View Full Version : Do Kalash people look more Saudi, Bulgarian, Spanish, or Russian? Vote for rep comment

11-23-2017, 01:58 PM







11-23-2017, 02:03 PM
You can't classify kids, their features are still not developed. The adult woman looks like a light gypsy

11-23-2017, 02:16 PM
A lot of the pics he posted are photoshopped

Kalash people look more like this



11-23-2017, 02:26 PM
They look somewhat Russian to me. Their features are very Eastern European.

11-23-2017, 03:18 PM
I have been to Kalash valley , this is how they look , they generally have a Hindukush look to them



11-23-2017, 03:23 PM
A lot of the pics he posted are photoshopped

Kalash people look more like this



They're not photoshopped. Google just has cherry picked images of them mostly.

11-23-2017, 03:23 PM
lol .... Kalash people were the first internet celebs.

11-23-2017, 03:25 PM
They're not photoshopped. Google just has cherry picked images of them mostly.

many of those people people have been photoshopped (including those who the OP actually posted). Thats not to say blondism does not exist in that part of the world though .

11-23-2017, 03:26 PM
many of those people people have been photoshopped (including those who the OP actually posted). Thats not to say blondism does not exist in that part of the world though .

How do you know?

11-23-2017, 03:29 PM
They're not photoshopped. Google just has cherry picked images of them mostly.

A lot of them are photoshopped



11-23-2017, 03:31 PM
How do you know?


yes I understand thats one picture. But if you look for more, you will find other examples as well. This whole fascination with these people propped up around the mid 2000s after a documentary they had of linking the people of kalash with an ancient greco tribe.

11-23-2017, 03:32 PM
A lot of them are photoshopped



damn you beat me to it

futher more, the point is, even if they do have blondism these people have features similar to people from Kashmir rather than those from further west.

11-23-2017, 03:35 PM
damn you beat me to it

futher more, the point is, even if they do have blondism these people have features similar to people from Kashmir rather than those from further west.

It's not even the hair and eyes only. Look at how they shrinked her head a bit and removed the roundness to make her look more slavic/baltic in the photoshopped version.

11-23-2017, 03:36 PM
These People are Descended from Alexander's Soldiers and they are Albanian/Illyrian.

11-23-2017, 03:38 PM
They look very gypsy

11-23-2017, 03:39 PM
A lot of them are photoshopped



Your prejudiced preconception is photoshopped

There are several documentaries about Kalash people and light eyes and blond hairs exist among them.

It is not realy known i think what Kalash are or to whom they relate more.

But one of their own folk legends actually says they were soldiers from Alexander's army when he invaded the region.

11-23-2017, 03:40 PM
It's not even the hair and eyes only. Look at how they shrinked her head a bit and removed the roundness to make her look more slavic/baltic in the photoshopped version.

lol its pretty sad when you consider the distance these internet nerds take inorder to push an agenda . And the funny part is that they literally gain nothing from all this. I wonder how the person in the picture feels about her picture being used to push some loony propaganda.

11-23-2017, 03:42 PM
very good video on phenotypes , anyone interested should see this


11-23-2017, 03:45 PM
They look very gypsy

Gypsies are often even darker than them

11-23-2017, 03:46 PM
Your prejudiced preconception is photoshopped

There are several documentaries about Kalash people and light eyes and blond hairs exist among them.

It is not realy known i think what Kalash are or to whom they relate more.

But one of their own folk legends actually says they were soldiers from Alexander's army when he invaded the region.

Some of them are clearly photoshopped. You don't need to see the original side by side to tell, just use your eyes. I don't care from what they descend or whether they have blue eyes and blonde hair, as long as they are portrayed as they actually are.

11-23-2017, 03:49 PM
Some of them are clearly photoshopped. You don't need to see the original side by side to tell, just use your eyes. I don't care from what they descend or whether they have blue eyes and blonde hair, as long as they are portrayed as they actually are.

Even without photoshopping

If you think they look like the general darker types of Punjabis,Rajastanis you need glasses

Some of them could definitly even pass as Balkanites.

11-23-2017, 03:49 PM
Some of them are clearly photoshopped. You don't need to see the original side by side to tell, just use your eyes. I don't care from what they descend or whether they have blue eyes and blonde hair, as long as they are portrayed as they actually are.

look at videos and pictures i posted , they are very representative

11-23-2017, 03:51 PM
Even without photoshopping

If you think they look like the general darker types of Punjabis,Rajastanis you need glasses

Some of them could definitly even pass as Balkanites.

They actually look a lot like people from the hills in south asia and some look like they are from Afghanistan.

11-23-2017, 03:52 PM
Even without photoshopping

If you think they look like the general darker types of Punjabis,Rajastanis you need glasses

Some of them could definitly even pass as Balkanites.

Balkan gypsies maybe or Albanians according to some:



11-23-2017, 03:54 PM
look at videos and pictures i posted , they are very representative

Yes and there are alot of atypical light types who can possibly pass as Europeans
in there.

MarkoBoçari Albanian
11-23-2017, 03:55 PM
Kalash people are descendant of Illyrians which was came with Alexander the Great.

11-23-2017, 03:57 PM
Kalash people are descendant of Illyrians which was came with Alexander the Great.

@Keraunos here you see^:cool:

11-23-2017, 04:06 PM
Their features look very Balkan to me and they clearly show the 0,0000001% Balkan DNA they have more than the Burusho.

Everyone who disagrees is a dumbass butthurt retarded.

11-23-2017, 04:10 PM
Kalash people are descendant of Illyrians which was came with Alexander the Great.

Sorry but based on what?

11-23-2017, 04:12 PM
Proto nordids

11-23-2017, 04:12 PM
Sorry but based on what?

Based on what Albanian says

True is what Albanian says is true

11-23-2017, 04:12 PM
the thread was meant to be a parody but turned into a serious taxonomy thread lol

TA is really a funny cabaret

MarkoBoçari Albanian
11-23-2017, 04:13 PM
Sorry but based on what?


11-23-2017, 04:14 PM
Proto nordisch stock

11-23-2017, 04:18 PM


Some Albanian guy just typed into text to speech that they are Albanians, placed the audio over the video, and uploaded it to Youtube. How is this proof of anything? :rotfl:

MarkoBoçari Albanian
11-23-2017, 04:20 PM

Some Albanian guy just typed into text to speech that they are Albanians, placed the audio over the video, and uploaded it to Youtube. How is this proof of anything? :rotfl:

Alexander the Great was Illyrian.

11-23-2017, 04:25 PM
They look very gypsy

Ama kız... Onların sarı saçın var:confused:

11-23-2017, 04:58 PM
Ama kız... Onların sarı saçın var:confused:

Photoshoplu o fotoğraflar gerçek değil

11-23-2017, 05:00 PM
Photoshoplu o fotoğraflar gerçek değil

Akkoyunlu Karakoyunlu

11-23-2017, 05:01 PM
Gypsies are often even darker than them

I meant their facial features actually

11-23-2017, 05:03 PM
Akkoyunlu Karakoyunlu

Af buyur da ne alaka çözemedim

11-23-2017, 05:06 PM
Af buyur da ne alaka çözemedim

Translate please

11-23-2017, 05:14 PM
Translate please

Sorry but i didn't get the connection between Akkoyunlu-Karakoyunlu States and photoshoped gypsy looking Kalash people

11-23-2017, 05:14 PM
Sorry but i didn't get the connection between Akkoyunlu-Karakoyunlu States and photoshoped gypsy looking Kalash people

Think about it

11-23-2017, 05:20 PM
Sorry but i didn't get the connection between Akkoyunlu-Karakoyunlu States and photoshoped gypsy looking Kalash people

I don't think they look gypsy, and not all of them are photoshopped. But it is true that they don't all look European, not even remotely.

Why do you think your ancestry is scythian btw?

Porn Master
11-23-2017, 05:21 PM
pedophilic thread

11-23-2017, 05:25 PM
I don't think they look gypsy, and not all of them are photoshopped. But it is true that they don't all look European, not even remotely.

Why do you think your ancestry is scythian btw?

Cause i think my father is R1a
and Turkic stuffs (i know you are waiting for this, let's say "u're not scythian ehi ühü" im waiting)
my family needs to have a test as soon as possible lol

11-23-2017, 05:27 PM
Alexander the Great was Illyrian.

That is wrong but it means nothing even if it was true.

11-23-2017, 05:27 PM
If anyone is curious for the real percentage of blondism among these people, it has been documented by coon here

The Kafirs of the Kati tribe, who live in the easternmost section of Kafiristan, are taller and larger-headed than the Pathans, but still essentially dolichocephalic and leptorrhine.26 They seem also to possess a high ratio of blondism. Like the Pathans, their commonest skin color is a medium brunet white, von Luschan #9, but in hair and eye color they seem to be lighter than the Pushtu-speaking peoples. Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes, as opposed to 20 per cent of Pushtus. Their hair color, according to Stein, is blond or light brown in 28 per cent of the group.27

11-23-2017, 05:30 PM
Photoshoplu o fotoğraflar gerçek değil

I suppose those are original images though. But I agree partly girl. They kinda have those big cheeks many gypsies have. Buuuut, to me those faces look generally more russian. Maybe you can make a screenshot and make a circle around the parts you think are gypsie? :)

Cause i think my father is R1a
and Turkic stuffs (i know you are waiting for this, let's say "u're not scythian ehi ühü" im waiting)
my family needs to have a test as soon as possible lol

"ehi ühü" hahahahaha salak

11-23-2017, 05:31 PM
Cause i think my father is R1a
and Turkic stuffs (i know you are waiting for this, let's say "u're not scythian ehi ühü" im waiting)
my family needs to have a test as soon as possible lol

I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just curious because I didn't know Turkish people had a conneutron too, but it does make sense. Even if you don't have r1a1, you could still have scythian. I have about 60% Scythian-Sarmatian dna, but I'm still haplogroup G. I imagine Turks could have between 30-40% scythian dna.

11-23-2017, 05:31 PM
they look gypsy af

11-23-2017, 05:31 PM
Sorry but i didn't get the connection between Akkoyunlu-Karakoyunlu States and photoshoped gypsy looking Kalash people

The descendants of Ak Konalu and Kara Kanonlou live in Iraq have assimilated large amounts of Arabian blood on their maternal side. They are called the Qaraqol tribe. They unified as Turkmen federation and adopted both Sunni and the Shia sects of Islam and significantly intermixed with Arabian females from noble tribes in the region.

This how they look like now:


This explain the Arab-Turkmen alliance against the Kurds in both past and present times

11-23-2017, 05:32 PM
"ehi ühü" hahahahaha salak

No thats actually not that stupid

11-23-2017, 05:41 PM
If anyone is curious for the real percentage of blondism among these people, it has been documented by coon here


im just curious how someone from the 18th (or 19th) century got those statistics?

11-23-2017, 05:42 PM
A lot of the pics he posted are photoshopped

Kalash people look more like this



I think your pictures are cherry picked, too. Lameduck posted pictures and videos of them, and they don't look gypsy at all. In fact, coon noted that Kalash are whiter looking than Northern Iranians and Afghans are (and he extensively visited both countries). Surely they don't look like Greeks or other Europeans, but they dont look gypsy either.

11-23-2017, 05:45 PM
im just curious how someone from the 18th (or 19th) century got those statistics?

It wasn't that hard back then, actually that was around the birth of Anthropology and many anthropologists were exploring all parts of the world.. also, the countries in question were significantly more safe during these times periods.

11-23-2017, 05:52 PM
I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just curious because I didn't know Turkish people had a conneutron too, but it does make sense. Even if you don't have r1a1, you could still have scythian. I have about 60% Scythian-Sarmatian dna, but I'm still haplogroup G. I imagine Turks could have between 30-40% scythian dna.

As i said, my family generally needs that dna test as soon as possible. I would like to see a lot that wth i am

11-23-2017, 05:53 PM
It wasn't that hard back then, actually that was around the birth of Anthropology and many anthropologists were exploring all parts of the world.. also, the countries in question were significantly more safe during these times periods.

I would have thought otherwise considering the logistics needed for the project and not to mention the need for actual man power . It would also explain the lack of detain in which many euro based anthropologists had performed their taxonomy reports on people outside of Europe.

11-23-2017, 05:54 PM
they look gypsy af

Finally someone who is agree with me. We have gypsies here as well and they deffo look like that

11-23-2017, 05:57 PM
I would have thought otherwise considering the logistics needed for the project and not to mention the need for actual man power . It would also explain the lack of detain in which many euro based anthropologists had performed their taxonomy reports on people outside of Europe.

As I have said, several of Anthropologists, not just one, did this. I even learned in my anthropology class at uni that coon and his team explored the world and did extensive studies on the phenotypes of people around the world in attemtpt to classify them. People weren't living in caves and using stone tablets in the 18th century. It wasn't that hard to get around back then.

11-23-2017, 05:58 PM
The descendants of Ak Konalu and Kara Kanonlou live in Iraq have assimilated large amounts of Arabian blood on their maternal side. They are called the Qaraqol tribe. They unified as Turkmen federation and adopted both Sunni and the Shia sects of Islam and significantly intermixed with Arabian females from noble tribes in the region.

This how they look like now:


This explain the Arab-Turkmen alliance against the Kurds in both past and present times

Oh sadly... both of them (arabs and kurds) piss me off a lot

11-23-2017, 05:58 PM
They don't pass in the Arabian peninsula possibly as individuals. They look like Mountain Indo-Iranics people like Kashmiris, and possibly Afghans.

11-23-2017, 05:58 PM
Finally someone who is agree with me. We have gypsies here as well and they deffo look like that

I know alot of Gypsies who look darker than these people by far.

The Balkan Gypsies of Romania are not the best example of pure Gypsy phenotype.

But i agree alot of them pass among European Gypsies from my impression.

11-23-2017, 06:00 PM
Finally someone who is agree with me. We have gypsies here as well and they deffo look like that

I have seen the pictures Mortimer posts, and gypsies don't look like these kalash people:


11-23-2017, 06:02 PM
Oh sadly... both of them (arabs and kurds) piss me off a lot

They were lucky they did not get the Safavid treatment. The Safavids because of their crimes in Iraq, any of them that remained was killed on spot. There was heavy resentment toward them. Well these Turkmen confederation tried to maintain a loose alliance with different factions. Today the those remains of the Safavid/Qizilbash became actually Kurdified and are known as the Shabak people, their scared text are written in Turkmen actually but they speak a Kurdish dialect today.

11-23-2017, 06:06 PM
I honestly think some people just have insecurities that a tribe of people in Pakistan of all places has a higher frequency of light hair and eyes than any middle eastern country does, more than Greece and Sicily do, and are almost on par with Bulgarians. They don't look like Europeans, but they look more European than Turks, Kurds, Persians, Afghans, Iraqis, Lebanese, etc do. They look about as European as Chechens and Georgians do in my eyes.

11-23-2017, 06:08 PM
They were lucky they did not get the Safavid treatment. The Safavids because of their crimes in Iraq, any of them that remained was killed on spot. There was heavy resentment toward them. Well these Turkmen confederation tried to maintain a loose alliance with different factions. Today the those remains of the Safavid/Qizilbash became actually Kurdified and are known as the Shabak people, their scared text are written in Turkmen actually but they speak a Kurdish dialect today.

Alevis, Zazas, Kurds... all of the same shits with different colors lol

11-23-2017, 06:09 PM
They were lucky they did not get the Safavid treatment. The Safavids because of their crimes in Iraq, any of them that remained was killed on spot. There was heavy resentment toward them. Well these Turkmen confederation tried to maintain a loose alliance with different factions. Today the those remains of the Safavid/Qizilbash became actually Kurdified and are known as the Shabak people, their scared text are written in Turkmen actually but they speak a Kurdish dialect today.

I noticed this as well. I was going through some Arab ydna results which included Shabaks and they were haplogroup Q. Also there is a village/city in Khorasan named Shabakanlu.

11-23-2017, 06:24 PM
I know alot of Gypsies who look darker than these people by far.

The Balkan Gypsies of Romania are not the best example of pure Gypsy phenotype.

But i agree alot of them pass among European Gypsies from my impression.

it's not about skin color but phenotype. they look super gypsy to me. romanian gypsies are, in general, much darker then average euro gypsies..they are not much mixed with locals and they still live in very close communities compared to the gypsies from other countries.

11-23-2017, 06:26 PM
I noticed this as well. I was going through some Arab ydna results which included Shabaks and they were haplogroup Q. Also there is a village/city in Khorasan named Shabakanlu.

The Shabak claim to descent from the forces of Ismail Shah the first Safavid Shah. The Safavid tried to force the local Arab tribesmen into their version of Shiaism which actually was very different from mainstream Shiaism. The brutality and the burning of villages and camps by the Qizilbash forces would lead to resentment which actually last to this day against the Safavids and Persians. Thus many of the Arabian tribes would actually fight against the Qizilbash forces, the wars were quite bloody, however they would get the edge once the Ottomans enter, thus the remaining Qizilbash forces are driven into Northern Iraq, and for some reason or another they decided to stay there and eventually got Kuridified in the process but kept their Shia off-shoot religion. Anyone that was Qizilbash was getting killed on the spot.

These Turkmen tribes who were once rulers knew they should form intricate alliances or they would have the same fate, which eventually lead to their intermarriage with the Arabian tribes there, and slowly their culture and phenotype changed because of this. The famous Qaragol tribe is originally from the Black and White sheep Turkmens, but both groups in Iraq had melted away and heavily intermixed with Arabian tribes through the female line. They differ from the other Turkmen tribes, and they no longer really identify as such, and if they do it's just for ceremonial reasons but they sympathize more with the Turkmens than with Kurds for example.

11-23-2017, 06:36 PM
I have heard that Greeks consider them as their people.

11-23-2017, 06:52 PM

11-24-2017, 05:27 PM
They look more like depigmented Indians. Their genetic admixture is closer to Indians.

Here are some admixture components from Eurogenes K13 (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?136431-Eurogenes-K13-South-Asia-South-Central-Asia):

North Atlantic
West Med
East Med
West Asian
South Asian





Btw they're are not pure Aryans/ANI. According to Ancient Eurasia K6 they are 15.1% Veddoid which is only 5% less than Sindhis and 10% than Gujaratis on average.
And some of them do show clearly Veddoid facial features.

11-24-2017, 05:58 PM
I honestly think some people just have insecurities that a tribe of people in Pakistan of all places has a higher frequency of light hair and eyes than any middle eastern country does, more than Greece and Sicily do, and are almost on par with Bulgarians. They don't look like Europeans, but they look more European than Turks, Kurds, Persians, Afghans, Iraqis, Lebanese, etc do. They look about as European as Chechens and Georgians do in my eyes.

Is there any scientific study that demonstrates that the Kalash are on par in terms of light hair and eyes with the Bulgarians? Since I was genuinely interested to find out, I searched the web but I could not find anything. I found many pages talking about the Kalash tribe and how they are famous about having light haired and light eyed individuals but again no actual eye and hair color comparison study measuring Kalash and Bulgarians, or basically any study concluding what you stated regarding the Bulgarians and the Kalash.

11-24-2017, 06:06 PM
Btw they're are not pure Aryans/ANI. According to Ancient Eurasia K6 they are 15.1% Veddoid which is only 5% less than Sindhis and 10% than Gujaratis on average.

why do you keep calling it veddoid ? veddoid is a phenotype

south eurasian is the right term . and it is based on australian aborigines , andamanese , papuans and not "veddoids" :D

btw. 15% what they score is still less than what most indians score . 10% difference is a lot

11-24-2017, 06:11 PM
Is there any scientific study that demonstrates that the Kalash are on par in terms of light hair and eyes as the Bulgarians? Since I was genuinely interested to find out, I searched the web but I could not find anything. I found many pages talking about the Kalash tribe and how they are famous about having light haired and light eyed individuals but again no actual eye and hair color comparison study measuring Kalash and Bulgarians, or basically any study concluding what you stated regarding the Bulgarians and the Kalash.

I posted the fieldwork study from Coon!
If anyone is curious for the real percentage of blondism among these people, it has been documented by coon here

The Kafirs of the Kati tribe, who live in the easternmost section of Kafiristan, are taller and larger-headed than the Pathans, but still essentially dolichocephalic and leptorrhine.26 They seem also to possess a high ratio of blondism. Like the Pathans, their commonest skin color is a medium brunet white, von Luschan #9, but in hair and eye color they seem to be lighter than the Pushtu-speaking peoples. Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes, as opposed to 20 per cent of Pushtus. Their hair color, according to Stein, is blond or light brown in 28 per cent of the group.27


Porn Master
11-24-2017, 06:13 PM
bach bach bach

11-24-2017, 06:23 PM
I posted the fieldwork study from Coon!
If anyone is curious for the real percentage of blondism among these people, it has been documented by coon here


Coon? Coon talks vaguely about "Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes".
This can be interpreted in many ways, eg as 6 percent light eyes and 28 percent mixed eyes, therefore it does not prove much.

I was hoping for a recent study with real samples of real people and actual measurements and percentages, not vague ones.

11-24-2017, 06:24 PM
Coon? Coon talks vaguely about "Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes".
This can be interpreted in many ways, eg as 6 percent light eyes and 28 percent mixed eyes, therefore it does not prove much.

I was hoping for recent study with real samples of real people and real percentages, not vague ones.
How is that vague? "mixed-eyes" just means green or greenish hazel. That is still a large fieldwork study of the people in that region. I doubt much has changed in the last 100 years.

11-24-2017, 06:29 PM
How is that vague? "mixed-eyes" just means green or greenish hazel. That is still a large fieldwork study of the people in that region. I doubt much has changed in the last 100 years.

He groups together mixed and light, that's why it is vague. Hazel is vague as some people consider light brown as hazel others do not.

In any case Coons statement does not prove that Kalash have the same frequency of light eyes as Bulgarians , which was what you originally stated.

11-24-2017, 06:45 PM
He groups together mixed and light, that's why it is vague. Hazel is vague as some people consider light brown as hazel others do not.

In any case Coons statement does not prove that Kalash have the same frequency of light eyes as Bulgarians , which was what you originally stated.

He clearly says that 28% are blonde, which is still far more more than Greeks, Sicilians, etc.

11-24-2017, 06:48 PM
He clearly says that 28% are blonde, which is still far more more than Greeks, Sicilians, etc.

I asked you specifically about Bulgarian and Kalash eye color and you answer to me about Greeks and Sicilians? Wrong answer.

Just admit you made a false statement, no shame in doing so.

11-24-2017, 06:49 PM
He clearly says that 28% are blonde, which is still far more more than Greeks, Sicilians, etc.


11-24-2017, 07:02 PM
I posted the fieldwork study from Coon!
If anyone is curious for the real percentage of blondism among these people, it has been documented by coon here

The Kafirs of the Kati tribe, who live in the easternmost section of Kafiristan, are taller and larger-headed than the Pathans, but still essentially dolichocephalic and leptorrhine.26 They seem also to possess a high ratio of blondism. Like the Pathans, their commonest skin color is a medium brunet white, von Luschan #9, but in hair and eye color they seem to be lighter than the Pushtu-speaking peoples. Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes, as opposed to 20 per cent of Pushtus. Their hair color, according to Stein, is blond or light brown in 28 per cent of the group.27


Kati tribe are Nuristani (in Afghanistan), not Kalash.

11-24-2017, 07:24 PM
I honestly think some people just have insecurities that a tribe of people in Pakistan of all places has a higher frequency of light hair and eyes than any middle eastern country does, more than Greece and Sicily do, and are almost on par with Bulgarians.

I think it's a mistake on your part because you probably haven't been to Europe. A lot of them would pass a hell of a lot better as gypsies than anything else, it has nothing to do with 'insecurities' or whatever you might think. Seya is Romanian, I trust she knows more about gypsies than anyone else in this thread.

higher frequency of light hair and eyes than any middle eastern country does, more than Greece and Sicily do

rofl it has nothing to do with hair color. They're facial structure and skin color on average is almost fully foreign to Europe. You think gypsies with light hair are automatically considered European in a country like Romania?

They don't look like Europeans, but they look more European than Turks, Kurds, Persians, Afghans, Iraqis, Lebanese, etc do. They look about as European as Chechens and Georgians do in my eyes

Georgians and Chechens are a lot closer

Also do you have a source for the frequency by chance?

11-24-2017, 07:31 PM
I think it's a mistake on your part because you probably haven't been to Europe. A lot of them would pass a hell of a lot better as gypsies than anything else, it has nothing to do with 'insecurities' or whatever you might think. Seya is Romanian, I trust she knows more about gypsies than anyone else in this thread.

rofl it has nothing to do with hair color. They're facial structure and skin color on average is almost fully foreign to Europe. You think gypsies with light hair are automatically considered European in a country like Romania?

Georgians and Chechens are a lot closer

Also do you have a source for the frequency by chance?

You know jackshit about Gypsies

Gypsies look much more similar to proper Indians than these people do.

Of course there are types of Gypsies that blend in here.
But in general i don't find them extremely Gypsy looking.

Gypsies in Greece when they are pure Gypsy are often even darker than these people and other types from
Northern India.

11-24-2017, 07:40 PM
You know jackshit about Gypsies

Gypsies look much more similar to proper Indians than these people do.

Of course there are types of Gypsies that blend in here.
But in general i don't find them extremely Gypsy looking.

Gypsies in Greece when they are pure Gypsy are often even darker than these people and other types from
Northern India.

The lighter ones look like Chechens to me some of them look like gypsies and others just look central Asian or something. They don't have a specific look from all the photos I've seen. I never claimed they were EXTREMELY gypsy, but a lot of them would be seen in Europe as gypsies before anything else. Yes your average gypsy is darker but they aren't all 100% South Asian you know. I agree that the lighter types don't look gypsy though (obviously) .

12-03-2017, 10:38 AM
To me they look closer to Russians. And they do not look Saudi that's for sure.

03-05-2018, 08:34 PM
I think they are native to that region, like other dardic peoples, stories about Alexander the Great lost army, Bulgarians and Albanians origin are funny, and i can't understand why pro westerners can't accept that in some other parts of the world, people can also have lighter features, in ancient times Central Asia and Tarim Basin were white.

03-05-2018, 08:40 PM
I think they are native to that region, like other dardic peoples, stories about Alexander the Great lost army, Bulgarians and Albanians origin are funny, and i can't understand why pro westerners can't accept that in some other parts of the world, people can also have lighter features, in ancient times Central Asia and Tarim Basin were white.

I agree and I believe the Kalash descend from the original Indo-Aryans who settled in South Asia and I have relatives with similar features, but we’re are said to descend from the Scythians, Aryans, Huns and not the Greeks. Plus, my friend who’s Punjabi Jat Sikh looks a bit similar to this Kalash do you agree?



03-05-2018, 08:42 PM
I agree and I believe the Kalash descend from the original Indo-Aryans who settled in South Asia and I have relatives with similar features, but we’re are to descend from the Scythians, Aryans, Huns and not the Greeks. Plus, my friend looks a bit similar to this Kalash do you agree?


Why do you take pride to descend from all these Barbarians but avoid having anything to do with Greeks?

03-05-2018, 08:47 PM
Why do you take pride to descend from all these Barbarians but avoid having anything to do with Greeks?

You’re wrong I admire the Greeks, but historians have never connected Punjabi Jat Sikhs to the Greeks and my friend I posted is from my caste her surname is Sohal and they are said to descend from the Buddhist Kushans according to historians.

03-05-2018, 08:50 PM
You’re wrong I admire the Greeks, but historians have never connected Punjabi Jat Sikhs to the Greeks and friend’s from my caste her surname is Sohal and they are said to descend from the Buddhist Kushans according to historians.

Some people say that Kalash feature in their folk legends that they are descended from ancient Greeks who came with Alexander and

it has also been claimed that they have a religion similar to the ancient Hellenic one.

But it has been disputed and there are also other theories about their origin.

03-05-2018, 09:00 PM
Some people say that Kalash feature in their folk legends that they are descended from ancient Greeks who came with Alexander and

it has also been claimed that they have a religion similar to the ancient Hellenic one.

But it has been disputed and there are also other theories about their origin.

They don't feature that in their folk legends. Their religion is closest to Hinduism and they resemble their neighbors both phenotypically and genetically.

Anyone that believes in the Greek myth is a complete moron. Some Albanians also believe they're of Albanian descent lol.

Their origins are pretty clear. They come from Proto-Indo-Iranians and have somewhat lighter features than their neighbors cause their population was more isolated in the mountains so they are less mixed with outsiders.

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03-05-2018, 09:05 PM
You’re wrong I admire the Greeks, but historians have never connected Punjabi Jat Sikhs to the Greeks and my friend I posted is from my caste her surname is Sohal and they are said to descend from the Buddhist Kushans according to historians.Do you have any links to any historians saying that Sohals are of Kushan descent?

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03-05-2018, 09:06 PM
Their religion is an ancient version of Hinduism isn't it? They are probably closest people to original Indo-Aryans, and maybe whole Indo-Iranian group. They're still significantly influenced by South Asian admix.

03-05-2018, 09:13 PM
Their religion is an ancient version of Hinduism isn't it? They are probably closest people to original Indo-Aryans, and maybe whole Indo-Iranian group. They're still significantly influenced by South Asian admix.Yes, their religion is the closest to ancient Hinduism. Modern Hinduism has a massive amount of influence from the pre-Aryan religions of South Asia. I think the closest genetically to the original Indo-Iranians (as well as PIEs) are Pamiris and Yaghnobis followed by Tajiks.

Next would be either them or Pashtuns, but I personally think it's Pashtuns. I think they have more South Asian than Pashtun but also more Northeast European, however they have less CHG if I'm not mistaken.

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03-05-2018, 09:14 PM
Do you have any links to any historians saying that Sohals are of Kushan descent?

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Hi Mingle,

I’ve read on the internet that Sohal Jats are said to descend from Kushans, but I’m not sure if it’s true. Plus, it’s similar how my Kang clan are said to descend from the Kangju/Huns and you’ve seen my Dad, sibling and cousin they show Central Asian features so could be true about the Sohal also?




03-05-2018, 09:17 PM
They don't feature that in their folk legends. Their religion is closest to Hinduism and they resemble their neighbors both phenotypically and genetically.

Common Dude chill

I already explained it.

There were simply some people claiming that they do.

Other people again claim other stuff about their origins

03-05-2018, 09:21 PM
Common Dude chill

I already explained it.

There were simply some people claiming that they do.

Other people again claim other stuff about their originsMy bad if I came off as aggressive, that wasn't my intention. I was just elaborating a bit on their origins.

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03-05-2018, 09:29 PM
Hi Mingle,

I’ve read on the internet that Sohal Jats are said to descend from Kushans, but I’m not sure if it’s true. Plus, it’s similar how my Kang clan are said to descend from the Kangju/Huns and you’ve seen my Dad, sibling and cousin they show Central Asian features so could be true about the Sohal also?

I don't believe they're of Kushan origin. No historian has ever claimed it. It's a baseless claim. All Indo-Aryans are technically Central Asian if you go back far enough. You dad (whose pic isn't that good) looks more atypical but those people don't look like complete aliens to South Asia. A Punjabi user found a pic of a girl that looked a lot like your sibling yesterday.

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03-05-2018, 09:37 PM
I don't believe they're of Kushan origin. No historian has ever claimed it. It's a baseless claim. All Indo-Aryans are technically Central Asian if you go back far enough. You dad (whose pic isn't that good) looks more atypical but those people don't look like complete aliens to South Asia. A Punjabi user found a pic of a girl that looked a lot like your sibling yesterday.

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It’s obvious my Dad, sibling and cousin show Central Asian features because many others have already confirmed that on here. It’s no surprise because like I said before historians have traced Kang Jats to the Kangju and White Huns who are connected with the Avars who settled in Europe.

03-05-2018, 10:19 PM
I wonder what happened to the last Indo-Greek rulers of Punjab? Theirs was the last part of Alexander the Great’s empire to fall in 10AD after even Cleopatra’s death. I’ve read they were pushed further into India by the Indo-Scythians and last ruled from Eastern Punjab where I’m from and here’s a video that discusses this.


03-06-2018, 12:43 AM
A lot of them are photoshopped




03-06-2018, 09:41 AM

Hi averagedude,

Those photos of the Kalash might be photoshopped, but the photos I post of my relatives and friends aren’t and maybe you’re jealous because they have outstanding natural beauty unlike you? Plus, my caste have a higher fraction of “NE Euro” than populations to their northwest (Pathans, Kalash, etc.), and Brahmin groups (e.g., Pandits) in their area who are theoretically higher in caste status and has influenced our looks and that’s why many Jats can look atypical for South Asia.






03-06-2018, 09:48 AM

03-06-2018, 10:07 AM

Hi MalinBot,

I’m posting photos of my Great Uncle, Aunty, Cousin, Niece and Nephew who show very Aryan features. Plus, they’re not photoshopped and look similar to the Kalash and very Ubermensch.

03-06-2018, 10:10 AM
Hi MalinBot,

I’m posting photos of my Great Uncle, Aunty, Cousin, Niece and Nephew who show very Aryan features and not photoshopped who look similar to the Kalash and very Ubermensch looking with their tall height, light eyes, hair. X

were?above or all thread?

03-06-2018, 11:56 AM
were?above or all thread?

Hi MalinBot,

I’m not sure about the others photos here, I know none of the photos I posted are photoshopped because it’s obvious they’re not. I would love to descend from Alexander the Great’s Army, but it’s unlikely and me and my family look this way because we descend from the Indo-Aryans, Scythians and Huns etc...

03-06-2018, 02:13 PM
I wonder what happened to the last Indo-Greek rulers of Punjab? Theirs was the last part of Alexander the Great’s empire to fall in 10AD after even Cleopatra’s death. I’ve read they were pushed further into India by the Indo-Scythians and last ruled from Eastern Punjab where I’m from and here’s a video that discusses this.


There's an English user here named Butlerking who said that he thinks many Punjabis look similar to Greeks and Albanians though, so who knows. He's also very knowledgeable on migration/population history in South-Central Asia so he might know more.

The Greeks did rule the area for centuries and they weren't mass slaughtered or anything, they mixed with the locals. I think overall that their genetic impact would have been minimal and their genes would have diffused over a large area since I don't think their initial population was too large. I think the Bactrians/Kushans and Indo-Scythians would have been similar cases.

03-06-2018, 02:17 PM
these are atypical even for kalash people. Most the ones you find online will look pamirid or afghan/iranina

03-06-2018, 02:22 PM
What kashmiris have you seen that look like that lol. They probably represent very atypical kashmiris.

03-06-2018, 02:25 PM
It doesnt matter whether someone has more north west euro lol. I find it funny why the pictures you present are so distorted, cant you show proper pictures rather than ones that look distorted .You clearly have an agenda of posting your "family" on the website to make it out as if they are some afghan or central looking jatt people.

03-06-2018, 02:31 PM
I am sorry to tell you this but the nooristanis have closer affinities to pashtuns than any other group whether it be greeks jew etc, even phentopycally, the lighter hair colour/ eye colour is only increased by 8 percent because of climate, thats why pashtuns in the north of afghanistan and in kandahar show just as much "blondism" as nooristanis. They arent special goups.

03-06-2018, 02:39 PM
Hi averagedude,

Those photos of the Kalash might be photoshopped, but the photos I post of my relatives and friends aren’t and maybe you’re jealous because they have outstanding natural beauty unlike you? Plus, my caste have a higher fraction of “NE Euro” than populations to their northwest (Pathans, Kalash, etc.), and Brahmin groups (e.g., Pandits) in their area who are theoretically higher in caste status and has influenced our looks and that’s why many Jats can look atypical for South Asia.
The third picture u posted looks very irano afghan, could pass in afghanistan more than u or ur sister, very atypical for jatts (who u want to relate to other groups so badly) . Thats exactly what is meant by "cherry picked". Secondly, the nooristanis have 20 percent north indian dna, but i was trynna loookk for one that looked like typical pakis/indians, but couldnt find one, thats because the dna wasnt expressed phenotypically, so an indian might have 50 percent north east european dna in him but none of that can be expressed phenotypically. Thats why jatts tend to look like normal indians, because they have normal expression. In afghans and iranians and central asians, they have a dominant gene in them that makes them look seperate from mongolians, arabs or south asians, they might have a lot of mongolian in them or south asian or arab, but they are recessive, hence not expressed.





wtf are u talking about "many jatts" can look atypical in south asia. It only takes a google search to show how "different" they look from normal south asians, That "higher percentage" if NE dna isnt expressed in their dna as pashtuns or kashmiris in pakistan, let alone in afghanistan or iran or other central asian countries. Your family is very atypical especially ur father who can easily pass in afghanistan.

Truth Preacher
03-06-2018, 02:53 PM
^There is nothing atypical about the 1st and 3rd pics, 4th also isn't atypical facial structure/features wise but has tawny brown hair which probably darkened anyway.

03-06-2018, 08:15 PM
wtf are u talking about "many jatts" can look atypical in south asia. It only takes a google search to show how "different" they look from normal south asians, That "higher percentage" if NE dna isnt expressed in their dna as pashtuns or kashmiris in pakistan, let alone in afghanistan or iran or other central asian countries. Your family is very atypical especially ur father who can easily pass in afghanistan.

Hi jamakzai12,

I was just posting photos of my relatives that have similar features to the Kalash and saying if they descend from Alexander the Great and his Army so do me and my family. Plus, I known they’re atypical and don’t be jealous they have outstanding natural beauty.

03-10-2018, 10:46 AM
Hi jamakzai12,

I was just posting photos of my relatives that have similar features to the Kalash and saying if they descend from Alexander the Great and his Army so do me and my family. Plus, I known they’re atypical and don’t be jealous they have outstanding natural beauty.

Yes u are right, ur family are descended from alexander the great (u told me before that they descended from ching chong clan tho?) they are more aryan then me and have outstanding beauty. Sorry my aryan overlord.