View Full Version : Classify Nikolija Jovanović from Serbia

Сербо Макеридов
08-11-2017, 06:34 AM





08-11-2017, 10:02 AM
Dinarid + North Pontid.

08-11-2017, 10:15 AM
i can't say anything, she has plastic surgery

08-11-2017, 10:17 AM
i can't say anything, she has plastic surgery
Then she might be just North Pontid with fake nose.

08-11-2017, 10:20 AM
Then she might be just North Pontid with fake nose.

you forgot her fake lips + fake cheek bones bro

Сербо Макеридов
08-11-2017, 10:21 AM
She looks Hungarian to me.

08-11-2017, 10:25 AM
She is literally fake, i found her face without plastic surgery for you guys and now, you can classify her better :thumb001:


08-11-2017, 10:40 AM
Looks very Montenegrin, pure dinaric (except that Montenegrin girls do not look like plastic trannies as she does)
Very vulgar and cheap look, typical pevaljka.....

Сербо Макеридов
08-11-2017, 10:45 AM
Looks very Montenegrin, pure dinaric (except that Montenegrin girls do not look like plastic trannies as she does)
Very vulgar and cheap look, typical pevaljka.....

She does not look Montenegrin at all, she is mostly Pontid.

She has Hungarian looks.

08-11-2017, 10:47 AM
She does not look Montenegrin at all, she is mostly Pontid.
She has Hungarian looks.

Not at all. She looks Balkanic as hell and nothing pontid about her. Uber Dinarid.

08-11-2017, 11:20 AM
Looks very Montenegrin, pure dinaric (except that Montenegrin girls do not look like plastic trannies as she does)
Very vulgar and cheap look, typical pevaljka.....
Neither Dinaric nor looking like Montenegrin, at all.
And FYI- Montenegrins have least pure Dinarics in whole Yugoslavia.
The Montenegrins, after a detailed examination, are seen to be far from typical Dinarics in many features; they are too large-bodied, too large-headed, and too broad-faced; their noses are too frequently broad and thick-tipped. They are also far too rufous for the ordinary Dinaric type.
Montenegro is not, therefore, simply a Dinaric nucleus; it is a Borreby-like or Afalou-like outcropping within a Dinaric nucleus. (Coon)

08-11-2017, 11:34 AM
Neither Dinaric nor looking like Montenegrin, at all.
And FYI- Montenegrins have least pure Dinarics in whole Yugoslavia.
The Montenegrins, after a detailed examination, are seen to be far from typical Dinarics in many features; they are too large-bodied, too large-headed, and too broad-faced; their noses are too frequently broad and thick-tipped. They are also far too rufous for the ordinary Dinaric type.
Montenegro is not, therefore, simply a Dinaric nucleus; it is a Borreby-like or Afalou-like outcropping within a Dinaric nucleus. (Coon)

Read my comment in your classifiation thread.
She definitelly has a face we'd associate with Montenegro in Croatia.

08-11-2017, 11:49 AM
Neither Dinaric nor looking like Montenegrin, at all.
And FYI- Montenegrins have least pure Dinarics in whole Yugoslavia.
The Montenegrins, after a detailed examination, are seen to be far from typical Dinarics in many features; they are too large-bodied, too large-headed, and too broad-faced; their noses are too frequently broad and thick-tipped. They are also far too rufous for the ordinary Dinaric type.
Montenegro is not, therefore, simply a Dinaric nucleus; it is a Borreby-like or Afalou-like outcropping within a Dinaric nucleus. (Coon)

According this map : Mediterranean it's the same race in North Africa that Southern Europe... soooo closeee

08-11-2017, 11:53 AM
Read my comment in your classifiation thread.
She definitelly has a face we'd associate with Montenegro in Croatia.
Because most of you likely never saw a Montenegrin who wasn't either from littoral or from Podgorica. And when you get from those areas into more mountainous parts (which make up bulk of our country), differences can be rather drastic.

According this map : Mediterranean it's the same race in North Africa that Southern Europe... soooo closeee
There is SSA admixture in those areas, but Mediterranean influx is still the most important, and that's what map shows- a most characteristic racial strain of a region.

08-11-2017, 12:26 PM
Because most of you likely never saw a Montenegrin who wasn't either from littoral or from Podgorica. And when you get from those areas into more mountainous parts (which make up bulk of our country), differences can be rather drastic.
This is true. All Montenegrins I Know/seen are from coastal part, I Know there is quite a difference between them and highlanders.

08-13-2017, 10:18 PM
North Pontid.