View Full Version : Classify Popular French Blond Country/Rock Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist and Actor;- Renaud

♥ Lily ♥
07-31-2018, 06:41 PM
(My French ex-boyfriend introduced me to Renaud's beautiful singing and lots of his music.)

Renaud Pierre Manuel Séchan, known as 'Renaud' (born 11 May 1952 in Paris,)
is a popular French singer, songwriter and actor.

His characteristically 'broken' voice makes for a very distinctive vocal style.

Several of his songs are popular classics in France, including the sea tale "Dès que le vent soufflera",
the irreverent "Laisse béton", the ballad "Morgane de toi" and the nostalgic "Mistral gagnant".

However, with the exception of a recording of "Miss Maggie" in English and a franglais recording of
"It is not because you are", his work is almost unknown outside the French-speaking world.



It's a sad pity that his music and singing isn't known of by many people outside of France,
because he's such a beautiful singer and guitarist. :heartbea:




07-31-2018, 06:52 PM
Subnordid, i think.

07-31-2018, 06:54 PM
Reminds me of Kurt Cobain in his younger pics

07-31-2018, 06:55 PM
Wow, he is gorgeous

I'll go with subnordid.

♥ Lily ♥
07-31-2018, 07:01 PM
A song he made about 'The Iron Lady' (Magaret 'Maggie' Thatcher,) who was a strict Tory UK leader (the best friend of US President Reagan and she was also friends with the dictator Pinochet,) and she was extremely unpopular with many people in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Argentina.

Large crowds of people celebrated her death a few years ago... and huge angry protests were held against the Conservatives using public taxmoney to fund Thatcher's extravagant funeral costs and the Royal Wedding costs during a time of national austerity cuts to our national fire-fighter services, National Health Service, police services, road services, student cuts, cuts to the most vulnerable people in society, such as the sick, disabled, and elderly, etc.

She was all for the privatisation of our national rail services, etc, sold-off the family silver to foriegn ownership, closed the UK coalmines and put the centuries-old family tradition of coalmine labourers out of business, crushed coalmine protestor Arthur Scargill by using the British Military to crush protestors, heavily advocated and launched popular captialism, sold-off our national services to private foreign ownership, made the poor suffer, caused the Brixton Riots, caused the Poll Tax riots, made the Irish people (like Bobby Sands) starve to death in hunger protests, silenced Irish nationalists voices from being allowed to be broadcast in any UK national media (voiceover dubs had to be used over Irish nationalist Gerry Adams speaking on TV. His voice was always muted out and completely silenced over during UK news broadcasts, as UK people weren't allowed to hear what he had to say, to brainwash the British public against the Irish.)

She was against democratic free speech and she also got Gerry Adam's banned from being allowed to visit the US for over 20 years, and from being able to give any speeches there to American audiences due to her powerful connections and extremely close friendship to US President Reagan.

She censored rebellious and non politically-correct UK songs against either the government or royal family that reached no.1 in the music charts from being allowed to be heard on national TV or radio, used the British SAS to routinely shoot down and execute Irish rebels and protestors, made the Scottish people suffer a lot, controversially ordered the UK's Royal Navy to bomb an Argentine ship that was actually sailing away from the Falklands... and despite being informed that the ship was sailing away from the Falklands... she insisited and demanded for the Belgrano ship to be sunk... and 300 Argentines onboard the non-threatening ship were burned or drowned to death as a result of Thatcher's orders.

Her family have over £80 million in private assests, yet the Conservative government made the British public pay for her lavish funeral costs, which was a final kick-in-the-face to the British people, after 'Thatcher-the-milk-snatcher' took away the free school milk for poor children which was their main source of nutrition, and introduced highly unpopular taxes upon the poor to feed the rich.

Her wealthy and very corrupt relatives should've privately funded her £10+ million funeral costs, but they were too greedy to fund it themselves. Her son Mark Thatcher is banned from entering a certain African nation as he's a corrupt criminal. UK taxpayers shouldn't have been forced to pay for the extravagant funeral costs of a highly unpopular and cold-hearted bitch. (Afterall, she was all for privatisation and against any form of national socialism!) Angry protestors turned their backs on her coffin being paraded through the streets and chanted 'Waste of money!' They should've got a private company to sponser the funeral costs, such as Burger King... and should've put their flame-grill logo onto her coffin. :P

English version.


French version.


07-31-2018, 09:42 PM
A profile pic:

Subnordid + Dinarid

08-04-2018, 02:31 PM
Noric + Alpine.