View Full Version : Real life Turkish people, my observations.

05-19-2018, 10:46 AM
Lighter than most Greeks south of thessaly.
Not European-looking at all.
some look med but not similar to Greeks at all.

05-19-2018, 06:36 PM
Did you go?

05-19-2018, 06:37 PM
Which places have you been to?

05-19-2018, 06:38 PM
Most Turks don't actually look like Greeks and vice versa, That's a truth.

05-19-2018, 06:40 PM
Most Turks don't actually look like Greeks and vice versa, That's a truth.

Non trained eyes may find them similiar but they are quite different actually.
Other than that we are so diverse, they are a lot less.

05-19-2018, 06:45 PM
Non trained eyes may find them similiar but they are quite different actually.
Other than that we are so diverse, they are a lot less.

Greeks are also very diverse, Turks are more diverse only because Turkey is large and hosts very distinct ethnicities.

05-19-2018, 06:47 PM
Greeks are also very diverse, Turks are more diverse only because Turkey is large and hosts very distinct ethnicities.

Still a lot less compared to Turks. I didn't say that they are not diverse already.
Also it is not a very logical move to try to tell the Greeks to me :cool:

05-19-2018, 06:53 PM
How are they lighter than half of greeks while also not looking europan??

Doesnt make sense,

Turks are a very mixed bunch.

They vary a lot from iranian and arab looking to anatolian and balkan looking, some even lighter looking.

More than 60% of turks are anatolian in genetics, but around 20 million if not more are also balkaners ( Albanians, muslim bosnians, and circissians) and also the kurds on the east.

My observations are these.

However a nice bunch.

Turks feel at home among Albanians, the same thing is with Albanians in Turkey and the respect they have for us.

However most Albanians do not feel as aliens in greece at all for example.

05-19-2018, 07:33 PM
Greeks are a very old people to the region and it shows. The only notable influence to the gene-pool over 2000 years is Slavic and that is slight - topping out in extreme cases at around 17% - but with most - under 5% to nothing at all..

Turkey is a new nation and a very multi ethnic. You get Turks who show there true origins like these which I think is romantic because their faces show their journey across Eurasia from the far east - a story of conquest:




The Turks who have diluted their pure asiatic blood with Armenian are these types imo:





Then you have the Turks clearly mixed with Greeks:



The Turks force converted to Islam 100,000s over the centuries but also many voluntarily converted to pay lower taxes.. so you have paleo christians from all over the east becoming Sunnis and later Ottomans.. in a way the movement is like communism. 1 law - 1 God - 1 religion - 1 people - 1 philosophy - regardless of previous ethnicity. Was a strong Empire. Still is. The Syrians wont be able to dislodge the Turks out of Syria now whatever happens - just watch.

All in all Turks are a mixed bunch and it is interesting the old Ottoman ethos is growing again among their number which for me is based around their age old calling card in Anatolia - Sunni Islam, which unified the Ottoman Empire in the 13th Century. Christians, Alevis and others were never compatible with the true Ottoman ethos but were useful to the Ottomans to varying degrees.

First two don't look Anatolian. They are likely to be more recent Central Asian immigrant (like in 19th century)

Anatolian turanids would look more like this

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLcABROZTgPDAw_TL0x2NPXn5GSfaqe NBsTRhJ0C9sK1Fa3GgoZg

05-19-2018, 07:34 PM
yiep except “non European looking at all“ yes we don’t look European generally, at least i think so but we can’t say “at all” ya know we have Balkan Turks who are generally blonde/light brown haired and blue/green eyed with Balkan features so yeh

05-19-2018, 07:39 PM
How are they lighter than half of greeks while also not looking europan??

Doesnt make sense,

Turks are a very mixed bunch.

They vary a lot from iranian and arab looking to anatolian and balkan looking, some even lighter looking.

More than 60% of turks are anatolian in genetics, but around 20 million if not more are also balkaners ( Albanians, muslim bosnians, and circissians) and also the kurds on the east.

My observations are these.

However a nice bunch.

Turks feel at home among Albanians, the same thing is with Albanians in Turkey and the respect they have for us.

However most Albanians do not feel as aliens in greece at all for example.

Where did you pull that numbers buddy? From your ass of course :laugh:

05-19-2018, 07:49 PM
yiep except “non European looking at all“ yes we don’t look European generally, at least i think so but we can’t say “at all” ya know we have Balkan Turks who are generally blonde/light brown haired and blue/green eyed with Balkan features so yeh

You're a very good example of a Turk who could pass in Europe. And I'm sure Turks like you are not uncommon.

05-19-2018, 07:53 PM
You're a very good example of a Turk who could pass in Europe. And I'm sure Turks like you are not uncommon.

I asked this question before but I want to ask it again

This European


or this one?

https://lunkiandsika.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/jon_prescott_actor_in_swedish_us_gevalia_fika_comm ercial.png

What is common with them? Being ''European''?

05-19-2018, 07:53 PM
I've seen Turks that look iranid and i've seen Turks that look like russians. put in the middle of all of this variable phenotypically visible amount of turanid influence and you have A LOT of variety.

05-19-2018, 07:55 PM
You're a very good example of a Turk who could pass in Europe. And I'm sure Turks like you are not uncommon.

well since i changed my hair color from medium brown to gothic black i look less western lol

05-19-2018, 07:57 PM
well since i changed my hair color from medium brown to gothic black i look less western lol

I don't think you look particularly Western European, but you could easily pass unnoticed in Balkan countries, Italy and Iberia.

05-19-2018, 07:58 PM
I don't think you look particularly Western European, but you could easily pass unnoticed in Balkan countries, Italy and Iberia.

I was talking generally Western, not “Western European” xD

05-19-2018, 08:21 PM
How are they lighter than half of greeks while also not looking europan?

Because being light pigmented and looking "european" are not necessarily the same thing.

And correcting you, Circassians are not "Balkaners" and not related to them.

05-19-2018, 09:02 PM
yiep except “non European looking at all“ yes we don’t look European generally, at least i think so but we can’t say “at all” ya know we have Balkan Turks who are generally blonde/light brown haired and blue/green eyed with Balkan features so yeh

Yanındaki kardeşin adı Furkan mı?

05-19-2018, 09:13 PM
Yanındaki kardeşin adı Furkan mı?

yok değil

05-19-2018, 09:23 PM
Then you have the Turks clearly mixed with Greeks:


Nope. If you mix with Greeks you become darker. Greeks are dark people with curly hair for most.
Mixing with Bosniaks could produce types like Caner Erkin, however not with Greeks.

https://preview.ibb.co/h4Ecqo/greek.jpg (https://ibb.co/fXd3Vo)

05-19-2018, 09:25 PM
yok değil

İnsan insana bu kadar benzer

05-19-2018, 09:28 PM
İnsan insana bu kadar benzer

Fotoğraf ışıksız yerde çekildiği için yüzü farklı çıkmış aslında ama doğrudur :lol:

05-19-2018, 09:45 PM
Nope. If you mix with Greeks you become darker. Greeks are dark people with curly hair for most.
Mixing with Bosniaks could produce types like Caner Erkin, however not with Greeks.

https://preview.ibb.co/h4Ecqo/greek.jpg (https://ibb.co/fXd3Vo)

how come when greeks are lighter than turks?

05-19-2018, 09:49 PM
Fotoğraf ışıksız yerde çekildiği için yüzü farklı çıkmış aslında ama doğrudur :lol:

Yanındaki kişini adı Semih mi?

05-19-2018, 09:56 PM
how come when greeks are lighter than turks?

The funny thing is that Greeks became darker after mixing with his Orthodox Anatolian cousins

05-19-2018, 10:01 PM
The funny thing is that Greeks became darker after mixing with his Orthodox Anatolian cousins

Aren't Cretans the darkest of all Greeks?

05-19-2018, 10:04 PM
The funny thing is that Greeks became darker after mixing with his Orthodox Anatolian cousins

Do you know what is even funnier, same thing happened to Turkic people as well.
And do you know what is even funnier, they were not cousins of them.

05-19-2018, 10:05 PM
Aren't Cretans the darkest of all Greeks?

I think Dodecanese islanders own that title. But what does that got to do with what I said? I only implied that it’s ironic that a Turk calls Greeks as brown when mainland Greeks got that trait with mixing with a people similar to him

05-19-2018, 10:08 PM
But truth be told, Cretans come right after Dodecanese islanders in terms of ‘darkness’ of Greek people

05-19-2018, 10:09 PM
I think Dodecanese islanders own that title. But what does that got to do with what I said? I only implied that it’s ironic that a Turk calls Greeks as brown when mainland Greeks got that trait with mixing with a people similar to him

I think Anatolian Greeks aren't that woggy, with the exception of Cappadocian Greeks. West Anatolian Greeks are actually genetically most similar to mainlanders and Pontic Greeks are usually light even though they're genetically more similar to Armenians, isn't it correct?

Cappadocian Turks are also considerably darker than other Turks.

05-19-2018, 10:10 PM
I think Dodecanese islanders own that title. But what does that got to do with what I said? I only implied that it’s ironic that a Turk calls Greeks as brown when mainland Greeks got that trait with mixing with a people similar to him

It's funny enough for a person to call someone else that way. There is no need to make the situation more complicated.

05-19-2018, 10:13 PM
Aegean coast Asia Minor Greeks are east Meds; light brown and similar to islander Greeks.
Anatolian Greeks (interior regions) are like Cypriots and Lebanese.
Pontic Greeks are genetically most similar to Armenians with some lighter Lazic influxes. Yet still genetically Mesopotamians wholly.

Turks who made the suicidal mistake to mix with them not only lost their superior military capabilities coming from their Siberian-Scytho genes, but also turned darker and more hairy.

05-19-2018, 10:17 PM
I think Anatolian Greeks aren't that woggy, with the exception of Cappadocian Greeks. West Anatolian Greeks are actually genetically most similar to mainlanders and Pontic Greeks are usually light even though they're genetically more similar to Armenians, isn't it correct?

Cappadocian Turks are also considerably darker than other Turks.

Nowadays Anatolian Greeks have mixed with northern Greeks, and northern Greeks are significantly lighter compared to them. Most western Anatolian Greeks are pretty much like islanders.

Also, in terms of pigmentation, Cretans are the same as western Anatolian Greeks, barely any differences.

05-19-2018, 10:17 PM
Aegean coast Asia Minor Greeks are east Meds; light brown and similar to islander Greeks.
Anatolian Greeks (interior regions) are like Cypriots and Lebanese.
Pontic Greeks are genetically most similar to Armenians with some lighter Lazic influxes. Yet still genetically Mesopotamians wholly.

Turks who made the suicidal mistake to mix with them not only lost their superior military capabilities coming from their Siberian-Scytho genes, but also turned darker and more hairy.

Pontic Greeks are more related to georgians and lazs than armenians.

East med phenotype dosnt exist.

05-19-2018, 10:18 PM
Aegean coast Asia Minor Greeks are east Meds; light brown and similar to islander Greeks.
Anatolian Greeks (interior regions) are like Cypriots and Lebanese.
Pontic Greeks are genetically most similar to Armenians with some lighter Lazic influxes. Yet still genetically Mesopotamians wholly.

Turks who made the suicidal mistake to mix with them not only lost their superior military capabilities coming from their Siberian-Scytho genes, but also turned darker and more hairy.

Laz people themselves are genetically closest to Armenians strangely, they are even more distant to Europe than Anatolian Turks but have many light types, some even pass Nordic (but a minority)

05-19-2018, 10:19 PM
I think Anatolian Greeks aren't that woggy, with the exception of Cappadocian Greeks. West Anatolian Greeks are actually genetically most similar to mainlanders and Pontic Greeks are usually light even though they're genetically more similar to Armenians, isn't it correct?

Cappadocian Turks are also considerably darker than other Turks.

Yep the same with Cappadocian Greeks.

I think along with Cretans and some Pontic Greeks are the most dark skinned groups.

05-19-2018, 10:20 PM
Laz people themselves are genetically closest to Armenians strangely, they are even more distant to Europe than Anatolian Turks but have many light types, some even pass Nordic (but a minority)

Armenians are closer with Assyrians and Kurds definitely not with Pontic Greeks.

Pontic Greeks are close with Georgians and Lazs.

05-19-2018, 10:22 PM
Laz people themselves are genetically closest to Armenians strangely, they are even more distant to Europe than Anatolian Turks but have many light types, some even pass Nordic (but a minority)

Cappadocians both Turks and Greeks have some kind of iranian influence....!!!

Check here.


This ethic group hellenized.

I think some Pontic Greeks have ancestors these people.

05-19-2018, 10:25 PM
Cappadocians both Turks and Greeks have some kind of iranian influence....!!!

Check here.


This ethic group hellenized.

I think some Pontic Greeks have ancestors these people.

Possible. Some Cappadocian Turks might be mistaken for Kurdish in Black Sea region, but there are also many ethnic Kurds live in this area.

05-19-2018, 10:26 PM
Greeks may be darker than Turks, who knows -- but Greeks have European features, Turks do not. Overall Greeks do not look like any Middle Eastern people.

Though, of course, like their closely related southern Italian and Sicilian cousins to the west, Cretans and Dodecanese do sometimes show Near Eastern influences that other populations of Greece proper do not show.

It is much more important to focus on facial traits, and less on coloring.

05-19-2018, 10:30 PM
Greeks may be darker than Turks, who knows -- but Greeks have European features, Turks do not. Overall Greeks do not look like any Middle Eastern people.

It is much more important to focus on facial traits, and less on coloring.

What about Cypriots?
They are fucking close with Pontic Greeks both on skin colour but also characteristics....

05-19-2018, 10:32 PM
In east-central Anatolia (what you call Cappadocia) there are actually some Iranid, Armenid and Irano-Armenoid types.

05-19-2018, 10:32 PM
Yanındaki kişini adı Semih mi?


05-19-2018, 10:33 PM
Greeks may be darker than Turks, who knows -- but Greeks have European features, Turks do not. Overall Greeks do not look like any Middle Eastern people.

Though, of course, like their closely related southern Italian and Sicilian cousins to the west, Cretans and Dodecanese do sometimes show Near Eastern influences that other populations of Greece proper do not show.

It is much more important to focus on facial traits, and less on coloring.

You are forgetting the variety. Some Greeks do look Middle-Eastern and some Turks do look European.

Also a stereotypical turanid Anatolian Turk has its own look, neither European nor Middle-Eastern.


05-19-2018, 10:34 PM

Yanındaki kişinin adı Yeter mi?

05-19-2018, 10:42 PM
Yanındaki kişinin adı Yeter mi?


05-19-2018, 10:42 PM
Oh fuck Nihat Doğan is Kurdish? WTF what a fail.

05-19-2018, 10:43 PM

Cidden mi?

05-19-2018, 10:44 PM
Oh fuck Nihat Doğan is Kurdish? WTF what a fail.

Kurdified xD

05-19-2018, 10:45 PM
What about Cypriots?
They are fucking close with Pontic Greeks both on skin colour but also characteristics....

Cypriots are a hybrid group of both European and Middle Eastern ancestry. I am referring to Greeks from Greece.

05-19-2018, 10:50 PM
Cidden mi?

Hayır Cidden değil Yeter :lol:

05-19-2018, 10:50 PM
Kurdified xD

Mehmet Aydın is the perfect specimen of a Turanid Turk :D Do you know him?


05-19-2018, 10:56 PM
Mehmet Aydın is the perfect specimen of a Turanid Turk :D Do you know him?


Agree. I heard about him.

07-18-2018, 02:45 PM
How are they lighter than half of greeks while also not looking europan??

Doesnt make sense,

Turks are a very mixed bunch.

They vary a lot from iranian and arab looking to anatolian and balkan looking, some even lighter looking.

More than 60% of turks are anatolian in genetics, but around 20 million if not more are also balkaners ( Albanians, muslim bosnians, and circissians) and also the kurds on the east.

My observations are these.

However a nice bunch.

Turks feel at home among Albanians, the same thing is with Albanians in Turkey and the respect they have for us.

However most Albanians do not feel as aliens in greece at all for example.

"More than 60% of turks are anatolian in genetics, but around 20 million if not more are also balkaners ( Albanians, muslim bosnians, and circissians) and also the kurds on the east."


And what is "Anatolian" in genetics? Does Turkic also count as anatolian? If no then you're wrong. Every Turk has Turkic heritage ranging from 15% to 45%.

And people of Balkan origin are no more than 5 million here. Circassians are Northern Caucasians not Balkan people.

"Turks are a very mixed bunch."

This is a myth. Turks form their own clusters in every pca plot. Of course there are outliers like Balkan Turks or Northeastern Anatolian Turks but Turks usually cluster with each other. If we're talking about phenotypes, then every country in the world is "very mixed".

07-18-2018, 03:32 PM
I find Turks to be better looking.

07-18-2018, 05:02 PM
Turks have all looks. In anatolia many looked more "turanid" very different from MENA, but on coast and istanbul they seem more mixed (more south european or middle eastern feauteres). There are also many white turks, and many of those have slavic/pomak origin, so those look eastern european.

07-18-2018, 05:03 PM
Turkey Turks are so close to greeks.

But average Turk looks more European than average Greek.
Average Greek looks Armenian, MENA, North African.

07-18-2018, 05:06 PM
I think she has a very typical face among Turkish females:


07-18-2018, 05:06 PM
We don't look fully European but we look like mixture of European/Caucasian and Central Asian. I saw many Turks like that. And we call this phenotype as Turanid. Also Turks are 40%-60% Central Asian,not predominantly Anatolian. Also common Turkish physical appearances:

Eyes: Dark or light brown and hazel/Amber eyes (exceptions: blue, green and grey)
Hair: Dark or light brown (exceptions: blond and red)
Skin: Wheat-skin and white (exception: Brunette)
Eye shape: Almond eyes and its types(like roundish Almond and thin Almond) (exceptions: Round, slanted eyes)

07-18-2018, 05:09 PM
We don't look fully European but we look like mixture of European/Caucasian and Central Asian. I saw many Turks like that. And we call this phenotype as Turanid. Also Turks are 40%-60% Central Asian,not predominantly Anatolian. Also common Turkish physical appearances:

Eyes: Dark or light brown or hazel/Amber eyes (exceptions: blue, green or grey)
Hair: Dark or light brown (exceptions: blond and red)
Skin: Wheat-skin or white (exception: Brunette)
Eye shape: Almond eyes and its types(like roundish Almond and thin Almond) (exceptions: Round, slanted eyes)
Hair shape: Straight or wavy (exceptions: curly)
Skull shape: 99.9% Brachycephalic

For example:



07-18-2018, 05:10 PM
But average Turk looks more European than average Greek.
Average Greek looks Armenian, MENA, North African.

why are you jews so complexed towards all human races? lmfao, who gives a fuck about looking mena.

07-18-2018, 05:16 PM
because greeks have E1b1b so much. maybe this is why they look like north african

Bro, haplogroups are not super important about how do you look currently. It only shows your paternal origins from thousands of years ago. And Greeks don't North African.

07-18-2018, 05:19 PM
so why they look like north african?

They don't. Some of them may look NA and that's normal. That's something that you can see in every Southern European country.

07-18-2018, 05:19 PM
so why they look like north african? and darker than Turks

Because they have E1b1b.

07-18-2018, 05:22 PM
They don't. Some of them may look NA and that's normal. That's something that you can see in every Southern European country.

Yes, they do.

07-18-2018, 05:23 PM
and we can see north african dna with them? or not

I am not an expert but I don't think so. There are plenty of Euro looking people in Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia with Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia genetics. The opposite is also possible.

07-18-2018, 05:25 PM
One thing I noticed that Greeks can have very curly hair, while Turks don't.
(Should not forget that religion kept people segregated althought being neighboors)

07-18-2018, 05:27 PM
One thing I noticed that Greeks can have very curly hair, while Turks don't

SSA admixture.
North African origin.

07-18-2018, 05:27 PM

those look like a Jewish friend of mine. ironic to post them, you being a russian jew lol.

07-18-2018, 05:28 PM
SSA admixture.
North African origin.

Perhaps. It just natural they had connections with other civilizations, especially the Egyptians.

07-18-2018, 05:29 PM
so you can accept portugal, spain, italy, greece totaly white? and dont have north african touch? am i wrong? you are totally in ignorance my friend

1- When did I said such a thing :lol:
2- What is the definition of white in your mind?

07-18-2018, 05:30 PM
Greeks don't look like North Africans. That is ridiculous.


Anyway, i don't understand why that user bumped this idiotic/retarded thread(more likely to put people to fight each other) just answer an Albanian troll. :picard1:

07-18-2018, 05:33 PM
SSA admixture.
North African origin.

I don't believe I have any North African origins

07-18-2018, 05:34 PM
whites are white, darks are dark. southern european peoples more dark than other europeans. because they have north african touch

Welcome to The Apricity xiperyum.

07-18-2018, 05:35 PM
Turks are actually pretty different than Greeks, genetically. But I suppose because some Turks have Greek blood in them, there are a good amount that can often be mistaken for Greeks.

07-18-2018, 05:42 PM
Turkey, İzmir
Turkish, Albanian

Lol, a Turkalbanian and Judeorussian having a convo about greeks and north africans. globalisation at its finest

07-18-2018, 05:45 PM
ahah i dont have a problem with greeks. but truth is truth

i dont have curly hair. do you?

07-18-2018, 05:47 PM
i dont have curly hair. do you?

:picard1: He is obviously a sock account.

07-18-2018, 05:50 PM
:picard1: He is obviously a sock account.

hes an albo?

07-18-2018, 05:51 PM
Birader, tabii ki Kuzey Afrikalılar ve Orta Doğulularla bir etkileşimleri var ama diğer Avrupalılardan daha kara durmalarının sebebi bu değil. Adamlar zaten Güneyli. Kaldı ki Avrupa içerisinde de bölgeden bölgeye çok büyük genetik farklılıklar var. Söylemin zaten çok saçma çünkü adamlar zaten hiçbir zaman bembeyaz değillerdi.

07-18-2018, 05:52 PM
yes why?

someone mentioned greeks being curly i thought it was you.my bad. anyway welcome to the forum

07-18-2018, 06:02 PM
Aren't Cretans the darkest of all Greeks?

Cretans in general not necessarily

But they have among other phenotypes also the Darkest Greek phenotypes along with some South East Aegeans and Cypriots

The average Anatolian Greek with ancestry from Smyrna,Bursa,Aivali or Constantinople is not darker than the average Cretan or South Aegean

07-18-2018, 06:03 PM
yani portekizlilerin, ispanyolların, italyanların ve dahi yunanların bu kadar esmer olmalarının sebebi sadece iklimsel mi? genetik alışverişin hiç bir katkısı yok mu? araştırmalara göre evet bu adamlarda kuzey afrika genleride var, çünkü imparatorluk tarihi boyunca etkileşimler ve karışımlar olmuş. özellikle latinler amerikada beyaz olarak bile görülmüyor

Moruk bak, zaten Dünya üzerindeki bütün milliyetler, farklı bölgelerden farklı insan gruplarının aşağı yukarı belirli oranlarda birleşmesiyle oluşuyor. Zaten durum aşağı yukarı senin söylediğin gibi ve zaten kimse de bunu inkar etmiyor ama senin bilmediğin çok fazla şey olduğu için aslını sana tam manasıyla aktarabilmem mümkün değil.

07-18-2018, 06:12 PM
Again the Turk with partial Albanian origin is more fanatic and Anti Greek than the Turks proper here^

07-18-2018, 06:25 PM
I hope you Turks don't think having African in you is a bad thing otherwise you'll end up killing yourself if you get a DNA test.

You guys have such detailed results, amazing. This is mine:

07-18-2018, 06:28 PM
i am not anti greek or anything. i only say southern european have etiophian/north african blood. and this is a why they look darker then other europeans. this is truth accept or not.

they got this ethiopic blood from jewish settlers.for example i score a lot of jewish on ftdna autosomal.

07-18-2018, 06:30 PM
i know it. we have everything. euroasia and some african blood. because ottoman empire

as long as you aren't using it as an insult, you have no issue with me

07-18-2018, 06:39 PM
if i have chance, i would choose to be african. i like africans and no use for insult. i only explain why greeks darker than turks or latin peoples more dark than europeans. used for it

I would also want to be a SSA

07-18-2018, 06:44 PM
I would also want to be a SSA

would you mind being fully aboriginal?

07-18-2018, 06:47 PM
would you mind being fully aboriginal?

I would actually due to their physical apperance.

07-18-2018, 06:52 PM
if i have chance, i would choose to be african. i like africans and no use for insult. i only explain why greeks darker than turks or latin peoples more dark than europeans.

well Greeks don't have SSA so that impairs your reason to your unfounded belief of Greeks being darker than Turks

07-18-2018, 06:59 PM
well Greeks don't have SSA so that impairs your reason to your unfounded belief of Greeks being darker than Turks

Turks don't have SSA too, can you see anything about SSA in here? And about that lighter, darker thing.. well they are equal I think.

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 35.04
2 South_Central_Asian 11.82
3 European_Early_Farmers 10.95
4 Near_East 9.72
5 European_Hunters_Gatherers 7.99
6 Tungus-Altaic 7.60
7 East_Siberian 4.02
8 Ancestral_Altaic 3.13
9 South_East_Asian 2.11
10 South_Indian 2.03
11 North_African 1.59
12 Paleo_Siberian 1.36
13 Australoid 1.12

Finished reading population data. 620 populations found.
23 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Turk_Aydin @ 6.328804
2 Turk_Balikesir @ 8.178854
3 Turk @ 9.872170
4 Turk_Istanbul @ 10.138259
5 Turk_Adana @ 11.072295
6 Turk_Kayseri @ 11.693690
7 Azov_Greek @ 14.173787
8 Crimean_Tatar_Mountain @ 14.715053
9 Nogai @ 14.783901
10 Georgian_Jew @ 15.184583
11 Cretan @ 15.798978
12 Syrian_Jew @ 16.157681
13 Crimean_Tatar_Coast @ 16.376711
14 Azeri @ 16.500019
15 Greek_Smyrna @ 16.895416
16 Uzbek_Tashkent @ 17.190754
17 Kurd_North @ 17.203077
18 Ashkenazi_Jew @ 17.428041
19 Iraki @ 17.502832
20 Lebanese_Muslim @ 17.539635

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Greek_Islands +50% Turkmen_Uzbekistan @ 4.509966

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Jew_Tat +25% Kazakh +25% Kosovar @ 2.436479

07-18-2018, 07:19 PM
But average Turk looks more European than average Greek.
Average Greek looks Armenian, MENA, North African.

You fucking idiot do you know that Turks are mostly armenoids???
How the hell then you say that Greeks look Armenian but Turks not??

Actually Armenoids dont even exist in Greece and our phenotypes are
mostly balkanic and med

07-18-2018, 07:24 PM
One thing I noticed that Greeks can have very curly hair, while Turks don't.
(Should not forget that religion kept people segregated althought being neighboors)


07-18-2018, 07:26 PM
whites are white, darks are dark. southern european peoples more dark than other europeans. because they have north african touch

Not idiot its because we have more sun and because we love sun.
During winter we have the same color

07-18-2018, 07:26 PM




Geographic distribution
Outside Europe, E1b1b is found at high frequencies in Morocco (over 80%), Somalia (80%), Ethiopia (40% to 80%), Tunisia (70%), Algeria (60%), Egypt (40%), Jordan (25%), Palestine (20%), and Lebanon (17.5%). On the European continent it has the highest concentration in Kosovo (over 45%), Albania and Montenegro (both 27%), Bulgaria (23%), Macedonia and Greece (both 21%), Cyprus (20%), Sicily (20%), South Italy (18.5%), Serbia (18%) and Romania (15%). Ashkenazi Jews have approximately 20% of E1b1b, which falls mostly under specific clades of E-M123.

i dont know its confusing me

The Greek branch of the E haplogroup is E-V13, and it’s not SSA. As far as I know, it developed in Europe.

Greeks have no SSA btw, Turks have more than Greeks:


The SSA in Italians is exaggerated on the map above though.

According to this map below, SSA in Italy is 0,5%:


07-18-2018, 07:26 PM
You fucking idiot do you know that Turks are mostly armenoids???
How the hell then you say that Greeks look Armenian but Turks not??

Actually Armenoids dont even exist in Greece and our phenotypes are
mostly balkanic and med

No, we are not. Not even Armenia is mainly Armenoid.

07-18-2018, 07:30 PM
One thing I noticed that Greeks can have very curly hair, while Turks don't.

Not true, but Turks have more SSA than Greeks anyway:


(Should not forget that religion kept people segregated althought being neighboors)

Exactly, that’s why Greeks and Turks didn’t mix

07-18-2018, 07:30 PM
i am not anti greek or anything. i only say southern european have etiophian/north african blood. and this is a why they look darker then other europeans. this is truth accept or not.

Get lost gypsy and study better the DNA Turks have more african mix than greeks.

Greece have 0% SSA , ethiopian in their DNA while turks have 0.3%


07-18-2018, 07:32 PM
SSA admixture.
North African origin.

Greeks don’t have SSA and neither Northern African blood:



07-18-2018, 07:32 PM
they got this ethiopic blood from jewish settlers.for example i score a lot of jewish on ftdna autosomal.

Where the hell you found this crap you post here???
Pheonicians never come to Greece , only Cyprus ,South Italy and South Spain had Phoenician colonies

Greece is balkan and med from ancient times until today.
Not africans and not phoenicians here

07-18-2018, 07:38 PM
so this is explain why they look darker.

You are a troll and uneducated.
You try to explain physical appearence with hapologroups

Most EV13 from Kosovo are blonde and you connect the Greek EV13 with Africans ???
What the hell??

Also Turks are Darker than Greeks. The only light skin turks are in Instambul


07-18-2018, 07:43 PM
You fucking idiot do you know that Turks are mostly armenoids???
How the hell then you say that Greeks look Armenian but Turks not??

Actually Armenoids dont even exist in Greece and our phenotypes are
mostly balkanic and med

These 3 Greek are Armenoids.
Greek are mixed nation and have different types.
There are even Greeks those who look like Europeans.
These are the Greeks who have Slavic origin.

07-18-2018, 07:48 PM
You are a troll and uneducated.
You try to explain physical appearence with hapologroups

Most EV13 from Kosovo are blonde and you connect the Greek EV13 with Africans ???
What the hell??

Also Turks are Darker than Greeks. The only light skin turks are in Instambul


You are dumb as fuck and this map is innacurate. According to your logic, Uzbeks are (as) lighter as/than Balkaners and Romanians? :picard1:

07-18-2018, 07:57 PM
So stupid things gonna happen. I am out

07-18-2018, 08:00 PM
Turks are Black, don't let OWD Turks to brainwash you.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSEscbTwacCXpLIezzQvWJ_hSyE3aKhq kPcHjXQ-pBvOUmXwzFteDgjzMPW



07-18-2018, 09:02 PM
Greeks are the chubby bald guys that have that weirdly pale skin for being so far south. It's not normal European pale, but that yellowy/milky pale. The extremely cartoonish bushy eyebrows(without unibrow, as that is a Turkish trait) are common on elders but not a requirement. Every one of them has a chef or 2... or 10 in their family. They are the minority in their own country, partially because all of the successful ones moved to other countries to be high-ranking Chefs. This is why most people think that the Turks who have taken over Greece are the actual Ethnic Greeks.

Turks are the naturally brown, hairy faced ones who stole what is now called Turkey, and are in the process of stealing what is now called Greece.

Of course, a bit of humor there... but extremely accurate.

07-18-2018, 09:07 PM

What a team

07-18-2018, 09:29 PM
istanbul?? omg you dont know anything about turkey. istanbul is a cosmopolitan city. you cant found native istanbul people in there.

aegan turks and black sea people are totally white. also you can find so white peoples in central anatolia.

only kurds and mediterranean area people are darker. because they have north african dna and come from arabs.



tell me who is more european?

i feel like a see moroccan national team first but later i wake up this is greece

There's two non-Greek players on the team and one player that does not look particularly Greek to me and that is Sivas. Otherwise, color aside the team is pretty representative in terms of facial structure.

80% of Turks are brown as shit, hardly mongoloid, short, and take camels as wives.

07-18-2018, 09:34 PM
Greeks are the chubby bald guys that have that weirdly pale skin for being so far south. It's not normal European pale, but that yellowy/milky pale. The extremely cartoonish bushy eyebrows(without unibrow, as that is a Turkish trait) are common on elders but not a requirement. Every one of them has a chef or 2... or 10 in their family. They are the minority in their own country, partially because all of the successful ones moved to other countries to be high-ranking Chefs. This is why most people think that the Turks who have taken over Greece are the actual Ethnic Greeks.

Turks are the naturally brown, hairy faced ones who stole what is now called Turkey, and are in the process of stealing what is now called Greece.

Of course, a bit of humor there... but extremely accurate.

This is the most accurate criticism of Greeks on this forum I've ever read.

Greece is so shit because all of it's best and smartest people are leaving. We need to nuke a quarter of the country and build a wall that will keep all the good guys in.