View Full Version : Classify Andreas Casiraghi and Charlotte Casiraghi

04-12-2011, 11:12 PM

http://www.pinkend.com/view.php?name=L2hvbWUvd2ViL2FwcC9waW5rZW5kLmNvbS93 d3cvZmlsZXMvaW1nLzI3OC5qcGc%3D&w=500&h=413 http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/bg/Prince+Andrea+auctions+off+wine+charity+-xvLKK8Jhtvl.jpg


http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_CWfaGt1Xqrk/S3DAy5ZdJwI/AAAAAAAABHg/hH93Q1Iv9y4/s400/charlotte-casiraghi.jpg http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Stella+McCartney+Paris+Fashion+Week+Spring+Omx6_HL GvuUl.jpg

04-13-2011, 04:44 AM
Andreas Casiraghi: Aryan + "Mediterrannean". Typical Italian looks.
Charlotte Casiraghi: "Alpine" + "Mediterannean". Typical Italian looks.

alzo zero
04-14-2011, 03:49 PM
Andrea: Atlanto-Dinarid
Charlotte: Alpino-Mediterraneid

05-04-2011, 05:25 PM
do they have anything cromagnoid?

05-04-2011, 05:27 PM
do they have anything cromagnoid?

The jaws I think.

alzo zero
05-04-2011, 05:36 PM
The jaws I think.
Yes, Pierre's traits look slightly more "gentle", almost feminine.



05-05-2011, 06:41 AM
Aryan influence is very dominant in the guy: pigmentation, facial features, body type. There are indeed rather insignificant "foreign" elements (Mediterannean) in him, but we are speaking of Italy (Southern Italy even, judging by his last name), after all...

alzo zero
05-05-2011, 07:36 AM
Aryan influence is very dominant in the guy: pigmentation, facial features, body type. There are indeed rather insignificant "foreign" elements (Mediterannean) in him, but we are speaking of Italy (Southern Italy even, judging by his last name), after all...
No. His father was Stefano Casiraghi, a businessman from Lombardia with a very Northern Italian surname (Casiraghi), who died in an accident when his children were still very young. This is a picture of him.


I think he looks like Pierre a lot.

alzo zero
05-05-2011, 10:01 AM

alzo zero
05-05-2011, 10:03 AM
I've found these pictures of Stefano Casiraghi when he was about his sons' age, the resemblance to both of them is striking. It must painful for their mother to look at them.



05-05-2011, 10:20 AM
No. His father was Stefano Casiraghi, a businessman from Lombardia with a very Northern Italian surname (Casiraghi), who died in an accident when his children were still very young. This is a picture of him.


I think he looks like Pierre a lot.

Are names that end with -aghi (Casiraghi, Inzaghi) typical Northern Italian? Seems you are right: they are typical Lombard names. How about those that end in:
- ini
- ani
- oni
- ano
- etti
- etta

05-05-2011, 10:24 AM
I've found these pictures of Stefano Casiraghi when he was about his sons' age, the resemblance to both of them is striking. It must painful for their mother to look at them.



Yes. Very good looking both of them (son is a bit effeminate, looks like a Renaissance portrait of an "ideal male").

alzo zero
05-05-2011, 10:33 AM
Are names that end with -aghi (Casiraghi, Inzaghi) typical Northern Italian? Seems you are right: they are typical Lombard names. How about those that end in:
- ini
- ani
- oni
- ano
- etti
- etta
Surnames ending by -aghi are very typical of Lombardia ("Casiraghi", "Inzaghi", "Biraghi", "Magnaghi", "Salmoiraghi", "Cassamagnaghi", and probably others that I don't recall right now...).

As an extremely unreliable rule of thumb, surnames ending by -i originate in the northern half of Italy, while surnames ending by -o in Southern Italy. However there are many exceptions (like, for example, "Chiabotto" northern and "Princi" southern) and Italian surnames that don't end neither by -i nor by -o.

For example, in Veneto and other parts of Northeastern Italy many surnames end by a consonant (usually -n like in Tonon, or in -er like in Altinier).

05-05-2011, 10:39 AM
Both of them look nice. :) Carlota (yes I call her like that) got pretty nice cute features, maybe cuz of the piggy nose haha but pretty cute. In this first pic I post she reminds me of my mother (even the nose but not the lips)..





Andrea and Pierre are cute aswell but not as his sister..as a child, yes..
In any case, Grace Kelly was there, so damn true.




alzo zero
05-05-2011, 10:44 AM
While the sons look like the father, the daughter is just like the mother. Usually it's the opposite (at least in my case :P).

05-05-2011, 02:35 PM
Are names that end with -aghi (Casiraghi, Inzaghi) typical Northern Italian? Seems you are right: they are typical Lombard names. How about those that end in:
- ini
- ani
- oni
- ano
- etti
- etta

Read here


05-06-2011, 04:32 AM
[B]Both of them look nice. :) Carlota (yes I call her like that) got pretty nice cute features, maybe cuz of the piggy nose haha but pretty cute.





She is not "nice", but very beautiful (near perfect). Features that normally do not yield beauty are combined with great elegance and harmony. Both father, son and daughter (and probably mother) are grade 8-9 people (beautiful to very beautiful).

05-06-2011, 07:20 AM
Surnames ending by -aghi are very typical of Lombardia ("Casiraghi", "Inzaghi", "Biraghi", "Magnaghi", "Salmoiraghi", "Cassamagnaghi", and probably others that I don't recall right now...).

As an extremely unreliable rule of thumb, surnames ending by -i originate in the northern half of Italy, while surnames ending by -o in Southern Italy. However there are many exceptions (like, for example, "Chiabotto" northern and "Princi" southern) and Italian surnames that don't end neither by -i nor by -o.

For example, in Veneto and other parts of Northeastern Italy many surnames end by a consonant (usually -n like in Tonon, or in -er like in Altinier).

An excellent summary of the situation. The transition zone between the mainly -i ending and the -o (or -a) ending is in southern Lazio below Rome and in southernmost Marche close to Abruzzo.

North-west Italy (Piedmont) has names like Ferrero, Rambaudo/Rambaudi or Rivera while Colombo is common in Genoa and Liguria.

05-06-2011, 07:22 AM
Nordic. He reminds of another nordic italian Andreas Seppi



05-06-2011, 07:59 AM
Son: Nordid, minor Southern influence
Daughter: Alpinid-Nordomediterranid
Father: Nordid with minor Alpinid influence

05-06-2011, 10:11 AM
Nordic. He reminds of another nordic italian Andreas Seppi

This guy is German from South Tirol and also looks unmistakably German (ScandoNordid). I've never seen a single Italian looking like that!

alzo zero
05-06-2011, 10:11 AM
Both father, son and daughter (and probably mother) are grade 8-9 people (beautiful to very beautiful).
Yes, no comparison with those vulgar-faced royals north of the Channel. :cool:

03-09-2012, 02:56 PM
Andreas: CM-Nordid
Charlotte: Atlantid-Alpinid

09-29-2013, 08:43 PM
Andrea: Nordid
Charlotte: Alpine+Nordomed

02-24-2014, 04:48 PM
He: Nordid-CM
She: Atlanto-Med with Faelid influences.

Not a Cop
02-24-2014, 08:54 PM
Both a Sub-Nordids

Prince Carlo
03-23-2014, 11:37 AM
North Atlantid/CM

North Atlantid/Borreby

04-09-2014, 10:13 PM
Their parents, Monégasque Carolina di Monaco (Half Italian) and Italian Stefano Casiraghi (fully Italian)


04-09-2014, 10:18 PM
Nordic. He reminds of another nordic italian Andreas Seppi



He doesn't remind Stefano Casiraghi. Seppi's face is too boxy.

04-09-2014, 10:20 PM
This guy is German from South Tirol and also looks unmistakably German (ScandoNordid). I've never seen a single Italian looking like that!

Seppi is an Italian surname, not German.

07-20-2015, 08:45 AM
Alpine with a nordid component.