View Full Version : Are Gypsies as a Group in America a white ethnicity?

01-04-2018, 01:42 AM
I think they dont look neccessarily european but they also dont look "latino" or "black" or "asian" but predominantly caucasoid so they might be white similar as arabs or northafricans.





01-04-2018, 02:02 AM
To me, they don't look White. But almost nobody in America knows what a Gypsy is. We would just think that it's another word for fortune teller or something.

I think Gypsies could put White and it wouldn't be a big deal since MENAs are officially considered White. But socially, they wouldn't be seen as White for the most part.

01-04-2018, 02:22 AM
No, they don't look as stereotypical White Americans nor even Southern Europeans.

Person from Balkans that have no clue about taxonomy can tell if one is Gypsy, but solely distinctive look.

01-04-2018, 02:23 AM
To me, they don't look White. But almost nobody in America knows what a Gypsy is. We would just think that it's another word for fortune teller or something.

I think Gypsies could put White and it wouldn't be a big deal since MENAs are officially considered White. But socially, they wouldn't be seen as White for the most part.

yeah but recently they were alot in TV. For example Fox News attacked them.


01-04-2018, 02:27 AM
yeah but recently they were alot in TV. For example Fox News attacked them.


Most people don't know about them. Some people do (such as the Americans on this forum and Americans that follow politics more closely). But most haven't heard of them. That was just one small news segment. Most people haven't heard of that incident. Gypsies don't have a presence in most of America, so they are not well known.

01-04-2018, 03:29 PM
Caucasoid but not White

01-04-2018, 03:31 PM
They can pass for "Whites" in Murica as much as Arabs and Jews do there. They can pass better in west Asia than in Europe as a whole in my opinion.

Bobby Martnen
01-04-2018, 06:14 PM
Most Americans only know about Gypsies in the most stereotypical, romanticized way.
If you mentioned Gypsies to the average American, they'd probably think of caravans and fortune-telling. Negative gypsy stereotypes like stealing are quite uncommon in this country.

It really depends on the phenotype - the lighter, more European looking ones could pass as white, but the darker, more South Asian looking ones could not, and would probably be seen as either Middle Eastern or Hispanic.

01-04-2018, 06:44 PM
Just now, I was thinking about categorizing ethnic groups, which are mixed by definition, mostly about their genetic diversity and unclear boundaries, said diversity implies. In this particular case, if mixed is no option, I think that Gypsies are European enough to be put in the "white" category in the formal categorizing. Apart from that, they're just what they are, a mixed ethnicity, which, unlike East Africans for example, did the mixing recently enough not to be considered a unique, baseline group.

01-08-2018, 01:35 PM
No, they don't look as stereotypical White Americans nor even Southern Europeans.

Person from Balkans that have no clue about taxonomy can tell if one is Gypsy, but solely distinctive look.

Southern and Eastern Europeans are considered garbage in the USA by the anyone who lives in the Silicon Valley.

I'd prefer Gypsies immigrating over Euro trash, Brits, Latinos, MENAs, Chinks etc

Don't talk about my country, house painting Balkanoid plumber.

Looking like a White American isn't exactly a positive thing.

01-08-2018, 02:39 PM
They aren't, but I'm pretty sure that in the demographic census they are included in the white/caucasian category.

01-08-2018, 02:45 PM
Anyone who isnt mongoloid, predominantly Native American looking, black , south asian , or middle easterner with obvious connection to the islamic faith will be seen as "white" as per census I think. Now, whether they are perceived as being white by the people depends on external things imho. Things like the location, and wealth bracket of the said person goes a long way in how "whitifying" the person. This is a redundant conversation which people that live outside of north America will never understand.