View Full Version : Classify Sicilian American jazz artist Louis Prima

12-20-2017, 08:57 PM
IMO med/Armenoid.

I think he could pass as an atypical Levantine.

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjA3NjgwNzIxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMzM0MzQ2._V1_U X214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg



12-20-2017, 09:07 PM
Could easily be Levantine, yes.

12-20-2017, 09:08 PM
Could easily be Levantine, yes.

I think he looks like Tony Bennett also who's Calabrese.

12-20-2017, 09:27 PM
I think he looks like Tony Bennett also who's Calabrese.

He looks very Jewish to me.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2017, 09:31 PM
Somewhere between Semitic and Berid.

12-20-2017, 09:31 PM
He looks very Jewish to me.

His mother was from Ustica which is a small island north of Palermo that was settled by Phoenicians. I wouldn't be surprised if their genes today are more Near Eastern because there was no Greek nor Norman settlement on it.

12-20-2017, 09:47 PM
East Med+Balkan Taurid.

12-20-2017, 09:51 PM
East Med+Balkan Taurid.

Where could he pass? Does he look passable in Crete and if so what part? Greece as a whole?

FYI this is his son. The son looks more Greek-like to me of the two. But there is still something distinctly West Asian.

http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Louis+Prima+Jr+Pin+Up+Show+Premieres+Las+Vegas+guy zIghy_uUl.jpg

12-20-2017, 09:53 PM
His mother was from Ustica which is a small island north of Palermo that was settled by Phoenicians. I wouldn't be surprised if their genes today are more Near Eastern because there was no Greek nor Norman settlement on it.

Palermo's name derives from the Greek word, Panormos. The meaning is "all port," which describes a town with a great harbor that lies between the mouth of two rivers. The city was a battleground between the Greeks and Carthaginians during the third century. As we toured the city streets, signs with Greek words predominated, such as "farmacio" (pharmacy), "odontiatro" (dentist), "kore" (daughter). The eagle, representing the god Zeus, is the symbol of Palermo.

The Norman Palace is unique monument. It is the seat of the Sicilian Regional Assembly. Sweeping Corinthian columns, Ancient Greek and Byzantine iconography predominate throughout the edifice. The Parliament room has an imposing wall painting of the Goddess Athena giving wisdom to all. Our guide revealed that "the art work was created by Byzantines from Constantinople who lived in prosperity under Norman rule for 100 years with the Jews and Moors." These groups created the golden age under Roger II, King of Sicily and Frederick II of Swabia. Throughout the Norman Palace, mosaics from Greek mythology and Byzantine iconography are seen. The Palatine Chapel in the Norman Palace has spectacular iconography and frescoes in every space. The chapel, built by Roger II from 1130-1143 A.D., reminds one of a Greek Orthodox Church. The Palatine Chapel's dome has the "All Seeing Pantocrator" fresco of Jesus. Greek writing describes every religious theme of Jesus' life such as the "flight into Egypt", and "Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem." I felt I was in an incredibly beautiful Greek Orthodox chapel, even though it is a catholic religious place of worship.

Monreale with Byzantine mosaics

The Sicilian Regional Gallery and Archaeological Museum contains masterpieces of the Greek colonies. On the ground level Selinunte Hall, small architectural statues were displayed from the Greek colony of Selinous. This south-western colony was built by colonists from Megara, Greece. The predominant themes of the art work included: Demeter (Mother Earth) and her daughter Persephone (who was the forced bride of Hades, the underworld king); Heracles (Hercules); Apollo; Perseus slaying the Gorgon; the sacred wedding of Zeus and Hera; and other heroes of Greek mythology. "Sicily is the land of Mythology," said our guide Dianna Mazza.

Level two of the Archaeological Museum had pottery from the Greek colonies of Gela and Himera. Extraordinary Greek statues of "Hercules killing a deer" and the "Ephebus of Selinunte" mesmerized the spectator. The Byzantine influence is seen in the portrait of "Our lady of the Annunciation" by Antonio de Messina in 1473. "Notice the blue veil of the Lady," said Ms. Mazza. "This is from the Byzantines." I was impressed with the respect the Sicilians have in preserving their Greek-Byzantine treasures.

"Monreale has more Byzantine mosaics than any other church in the world," said Dr. Gaetano Cipolla of St. John's University and president of Arba Sicula. The Cathedral built by the Norman king William II has a Latin basilica plan with the Byzantine type cross vault. It was created in 15 years. The mosaics are from the Book of Genesis. Greek and Latin inscriptions are written in the frescoes. Traditional fresco themes are the Pantocrator Christ, Virgin Mary and Child with angels, apostles and saints.

The Sicilian people preferred the modern Greek language during the Middle Ages with the Greek Orthodox rite," said Dr. Giuseppe Sciano, a famous journalist of Palermo. "Up until 1492, the Orthodox religion remained predominant. King Ferdinand exiled the Jews, Byzantines and Moors in 1492. He obliged all Sicilians to practice Catholicism. From the year 500 B.C., the Sicels, Sicans, Elymi, Punic or Carthaginian populations who lived around Palermo and Trapani, adopted the Greek language and civilization. Even under the Roman occupation, the Sicilioti (as the Sicilians called themselves) used the Greek language to reaffirm their own identity." Arthur Dieli, an international Sicilian scholar, said "in the Odyssey, Homer calls the island of Sicily, Trinakih. This is from the ancient Greek Trinax, meaning the three pointed spear or trident of Poseidon, the god of the sea. The three points of Sicily are the capes of Peloro, Passero and Lilibeo. Trinacria is the name in Sicilian." Visiting Sicily gives one an insight into Hellenism that influenced persons of all backgrounds.

Statues of Demeter and her daughtet Persephone.

Carthage was a Greco-Roman colony from the time of Aegeus before it was taken over by Phoenicians.

12-20-2017, 09:58 PM
Where could he pass? Does he look passable in Crete and if so what part? Greece as a whole?

FYI this is his son. The son looks more Greek-like to me of the two. But there is still something distinctly West Asian.

http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Louis+Prima+Jr+Pin+Up+Show+Premieres+Las+Vegas+guy zIghy_uUl.jpg

Louis Prima reminds me of some Anatolian Greek looks.And his son could probably pass in Aegean and Cyprus.

12-20-2017, 10:00 PM
Louis Prima reminds me of some Anatolian Greek looks.And his son could probably pass in Aegean and Cyprus.

Genetically I would not be surprised if their Middle Eastern input is higher than average because the mother was from Ustica which was a Phoenician settlement, but didn't get all of the Greek and Norman input.

12-20-2017, 10:07 PM
Genetically I would not be surprised if their Middle Eastern input is higher than average because the mother was from Ustica which was a Phoenician settlement, but didn't get all of the Greek and Norman input.

Yeah he does have strong West Asian features even though I think this sort of Armenization is leaning more towards Balkano-Anatolian types rather than Levantine.

12-20-2017, 10:18 PM
Armenoid & med for Louis. Son looks generally Taurid.

12-20-2017, 10:20 PM
Yeah he does have strong West Asian features even though I think this sort of Armenization is leaning more towards Balkano-Anatolian types rather than Levantine.

So more like an Armenian rather than a Lebanese is what I think you are saying.

12-21-2017, 03:28 AM
One more bump

12-21-2017, 03:38 AM
Looks Semitic to me.

12-21-2017, 03:53 AM
Looks Semitic to me.

Which countries might he pass in?

12-21-2017, 04:15 AM
I want to say Iraq, to be honest. But I know that's ridiculous in Sicily. I would say Levant area, inclined towards Iraq.

12-21-2017, 10:36 AM
Clearly Egyptian.

12-21-2017, 11:50 AM
I want to say Iraq, to be honest. But I know that's ridiculous in Sicily. I would say Levant area, inclined towards Iraq.

Some people in northern Iraq who are mostly Arabized Mesopotamians can pass in Sicily but southern Iraqis are transplanted Arabians, so they wouldn't pass. But I know what you mean.

12-21-2017, 04:07 PM
East-Med + Armenoid. Pass in Levant.

12-21-2017, 08:51 PM
Clearly Egyptian.

He's too alpinized for an Egyptian.