View Full Version : Classify some Portuguese people.

09-18-2017, 06:46 PM
Some random images


09-18-2017, 06:47 PM
https://s14.postimg.org/5va76o95d/1604721_10203880603084953_4775722473696321721_n.jp g

09-18-2017, 06:48 PM
https://s27.postimg.org/u52w81v1f/10431684_1433634823574214_3335290919724335977_n.jp g

09-18-2017, 06:49 PM
How do we know that these people are native Portuguese?

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2017, 06:50 PM
For some curious reason, Albanian IQ of 84 thinks that is credible and nice posting immigrants to try pass them as ethnic Spanish or Portuguese :D

Сербо Макеридов
09-18-2017, 06:52 PM
Majority of these people are not native Portuguese, stupid AnaLalbo girl even put Niggers. :picard1:

09-18-2017, 06:52 PM
Gracile Med, Berid, Saharid, Atlanto Med, some Baskid and Alpine-Med influences.

09-18-2017, 06:53 PM
Well, That took a lot of effort and time

This should of made your selection.


09-18-2017, 06:53 PM
Damn, Portuguese chicks are hot

09-18-2017, 06:54 PM
This thread is probably going to reach 100+ pages.. again, the people posted here don't look Portuguese at all, at least from my view of Portugal. Some look textbook Levantine Arabs, other Moroccan etc. I think you should provide proof that these people are native Portuguese.

09-18-2017, 06:56 PM
How do we know that these people are native Portuguese?

They are all natives.

North african and negroid genes are srong in portugal, they peak in europe.

From the info they are from a region which has 100% pougese people.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2017, 06:57 PM
They are all natives.

North african and negroid gnes are sronf in portugal, they peak in europe.

From the info they are from a region which has 100% pougese people.

Do you feel better inventing stories, Afrjcana?

09-18-2017, 06:57 PM
Majority of these people are not native Portuguese, stupid AnaLalbo girl even put Niggers. :picard1:

Bastard of a servian stripper, these are normal faces in portugal.
Only 5% in portugal are immigrants.

09-18-2017, 06:58 PM
With the exception of the Romani people the majority of the ones that truely are Portuguese are

Berid, Gracile Meds and a few exotic South Mediterranid types which in all reality are the darker of the Portuguese contingent

Ironically you left out people like Joćo Moutinho, Meireles and Diogo Jota

Seems like you have a personal issue with a few of the Iberian members take it out with them don't spread bullshit because some people got in your feels

Sebastianus Rex
09-18-2017, 06:59 PM
Majority of these people are not native Portuguese, stupid AnaLalbo girl even put Niggers. :picard1:

That gypsy trash is chimping out after we have posted images of groups of ethnic Albanians, the answer is to cherrypick posting images with many immigrants and families of obvious gypsies. Pathetic analbanian trolling. :lol:

Do you sleep better and makes you feel less of an european outlyer creating these fantasies Gypsiana ?

Сербо Макеридов
09-18-2017, 07:00 PM
Bastard of a servian stripper, these are normal faces in portugal.
Only 5% in portugal are immigrants.

African Black people are not native Portuguese, you stupid uneducated AnaLalbo girl.

09-18-2017, 07:01 PM
Do you feel better inventing stories, Afrjcana?

"In general aspects, according to (Bosch et al. 2007) "...the origins of the Iberian Y-chromosome pool may be summarized as follows: 5% recent NW African, 78% Upper Paleolithic and later local derivatives (group IX), and 10% Neolithic" (H58, H71)."

"A similar 2014 study by Lazaridis et al. found an average African admixture of 14.8% (12.6% Mozabite and 2.2% Mbuti/Yoruba) in the Y-DNA markers of the Spanish population, suggesting that gene flow from Sub-Saharan and North African populations has occurred in the Spanish sample."

Some other shit for some DNA nerds:

"Recent Mitochondrial DNA studies coincide in that the Iberian Peninsula holds higher levels of typically North African Haplotype U6, as well as higher frequencies of Sub-Saharan African Haplogroup L. However, high frequencies are largely concentrated in the west and south of the Iberian peninsula and therefore overall frequency is higher in Portugal (5.83%) than in Spain (2.9%) with a mean frequency for the entire peninsula of 3.83%. There is considerable geographic divergence across the peninsula with high frequencies observed for South West Castile (18%), Southern Portugal (10.80%), Central Portugal (9.70%), Western Andalusia (14.6%)[41] and Córdoba (8.30%)."

09-18-2017, 07:02 PM
African Black people are not native Portuguese, you stupid uneducated AnaLalbo girl.

There is not a single african black you animal.

Because some portugese look partially negroid is because they are from centuries ago mixed.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2017, 07:03 PM
I imagine that being 40% e1b1 like Allahbanians are it is better :D

09-18-2017, 07:09 PM
Some more


09-18-2017, 07:11 PM
That gypsy trash is chimping out after we have posted images of groups of ethnic Albanians, the answer is to cherrypick posting images with many immigrants and families of obvious gypsies. Pathetic analbanian trolling. :lol:

Do you sleep better and makes you feel less of an european outlyer creating these fantasies Gypsiana ?

Actually sort brown man, what you posted were pure Roman gpsies in terms of race, wile all these guys are pure portugese.

Racialy, pigmentation wise, eight wise, wit your north african and negroid admix, you outlyers in every sense.

09-18-2017, 07:11 PM
How did this Iberian-Albanian fued start anyway? Albania is rather pretty far away from Portugal and spain lol

09-18-2017, 07:12 PM
This forum is becoming garbage for the posters that don't troll and just want to talk about taxonomy and genetics

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2017, 07:12 PM
How did this Iberian-Albanian fued start anyway? Albania is rather pretty far away from Portugal and spain lol

Fortunately for us! look poor Serbians or Greeks...

09-18-2017, 07:25 PM
Some more portugese


Sebastianus Rex
09-18-2017, 07:26 PM
Actually sort brown man, what you posted were pure Roman gpsies in terms of race, wile all these guys are pure portugese.

Racialy, pigmentation wise, eight wise, wit your north african and negroid admix, you outlyers in every sense.

So your mental ilness goes to the point of Albania not being an European outlier given that:

- has a muslim majority population

- most of folklore, traditions and dressing resemble have more in common with Turkish than with other Europeans

- economically and development wise you group lower than northern African countries

- genetically 25% of the population has an haplogroup of north african origin and 24% of middle-eastern origin

- Albanian membership is not accepted on racialist / white nationalist forums


Go get treatment and accept what you are. It's no shame that you are outlying because you were subjugated, mixed and deeply influenced on many levels by the Ottoman Empire, they were a great empire feared in all Europe, not all were able to resist like Serbs and Greeks.

09-18-2017, 07:35 PM
So your mental ilness goes to the point of Albania not being an European outlier given that:

- has a muslim majority population

- most of folklore, traditions and dressing resemble have more in common with Turkish than with other Europeans

- economically and development wise you group lower than northern African countries

- genetically 25% of the population has an haplogroup of north african origin and 24% of middle-eastern origin

- Albanian membership is not accepted on racialist / white nationalist forums


Go get treatment and accept what you are. It's no shame that you are outlying because you were subjugated, mixed and deeply influenced on many levels by the Ottoman Empire, they were a great empire feared in all Europe, not all were able to resist like Serbs and Greeks.

Obliviously subhuman you are wrong in every of your points

- We are mostly atheists or agnostic

- Albanian folklore, traditions and dressing is very ancient and predates everything that has to do wit Islam. It is much more '' European'' than yurs also, because you are rape of springs of arabs and before tat of romans and you do not have any ancient iberian tradition or folklore. Some of hem are even in UNESCO such as xhubleta, albanian epics, lahuta, albanian iso polipony etc etc

- We are not as developed as north western europe or historical reasons mostly, but a moor lands such as Portugal has no say i this, because you dont produce nothing for western European standards and you are kept alive by europan union funds.

- Albanians main haplogroups are Ev-13, R1b-L23, J2b2 of balkan type and I2a2, all haplo groups found in Europe for thousands of years.

- the only forum that did not accept us crushed down and it was for '' religious'' issues. since the accepted such dark and short people such as you, race was not their issue obviously.

Hahahaahahha you got memories from the arab invasion animal.

The ottoman empire had 41 prime ministers and the 2nd in charge was an albanian dynasty after the Ottoman dynasty themselves ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6pr%C3%BCl%C3%BC_family /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6pr%C3%BCl%C3%BC_era . Albanians were co rulers and the most respcted people in that empire. but we never used our huge power for genocide and extremination.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2017, 08:11 PM
Do all the women in Albania talk like Afrjcana?? she seems a man... :blink:

Not surprised of these Albanian "women" then...


09-18-2017, 08:25 PM
Europeans 24 carats.
We call veyerartro gypsy, but after looking this phot, i have to admitt that he is one of the most white people in his country. Probably from here arrive this so much estem that he has for herself. He forget that here we are not in a lusitan/morrocco thread but in a European thread.

09-18-2017, 08:27 PM
Majority of these people are not native Portuguese, stupid AnaLalbo girl even put Niggers. :picard1:

How do you know you bastard son of a servian aka gypsy whore?

09-18-2017, 08:30 PM
How did this Iberian-Albanian fued start anyway? Albania is rather pretty far away from Portugal and spain lol

TBH fam, Albanians seem to have no problem making enemies. Take out of that what you please.

Sebastianus Rex
09-18-2017, 09:54 PM
Obliviously subhuman you are wrong in every of your points

Talk is cheap, subhuman adjective should be reserved to those subhuman behaviour, you should think of that the next time you take cigarettes to your cousins in prison:



- We are mostly atheists or agnostic

In your street maybe, because the in reality:


See also: Islam in Albania, Islam in Albania (1800-1912), Islam in Albania (1913-1944), and Islam in Albania (1945-1991)

Great Mosque of Durrės
Islam was first introduced to Albania in the 15th century after the Ottoman conquest of the area.[69][70] It is the largest religion in the country, representing 58.79% of the population according to the 2011 census.[65] One of the major legacies of nearly five centuries of Ottoman rule was that the majority of Albanians, had converted to Islam. Therefore, the nation emerged as a Muslim-majority country after Albania's independence in November 1912.


Islam in Kosovo has a long-standing tradition dating back to the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans, including Kosovo. Before the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, the entire Balkan region had been Christianized by both the Western and Eastern Roman Empire. From 1389 until 1912, Kosovo was officially governed by the Muslim Ottoman Empire and, as such, a high level of Islamization occurred. During the time period after World War II, Kosovo was ruled by secular socialist authorities in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). During that period, Kosovars became increasingly secularized. Today, 96% of Kosovo's population are from Muslim family backgrounds, most of whom are ethnic Albanians.[2] There are also Slavic speaking Muslims, who define themselves as Bosniaks and Gorani, and Turks.

Tirana full of atheists and agnostics




- Albanian folklore, traditions and dressing is very ancient and predates everything that has to do wit Islam. It is much more '' European'' than yurs also, because you are rape of springs of arabs and before tat of romans and you do not have any ancient iberian tradition or folklore. Some of hem are even in UNESCO such as xhubleta, albanian epics, lahuta, albanian iso polipony etc etc

Yes very ancient...since the Ottoman invasion in the 14th century.
these pictures can only be identified with Turkey or somewhere in the Middle-East, never with Europe, you know it and you can't change it no matter how much you lie, invent, distort or insult:




Dürres 1914

Scutari 1914

Tirana 1941



- We are not as developed as north western europe or historical reasons mostly, but a moor lands such as Portugal has no say i this, because you dont produce nothing for western European standards and you are kept alive by europan union funds.

Portugal was a global empire before joining the EU, hystorically there's no comparison with an insignificant backwater province of the Ottoman Empire.

Are you seriously comparing the level of development of Portugal with Albania ?

Portugal Exports € 75.779 billion (2016)

Albania Exports $1.962 billion (2016)

- Albanians main haplogroups are Ev-13, R1b-L23, J2b2 of balkan type and I2a2, all haplo groups found in Europe for thousands of years.

Not even 0.1% of the population is genetically tested, and I don't care if its of ancient or recent origin, the fact is that E is an haplogroup of African origin and J of middle-eastern origin no matter what you say, that is half of your origins.

- the only forum that did not accept us crushed down and it was for '' religious'' issues. since the accepted such dark and short people such as you, race was not their issue obviously.

Half of your people has north african and middle-eastern origin; genetically is more middle-eastern shifted than Portuguese and has darker pigmentation.





Hahahaahahha you got memories from the arab invasion animal.

While you are living a present of Turkish invasion. :thumb001:

The ottoman empire had 41 prime ministers and the 2nd in charge was an albanian dynasty after the Ottoman dynasty themselves ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6pr%C3%BCl%C3%BC_family /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6pr%C3%BCl%C3%BC_era . Albanians were co rulers and the most respcted people in that empire. but we never used our huge power for genocide and extremination.

Another delusional projection of low IQ82 brain, they were not co-rulers, they were simply the only obedient and sucessfully turkified people on the Balkans, all the others fought to maintain their ethnogenisis and culture and refuse to become Ottoman mongrels.

09-18-2017, 10:02 PM
TBH fam, Albanians seem to have no problem making enemies. Take out of that what you please.

Don't be a liar. Here in this forum there are two gypsy retards, viejo and Vierato who are obsessed from many years now with Albanians, very similar with the garbage from the sewers of Bucharest, Deymark.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2017, 10:04 PM
Don't be a liar. Here in this forum there are two gypsy retards, viejo and Vierato who are obsessed from many years now with Albanians, very similar with the garbage from the sewers of Bucharest, Deymark.

You show your butthurt very easily, little Tosk xD

09-18-2017, 10:05 PM
"A similar 2014 study by Lazaridis et al. found an average African admixture of 14.8% (12.6% Mozabite and 2.2% Mbuti/Yoruba) in the Y-DNA markers of the Spanish population, suggesting that gene flow from Sub-Saharan and North African populations has occurred in the Spanish sample."
Probably viejo has some Mozabite ancestry, meanwhile vėrriyartro and this puppy rex, Mbuti/Yoruba.

Brįs Garcia de Mascarenhas
09-18-2017, 10:07 PM
Don't be a liar. Here in this forum there are two gypsy retards, viejo and Vierato who are obsessed from many years now with Albanians, very similar with the garbage from the sewers of Bucharest, Deymark.

I am not in this forum for even one year and I didn't even knew that Albania existed before joining in TA or you really think that in real life people give two cents about your irrelevant nation?

09-18-2017, 10:09 PM
I am not in this forum for even one year and I didn't even knew that Albania existed before joining in TA or you really think that in real life people give two cents about your irrelevant nation?

Than, get a life gypo.

Tooting Carmen
09-18-2017, 10:09 PM
A lot of the people in the photos are clearly mixed-race. While it is true that a lot of Portuguese people can be quite dark, they don't resemble the photos here.

09-18-2017, 10:13 PM
A lot of the people in the photos are clearly mixed-race. While it is true that a lot of Portuguese people can be quite dark, they don't resemble the photos here.

But it's normal that many people are mixed race. Iberberia and exactly pordh-gay, has been enslaved by many people during the history. Their language is an ugly copy paste of the language of their invaders. From the other side, both countries has been Empires. What are you waiting in this condition, a pure race, untouched? This are the average pordh-gay people.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2017, 11:22 PM
Probably viejo has some Mozabite ancestry, meanwhile vėrriyartro and this puppy rex, Mbuti/Yoruba.

And you, not probably but for sure, has 2,48% Gypsy blood in you, Mortimer cousin

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2017, 11:23 PM
But it's normal that many people are mixed race. Iberberia and exactly pordh-gay, has been enslaved by many people during the history. Their language is an ugly copy paste of the language of their invaders. From the other side, both countries has been Empires. What are you waiting in this condition, a pure race, untouched? This are the average pordh-gay people.

Good argument... because Albania also was an empire...the Ottoman empire. According yourself mixing with Ottomans worked. Good boy, small Tosk.

09-18-2017, 11:34 PM
These people do not look Portuguese.

09-18-2017, 11:36 PM
Much better selection


09-19-2017, 07:38 PM
Gracile Med, Berid, Saharid, Atlanto Med, some Baskid and Alpine-Med influences.


09-19-2017, 09:47 PM



