View Full Version : Classify Sámi politican and reindeer herder Nils Henrik Sara

12-03-2010, 11:19 AM
http://gfx.nrk.no/prdcZ9sSU8YouOXFQ_lX_ABiSsd368W5EauVY9ChqqcA.jpght tp://gfx.nrk.no/1_RcdbPVnLihKC4b-wWANQrIXfOikzMDmMcpAE2FMwOA.jpghttp://g.api.no/obscura/pub/708x708r/03439/1284102342000_Sara_2_3439340708x708r.jpghttp://www.barentsindigenous.org/getfile.php/915153.1332.wrcbfpuesf/800x650/Nils%20Henrik%20Sara.jpg

12-03-2010, 07:43 PM
Phenotypically at least he looks like a Nordid with a tinge of Alpinid.

12-03-2010, 08:13 PM
Going by Lundman's typology, he is predominantly Scando-Nordid with Scando-Lappid influences IMO. Typical for modern Lapps if you ask me.

12-04-2010, 12:38 AM
Typical for modern Lapps if you ask me.

Is this suppose to be a joke? His lip to nose distance is big and I see that in Lapps but he would still stick out like a sore thumb.

Can't tell if he's myopic or hyperopic. Myopia is not a hunter gatherer trait and would be rare among them as they would die from predators and would be unable to find food in their environment. It would have been unfavorable and negative selection.

12-04-2010, 12:39 AM
Is this suppose to be a joke? His lip to nose distance is big and I see that in Lapps but he would still stick out like a sore thumb.

...lol have you ever been to northern Scandinavia? :rolleyes2:

He don't look out of place at all.

12-04-2010, 12:43 AM
He don't look out of place at all.

For a Scandinavian no
For a Lapp yes

12-04-2010, 12:45 AM
For a Scandinavian no
For a Lapp yes

He looks like a normal Sámi, it's obvious you have not been to Scandinavia.

12-04-2010, 12:51 AM
I've seen 100s of Lapps. I know very well what they look like and your Lapp examples are mixed and biased.

12-04-2010, 12:53 AM
I've seen 100s of Lapps. I know very well what they look like and your Lapp examples are mixed and biased.

I have been to Finnmark and Tromsř, I have seen many Sámi in real life and there are plenty who look like this.

12-04-2010, 09:12 AM
Herder, calm down dude.

I meant that such combination is typical for modern Lapps. Early Lapps were obviously representing their core type that is Scando-Lappid. But Lapps were never practicing racial purity as far as I know, so they of course mixed with Germanic population. ;) Thus, many Lapps actually look more "Nordic" than "Lapp core type".

I'd say that most modern Lapps I've seen are Nordids (of Scando-Nordid subrace) with Scando-Lappid influences just like this Nils Henrik Sara. Trust me, he doesn't look "strange" or "out of place" among Samis at all.

The Journeyman
12-04-2010, 09:39 AM
I agree with Tomasz. Lappid(:confused:) and Nordid.

Can't tell if he's myopic or hyperopic. Myopia is not a hunter gatherer trait and would be rare among them as they would die from predators and would be unable to find food in their environment. It would have been unfavorable and negative selection.

I don't know where you've gathered your information or if this is just your assumption. But there have been studies on this issue, anthropological and genetic. Nearsightedness was almost unheard of in hunter-gatherer societies of Alaska when the Christian missionaries first made contact. When the natives started attending school for the first time, it was discovered that 25% percent of these students eventually became myopic.

How would you explain that 25% of americans have myopia? Are 1/4 simply not descended from hunter-gatherers? Of course not. It is a partial genetic quirk where when the eye strains, it sends a signal to the brain that responds by sending out growth factor to the eyeball, thereby elongating it, that is why it gets progressively worse. In ancient times people didn't have to strain there eyes doing close work and reading, so it was much less common.

12-04-2010, 05:42 PM
Phenotypically at least he looks like a Nordid with a tinge of Alpinid.

I agree completely.
Going back to places where he wouldn't stand out: Poland is such a place IMHO

He looks like a typical Polish guy I see here everyday - it's struck me in first place when I saw him in this thread

12-04-2010, 08:57 PM
Herder, calm down dude.

I meant that such combination is typical for modern Lapps. Early Lapps were obviously representing their core type that is Scando-Lappid. But Lapps were never practicing racial purity as far as I know, so they of course mixed with Germanic population. ;) Thus, many Lapps actually look more "Nordic" than "Lapp core type".

I'd say that most modern Lapps I've seen are Nordids (of Scando-Nordid subrace) with Scando-Lappid influences just like this Nils Henrik Sara. Trust me, he doesn't look "strange" or "out of place" among Samis at all.

I'm fine. :) Telling someone to calm down which you can't tell doesn't help your argument in any way. :rolleyes:

I cannot take the idea he looks normal for a Lapp. Some Lapps have narrower noses but look at that man. Do you think he could he pass for Spanish or English? Let's get real here. Look at his face.


I think Pallantides brainwashed you. People clutch to their minority part like it's something special. My teacher is tiny bit Cherokee and he wears a Cherokee hat in class. He even made us do our program about Cherokees. :rolleyes: He is really fat and his eyes look squinty. I think Norwegian Lapps are mixed more with European than other Lapps. So to me it's like posting mulattoes and calling them as Africans.

Don't ask me what these pictures are all about. I just have them. Just look at the Sami scores.


I agree with Tomasz. Lappid(:confused:) and Nordid.

I don't know where you've gathered your information or if this is just your assumption. But there have been studies on this issue, anthropological and genetic. Nearsightedness was almost unheard of in hunter-gatherer societies of Alaska when the Christian missionaries first made contact. When the natives started attending school for the first time, it was discovered that 25% percent of these students eventually became myopic.

How would you explain that 25% of americans have myopia? Are 1/4 simply not descended from hunter-gatherers? Of course not. It is a partial genetic quirk where when the eye strains, it sends a signal to the brain that responds by sending out growth factor to the eyeball, thereby elongating it, that is why it gets progressively worse. In ancient times people didn't have to strain there eyes doing close work and reading, so it was much less common.

I read it somewhere and yeah it was on top of my head. I think I read it from reading about Cromagnons. I'm interested in myopia cause my eyes are so bad. And I just said you couldn't tell what that Lapp had anyway. I wasn't using it as an argument. I just brought it up. :rolleyes:

And about those Alaskan hunter gatherers that's just slight myopia not extreme. It is hereditary. My dad is extreme -11 something and I'm -9.25. This can't be a coincidence because it's rare when it's that bad. So yeah there's something genetic going on there.

12-04-2010, 09:18 PM
His look is normal among Norwegian Saami.


The fact that you don't think "lapps"(wich is considered a very offensive term in Norway) are not European, pretty much reveal your intentions...

12-04-2010, 09:19 PM
I'm fine. Telling someone to calm down which you can't tell doesn't help your argument in any way.

It surely don't help my argument in any way and it wasn't intended to do so. You just overreacted to my post.

I cannot take the idea he looks normal for a Lapp. Some Lapps have narrower noses but look at that man. Do you think he could he pass for Spanish or English? Let's get real here. Look at his face.

No, I don't think he could pass for English. That's perfectly, why I said he has Lappid influences which make him look in characteristically unique "Lapp" way. But it's undeniable that primary element is still Hallstatt-Nordid regardless. It's a result of blending between Germanic Scandinavians and Lapps.

I think Pallantides brainwashed you. People clutch to their minority part like it's something special.

Not at all. I don't share Pallantides' positive opinion on Samis in the end. I'm pro-White and racial character of Lapp core type (that is Lappid) is highly dubious from European point of view.

So to me it's like posting mulattoes and calling them as Africans.

Except Samis are ethnic group, not racial. As far, as I know they also practice the rule that "Lapp is someone with at least one Sami ancestor". That leads to quite big racial variation inside of this ethnic group. They range from "pure" Lappids to Hallstatt-Nordids.

12-04-2010, 09:31 PM
It surely don't help my argument in any way and it wasn't intended to do so. You just overreacted to my post.

Not really.

No, I don't think he could pass for English. That's perfectly, why I said he has Lappid influences which make him look in characteristically unique "Lapp" way. But it's undeniable that primary element is still Hallstatt-Nordid regardless. It's a result of blending between Germanic Scandinavians and Lapps.

I think he can pass as English.

Not at all. I don't share Pallantides' positive opinion on Samis in the end. I'm pro-White and racial character of Lapp core type (that is Lappid) is highly dubious from European point of view.

Well that's good.

Except Samis are ethnic group, not racial. As far, as I know they also practice the rule that "Lapp is someone with at least one Sami ancestor". That leads to quite big racial variation inside of this ethnic group. They range from "pure" Lappids to Hallstatt-Nordids.

If true then that's like the one drop rule of the Blacks.

@ Pallantides, Sami is a politcally correct word. :rolleyes: You can shove political correctness up your rear end. I read science on them and they always use the word Lapp.

12-04-2010, 09:43 PM
Fennoscandia Biographic Project(Scandinavian genetics)

12-04-2010, 10:31 PM
Fennoscandia Biographic Project(Scandinavian genetics)

So the Lapps are some kind of Lithuanian and Turkic Chuvash mix by that study. Only n=3 Lapps were used in the study. Bigger sample size is needed. And those 3 Lapps were closer to Finns then Swedes then Norwegians but where were those Lapps? I'm guessing not Norway.

Norwegians are more similar too Swedes, Belorussians, Orcadians and Lithuanians than themself (!). (Yes I have checked for errors).

This doesn't make any sense? :confused:

12-04-2010, 10:40 PM
So the Lapps are some kind of Lithuanian and Turkic Chuvash mix by that study. Only n=3 Lapps were used in the study. Bigger sample size is needed. And those 3 Lapps were closer to Finns then Swedes then Norwegians but where were those Lapps? I'm guessing not Norway.

I'm NO4, in this project NO6 and NO7 cluster closest to the Saami(SA1) out of all the Norwegians, though they might be part (Saami or Finnish.) SWE7 also might be mixed.
Chuvash are a Turkicfied Finno-Ugric people, so it's not weird they have a some affinity wich each other.

Ugo Tognazzi
12-05-2010, 07:55 PM
I agree with Agrippa, he seems Nordid with minor Alpine. I've seen several types like him in the Czech republic. I think he could fit also in France.

09-05-2013, 01:20 AM
Hallstatt Nordic + Borreby, and a very typical Saami. The majority of Saami are not Lappids, and there is no evidence they ever were.

Hercus Monte
09-08-2013, 05:26 AM
he looks very baltic.