View Full Version : Classify Russian Youtuber

10-28-2018, 03:12 PM
Roman Albertovich Abalin

place of birth: Chelyabinsk, Russia

https://instagram.fath5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/b35b38ee0d53a8cdabd92090ac29d93b/5C4CA634/t51.2885-15/e35/42314286_2263121707093177_2836480385530309343_n.jp g
https://instagram.fath5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/6933c1e9ca575c30856f7377e737c9ac/5C810337/t51.2885-15/e35/35425551_1394143534062724_4400648342162374656_n.jp g
https://instagram.fath5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/32728ac3d2335fca0348174b0af280b1/5C6DF6FE/t51.2885-15/e35/19622868_1024564624313797_6322814964977369088_n.jp g
https://instagram.fath5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/d6ac350f86ab5bf567c2a32a584d5775/5C693117/t51.2885-15/e35/35356048_2069653503360715_8660548480026017792_n.jp g

10-28-2018, 03:27 PM
Pontid + Neo-Danubian.

10-28-2018, 03:28 PM
I recognise him. He's quite critical of the Russian government and state of culture and admires Western culture, a bit like a Russian Guede/Erlich. Very likeable man who loves to talk about Russia regardless. I was surprised he actually lives in Russia, as his English is native speaker level.

10-28-2018, 03:30 PM
Can pass in eastern Europe and Turkey, I think.

10-28-2018, 03:31 PM
I recognise him. He's quite critical of the Russian government and state of culture, a bit like a Russian Guede/Erlich. Very likeable man who loves to talk about Russia regardless. I was surprised he actually lives in Russia, as his English is native speaker level.

I found out he is russian when i searched him on google,or else i wouldn't have known. He speaks so good english. If you listen to my mom speaking english, she can't even pronnounce the words correctly.

This guy actually pronounces the words correctly and russian's have different consonants and vowels as well.
I applaud him!

10-28-2018, 03:32 PM
I found out he is russian when i searched him on google. He speaks so good russian. If you listen to my mom speaking russian, she can't even pronnounce the words correctly.

This guy actually pronounces the words correctly and russian's have different consonants and vowels as well.
I applaud him!

Russian is his native tongue and he lives in Russia for all his life. :p But his English, I applaud him for that. He speaks C1 level of English whereas most Russians can barely speak it at all.


Sure he has a slight Russian accent. It betrays English isn't his native tongue, but he does speak English at such a degree you'd believe he actually lives in the USA. But he actually lives in Russia.

10-28-2018, 03:36 PM
Russian is his native tongue and he lives in Russia for all his life. :p But his English, I applaud him for that. He speaks C1 level of English whereas most Russians can barely speak it at all.


Sure he has a slight Russian accent. It betrays English isn't his native tongue, but he does speak English in such a degree you'd believe he actually lives in the USA. But he actually lives in Russia.

You are a Slavaboo Danielion, now all elements of the puzzle make sense!

10-28-2018, 03:36 PM
Russian is his native tongue and he lives in Russia for all his life. :p But his English, I applaud him for that. He speaks C1 level of English whereas most Russians can barely speak it at all.


Sure he has a slight Russian accent. It betrays English isn't his native tongue, but he does speak English in such a degree you'd believe he actually lives in the USA. But he actually lives in Russia.

sorry my mistake, I actually corrected it. I was a bit wandering/lost when i wrote you this message. I meant that he spoke really good english.

10-28-2018, 03:37 PM
You are a Slavaboo Danielion, now all elements of the puzzle make sense!

But I don't want to trade the EU for Putin. ;)

10-28-2018, 03:38 PM
But I don't want to trade the EU for Putin. ;)

Since you are a West Slavaboo (Polish-Czech).

10-28-2018, 03:40 PM
sorry my mistake, I actually corrected it. I was a bit wandering/lost when i wrote you this message. I meant that he spoke really good english.

Yeah, figured that much. Should have corrected it in the quote instead of taking it as literally. :p My bad.

10-28-2018, 03:41 PM
Since you are a West Slavaboo (Polish-Czech).

I sympathise with the V4's resistance versus EU bullying, so you are right. There are different types of Slavoboos, West and East. I am a West Slavaboo. ;)

10-28-2018, 03:47 PM
I recognise him. He's quite critical of the Russian government and state of culture and admires Western culture, a bit like a Russian Guede/Erlich. Very likeable man who loves to talk about Russia regardless. I was surprised he actually lives in Russia, as his English is native speaker level.

I like Russia so much! I am so active on that field, look, there was a period 10% of Russian music thread was mine :rolleyes:

10-28-2018, 03:48 PM
I sympathise with the V4's resistance versus EU bullying, so you are right. There are different types of Slavoboos, West and East. I am a West Slavaboo. ;)

I must be the complete opposite of slavaboo because i've been in Russia and let me tell you....it's very boring, dull and non-emotional there. People look suicidal when you walk around (i've been in Novopokrovskaya this Summer, a small isolated village with a few markets here and there and that's it, and social housing units. )
Even in the airport, they look like you aren an alien or something. Like "ok, give me your passport. " and do short-questions that even if they are for a short amount of time, it feels like they interrogate you.
I think its because the russians have learned to express their emotions as they are. But......why so moody though? one of the reasons i dislike russia is because they almost never smile. I smile, and that is considered stupid and "mentally handicapped" in a way. So, if you smile in moderation is quite ok i guess but smiling , in general, is not that agreed upon..
There is a weird vibe in Russia. Especially in Krasnodar,when we arrived. Everything felt so different from Greek cities. I could feel a contrast between the two countries.
Why would someone would like Russia? Unless you are a masochist...
In my opinion, and based on those 2 places i ever visited in my life, i didn't get a good impression of Russians.
And no, its not because of Putin. But the citizens and their lifestyle only... is what frustrated me the most.

edit: maybe its because i was raised in Greece, i never understood anything except our culture.
Maybe Russians are the civilized ones and we are the stupid ones.

10-28-2018, 03:48 PM
Wouldn't stick out here at all.

10-28-2018, 03:50 PM
I must be the complete opposite of slavaboo because i've been in Russia and let me tell you....it's very boring, dull and non-emotional there. People look suicidal when you walk around (i've been in Novopokrovskaya this Summer, a small isolated village with a few markets here and there and that's it, and social housing units. )
Even in the airport, they look like you aren an alien or something. Like "ok, give me your passport. " and do short-questions that even if they are for a short amount of time, it feels like they interrogate you.
I think its because the russians have learned to express their emotions as they are. But......why so moody though? one of the reasons i dislike russia is because they almost never smile. I smile, and that is considered stupid and "mentally handicapped" in a way. So, if you smile in moderation is quite ok i guess but smiling , in general, is not that agreed upon..
There is a weird vibe in Russia. Especially in Krasnodar,when we arrived. Everything felt so different from Greek cities. I could feel a contrast between the two countries.
Why would someone would like Russia? Unless you are a masochist...
In my opinion, and based on those 2 places i ever visited in my life, i didn't get a good impression of Russians.
And no, its not because of Putin. But the citizens and their lifestyle only... is what frustrated me the most.

Very melancholic people. Also my impression. I know one Russian and I like him as a friend, but he's truly a downer all the time. The ability of being likeable and gloomy at the same time, Russians possess that. :p Not the happiest people around regardless. I do want to visit Russia one day, though.

10-28-2018, 03:52 PM
Very melancholic people. Also my impression. I know one Russian and I like him as a friend, but he's truly a downer all the time. The ability of being likeable and gloomy at the same, Russians possess that. :p Not the happiest people around regardless. I do want to visit Russia one day, though.

practise your squatting abilities

10-28-2018, 03:53 PM
Very melancholic people. Also my expression. I know one Russian and I like him as a friend, but he's truly a downer all the time. The ability of being likeable and gloomy at the same, Russians possess that. :p Not the happiest people around regardless. I do want to visit Russia one day, though.

Same, although i want to go to North Russia. Like , i've never been in Moscow nor St. Petersburg. I've only seen pictures. Its also the biggest tourist attractions so there must be a lot of interesting things to see instead of being in a small village in the middle of nowhere...

I want to see places with lakes, rivers,mountains... Where i was, it was flat everywhere. No mountains or hills whatsoever.

10-28-2018, 03:53 PM
edit: maybe its because i was raised in Greece, i never understood anything except our culture.
Maybe Russians are the civilized ones and we are the stupid ones.

Greeks are like the friendliest people in Europe maybe. So I understand the contrast couldn't be wider. Greeks are easy to befriend, smile a lot and love bodily contact and warmth.

10-28-2018, 03:57 PM
practise your squatting abilities

Even Roman (the YT'er) squats on one photo. It's really a genetic thing with Slavs, I think, to be able to maintain that position and still feel comfortable.

10-28-2018, 03:59 PM
Greeks are like the friendliest people in Europe maybe. So I understand the contrast couldn't be wider. Greeks are easy to befriend, smile a lot and love bodily contact and warmth.

They Smile a lot. But there are a LOT of racist people in Greece as well. There is a huge community that hates anything foreign and is super patriotic.
Like, you'll see jobs that seek GREEK only.
I know a 58 year old woman from Berlin who is working at a hotel as waitress for the season (very tiring considering her age and she is on medication too), she was working in the police in Germany.
Here, she is nothing, because she married a Greek guy.
Same with my mom, she had all the degrees, and education, and she went downhill from the time she married my dad and moved in here... she is literally housekeeper and cleaning houses now...only that...
The sacrifices you have to make....

But Greece is made to look beautiful in hotel ads, tourism ads etc. etc.

Greece is worth visiting for holidays and maybe for like an amount of time , but settling down here doesn't gurantee you a great life ( i think, i am only 20 years old, so don't judge me... i might be wrong)
The best place i've been in Greece is Corfu island, one of the most beautiful attractions that are also inspired from italian,french and english architecture.

10-28-2018, 04:01 PM
Even Roman (the YT'er) squats on one photo. It's really a genetic thing with Slavs, I think, to be able to maintain that position and still feel comfortable.

squatting people usually have short legs and long torso, and if you ever will look at people this way, you will discover - more east - shorter legs :rolleyes:

10-28-2018, 04:04 PM
Smile a lot. But there are a LOT of racist people in Greece as well. There is a huge community that hates anything foreign and is super patriotic.
Like, you'll see jobs that seek GREEK only.
I know a 58 year old woman from Berlin who is working at a hotel as waitress for the season (very tiring considering her age and she is on medication too), she was working in the police in Germany.
Here, she is nothing, because she married a Greek guy.
Same with my mom, she had all the degrees, and education, and she went downhill from the time she married my dad and moved in here... she is literally housekeeper and cleaning houses now...only that...
The sacrifices you have to make....

But Greece is made to look beautiful in hotel ads, tourism ads etc. etc.

Greece is worth visiting for holidays and maybe for like an amount of time , but settling down here doesn't gurantee you a great life ( i think, i am only 20 years old, so don't judge me... i might be wrong)
The best place i've been in Greece is Corfu island, one of the most beautiful attractions that are also inspired from italian,french and english architecture.

In a docu about the Euro crisis and how it hit Greece our national television did show a Flemish guy married to a Greek woman. He was a self-employed craftsman and learned Greek to the best of his possibility (only speaks Greek to his wife). He was able to survive the crisis at the moment. But he is probably struggling regardless, but just able to keep a positive and productive attitude about it as that's the best strategy to remaining afloat.

Interesting to see how his wife mistrusted the Belgian camera crew while he was doing the talking in Dutch (which she doesn't understand).

10-28-2018, 04:05 PM
squatting people usually have short legs and long torso, and if you ever will look at people this way, you will discover - more east - shorter legs :rolleyes:

it's a lifestyle

10-28-2018, 04:05 PM
But......why so moody though? one of the reasons i dislike russia is because they almost never smile. I smile, and that is considered stupid and "mentally handicapped" in a way. So, if you smile in moderation is quite ok i guess but smiling , in general, is not that agreed upon..
There is a weird vibe in Russia.

Expressive vs. Reserved cultures:



Extraverted vs. Introverted cultures:



10-28-2018, 04:11 PM
Expressive vs. Reserved cultures:



Extraverted vs. Introverted cultures:



Superficially Dutch are far more extraverted than Belgians, but they are just as difficult to befriend regardless. In the Netherlands, people's doors are closed until they really consider you a friend (which can take a long time). And if you don't speak Dutch fluently, you will always be somewhat of an outsider. Expats in the Netherlands mainly befriend other expats.

But that's not unique to NL I guess. :)

10-28-2018, 04:23 PM
Superficially Dutch are far more extraverted than Belgians, but they are just as difficult to befriend regardless. In the Netherlands, people's doors are closed until they really consider you a friend (which can take a long time). And if you don't speak Dutch fluently, you will always be somewhat of an outsider. Expats in the Netherlands mainly befriend other expats.

But that's not unique to NL I guess. :)

According to this video, Russians and French people are extraverted (so shouldn't Walloons be more extraverted than Dutch?):


Maybe the OP was visiting some Finno-Ugric minority village in Russia.


No, it actually shows Russia as introverted. But also Nigeria. On the other hand Congo is extraverted.

10-28-2018, 04:25 PM
I've met many Russians and they were frendlier than southern Europeans. Many people confuse extraversion/loudness and frendliness. Many southern Europeans are arrogant and unemotional, just very passionate.

10-28-2018, 04:25 PM
According to this video, Russians and French people are extraverted (so shouldn't Walloons be more extraverted than Dutch?):


Maybe the OP was visiting some Finno-Ugric minority village in Russia.

Dutch are a lot more talkative than Walloons. But that is just one aspect of course. :)

10-28-2018, 04:27 PM
Dutch are a lot more talkative than Walloons.

I've heard that autistic people monologue a lot. That would probably count as talkative.

Anyway, that map actually shows France and Russia as very introverted (red colour).

10-28-2018, 04:29 PM
I've heard that autistic people monologue a lot. That would probably count as talkative. :)

Anyway, that map actually shows France and Russia as very introverted (red colour).

Yes, Dutch talk loudly to themselves in public, creeping out Walloons whenever to go on holiday there.

10-28-2018, 04:31 PM
Yes, Dutch talk loudly to themselves in public, creeping out Walloons whenever to go on holiday there.

That's not what I meant.

It is possible to monologue also when you talk to someone else, not just to yourself.

It just means you talk and talk without listening to what the other person responds.

10-28-2018, 04:31 PM
How Walloons stereotype Dutch people.


10-28-2018, 04:31 PM
Russian pontid. Can pass everywhere in east Europe.

10-28-2018, 04:32 PM
Example: https://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=128862

"Afterward, I spent 45 minutes explaining the changes to someone who now that I consider the discussion I can't think of any reason to believe cares about it. It's only after I noticed the time on a clock and so realized that I had been speaking for 45 minutes that I realized that since I had been speaking for 45 minutes the other person was probably bored and so I should probably stop talking. I am aware that I do monologue, but when I am monologuing I am not consciously aware that I have been speaking for such a long time."

Anthony PV
10-28-2018, 04:43 PM
How Walloons stereotype Dutch people.

So, the French-speaking Walloons are quiet and shy introverts while the German-speaking Dutch are loud and obnoxious extroverts?! :confused: Huh, I would have thought it would be the opposite...

10-28-2018, 04:44 PM
So, the French-speaking Walloons are quiet and shy introverts while the German-speaking Dutch are loud and obnoxious extroverts?! :confused: Huh, I would have thought it would be the opposite...

Walloons are very alike to Flemish people here. Dutch are the loud ones of the Low Countries, but especially Hollanders here. Others are somewhat indirectly through Hollandic influence (by being in the same state with Hollanders, you need to be able to handle yourself well in a debate) :p

10-28-2018, 05:15 PM

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09-09-2021, 07:12 PM

09-09-2021, 07:27 PM
Can pass in eastern Europe and Turkey, I think.

Yes, there are Turks with his face.

09-09-2021, 08:12 PM
Well, this guy is russian but he has a bit asian admixtures. He said his grandpa was half kasakh or something like that, dont remember. So here it shows all.