View Full Version : Classify a DNA tested French-Canadian

07-31-2018, 12:33 PM

Go to 5:10 to see the results.

07-31-2018, 12:34 PM
So extremely inaccurate. She got 50% Great Britain despite being French. Many companies overestimate British - and Germans, Belgians, Dutch or French people end up scoring British.

Another example is this German who scored 1/4 English:


07-31-2018, 12:36 PM
So extremely inaccurate. She got 50% Great Britain despite being French.

Salian Franks and British people (saxons) in 4th century lived next to each other.

British people are not from British Island but Norway and Saxony, they call themselves "British" cause they conquered British Islands from Celts.

07-31-2018, 12:37 PM
Salian Franks and British people (saxons) in 4th century lived next to each other.

Stop this bullshit, it starts to become boring (your "theories" about I2a Celts).

Genetic studies show that British people are mostly Celtic, as are French people.

07-31-2018, 12:39 PM
Stop this bullshit, it starts to become boring (your "theories" about I2a Celts).

Genetic studies show that British people are mostly Celtic, as are French people.

ok lol.

The magnitude of apocalypse it seems can't be accepted :)

07-31-2018, 12:41 PM

Plus French-Canadian settlers often came from Normandy and Brittany, which is close from Great Britain and has been massively populated by Britons people.

Vid Flumina
07-31-2018, 01:10 PM
Her name peaks around Manche/Ille-et-Vilaine department, considering that the West European label also include Switzerland, Germany and Lichtenstein these results are all but surprising.

07-31-2018, 02:50 PM

07-31-2018, 02:53 PM
Looks Atlantid to me :), the British percentage is surprisingly high but it would kind of make sense for someone of Northern French descent.

07-31-2018, 02:56 PM
So extremely inaccurate. She got 50% Great Britain despite being French. Many companies overestimate British - and Germans, Belgians, Dutch or French people end up scoring British.

Another example is this German who scored 1/4 English:


It's very normal for French to score British, just as it is for Germans/dutch etc to score British.

07-31-2018, 03:03 PM
So extremely inaccurate. She got 50% Great Britain despite being French. Many companies overestimate British - and Germans, Belgians, Dutch or French people end up scoring British.

Another example is this German who scored 1/4 English:


maybe her mom has some explaining to do

07-31-2018, 03:14 PM
So extremely inaccurate. She got 50% Great Britain despite being French. Many companies overestimate British - and Germans, Belgians, Dutch or French people end up scoring British.

Another example is this German who scored 1/4 English:


I’m a good example of this. I scored 54% Great Britain despite having only one grandparent who is descended front brits. The rest of my grandparents had ancestors mostly from Southwest Germany

07-31-2018, 03:47 PM
It's very normal for French to score British, just as it is for Germans/dutch etc to score British.

Sure it is, but it is basically like looking at things backwards, right?

Most of migrations in both prehistory and history were from the Continent to the British Isles.

Migrations from the British Isles to the Continent were less intense.


Look how much of British my father scored in DNA Tribes:




07-31-2018, 03:56 PM
Sure it is, but it is basically like looking at things backwards, right?

Most of migrations in both prehistory and history were from the Continent to the British Isles.

Migrations from the British Isles to the Continent were less intense.


Look how much of British my father scored in DNA Tribes:


That is true.

Regardless, wouldn't it mean people from those locations Are very similar? Hence why it picks up British alot, when they are really French Or German or so on?

08-01-2018, 07:36 AM
Sure it is, but it is basically like looking at things backwards, right?

Most of migrations in both prehistory and history were from the Continent to the British Isles.

Migrations from the British Isles to the Continent were less intense.

Can we really be sure of that? After all that cold and rainy place full of sailors may have been the homeland of a lot of emigrants. They moved southward, westward and southwestward and their DNA can be found in high percentage in Germany, Norway, France or even Portugal.

We should also consider the fact that the region they call "Great Britain" in this test overlap northern France, Belgium and Netherland. It traces back over thousands of years. Possibly even before Great Britain became and island (11 000 years ago).