View Full Version : @ our German members

04-02-2011, 06:50 PM
I'd like to hear your take on the recent elections and their results in Germany, and especially on the victory won by the German Green party.

04-02-2011, 07:05 PM
Mass hysteria, anyone?
If you refer to this (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24803) thread, you can pretty much figure how I feel.
Our nation's politics is truly an exhausting subject for me.

04-04-2011, 02:57 PM
Most mass media are controlled by leftists and greens, veterans of the '68 generation and their younger pupils who soaked up the ideology with mother's milk. They control and steward the shaping of public opinion. The opposition to nuclear power is the birth mythos of the Green party and a subject highly important to the leftwingers. Fukushima's castastrophe was the eagerly awaited trigger to revive the Tschnerobyl hype and to inflate it even larger. Public media activate panic emotions by apocalyptic coverage 24/7, the results being fear and rejection of nuclear power. Facts, causal coherencies and objectivity play no role by now, the public debate is emotional and ideological. Either you're one of the good ones, synonymical to against nuclear power, or you're one of the bad ones. German politicians foster our public hype by changing their decisions from one minute to another.

Truth be told, Germany has a mental disease when it comes to the question of nuclear power. No other country got this sickness. One could say we're legally insane with respect to the question of nuclear power. Some activists and politicians want to dicate neighbouring countries like France or Switzerland how to handle their nuclear plants now. It's awkward. There're demonstrators with posters like "Ban Atoms!"(sic!) and instrumentalized children of grown-up demonstrators who can't even pronounce Atomkraftwerk.

The victory of the Green party in two federal states has been the direct result of Fukushima. The percentage of Green voters will diminish as the hype around Fukushima calms down. But right now, German politics and German media are nothing but one big mental asylum.

04-04-2011, 08:09 PM
Most mass media are controlled by leftists and greens, veterans of the '68 generation and their younger pupils who soaked up the ideology with mother's milk. They control and steward the shaping of public opinion. The opposition to nuclear power is the birth mythos of the Green party and a subject highly important to the leftwingers.

This is quite interesting. You see, Finland's Green Alliance (http://www.vihreat.fi/node/4) was in the past a real environmentalist organization, with quite admirable goals, or at the very least ideas about protecting nature that very few sane people would disagree with.

However, the party has long since switched over to the same Islamism/multiculturalism/open borders/anti-nuclear power opinion cluster that leftover commies in search of an identity everywhere in Europe seem to gravitate towards. Very tellingly, one of the founders, Eero Paloheimo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eero_Paloheimo) has recently left the party.

Fukushima's castastrophe was the eagerly awaited trigger to revive the Tschnerobyl hype and to inflate it even larger. Public media activate panic emotions by apocalyptic coverage 24/7, the results being fear and rejection of nuclear power. Facts, causal coherencies and objectivity play no role by now, the public debate is emotional and ideological. Either you're one of the good ones, synonymical to against nuclear power, or you're one of the bad ones. German politicians foster our public hype by changing their decisions from one minute to another.

Truth be told, Germany has a mental disease when it comes to the question of nuclear power. No other country got this sickness. One could say we're legally insane with respect to the question of nuclear power. Some activists and politicians want to dicate neighbouring countries like France or Switzerland how to handle their nuclear plants now. It's awkward. There're demonstrators with posters like "Ban Atoms!"(sic!) and instrumentalized children of grown-up demonstrators who can't even pronounce Atomkraftwerk.

The victory of the Green party in two federal states has been the direct result of Fukushima. The percentage of Green voters will diminish as the hype around Fukushima calms down. But right now, German politics and German media are nothing but one big mental asylum.

It wasn't for lack of trying from the part of the media that we didn't have a similar reaction here. The earthquake, tsunami, tens of thousands of people missing and feared dead, billions of € in damage, all of it completely insignificant because there was a fire in a nuclear power plant.

Okay, so later on the situation at Fukushima turned out to be quite a bit more serious than that, but that's beside the point. The panic-mongering began before anyone even knew what exactly had happened.