View Full Version : Classify My Sister

01-11-2011, 11:49 PM

Natural Hair Color: Dark Blonde

Eye color: (changes) Hazel, Blue, Green

Height: 5' 2


http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/4835/16619718309125838639610.jpg (http://img651.imageshack.us/i/16619718309125838639610.jpg/)
http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/6397/34467134579999904189100.jpg (http://img689.imageshack.us/i/34467134579999904189100.jpg/)
(our cousin is at the right)
http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/9115/28269134313936597462100.jpg (http://img121.imageshack.us/i/28269134313936597462100.jpg/)

01-11-2011, 11:58 PM

01-11-2011, 11:59 PM

Or maybe mulatto. :confused:

01-12-2011, 12:00 AM

lol funny good answer :swl
I also meant phenotipically as well. thnx

01-12-2011, 12:03 AM


01-12-2011, 06:24 PM

wtf does a slave route map have to do with classifying her ?? ... you also forgot about the European colonial map as well ? , gosh you guys are right about the I.Q levels dropping dramatically.

Anyways for anyone here with some common sense who aren't racist parasites, what would be her Euro phenotype (excepting all the other noticeable mixes offcourse)? (ex.gracile, med, atlanto, pontid).

01-12-2011, 06:34 PM
Not european

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 06:38 PM
Attentionus seekingus teenagerus.

Was there anything else ?

01-12-2011, 06:41 PM
Anyways for anyone here with some common sense who aren't racist parasites, what would be her Euro phenotype (excepting all the other noticeable mixes offcourse)? (ex.gracile, med, atlanto, pontid).

I can't see the Euro due to wog.

01-12-2011, 06:41 PM
wtf does a slave route map have to do with classifying her ?? ... you also forgot about the European colonial map as well ? , gosh you guys are right about the I.Q levels dropping dramatically.

Soooo, posting a slave trade map implies low IQ? That's very clever, I guess yours is very high.

You could argue it was a racist reply, but that's about it, by bringing up IQ in something as trivial as this is pretty dumb.

01-12-2011, 06:46 PM

I hate when europeans are infected by the estadounidense poor and erratic corruptions of our culture.

Hispania is ancient Spain, dwelt by Celtiberians, so, hispanics are like this:

"Hispanics"... Ridiculous ignorants.

01-12-2011, 06:48 PM
Soooo, posting a slave trade map implies low IQ? That's very clever, I guess yours is very high.

You could argue it was a racist reply, but that's about it, by bringing up IQ in something as trivial as this is pretty dumb.

Apparently higher then yours , because a slave trade map isn't classifying it's jsut acting stupid and immature. Has anyone here posted an indo-European map when classifying 1/4 Jewish Hitler ?

I hate when europeans use are infected by the estadounidense corrupt poor and erratic corruptions of our culture.

Hispania is ancient Spain, dwelt by Celtiberians.

"Hispanics", No comment.

Call them sudacas.

Trust me I have met Spaniards who are true Barones unlike you, just another racist parasite. I don't hate Spaniards because I know there are lots of them out there who are nice.

Hispanic? so what ? as long as we all have ancestors from Iberia we can call ourselvs Hispanics as long as we freakign want :p . Get over it .

01-12-2011, 06:51 PM
Apparently higher then yours , because a slave trade map isn't classifying it's jsut acting stupid and immature. Has anyone here posted an indo-European map when classifying 1/4 Jewish Hitler ?

Trust me I have met Spaniards who are true Barones unlike you, just another racist parasite. I don't hate Spaniards because I know there are lots of them out there who are nice.

Hispanic? so what ? as long as we all have ancestors from Iberia we can call ourselvs Hispanics as long as we freakign want :p . Get over it .

A sudaca calling "parasite" to a pure spaniard that is living in his own land, as all my ancestors for millenia, and maintaining various millions of third world sudacas invaders like you...

This is crazy.

Increibles bastardos sin casta, identidad ni valor alguno...

Os compadezco, Sudacas.

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 06:52 PM
No posting a map is legitimate as it could trace her ancestry back to a place where the slaves were picked up from. However.. a lot of slaves came from Central Africa and even deeper into the continent and were picked up by local slave traders and delivered to the Europeans on the Gulf of Guinea and from there on shipped to the New World.

In that way you could actually trace back a part of her and your ancestry which is very interesting for historical reasons and then take a DNA test to determine whether such maps were accurate or not.

01-12-2011, 07:01 PM
Apparently higher then yours , because a slave trade map isn't classifying it's jsut acting stupid and immature.

Oh yes, mister sudaca Einstein who's obcessed with "IQ" for some unknown reason, altho usually it suggests inferiority complexes. :rofl:

Asega's reply is good, I'll just add that some slaves where taken from local South American indian populations, Portuguese bandeirantes used to do that, since they were cheaper and an "easy" way to gain personal wealth.
Thanks there old chap.

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 07:02 PM
I think I will take such a test one day. Just to see where in Europe my family came from and have no illusions they are very accurate nowadays. They can pinpoint it to certain regions.

01-12-2011, 07:03 PM
¿Un sudaca llamándome parásito a mí? :p

Increibles bastardos sin casta, raza, identidad ni valor.

Si asi mismo como lo ves, eres uno y no los aceptas porque te crees la gran mierda. Sudacas son los mestizos de SudAmerica mira que estupido eres que ni sabes donde se localiza mi pais, en el caribe! . Vuelve a la escuela!.

Mi abuelo materno era 3rca generacion gallego, te pouedo demostrar fotos si quieres. no somos tan diferentes sabes, bien cerca aunque yo tenga ancestros africanos al igual.

tans. Eng

Yes as you can perfectly see it, you are one, and you don't accept it because you think you are the great shi*T. Sudacas, are mestizos from South America, look how ignorant you are becuase you don't even know where DR is located and last time i check it wasn't is South America. Go back to school!.

My maternal-granpa was a 3rd Gen Spaniard (from Galician grandparants) . We're not that different you know, even tho I have African ancestry but HEY!, what can I do about it? I'm proud of it as same as my Euro ancestry. period.

No posting a map is legitimate as it could trace her ancestry back to a place where the slaves were picked up from. However.. a lot of slaves came from Central Africa and even deeper into the continent and were picked up by local slave traders and delivered to the Europeans on the Gulf of Guinea and from there on shipped to the New World.

In that way you could actually trace back a part of her and your ancestry which is very interesting for historical reasons and then take a DNA test to determine whether such maps were accurate or not.

You are very respectful person unlike that wanna be superior Spaniard about me. Yes you're correct it has somehow to do with her since she has african ancestry as well, In 23andme out mtdna is African from Senegal, not Congo.

Oh yes, mister sudaca Einstein who's obcessed with "IQ" for some unknown reason, altho usually it suggests inferiority complexes. :rofl:

Asega's reply is good, I'll just add that some slaves where taken from local South American indian populations, Portuguese bandeirantes used to do that, since they were cheaper and an "easy" way to gain personal wealth.
Thanks there old chap.

Trust me I'm smart as hell ;), and I don't have inferiority complex as you claim because I don't believe in that pseudo-stormfront ideology.

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 07:04 PM
Senegal is most certainly possible. However... there is a European side to it. Do you know where the European part came from ?

01-12-2011, 07:07 PM
My maternal-granpa was a 3rd Gen Spaniard (from Galician grandparants) . We're not that different you know, even tho I have African ancestry but...

Keep dreaming, sudaca.

01-12-2011, 07:08 PM
Senegal is most certainly possible. However... there is a European side to it. Do you know where the European part came from ?

I'm not sure, but Senegal is right there next to Mauritania, which has north africans/ arabs / muslims.

In your dreams, sudaca.

Not my dreams , but reality. ;)

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 07:09 PM
My maternal-granpa was a 3rd Gen Spaniard (from Galician grandparants) . We're not that different you know, even tho I have African ancestry but HEY!, what can I do about it? I'm proud of it as same as my Euro ancestry. period

Aha ! That explains the European part. Are there any papers or documents left to show where he was born and when ? And how he did end up in the West Indies ?

I'm not sure, but Senegal is right there next to Mauritania, which has north africans/ arabs / muslims.
Correct. But they didn't get slaves from that area. They got them from Central Africa or the Congo.

01-12-2011, 07:09 PM
Trust me I'm smart as hell ;)

Sure you are, over 9000 inteleejentz pointz.

I don't have inferiority complex as you claim

I didn't claim, I said it usually suggests, which is entirely different.

And I couldn't care less about Stormfront.

Sword of the Morning
01-12-2011, 07:11 PM
Trust me I have met Spaniards who are true Barones unlike you, just another racist parasite.

Yeah, all of those racist Europeans, flooding European nations by the millions, living almost entirely off of taxpayer money, committing astronomical levels of crime while simultaneously demanding that European culture changes to meet their wants and needs . . . .

Parasite is the perfect term. You nailed it. :thumb001:

Oh no, wait; those aren't racists. Those are immigrants. Non-European immigrants, to be precise. :wavey001:

01-12-2011, 07:16 PM
Aha ! That explains the European part. Are there any papers or documents left to show where he was born and when ? And how he did end up in the West Indies ?

Correct. But they didn't get slaves from that area. They got them from Central Africa or the Congo.

I have European part as well from my dad, but it's mainly Safardi-Jewish Y-dna. and from Castilia., and off-course the West African component as the rest.

And no, unfortunately all the documents he had has being lost. But he as told stories to us about his Galician origins and the reasons they came to the DR. Most of them came for new lives mainly in agriculture. In Santiago de Los Caballeros many settled there but not after the scumbag haitians came to invaded and massacre 10,000 whites many fled to the outsides of the town into the country side.

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 07:19 PM
But that would make tracing such stuff a whole lot more difficult. Is there any chance those documents can be recovered and why did he go to the New World ?

And what's up the Safardi-Jewish ?

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 07:28 PM
I request that the posts regarding the slave trade are to be split and put in a dedicated slave trade - thread as the history of the European slave trade is interesting enough.

01-12-2011, 07:33 PM
But that would make tracing such stuff a whole lot more difficult. Is there any chance those documents can be recovered and why did he go to the New World ?

And what's up the Safardi-Jewish ?

He's dead. died of a heart attack a bit long ago. The documents no idea where to be found , all I know is his stories.
http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/2341/22743101087763254757100.jpg (http://img840.imageshack.us/i/22743101087763254757100.jpg/)

http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/1165/35988148334712876213863.jpg (http://img251.imageshack.us/i/35988148334712876213863.jpg/)

There where Safardi Jewish in spain who converted to christianity, people don't realize that many fled to the New world for religious reasons I guess. Many in my country carry mideast/ N.African Ydna such as E1b, and typical west euro R1b as well (I'm not saying that R1b is jewish *note*).

Yeah, all of those racist Europeans, flooding European nations by the millions, living almost entirely off of taxpayer money, committing astronomical levels of crime while simultaneously demanding that European culture changes to meet their wants and needs . . . .

Parasite is the perfect term. You nailed it. :thumb001:

Oh no, wait; those aren't racists. Those are immigrants. Non-European immigrants, to be precise. :wavey001:

No I'm referring to those who are 24/7 on forums like SF or chimp_t who have nothing better to do with there lives then talking crap about other groups/ "races" out there, who live off of walfare and ironically talk crap about immigrants living of their welfare and doing crimes when they're just doing the same.

My Buddies from Navarra are very nice and understand that some immigrants can cause problems , but they don't go as far as being racist and think they are just so "supreme.

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 07:35 PM
There where Safardi Jewish in spain who converted to christianity, people don't realize that many fled to the New world for religious reasons I guess. Many in my country carry mideast/ N.African Ydna such as E1b, and typical Rib.
Aha ! Yes of course. That's dumb of me: the socalled marranos - I forgot all about them. So it would trace that part of your European heritage not back to Europe but via Europe to the Middle East.

Still.. it's interesting enough.

01-12-2011, 07:42 PM
She looks like a possible result of a cross of Nordid-Mediterranid with some sort of Northern, more progressive-elongated Sudanid with additional Mediterranoid-Europid influences. F.e. French + Mali could produce something similar in my opinion. The Europid part seems to be dominant and rather Aurignacoid, somewhat more gracile, but since coloration is lighter - eyes in particular, Nordoid could be involved..

Pictures are bad though and she looks quite changed with make up and somewhat artificial, this makes it even more difficult.

01-12-2011, 07:42 PM
Aha ! Yes of course. That's dumb of me: the socalled marranos - I forgot all about them. So it would trace that part of your European heritage not back to Europe but via Europe to the Middle East.

Still.. it's interesting enough.

It's okey some folks get confused with the meaning of Safardi sometimes, which is different then ashkenazi jewish who are from east-euro.

23andme is perfect on finding long distance relatives (cousins).

She looks like a possible result of a cross of Nordid-Mediterranid with some sort of Northern, more progressive-elongated Sudanid with additional Mediterranoid-Europid influences. F.e. French + Mali could produce something similar in my opinion. The Europid part seems to be dominant and rather Aurignacoid, somewhat more gracile, but since coloration is lighter - eyes in particular, Nordoid could be involved..

Thanks for the answers.
Yes, Nothern spain as we know received some influences from the Nothern - mid Euro of people of light eye color and hair. I don't have her traits in my Physical tho (but surely in my genes), but her and my brother do. My brother had gray hair turning darker as he ages.

(his face, mainly the nose looks more like my dads)
http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/377/73452449302191700510736.jpg (http://img51.imageshack.us/i/73452449302191700510736.jpg/)

Pictures are bad though and she looks quite changed with make up and somewhat artificial, this makes it even more difficult.

To be honest the only photo she's wearing makeup is in the middle one with her cousin,. The others is in the house, yes I guess the cam makes her look a bit different.