

https://s16.postimg.org/cvfzrb7gl/Aristophanes.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/6hqwo22kh/)

https://s16.postimg.org/uck3mf891/Aristotales.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/8ddoz7rep/)

https://s16.postimg.org/5xggz3ypx/attalos-transformation.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/m8gkvfb7l/)

https://s16.postimg.org/a7qjgyef9/Attalus_I_Soter.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/5luf8lsw1/)

https://s16.postimg.org/fkfdv32bp/Bias.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/ayj9mqgsh/)

https://s16.postimg.org/dzrodq0ed/Boxer_of_Quirinal.png (https://postimg.org/image/c7ypith1d/)

https://s16.postimg.org/j5fus1w91/Chrysippos.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/vk2msdnr5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/wc5arkryd/cleanthes.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/764ckqqo1/)

https://s16.postimg.org/iwia24jgl/demetriospoliorkitis.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/cvkl51wu9/)

07-04-2017, 05:55 PM
https://s16.postimg.org/olyimfpmt/democritus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/4rch0baf5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/za29l9zlx/democrituss.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/mvfhky83l/)

https://s16.postimg.org/7rtbgulqd/demosthenes.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/6crqs4kn5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/dua4ytoxx/dimitrios_o_falireus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/5c0ouhif5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/cmn0f4k1x/doryphoros_head.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/8diacygsh/)

https://s16.postimg.org/44i5oj2x1/epicur.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/hlf47ed8h/)

https://s16.postimg.org/6xbd8k39h/euripides.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/6xbd8k39d/)

https://s16.postimg.org/3ld2f9bid/euthydemos.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/jwd6bko01/)

https://s16.postimg.org/k7umoc4g5/Heracleitus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/4mdb4dsht/)

https://s16.postimg.org/kn5whcqdh/Heraklit.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/3zeeeuvlt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/ulqv3tzt1/herodotus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/eni5dp5kx/)

https://s16.postimg.org/aw8krdrwl/hippocrates.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/dqbq4tu2p/)

https://s16.postimg.org/ck7q615s5/Homeros2.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/kcydy0br5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/l7kxk1jlx/Hypereides.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/59c7twpdt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/m124qef0l/image_6.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/ihg70lcap/)

https://s16.postimg.org/rf0wxy4qt/isocrates_2.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/a1qmj39fl/)

https://s16.postimg.org/9wi9vocqt/Karneades.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/5ndjti9hd/)

https://s16.postimg.org/p1iz6xqbp/lysiassss.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/56wxktb41/)

https://s16.postimg.org/a30kcib9h/Lysimachus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/90qdtysg1/)

https://s16.postimg.org/4p1s4ylj9/may_be_Thucydides_not_identifyed_yet.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/ge5rsxcht/)

07-04-2017, 05:55 PM
https://s16.postimg.org/i29ilbfr9/Menandros.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/t1upwx669/)

https://s16.postimg.org/3qlf2o879/miltiades.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/l3vphj3i9/)

https://s16.postimg.org/p6rbucn0l/Mycenaean1.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/cfd5nud8h/)

https://s16.postimg.org/mmr3mia2t/Mycenaean2.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/o1sob8b5t/)

https://s16.postimg.org/iccfqx4zp/Mycenaean3.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/oda4nzrlt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/4l7yopg1x/Mycenaean4.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/4l7yopg1t/)

https://s16.postimg.org/m16q454ed/Mycenaean5.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/kywjlllkx/)

https://s16.postimg.org/lpp9rdnyd/Mycenaean6.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/3mw705s3l/)

https://s16.postimg.org/5pagjmu85/Mycenaeans.png (https://postimg.org/image/6rkn26d1d/)

https://s16.postimg.org/3sdqf23k5/Paniasis_de_Halicarnaso.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/5wy3g556p/)

https://s16.postimg.org/le7tem7id/parmenidhs.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/hulvot4sh/)

https://s16.postimg.org/5jsx4qirp/pausanias.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/l5a8ooupt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/h6d15v62t/Periander.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/66rtu9fnl/)

https://s16.postimg.org/guvkt3pmt/Philetairos.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/6kt5tuzr5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/ctj316mpx/pindar.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/6ftzxxhtt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/q57own0cl/pittakosmytilhnaios_sofos2.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/oq647wz9d/)

https://s16.postimg.org/wk6ptb72d/Platon.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/vunxgy6ip/)

https://s16.postimg.org/qprbd2iyt/plotinus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/5sv38ekxt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/6rbgaoy9x/Plutarch2.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/m01dogry9/)

https://s16.postimg.org/h3xqwrrt1/Portrait_of_a_Hellenistic_poet_not_yet_identifi.jp g (https://postimg.org/image/g1nke88zl/)

07-04-2017, 05:56 PM
https://s16.postimg.org/vporl0olh/Poseidippus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/iyaleietd/)

https://s16.postimg.org/gwa409gud/posidonius.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/l5eu2fk3l/)

https://s16.postimg.org/xvj2fis1x/pyrrho.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/qsb6zwmm9/)

https://s16.postimg.org/vgr6v3bt1/Pyrrhus_Epirus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/4vonzj9fl/)

https://s16.postimg.org/sb6l4vt6t/pythagorass.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/f710s714x/)

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https://s16.postimg.org/uawdns29x/seleucidprince.png (https://postimg.org/image/vd6k6bl35/)

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https://s16.postimg.org/9a1qp49dx/seleucus_nicator.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/n3q3e61z5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/9bboijb7p/Sokrates1.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/ms8n1elj5/)

https://s16.postimg.org/aevsuhvut/solon.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/um98mstc1/)

https://s16.postimg.org/ahfohbzid/sophocles.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/n8tunu9a9/)

https://s16.postimg.org/g6vx1n5ol/thales.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/6mcaergch/)

https://s16.postimg.org/6auu1zzwl/themistokles_2.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/dqu3nsnlt/)

https://s16.postimg.org/kjugk2ef9/theophrastus.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/6depou3k1/)

https://s16.postimg.org/5mlzj216t/Thucydides2.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/8gp4wi3cx/)

https://s16.postimg.org/lc1px0805/Tukhydides.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/8knjqhy81/)

https://s16.postimg.org/wcwv21091/xenophon.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/qoqkb4vwh/)

https://s16.postimg.org/c6td354lh/Zenon.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/cwc5fi54x/)

07-04-2017, 05:57 PM
https://s8.postimg.org/jq12lcbwl/Alexander.png (https://postimg.org/image/4u2jdr0ht/)

https://s8.postimg.org/gx7v1bbk5/Ancient_Greeks_paintings.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/e34pnv9dt/)

https://s8.postimg.org/kbumv6wcl/Antisthenes.png (https://postimg.org/image/h503bkbwh/)

https://s8.postimg.org/mzfhrt005/Archidamos1.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/xz0p3eqf5/)

https://s8.postimg.org/ndgtrek3p/Aristophanes.png (https://postimg.org/image/yd2130aip/)

https://s8.postimg.org/l7r4an611/Aristotle.png (https://postimg.org/image/rlg7dwawx/)

https://s8.postimg.org/nevcykbb9/Aristotle1.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/t31npgfnl/)

https://s8.postimg.org/dvlo53nt1/Asclipiades.png (https://postimg.org/image/5q3m6xzk1/)

https://s8.postimg.org/hkbd4kxtx/Chryssipus.png (https://postimg.org/image/ubpjb37lt/)

https://s8.postimg.org/gadjpj41x/Demosthenes.png (https://postimg.org/image/rmq57bcqp/)

https://s8.postimg.org/y491qtn45/Epicuros.png (https://postimg.org/image/dk47sc7cx/)

https://s8.postimg.org/mhoxpozt1/Eschylus.png (https://postimg.org/image/qqtnrv329/)

https://s8.postimg.org/7pk7yctvp/Euripides.png (https://postimg.org/image/6na1ftb29/)

https://s8.postimg.org/b7w7uqurp/Hellenistic_period_philosopher.png (https://postimg.org/image/gjb4fggu9/)

https://s8.postimg.org/wa0smtphh/Herodotus.png (https://postimg.org/image/lzydnkzlt/)

https://s8.postimg.org/f0kbo7znp/Hippocrates.png (https://postimg.org/image/fdbpuehxd/)

https://s8.postimg.org/m02z1bozp/homer.png (https://postimg.org/image/9lg70zxhd/)

https://s8.postimg.org/b2x1ytcud/Isiodus.png (https://postimg.org/image/649jka91d/)

https://s8.postimg.org/pxlnczmf9/Kolotis-_Lykourgos.png (https://postimg.org/image/8kbcy4r41/)

https://s8.postimg.org/xheqf1flx/Menandros.png (https://postimg.org/image/xu64l7xvl/)

07-04-2017, 05:58 PM
https://s8.postimg.org/5734bexj9/Pindaros.png (https://postimg.org/image/oc6dl6c75/)

https://s8.postimg.org/og071fhol/Platon.png (https://postimg.org/image/7fhasr4n5/)

https://s8.postimg.org/d13pwt5c5/Posidonius.png (https://postimg.org/image/8ryzun22p/)

https://s8.postimg.org/g82uu6f5x/Socrates.png (https://postimg.org/image/dqr3mwv9d/)

https://s8.postimg.org/xioo8ghfp/Solon.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/3qrlt9um9/)

https://s8.postimg.org/v56qhg30l/Themistocles.png (https://postimg.org/image/ncg2pgx1d/)

https://s8.postimg.org/fnntrhlxh/Theophrastus.png (https://postimg.org/image/pxq8qqbsx/)

https://s8.postimg.org/r8xzz77et/Thucydides.png (https://postimg.org/image/7ebyd2s75/)

https://s8.postimg.org/h3zc9moud/Uknown_Hellenistic_period_philosopher.png (https://postimg.org/image/64e4y0yf5/)

https://s8.postimg.org/x4rxmlmpx/Uknown-_Could_be_Democritus.png (https://postimg.org/image/bv4bbr6f5/)

https://s8.postimg.org/cjd5up551/Unknown_philosopher-_Could_be_Anaximander.png (https://postimg.org/image/qd1ijqxq9/)

https://s8.postimg.org/r546iy1xh/Unknown_Could_be_Heraclitus_or_Anaximander.png (https://postimg.org/image/tmfxq7ltt/)

https://s8.postimg.org/aimm9v8zp/Unknown-_Probably_Cynic_philosopher.png (https://postimg.org/image/yz4s4c9q9/)

https://s8.postimg.org/xb5mpovut/Zenon.png (https://postimg.org/image/kwiupd4ch/)

07-04-2017, 06:00 PM
https://s9.postimg.org/ji3w1t5q7/016._Boston_63.1.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/uhp3dew57/)

https://s9.postimg.org/xfm2743sv/033.Orestis-aigisthos.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/mss91ovnf/)

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https://s9.postimg.org/welthzmtb/Alkaios.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/3oyxlcit7/)

https://s9.postimg.org/947nmbadb/Ancient_Greek_boxer.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/bljetku9n/)

https://s9.postimg.org/xn9p3merj/ancient-greece-diet_1.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/3vcmofry3/)

https://s9.postimg.org/6gmspp6pr/Antiochos_III-coin.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/nh5oydjqz/)

https://s9.postimg.org/65j4i5uf3/Ariarathes.png (https://postimg.org/image/enskmi0xn/)

https://s9.postimg.org/9yysm37lr/Athenian_male.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/itzmwlwe3/)

https://s9.postimg.org/6qub91lbz/bust-of-alcibiades.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/61biwoksb/)

07-04-2017, 06:00 PM
https://s9.postimg.org/9h3n68i0v/Cassander.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/k3xgbnq63/)

https://s9.postimg.org/ijs4d9hrz/demetrius.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/4dcdi16wr/)

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https://s9.postimg.org/ppjvfpqv3/Hephaestion_Amyntoros.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/dax3fdzcr/)

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https://s9.postimg.org/vyee0s37j/Mycenaean_Woman.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/z58xkennf/)

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07-04-2017, 06:01 PM
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https://s9.postimg.org/mk8ggzn0f/Phillip_reconstruction.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/h8tjwa0xn/)

https://s9.postimg.org/3qmnjzosf/Ptolemy_coin.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/hx2ef7znf/)

https://s9.postimg.org/8o0853qrj/Reconstructed_Myceneanfresco.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/6jfv40p4r/)

https://s9.postimg.org/477v6fcjj/Seleucus_II.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/orcp4wsaj/)

https://s9.postimg.org/yjok21hz3/Seleucus_II.png (https://postimg.org/image/oz4xf5smz/)

https://s9.postimg.org/ttymdfqyn/seleukos.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/diyih4egr/)

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https://s9.postimg.org/l07pwc3zz/xanthosefivos.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/p9cfyi797/)

08-09-2017, 11:07 PM
Light depictions of those is based nowhere. There is no reference anywhere these specific personalities had light hairs/beards.






These paintings made by Evi Sarantea, another dyed blond Greek woman.



That's what northernism, hollywood crap and fairy tales of Nordicists of ancient Greeks being Nordic or at least light haired/eyed has as a result, depicting Greeks as Swedish people and all of our women to dye their hairs blond and pretending they are American women of Scandinavian origin.

That's how ancient Greeks depicted their pigmentation: http://www.theoi.com/Encyc_A.html


I want to know when Greek will be proud of their natural hair colors, instead dye their hairs blond and posting in the apricity the rarity of "blond" haired Greeks.

08-15-2017, 02:51 AM

Even when these guys are depicted light,they still look Helleno Mediteranean and not
Northern Euro to me

08-15-2017, 03:13 AM
I think that often phenotype =/= genotype. Take for example Ashkenazi Jews. Genetically they are as southern as Sicilians. But in terms of phenotypes? Most of them don't look Med. During WW2 many Jews in Northern Europe were hiding pretending to be local ethnicities, and could pass as such.

08-15-2017, 03:37 AM
Atlanto-Pontid and Dinaroid types.

Bell Beaker
08-15-2017, 03:48 AM
I think that often phenotype =/= genotype. Take for example Ashkenazi Jews. Genetically they are as southern as Sicilians. But in terms of phenotypes? Most of them don't look Med. During WW2 many Jews in Northern Europe were hiding pretending to be local ethnicities, and could pass as such.

They even had to put the yellow badge in the German Jewish population (and later in the Jews from the former European territories) in order to be more easy to identify who was a Jew.

08-15-2017, 05:22 AM

Even when these guys are depicted light,they still look Helleno Mediteranean and not
Northern Euro to me

Still, they depicted light by a dyed blond Greek woman to fit the hollywood crap and the NW view on ancient Greeks. These colors were not common among our ancient ancestors and do not represent Greeks, neither these specific personalities.

08-15-2017, 05:39 AM
I think that often phenotype =/= genotype. Take for example Ashkenazi Jews. Genetically they are as southern as Sicilians. But in terms of phenotypes? Most of them don't look Med. During WW2 many Jews in Northern Europe were hiding pretending to be local ethnicities, and could pass as such.

Cretans are genetically almost identical to Sicilians (they're slightly more North Euro and Caucasus instead of having North African, though) but western Crete is also lighter pigmented and less "Med" looking than most of Sicily. Still though, I do think most Ashkenazim have features that can be found in Sicily, especially in Palermo.

08-15-2017, 10:41 AM
About Jewish phenotypes:


08-15-2017, 02:54 PM
Still, they depicted light by a dyed blond Greek woman to fit the hollywood crap and the NW view on ancient Greeks. These colors were not common among our ancient ancestors and do not represent Greeks, neither these specific personalities.


I want to add they often use light types from Sfakia who are said to be descendants from Dorians to prove that Dorians where from Northern Europe:rolleyes:
When in reality the majority of light type Sfakiots from what i have seen except of pigmentation don't look different from the dark types.
And both look similar to these ancient Greeks.

One example,well this is not from Western but Central Crete"Anogia",but neverless
Both from the same family one of them is light and one of them dark,but both look ancient Greek before anything else



08-15-2017, 03:10 PM

I want to add they often use light types from Sfakia who are said to be descendants from Dorians to prove that Dorians where from Northern Europe:rolleyes:
When in reality the majority of light type Sfakiots from what i have seen except of pigmentation don't look different from the dark types.
And both look similar to these ancient Greeks.

One example,well this is not from Western but Central Crete"Anogia",but neverless
Both from the same family one of them is light and one of them dark,but both look ancient Greek before anything else



Light Greeks, blondoids, are rare in Greece, they are not pure Greeks, they are mixed with northern elements and do not represent the Greeks. Just Northerners want Greeks to represented by them and they pass it through Cinema also to Northern wannabe Greeks(like the dyed blonde woman who painted the portraits).

Sfakians being descendants of Dorians 'cause of some blondism among them is once again a fairy tale. Aris Poulianos who studied the Sfakians said their northern admixture came from Caucasus and not from Balkans and that Sfakians predate the coming of Dorians in Crete. I cannot ignore him.

08-15-2017, 03:32 PM
Lol at this swartoid from the bottom of Anatolia, Hellenas, with his immense cope.They aren't even Nordic or Scandinavian in those pictures, just standard white european.
Ancient greeks were alot lighter than today "greeks".

08-15-2017, 03:44 PM
Sfakians being descendants of Dorians 'cause of some blondism among them is once again a fairy tale. Aris Poulianos who studied the Sfakians said their northern admixture came from Caucasus and not from Balkans and that Sfakians predate the coming of Dorians in Crete. I cannot ignore him.

So it could be possible that Sfakiots have more to do with Pontian Greeks than with Balkans.
Do you agree?

Alot of people here are morons when it comes to Greeks from Pontus,they claim all kinds of bullshit made up by Nordicists,Balkano Centrists,
and never discuss the influence and impact Pontus had in Greek history and claim Pontians to be completly seperated and different from
all other Greeks.

08-15-2017, 03:47 PM
Lol at this swartoid from the bottom of Anatolia, Hellenas, with his immense cope.They aren't even Nordic or Scandinavian in those pictures, just standard white european.
Ancient greeks were alot lighter than today "greeks".

Both of you are the same shit.

Hellenas is supposedly against Nordicism but employs similar tactics and is also a master of pseudo-history and pseudo-science. He is a loser with an inferiority complex.

You are a troll account who will probably get banned again.

You even tried to claim the ancient Greeks as something yours, because you are supposedly a Daco-Thracian and according to your false theories the ancient Greeks were Daco-Thracians therefore lighter than modern Greeks.

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08-15-2017, 03:50 PM
Can my phenotype fit ? :lol:


The statues have really nice features I wonder how realistic they are. :P

08-15-2017, 03:51 PM
Lol at this swartoid from the bottom of Anatolia, Hellenas, with his immense cope.They aren't even Nordic or Scandinavian in those pictures, just standard white european.
Ancient greeks were alot lighter than today "greeks".

This is wrong in general

But,it depends on what you mean by alot lighter and how modern Greeks look like in your opinion.
Can you give any examples of what you think modern Greeks typically look like and what ancient Greeks did look like?
Because "White European" is vague and can mean alot of things

08-15-2017, 03:54 PM

08-15-2017, 03:57 PM
So it could be possible that Sfakiots have more to do with Pontian Greeks than with Balkans.
Do you agree?

Alot of people here are morons when it comes to Greeks from Pontus,they claim all kinds of bullshit made up by Nordicists,Balkano Centrists,
and never discuss the influence and impact Pontus had in Greek history and claim Pontians to be completly seperated and different from
all other Greeks.

Probably the relations Sfakians had with Caucasus predates Pontus that formed around 100 BC. But there are connections with Pontic Greeks, the Pyrrhic dance, the lyre, the warlike character etc.

08-15-2017, 03:59 PM
Both of you are the same shit.

Hellenas is supposedly against Nordicism but employs similar tactics and is also a master of pseudo-history and pseudo-science. He is a loser with an inferiority complex.

You are a troll account who will probably get banned again.

You even tried to claim the ancient Greeks as something yours, because you are supposedly a Daco-Thracian and according to your false theories the ancient Greeks were Daco-Thracians therefore lighter than modern Greeks.

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No, I did not, you are free to search though my posts.Ancient greeks were indeed a shade lighter than modern "greeks".But its the same thing with all South Europeans, you live at periphery of Europe, and thus it was inevitable for you to get browned.

08-15-2017, 04:06 PM
Probably the relations Sfakians had with Caucasus predates Pontus that formed around 100 BC. But there are connections with Pontic Greeks, the Pyrrhic dance, the lyre, the warlike character etc.

Your opinion here?

Give me some support if you agree with what i said there

08-15-2017, 04:10 PM
Light Greeks, blondoids, are rare in Greece, they are not pure Greeks, they are mixed with northern elements and do not represent the Greeks. Just Northerners want Greeks to represented by them and they pass it through Cinema also to Northern wannabe Greeks(like the dyed blonde woman who painted the portraits).

Sfakians being descendants of Dorians 'cause of some blondism among them is once again a fairy tale. Aris Poulianos who studied the Sfakians said their northern admixture came from Caucasus and not from Balkans and that Sfakians predate the coming of Dorians in Crete. I cannot ignore him.

Don't be stupid, Hellenas, blondism was certainly not non-existent in Ancient Greece.


08-15-2017, 04:13 PM
Probably the relations Sfakians had with Caucasus predates Pontus that formed around 100 BC. But there are connections with Pontic Greeks, the Pyrrhic dance, the lyre, the warlike character etc.

Sfakians and Cretans in general have nothing to do with Pontians.

Our dances are very different, our lyre is different, besides the lyre is used in many places in Europe, and "the warlike character" ? What does that even mean? Cretans are not warlike.

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08-15-2017, 04:13 PM
Lol at this swartoid from the bottom of Anatolia, Hellenas, with his immense cope.

I am Peloponnesian, Cretan and western Asia Minor Greek from the Greek Ionia.

And I have to repost that once again as well:

This anti-anatolian thing is getting hilarious.

Most of Greeks' ancestry is coming from Anatolia and same goes for Cretans and Minoans, they all came from there, including most of Europe's ancestry.

"the major components of the Greeks’ ancestry were already in place in the Bronze Age, after the migration of the earliest farmers from Anatolia set the template for the genetic makeup of Greeks and, in fact, most Europeans."


“About 9,000 years ago,” he noted, “there was an extensive migration of Neolithic humans from the regions of Anatolia that today comprise parts of Turkey and the Middle East. At the same time, the first Neolithic inhabitants reached Crete.”

“These results suggest the Minoan civilization arose 5,000 years ago in Crete from an ancestral Neolithic population that had arrived in the region about 4,000 years earlier,” he said. “Our data suggest that the Neolithic population that gave rise to the Minoans also migrated into Europe and gave rise to modern European peoples.”



More or less all Europeans we are Anatolians.

Hey Romanian Moron, Romania is 50-60% Neolithic... from the bottom of Anatolia. :lol:

They aren't even Nordic or Scandinavian in those pictures, just standard white european.
Ancient greeks were alot lighter than today "greeks".[/SIZE]

Said the Redneck Romanian... something that we can also see at the ancient Greek depictions of Greeks.

Right here: http://www.theoi.com/Encyc_A.html

Why I have to post to the Redneck same thing all the time...?

08-15-2017, 04:17 PM
Ancient greeks according to anatolian sperm Hellenas


Ancient greeks according to science and common sense


08-15-2017, 04:17 PM
Don't be stupid, Hellenas, blondism was certainly not non-existent in Ancient Greece.


But blond itself doesn't mean that much,not everyone who is blond realy looks Northern European or has Ancestry from the North.

This is why i refered to the light types of Crete and said despite their lighter pigmentation most of them look classical Greek and not Germanic or Balkan.

There have probably always been some light types in Greece,but 1)they where never the majorty and 2)they never got there by an invasion of foreign people.
3)they exist everywhere,also in other Islands,among Pontian Greeks,and even in Cyprus, only proportions may vary..

08-15-2017, 04:28 PM
Both of you are the same shit.

You obviously speak about your own self, you smell shit from one kilometer away.

pseudo-history and pseudo-science.

Again you throw shit out of your mouth without a single proof of your stupid claims, as always!

He is a loser with an inferiority complex.

We can all see who has an inferioty complex you buttlicker of NW Europeans and Americans! You Atlanto-Iberian wannabe!

You are a troll account who will probably get banned again.

I have get banned some years ago for wishing a holocaust for Albanians. I don't think I will get banned for posting sources for everything I say and having trolls like you throwing just shit out of his mouth without any proof.

08-15-2017, 04:31 PM
You obviously speak about your own self, you smell shit from one kilometer away.

Again you throw shit out of your mouth without a single proof of your stupid claims, as always!

Who has an inferioty complex we can all see it you buttlicker of NW Europeans and Americans! You Atlanto-Iberian wannabe!

I have get banned some years ago for wishing a holocaust for Albanians. I don't think I will get banned for posting sources for everything I say and having trolls like you throwing just shit out of his mouth without any proof.

I will ignore most of your retarded comment because there is no point in arguing with clowns like you, but:

When I said "you are a troll account who will probably get banned again", I said it to Lollipop, not you.

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08-15-2017, 04:34 PM
Ancient greeks according to anatolian sperm Hellenas


Ancient greeks according to science and common sense


Nice trolling!

Now get the fuck out of here before I sperm on your Red Turko-Mongol skull you Romanian whore... and then cut your fucking throat you gypsy redneck wannabe!

Go to hell gypsy!!!

08-15-2017, 04:37 PM
Don't be stupid, Hellenas, blondism was certainly not non-existent in Ancient Greece.


The only stupid person, among others, is you not me. Never said "non-existent", that's just your words. I said rare.

08-15-2017, 04:41 PM
I will ignore most of your retarded comment because there is no point in arguing with clowns like you,

The only clown around is someone called Lavrentis having claims that he just can't prove and troll us all!!!

08-15-2017, 04:41 PM
Nice trolling!

Now get the fuck out of here before I sperm on your Red Turko-Mongol skull you Romanian whore... and then cut your fucking throat you gypsy redneck wannabe!

Go to hell gypsy!!!

Planet of Apes is an allegory for ancient and medieval Greece.Unfortunately, the monkeys(represented by non-whites) won.

08-15-2017, 04:58 PM
Planet of Apes is an allegory for ancient and medieval Greece.Unfortunately, the monkeys(represented by non-whites) won.



We won!


08-15-2017, 05:14 PM
The only stupid person, among others, is you not me. Never said "non-existent", that's just your words. I said rare.

You said rare in modern Greece and you also said that blondeness in modern Greece comes from Northern non-Greek influence. This clearly implies absence of blondism in Ancient Greece. There's no getting around it, faggot.

08-15-2017, 05:30 PM
You said rare in modern Greece and you also said that blondeness in modern Greece comes from Northern non-Greek influence. This clearly implies absence of blondism in Ancient Greece. There's no getting around it, faggot.


Hmm, interesting this coming from a girly looking teenager with a sweat feminine face...

Anyway, get that:


I said to your Redhead Romanian gypsy friend that I will sperm his head metaphorically but some people are so stupid that get everything seriously... whatever.

and you also said that blondeness in modern Greece comes from Northern non-Greek influence.

Northern non-Greek influence that ancient Greeks already had. Boob!

Never said these words "to modern Greeks".



I have used these photos several times.

08-15-2017, 05:38 PM
Northern non-Greek influence that ancient Greeks already had. Boob!


And what exactly makes it non-Greek, shithead? I'll tell you what's certainly non-Greek: Your out of this world dumbfuckery. You belong to the bottom of Kaiadas.

08-15-2017, 05:42 PM

And what exactly makes it non-Greek, shithead? I'll tell you what's certainly non-Greek: Your out of this world dumbfuckery. You belong to the bottom of Kaiadas.

You cannot speak like that to me boy, I am your father!!!

Ho, ho, ho... now take at the telephone your blond fucker and ask him if he feels 100% Greek or bastardized with Scandos and the Vikings! Ha, ha, ha.

By the way, half of blond male friends I know and used to know, especially in Athens, are Greek-Germans, Greek-Dutch, Greek-French etc.

Arch Hades
08-15-2017, 06:02 PM
Everyone knows Hellenas is mentally challenged.

Anyway, the recent Lazardis study on Minoans and Mycenaean indicated one of the 5 Minoan women was blond or blondish. So it had already been present in the Aegean even before Northern Influence from the Eurasian steppe [which probably brought Indo-European/Greek to Greece].

08-15-2017, 06:19 PM
Everyone knows Hellenas is mentally challenged.

Because of my "non-politically correct" ideas I have created many enemies over here, including you, whatever, the monsters that haunted odysseus are still out there and use all the ways to attack... όσο για τις ανόητες βρισιές σας, ξέρετε που τις γράφω.

By the way no one asked your shity opinion about me but as a snake from hades that you are you came to attack with all other rednecks and nordicists...

Bye bye snake from hell. :wave

08-15-2017, 06:34 PM
Your opinion here?

Give me some support if you agree with what i said there

Cybernautic check your pms.

08-16-2017, 05:42 AM
Sfakians and Cretans in general have nothing to do with Pontians.

Our dances are very different, our lyre is different, besides the lyre is used in many places in Europe, and "the warlike character" ? What does that even mean? Cretans are not warlike.

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Thats your opinion

I don't know any other place in Europe that plays that kind of sound like Cretans or dances that way

Both Cretan and Pontian dances have to do with the ancient Greek Pyrrhic dance"which was also danced by Spartans for example",
as Hellenas said.

08-16-2017, 05:44 AM
Cybernautic check your pms.

Yes i did
Did you get my answer?

08-16-2017, 06:57 AM
They all look the usual Med-Alpine-CM mixes found in modern Greeks with the exception of this guy:

https://s16.postimg.org/qstkivg5h/Antiochus_III.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/mwg8mvv5t/)
https://s16.postimg.org/cha2dyxz9/Antiochus_III_Megas.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/3z0m9mrgh/)

Above looks Aryan of Italic type. I've never seen someone in Greece with that look.

08-16-2017, 08:07 AM
They all look the usual Med-Alpine-CM mixes found in modern Greeks with the exception of this guy:

Above looks Aryan of Italic type. I've never seen someone in Greece with that look.

Aryan of Italic type??? ...lol

But,yea i know what you are pointing at.
He looks more like later Roman type Sculptures than classical Greek.