View Full Version : Classify Bellator MMA fighter - Mike Brounzoulis

07-20-2017, 07:55 PM


https://scontent.fath1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1375986_864597803570804_3245396982988715542_n.jpg? oh=e06863730444752d89de2c98714d4854&oe=59FAB0A9

https://scontent.fath1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/11891178_1019841998046383_6611647042028520037_n.jp g?oh=f68704bd62e234d4cd035d8a1bcab632&oe=59F555D1

https://scontent.fath1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/16722571_1411546778875901_2610814506957595105_o.jp g?oh=cad1984b7b85475e47e372c94dfe7fc4&oe=59F7A7A6

https://scontent.fath1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12032048_1031294156901167_3331881189922411646_n.jp g?oh=c7cd6e6fada452f2a98201011f3d8a48&oe=59F0944F



07-20-2017, 07:58 PM

07-20-2017, 07:58 PM

07-20-2017, 08:06 PM


07-20-2017, 08:09 PM
He is half Israeli/Jewish.

And he is not Dinaro-Med.

07-20-2017, 08:11 PM

07-20-2017, 08:12 PM
He is half Israeli/Jewish.

And he is not Dinaro-Med.

Let people classify him FFS,

i know that he is converted to Judaism only in Religion way like half Americans today and half West countries in the future

07-20-2017, 08:13 PM

Not Brachy

Полковник 95
07-20-2017, 08:14 PM
Turkish look.

07-20-2017, 08:15 PM
Let people classify him FFS,

i know that he is converted to Judaism only in Religion way like half Americans today and half West countries in the future

I'm not forbidding anyone from classifying him.

His mother is Jewish, that's why he has the Star of David as a tatoo.

07-20-2017, 08:16 PM
Turkish look.

he look central asian or brachy to you??
And stop posting in my threads

07-20-2017, 08:18 PM
I'm not forbidding anyone from classifying him.

His mother is Jewish, that's why he has the Star of David as a tatoo.

If i convert to judaism i will be Jewish too???

07-20-2017, 08:21 PM
If i convert to judaism i will be Jewish too???

Are you kidding me with this question?

If you convert to Islam, you will be a Muslim. If you convert to Judaism, you will be a Jew.

But since we're speaking about genetics, his mother doesn't seem to be a convert. Just google about his tattoo, it's mentioned that he did it because of his mom. And to convert to Judaism, you must marry a Jew, while his father is Greek.

07-20-2017, 08:24 PM
Are you kidding me with this question?

If you convert to Islam, you will be a Muslim. If you convert to Judaism, you will be a Jew.

But since we're speaking about genetics, his mother doesn't seem to be a convert. Just google about his tattoo, it's mentioned that he did it because of his mom. And to convert to Judaism, you must marry a Jew, while his father is Greek.

Well his mother is not israeli if that you trying to say


07-20-2017, 08:26 PM
Nationality and Faith its not the same,
then Madonna is Jewish too

Полковник 95
07-20-2017, 09:39 PM
he look central asian or brachy to you??
And stop posting in my threads

Turkish is for me synonymous with Anatolian.

The Destroyer
07-20-2017, 10:05 PM
Gives off a Dinaro-Med vibe, like one of the posters said.

07-20-2017, 10:11 PM
He is not genus meaning his kids won't be Greek. No fault of his own has lost that right - if he marries a Greek then I will be consider him a Greek but not when he puts the star of david over the Greek national flag.

07-20-2017, 10:22 PM
His surname sounds Italian, or i am wrong?

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-21-2017, 01:11 AM
Guy sucks balls. I looked at his record and the only recognizable names he's fought was Joe Riggs and Josh Thomson and he fought Josh Thomas when he was over the hill. I'd arm bar this nigga straight up.

07-21-2017, 04:34 AM
He is not genus meaning his kids won't be Greek. No fault of his own has lost that right - if he marries a Greek then I will be consider him a Greek but not when he puts the star of david over the Greek national flag.

So a greek must be orthodox only??

07-21-2017, 04:35 AM
Guy sucks balls. I looked at his record and the only recognizable names he's fought was Joe Riggs and Josh Thomson and he fought Josh Thomas when he was over the hill. I'd arm bar this nigga straight up.

He is not McGregor but he is good for Bellator and maybe he get the belt there.
He is good at striking but not good at BJJ

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-21-2017, 04:47 AM
He is not McGregor but he is good for Bellator and maybe he get the belt there.
He is good at striking but not good at BJJ

He's too old at 38 to be a contender and in the next few years they'll most likely be a wave of young, quality guys fleeing the UFC for Bellator because of their horrible business practices (such as not allowing fighters to be sponsored by anyone but Reebok and the fighters getting shit money from Reebok compared to when fighters could have various sponsors prior to the UFC making that deal with that company. Fighters were making more money from sponsors than from what the UFC was paying them).

07-21-2017, 04:50 AM
He's too old at 38 to be a contender and in the next few years they'll most likely be a wave of young, quality guys fleeing the UFC for Bellator because of their horrible business practices (such as not allowing fighters to be sponsored by anyone but Reebok and the fighters getting shit money from Reebok compared to when fighters could have various sponsors prior to the UFC making that deal with that company. Fighters were making more money from sponsors than from what the UFC was paying them).

Anyway all of them make good amount of money there,
in his last fight will get 1 million dollars

Of course Boxing have way more money than MMA and thats why Conor want to try there

07-21-2017, 04:51 AM
So a greek must be orthodox only??

Yep, doesn't matter the ethnicity, only the religion. This is how Ahmed the Taleban become Alexander. If you search in this forum you can find the article. Feel free to ask for help if you couldn't find it.

07-21-2017, 04:56 AM
Yep, doesn't matter the ethnicity, only the religion. This is how Ahmed the Taleban become Alexander. If you search in this forum you can find the article. Feel free to ask for help if you couldn't find it.

Who invite you here??

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-21-2017, 05:06 AM
Anyway all of them make good amount of money there,
in his last fight will get 1 million dollars

Of course Boxing have way more money than MMA and thats why Conor want to try there

A million dollars? I know Bellator is shelling out money trying to lure people from the UFC but that's a fucking lot. Overreem made half a million in his fight with Werdum and those are two huge names. If that's correct then Bellator is sending an atom bomb of a message to the UFC.

07-21-2017, 05:20 AM
Who invite you here??

Shut up little asiatic. You have to ask permission before talking. The is European forum.

07-21-2017, 07:06 AM
So a greek must be orthodox only??

Nope - two greek parents - he is a half cast with foreign culture.

07-21-2017, 07:07 AM
Shut up little asiatic. You have to ask permission before talking. The is European forum.

So says the Turk.

07-21-2017, 03:20 PM
A million dollars? I know Bellator is shelling out money trying to lure people from the UFC but that's a fucking lot. Overreem made half a million in his fight with Werdum and those are two huge names. If that's correct then Bellator is sending an atom bomb of a message to the UFC.

Bro hope its true , just half a million for Overeem vs Werbum was a joke.
MMA its better than Boxing IMO and more entertaining , need way much money flow and we will see and better fighters in the future if the money go up