View Full Version : Genetic Trait Boosts AIDS Risks in Blacks

02-14-2009, 03:43 AM
New research suggests that people of African descent are much more likely to have a genetic trait that makes them more susceptible to infection with the HIV virus.

The researchers found that a genetic trait - found in 60 percent of African-Americans and 90 percent of Africans - makes HIV infection 40 percent more likely. The trait is virtually nonexistent in whites. That explains, in part, why the AIDS epidemic has taken such a high toll in places like Africa and Haiti.

Malaria gene 'increases HIV risk' (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7509210.stm)

02-14-2009, 09:39 AM
While the differences in HIV prevalence in different parts of the world can be partly explained by different social conditions and sexual behaviour, scientists have long suspected that there may be genetic reasons why the virus is rife in certain communities.

Genetic susceptibility aside, Africans will not listen to medical aid workers; sound medical advice, and continue to liken their disease to be something treated successfully by the local witch doctor, ie: Child molestation.

This is why "certain communities" are susceptible.

Fortis in Arduis
02-14-2009, 11:02 AM
I am in dialogue with an Angolan patriot just now.

She is trained in law and finance. Although she is eminently modest, she has serious money and has entertained me with lavish affection.

After some discussions with her I have decided that they just do not have it in them.

They (blacks) are seduced by money and material things.

She loves her country and tells me that even with the poverty and the corruption and the diseases and mosquitos, her heart will always be there, even if she works abroad. Noble sentiments, but what will she do for Angola that a colonial power could not do better?

I know that the same is true of most white people, but as national characteristics go, I just think that they (blacks) are the bottom end. :(

I lent her my copy of 'Small is Beautiful' by E. H. Schumacher and I just hope that it will make an impression.

The enemy is classism. It always has been.