View Full Version : Is turanid considerated a pure type?

09-29-2018, 11:13 PM
People say that turanid is a mix of paleo-mongoloid+eastern cro-magnon bt can they still be considerated genetically as a pure type?

09-29-2018, 11:23 PM
All types are formed as combinations of relatively more ancient phenotypes. Turanid is also one of them. Both Eastern Cromagnid and Paleo Mongoloid are ancient types when compared to overall.

09-29-2018, 11:26 PM
What the fuck is a pure type

09-29-2018, 11:34 PM
Caucasoid-Mongoloid mix

09-30-2018, 01:14 AM
What the fuck is a pure type

A type that don't have influence from other types or at least is considerated as a "pure" type by anthropologist, just like the main races of Europe( Alpine, dinarid, med, nordid and baltid).
While mixed types would be types with influence from other types( obviously). Like subnordid( nordid+alpine), gorid( alpine+baltid), atlantid( nordid+med)baskid( dinarid+med+nordid), etc...

So based in this system, do you consider turanid as a pure type or as a mixed type? I have a strong doubt because turanid i like paleo-mongoloid+eastern cro-magnon but i don't know if it can be considerated as a mix, because i don't know if paleo-mongoloid is considerated as mongoloid or no, because it is anterior to mongoloids, also, i don't know if eastern cro-magnon is considerated as caucasoid or no, since it is also an ancient type.

09-30-2018, 01:15 AM
All types are formed as combinations of relatively more ancient phenotypes. Turanid is also one of them. Both Eastern Cromagnid and Paleo Mongoloid are ancient types when compared to overall.

A type that don't have influence from other types or at least is considerated as a "pure" type by anthropologist, just like the main races of Europe( Alpine, dinarid, med, nordid and baltid).
While mixed types would be types with influence from other types( obviously). Like subnordid( nordid+alpine), gorid( alpine+baltid), atlantid( nordid+med)baskid( dinarid+med+nordid), etc...

So based in this system, do you consider turanid as a pure type or as a mixed type? I have a strong doubt because turanid i like paleo-mongoloid+eastern cro-magnon but i don't know if it can be considerated as a mix, because i don't know if paleo-mongoloid is considerated as mongoloid or no, because it is anterior to mongoloids, also, i don't know if eastern cro-magnon is considerated as caucasoid or no, since it is also an ancient type.

09-30-2018, 03:48 AM

09-30-2018, 08:27 AM
Yes although “pure” is not the right term. it is however one of the types recognised by most authors.
However (roll the drums) in my opinion “pure” Turanian is overall rare. Most types we think Turanian are really successive blends and re-blends with Mongoloid and Iranian people’s.

09-30-2018, 08:53 AM
I believe it is, the Turanid phenotype is a broad one, most people with the Turanid phenotype in Central Asia that are living today are the result of a RELATIVELY more recent mixing compared to many other broad phenotypes that are the result of mixing between two different races, like Indid for example.

09-30-2018, 06:20 PM
Yes although “pure” is not the right term. it is however one of the types recognised by most authors.
However (roll the drums) in my opinion “pure” Turanian is overall rare. Most types we think Turanian are really successive blends and re-blends with Mongoloid and Iranian people’s.

Do you prefer the term "uninfluenced" so?

09-30-2018, 06:47 PM
Most of people use that as a mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasoid here. Just like mestizo lol. But there are still people saying it's Eastern Cromagnid + Paleo-Mongoloid or Cromagnid + Tungid or Iranid + Tungid.

I have a thread that I asked for an exact definition of Turanid. Here is the Link:


09-30-2018, 06:50 PM
Basically caucasid+mongoloid. Not pure

09-30-2018, 07:13 PM
Basically caucasid+mongoloid. Not pure

You are describing an Eurasian. Sean Lennon is Euro -Mongoloid mix but he isn’t a Turanian.
Hungarian Turanian from Hungarian anthropology. (Brachycephalic)
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROFAqvX5Td0CG7S2aXU6544TwNjB7BX E9JqDaU-2grqzmVQJEP
Central Asian Turanian from Coon
Possibly a Bulgarian Tatar (but I’m not 100%sure)
From Henkey (antropologia Hungarica) pic from the precious “antropologia-fizyczna.pl”

09-30-2018, 10:44 PM
You are describing an Eurasian. Sean Lennon is Euro -Mongoloid mix but he isn’t a Turanian.
Hungarian Turanian from Hungarian anthropology. (Brachycephalic)
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROFAqvX5Td0CG7S2aXU6544TwNjB7BX E9JqDaU-2grqzmVQJEP
Central Asian Turanian from Coon
Possibly a Bulgarian Tatar (but I’m not 100%sure)
From Henkey (antropologia Hungarica) pic from the precious “antropologia-fizyczna.pl”


09-30-2018, 11:02 PM
Turks have mixed with many many people over the last few thousand years. The combos are numerous.

09-30-2018, 11:15 PM
Most of people use that as a mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasoid here. Just like mestizo lol. But there are still people saying it's Eastern Cromagnid + Paleo-Mongoloid or Cromagnid + Tungid or Iranid + Tungid.

I have a thread that I asked for an exact definition of Turanid. Here is the Link:


Basically caucasid+mongoloid. Not pure


Turks have mixed with many many people over the last few thousand years. The combos are numerous.

Caucasoid-Mongoloid mix

Turanids are Europids in the classic European terminology - in fact a Dinaroid type = Pamirid. This type was in the majority under the farmers of the Turan, the North was partly Cromagnid and Nordid too, the South mostly Iranid (Orientalid).

Then came the major Mongolid (mostly Tungid) invasions (Turks, Mongols etc.) and brought the Mongolid element to Central Asia, they mixed with Cromagnids/Palaeueropids in the North, Pamirids in the Centre and East and Iranids in the South, this mixed Mongolid-Europid type is called Aralid or by some just "Turanid", but this is no real racial type, but more similar to American mulattoes.

The Pamirids, the major Europid element in the Aralids, this Dinaroid type, might be the result of brachycephalisation of Iranid and Cromagnid types of Central Asia - the typical Pamirids are the Tajiks.

09-30-2018, 11:20 PM
I don't think there really are pure types if you go back far enough.

09-30-2018, 11:24 PM
Turanids are Europids in the classic European terminology - in fact a Dinaroid type = Pamirid. This type was in the majority under the farmers of the Turan, the North was partly Cromagnid and Nordid too, the South mostly Iranid (Orientalid).

Then came the major Mongolid (mostly Tungid) invasions (Turks, Mongols etc.) and brought the Mongolid element to Central Asia, they mixed with Cromagnids/Palaeueropids in the North, Pamirids in the Centre and East and Iranids in the South, this mixed Mongolid-Europid type is called Aralid or by some just "Turanid", but this is no real racial type, but more similar to American mulattoes.

The Pamirids, the major Europid element in the Aralids, this Dinaroid type, might be the result of brachycephalisation of Iranid and Cromagnid types of Central Asia - the typical Pamirids are the Tajiks.

Thanks for the information

09-30-2018, 11:27 PM
Thanks for the information

You are welcome. In fact, almost no modern phenotype is pure. For example, Dinarids are just Alpine Meds.

09-30-2018, 11:34 PM
You are welcome. In fact, almost no modern phenotype is pure. For example, Dinarids are just Alpine Meds.

But are not dinarids too tall? Both alpines and meds are both very short types

09-30-2018, 11:51 PM
But are not dinarids too tall? Both alpines and meds are both very short types

They might be Alpine Cappadoican Meds. Cappadoican Meds are usually tall.