View Full Version : Why do people in this forum say that Indians are ugly

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11-25-2018, 10:44 PM
Now I know this is a controversial thread and seems like a troll but this is a serious thread. I have been noticing in many "which is the ugliest ethnicity thread" most people said Indians. Now I personally don't find Indians pretty (however I have seen one or 2 that I found very pretty) but I also don't think they are ugly at all. What about them makes people find them ugly I just want to know what part of their anthropology that people in this forum seemed to find displeasing.

11-25-2018, 11:05 PM
It is a matter of personal preference. I have seen some Caucasoid Indians I consider aesthetically appealing and others that I have not. There is quite an amount of diversity in India from what I know, and North Indians differ from those from Southern India. I think a great many people here largely prefer women closest to their own race, including myself, and the majority are European.

11-25-2018, 11:09 PM

Cuz' they are kiddo

it's just an opinion don't get butt-devastated about it *

11-25-2018, 11:09 PM
It is a matter of personal preference. I have seen some Caucasoid Indians I consider aesthetically appealing and others that I have not. There is quite an amount of diversity in India from what I know, and North Indians differ from those from Southern India. I think a great many people here largely prefer women closest to their own race, including myself, and the majority are European.

I agree with the personal preference idea but it's just a bit confusing to why there is a disproportional amount who think they are ugly. Even darker ethnicities like west Asians, Latinos and Africans say the same thing in this forum.

11-25-2018, 11:10 PM
I agree with the personal preference idea but it's just a bit confusing to why there is a disproportional amount who think they are ugly. Even darker ethnicities like west Asians, Latinos and Africans say the same thing in this forum.

Just look at the recent "mexican vs India" thread

11-25-2018, 11:28 PM
I can't really say why but I'm not usually attracted to Indian men. I mean, living in Brazil I didn't come across a lot of Indian people but in Dublin, where I lived for one year, there are many. I don't remember ever seeing one and finding them attractive, even though I've seen online some pictures of Indian men that I do find attractive. I know it's not about skin colour because I find black men attractive very often. But I can't really tell why this happens

11-25-2018, 11:34 PM
I can't really say why but I'm not usually attracted to Indian men. I mean, living in Brazil I didn't come across a lot of Indian people but in Dublin, where I lived for one year, there are many. I don't remember ever seeing one and finding them attractive, even though I've seen online some pictures of Indian men that I do find attractive. I know it's not about skin colour because I find black men attractive very often. But I can't really tell why this happens

That's exactly what I meant. It can't be about them being darker because in America black people are attractive where as Indians, well not so much. Even I am not so attracted to them, I wish I was but I'm not. Of course I find them to be very nice people but as a persian, I can tell you all my relatives look down on them, I actually find this shameful, but for many it's a fact. In fact most of my west Asian relatives and friend look down on them.

11-25-2018, 11:42 PM
If any of you wanna make a movie to say how ugly or black Indians are then go ahead & make them to show it to your kin. That doesn't make Indians as a whole more uglier just because one of you have some grudge.

May be it is vice versa.

11-25-2018, 11:44 PM
That's exactly what I meant. It can't be about them being darker because in America black people are attractive where as Indians, well not so much. Even I am not so attracted to them, I wish I was but I'm not. Of course I find them to be very nice people but as a persian, I can tell you all my relatives look down on them, I actually find this shameful, but for many it's a fact. In fact most of my west Asian relatives and friend look down on them.

I could say that, in my case, not having grown up around Indian people at all could play a part in my personal preferences . But I agree with you that very often, even when this is not the case, people are not attracted to Indians. I have no idea why though. It's not even that I find them really ugly, some are average, but still not attractive (to me at least). Of course, appart from those I've mentioned before that I've seen pictures of and I do find attractive. It just never happened in person.

11-25-2018, 11:46 PM
If any of you wanna make a movie to say how ugly or black Indians are then go ahead & make them to show it to your kin. That doesn't make Indians as a whole more uglier just because one of you have some grudge.

May be it is vice versa.

Hey I'm not saying they are ugly, I'm just trynna find out why other people think they are.

11-25-2018, 11:55 PM
I can tell you that it is hell being a western born and raised person of Indian descent, because the ones who shape the public perception are those straight from India as they make up the vast majority. And distancing yourself from them is impossible when you look just like them.

11-25-2018, 11:58 PM
I can tell you that it is hell being a western born and raised person of Indian descent, because the ones who shape the public perception are those straight from India as they make up the vast majority. And distancing yourself from them is impossible when you look just like them.

I actually find it stupid that Indians get this kind of judgement however, even if they have this regard, I do find them to be one of the nicest people I know, I think because of the prejudice people don't really get to know how nice indian people are. They have great hospitality but it's not appreciated

11-26-2018, 12:04 AM
I can tell you that it is hell being a western born and raised person of Indian descent, because the ones who shape the public perception are those straight from India as they make up the vast majority. And distancing yourself from them is impossible when you look just like them.
You pay to much attention to stereotypes, honestly all that really matters in dating is if your attractive, Pakistanis have a bad reputation in the UK, even with that I and many others have no problems dating women of any race.

11-26-2018, 12:06 AM
I actually find it stupid that Indians get this kind of judgement however, even if they have this regard, I do find them to be one of the nicest people I know, I think because of the prejudice people don't really get to know how nice indian people are. They have great hospitality but it's not appreciated

I've heard the opposite many times-that Indian people(straight from India) are incredibly rude and that's what I've seen as well.

11-26-2018, 12:06 AM
You pay to much attention to stereotypes, honestly all that really matters in dating is if your attractive, Pakistanis have a bad reputation in the UK, even with that I and many others have no problems dating women of any race.

No, Pakistanis in the UK have a reputation for being involved in gangs/crime which actually helps them in dating women, but for Indians the reputation is that their soft, ugly, smelly etc. none of which is a turn on at all.

11-26-2018, 12:09 AM
I've heard the opposite many times-that Indian people(straight from India) are incredibly rude and that's what I've seen as well.

I guess it depends on who you run into. What's your experience with other indian Americans?

11-26-2018, 12:09 AM
If any of you wanna make a movie to say how ugly or black Indians are then go ahead & make them to show it to your kin. That doesn't make Indians as a whole more uglier just because one of you have some grudge.

May be it is vice versa.

I am sorry if I said something offensive, I didn't mean to. Maybe I wasnt clear enough but I don't mean to say that Indian people are ugly, just that I find it weird that I've never felt attraction towards an Indian man in person, while I have been attracted to various other ethnicities. I have been attracted to average looking men (to be honest maybe even a little below average) from other ethnicities and this has never happened with average Indian men and I've always wondered why.

11-26-2018, 12:11 AM
most likely cause indians have the ancient admix of australoid/negrito which mixed with caucasoid popped out some weird looking mongrels who are physically weak and facially unaesthetic. many said it word to word as well in the mexican vs. indian thread. there was no need to ask "why" with a new thread lol. It is what it is. you can't change people's opinion by asking why they are attracted/not attracted to a particular group. you can't explain who you feel sexual tension towards. Even many indians dislike being called/looking indian so why would anyone else be attracted towards them?

11-26-2018, 12:11 AM
No, Pakistanis in the UK have a reputation for being involved in gangs/crime which actually helps them in dating women, but for Indians the reputation is that their soft, ugly, smelly etc. none of which is a turn on at all.

Not really, i have a pakistani friend who gets more girls than anyone I know but is just a normal citizen.

11-26-2018, 12:13 AM
You pay to much attention to stereotypes, honestly all that really matters in dating is if your attractive, Pakistanis have a bad reputation in the UK, even with that I and many others have no problems dating women of any race.

I don't understand why people have to bring race mixing into this and statistically no, Pakistanis race mix at the same rate or slightly less than Indians, but it is due to culture not appearance.

11-26-2018, 12:13 AM
I guess it depends on who you run into. What's your experience with other indian Americans?

The ones born and raised(like myself) here were all pretty chill. The ones who weren't were strange as fuck.

11-26-2018, 12:16 AM
most likely cause indians have the ancient admix of australoid/negrito which mixed with caucasoid popped out some weird looking mongrels who are physically weak and facially unaesthetic. many said it word to word as well in the mexican vs. indian thread. there was no need to ask "why" with a new thread lol. It is what it is. you can't change people's opinion by asking why they are attracted/not attracted to a particular group. you can't explain who you feel sexual tension towards. Even many indians dislike being called/look indian so why would anyone else be attracted towards them?

Wow dude. I disagree with this highly. I find triracials the most appealing and they are just as mixed as Indians. I don't find Indians as ugly as you are describing, I don't find them ugly at all. This self-hate just makes it so they look more ugly because they don't take care of them selves. I think people find them ugly because they just don't take care of themselves and are malnourished.

11-26-2018, 12:18 AM
I don't understand why people have to bring race mixing into this and statistically no, Pakistanis race mix at the same rate or slightly less than Indians, but it is due to culture not appearance.
Because that’s why he thinks it’s hell to be a western Indian, because of the indian struggle with women, I didn’t bring it up for no reason. Anyway this is a topic beaten to death i’m not gonna add anything new to this topic so no point posting in it either.

11-26-2018, 12:19 AM
Wow dude. I disagree with this highly. I find tritmracials the most appealing and they are just as mixed as Indians. I don't find Indians as ugly as you are describing, I don't find them ugly at all. This self-hate just makes it so they look more ugly because they don't take car of them selves. I think people find them ugly because they just don't take care of themselves and are malnourished.

This basically +1

Also, many of them are badly groomed and don't dress well.

11-26-2018, 12:21 AM
Because that’s why he thinks it’s hell to be a western Indian, because of the indian struggle with women, I didn’t bring it up for no reason.

Sure, but statistically there's other groups that don't really marry/date outside of their race in high numbers as well, like East Asian men so it is somewhat arbitrary because people don't necessarily say they are ugly.

11-26-2018, 12:22 AM
Not really, i have a pakistani friend who gets more girls than anyone I know but is just a normal citizen.

Yes, but stereotypes still have their effect. You can be a normal person from a given race but people will still be associating you with the stereotype.

11-26-2018, 12:22 AM
Not really, i have a pakistani friend who gets more girls than anyone I know but is just a normal citizen.
Off topic - which part of the UK are you from? London?

11-26-2018, 12:27 AM
Yes, but stereotypes still have their effect. You can be a normal person from a given race but people will still be associating you with the stereotype.

Everyone has a stereotype.

11-26-2018, 12:28 AM
Off topic - which part of the UK are you from? London?


11-26-2018, 12:30 AM
Wow dude. I disagree with this highly. I find tritmracials the most appealing and they are just as mixed as Indians. I don't find Indians as ugly as you are describing, I don't find them ugly at all. This self-hate just makes it so they look more ugly because they don't take car of them selves. I think people find them ugly because they just don't take care of themselves and are malnourished.

indians are mixed with the wrong kinds, with one of the populations being very ancient. while another big mixed nation like brazil has the best kind of mix available in nature thats why they are arguably the best looking people on this planet. And no westernized indians are considered the worst too. Funny thing is indians dont have trouble dating within at all, but interracially they struggle so much even if they are very westernized, well fed, popular, etc. Its definitely not malnourishment.

Curiosity mentioned she went to Dublin, which is filled with well fed westernized punjabis and punjabis are the most caucasoid shifted indians and if they are considered ugly, then most indians will be considered ugly as well. I mean women can be better looking in other parts of india like south and eastern india but men definitely are better looking in the northwestern region of india.

not just them but look at gypsies. They are considered the ugliest in europe. funny thing is its not cause they look non european/foreign. you dont see them talking shit about mongol, turan mix in east europe. Infact they fantasize it. The best looking female on this forum Seya has turan, mongoloid admixed features and many consider such features to be very beautiful/aesthetic.

sure grooming could be part of it not denying it but there is something off in symmetry of features in many many indians and seems to be the case with gypsies as well even though they are heavily mixed with euros. Some feature is very off in many of them like some have small face, some have very big eyes, some have round bulbous nose, some have very thin lips, terrible jawline, some are too hairy for their own good. There are multiple factors adding to finding indians unappealing from looks, hygiene, personality, etc but looks definitely form the vast majority for the "lack" of attraction towards indians.

11-26-2018, 12:34 AM
indians are mixed with the wrong kinds, with one of the populations being very ancient. while another big mixed nation like brazil has the best kind of mix available in nature thats why they are arguably the best looking people on this planet. And no westernized indians are considered the worst too. Funny thing is indians dont have trouble dating within at all, but interracially they struggle so much even if they are very westernized, well fed, popular, etc. Its definitely not malnourishment.

Curiosity mentioned she went to Dublin, which is filled with well fed westernized punjabis and punjabis are the most caucasoid shifted indians and if they are considered ugly, then most indians will be considered ugly as well. I mean women can be better looking in other parts of india like south and eastern india but men definitely are better looking in the northwestern region of india.

not just them but look at gypsies. They are considered the ugliest in europe. funny thing is its not cause they look non european/foreign. you dont see them talking shit about mongol, turan mix in east europe. Infact they fantasize it. The best looking female on this forum Seya has turan, mongoloid admixed features and many consider to be very beautiful/aesthetic.

sure grooming could be part of it not denying it but there is something off in symmetry of features in many many indians and seems to be the case with gypsies as well even though they are heavily mixed with euros. Some feature is very off in many of them like some have small face, some have very big eyes, some have round bulbous nose, some have very thin lips, terrible jawline, some are too hairy for their own good. There are multiple factors adding to finding indians unappealing form looks, hygiene, personality, etc but looks definitely form the vast majority for the "lack" of attraction towards indians.

Not to sound like an asshole but would you get rid of all the South Asian admixture in you and replace it with something else? What component or components would you replace it with?

11-26-2018, 12:37 AM
Dunno, but I think many S. Asian/Desi women are stunning. :shrug:

11-26-2018, 12:38 AM
indians are mixed with the wrong kinds, with one of the populations being very ancient. while another big mixed nation like brazil has the best kind of mix available in nature thats why they are arguably the best looking people on this planet. And no westernized indians are considered the worst too. Funny thing is indians dont have trouble dating within at all, but interracially they struggle so much even if they are very westernized, well fed, popular, etc. Its definitely not malnourishment.

Curiosity mentioned she went to Dublin, which is filled with well fed westernized punjabis and punjabis are the most caucasoid shifted indians and if they are considered ugly, then most indians will be considered ugly as well. I mean women can be better looking in other parts of india like south and eastern india but men definitely are better looking in the northwestern region of india.

not just them but look at gypsies. They are considered the ugliest in europe. funny thing is its not cause they look non european/foreign. you dont see them talking shit about mongol, turan mix in east europe. Infact they fantasize it. The best looking female on this forum Seya has turan, mongoloid admixed features and many consider such features to be very beautiful/aesthetic.

sure grooming could be part of it not denying it but there is something off in symmetry of features in many many indians and seems to be the case with gypsies as well even though they are heavily mixed with euros. Some feature is very off in many of them like some have small face, some have very big eyes, some have round bulbous nose, some have very thin lips, terrible jawline, some are too hairy for their own good. There are multiple factors adding to finding indians unappealing from looks, hygiene, personality, etc but looks definitely form the vast majority for the "lack" of attraction towards indians.

Thambi I don't wanna sound rude or anything, but here, you are saying you think Indians are ugly and that Indians won't be able to interracially. Now you obviously don't want to date any indian women but you also believe you won't be able to date date interracially, how do you expect to get a women if you have lowered you self esteem this much and you don't even like your own race.

11-26-2018, 12:43 AM
On average but there are some good looking Indians.

11-26-2018, 12:52 AM
Thambi I don't wanna sound rude or anything, but here, you are saying you think Indians are ugly and that Indians won't be able to interracially. Now you obviously don't want to date any indian women but you also believe you won't be able to date date interracially, how do you expect to get a women if you have lowered you self esteem this much and you don't even like your own race.

I think he simply doesnt like their physical traits/appearances.

11-26-2018, 12:52 AM
Just look at the recent "mexican vs India" thread

Jesus Christ I didn't open that thread to make other people look down or anything why my threads always turn out to be so controversial and popular? Probably one of that main reasons haven't got banned lol

Anyway they are a lot ugly Mexicans as well dark short squared faced etc but that more European ones I see here in Mexico are completely beautiful .

11-26-2018, 12:55 AM
I wasn't saying it was bad that you created that thread I was talking about the people's response to the thread.9

11-26-2018, 12:55 AM
Not to sound like an asshole but would you get rid of all the South Asian admixture in you and replace it with something else? What component or components would you replace it with?

well I'm cool with being desi because i do connect well with indian women. They might not be the most attractive out there aesthetically speaking but personality wise, culturally they attract me quite a bit. There are quite a number of indian girls I find attractive physically as well but the percentage is rather low and the good ones are taken. In the long run, personality matters more anyways.

but If wanted to be another race I would have been east asian for sure. Northern chinese or korean especially. They really got the best of everything imo

Thambi I don't wanna sound rude or anything, but here, you are saying you think Indians are ugly and that Indians won't be able to interracially. Now you obviously don't want to date any indian women but you also believe you won't be able to date date interracially, how do you expect to get a women if you have lowered you self esteem this much and you don't even like your own race.

not everything is about looks. I never said i dont like indian women. To me besides looks they are some of the most caring, down to earth women out there. trust me. I would eventually date/marry an indian girl if we had mutual attraction and i have dated them in the past. I dont even want to date interracially tbh. I was just stating why indians are considered ugly on a global scale. I might be too straight forward and objective with a lot of my posts but this is the reality. I was just posting as to why this is the case to answer your question and on the mexican thread yesterday.

11-26-2018, 12:56 AM
Because they are smh

11-26-2018, 12:56 AM
I think he simply doesnt like their physical traits/appearances.

I would have thought someone is attracted to their own race

11-26-2018, 12:57 AM
well I'm cool with being desi because i do connect well with indian women. They might not be the most attractive out there aesthetically speaking but personality wise, culturally they attract me quite a bit. There are quite a number of indian girls I find attractive physically as well but the percentage is rather low and the good ones are taken. In the long run, personality matters more anyways.

but If wanted to be another race I would have been east asian for sure. Northern chinese or korean especially. They really got the best of everything imo

not everything is about looks. I never said i dont like indian women. To me besides looks they are some of the most caring, down to earth women out there. trust me. I would eventually date/marry an indian girl if we had mutual attraction and i have dated them in the past. I dont even want to date interracially tbh. I was just stating why indians are considered ugly on a global scale. I might be too straight forward and objective with a lot of my posts but this is the reality. I was just posting as to why this is the case to your question and on the mexican thread yesterday.

Ok I see, i just said that because I thought u didn't like them at all.

11-26-2018, 01:00 AM
I would have thought someone is attracted to their own race

That's usually the case but there are plenty of exceptions. Koreans in America would kill to get with a red-blooded American guy for example and that's why they're the one group of women that are notorious for dating outside their race in general.

People argue that Indian men struggle to date interracially but I'd argue that Asian men are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of the dating scene in the US at least.

11-26-2018, 01:01 AM
I wasn't saying it was bad that you created that thread I was talking about the people's response to the thread.9

Next thread Filipinos Vs Koreans than Aframs vs West Africans thumb me every one up if you would like to see that!

Mr. Anybody
11-26-2018, 01:03 AM
Why do people in this forum say that swedes are ugly?

11-26-2018, 01:05 AM
That's usually the case but there are plenty of exceptions. Koreans in America would kill to get with a red-blooded American guy for example and that's why they're the one group of women that are notorious for dating outside their race in general.

People argue that Indian men struggle to date interracially but I'd argue that Asian men are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of the dating scene in the US at least.

This is mostly cause they dont find women from other races, including white, attractive over their own. most asian guys like their own asian women. MENA, latina girls find asian guys very attractive in case you weren't aware. especially turkish, iranian, maybe armenian women as well. dont think they like them more then MENA guys, but they like asian guys more than they like white guys.

11-26-2018, 01:08 AM
definition of indian is very thin and there is lot of diversity but problem is one group stereotypes and other bad shit is automatically applied to other groups of india which is bad for all indian so yeah many indians are ugly but lot of indian are beautiful and they get all the shit of other indians and vice versa

11-26-2018, 01:09 AM
That's usually the case but there are plenty of exceptions. Koreans in America would kill to get with a red-blooded American guy for example and that's why they're the one group of women that are notorious for dating outside their race in general.

People argue that Indian men struggle to date interracially but I'd argue that Asian men are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of the dating scene in the US at least.

This is true. With Indian women, they have societal pressure and not many regular men are attracted to them so they are forced to date internally. Asian guys got screwed over however.

11-26-2018, 01:09 AM
This is mostly cause they dont find women from other races, including white, attractive over their own. most asian guys like their own asian women. MENA, latina girls find asian guys very attractive in case you weren't aware. especially turkish, iranian, maybe armenian women as well. dont think they like them more then MENA guys, but they like asian guys more than they like white guys.

Armenians aren't "MENA". Forgive me for not lumping us in this nonsensical Georgia to Yemen to Morocco category lol And no, Armenian women dont find Asian men attractive at all. Statistically, most groups really don't. It's probably not for a lack of trying either.

11-26-2018, 01:11 AM
This is true. With Indian women, they have societal pressure and not many regular men are attracted to them so they are forced to date internally. Asian guys got screwed over however.

Yeah. Indians, especially Sikhs can pull off the macho brown "Italian" look amazingly well sometimes. They're tall and masculine looking so with North Indians there is potential with some tweaks here and there. Asians are simply shit outta luck.

11-26-2018, 01:13 AM
Armenians aren't "MENA". Forgive me for not lumping us in this nonsensical Georgia to Yemen to Morocco category lol And no, Armenian women dont find Asian men attractive at all. Statistically, most groups really don't. It's probably not for a lack of trying either.

Do u consider caucasus a separation from west Asians? I think they deserve this category considering they form their own ladder.

11-26-2018, 01:15 AM
Armenians aren't "MENA". Forgive me for not lumping us in this nonsensical Georgia to Yemen to Morocco category lol And no, Armenian women dont find Asian men attractive at all. Statistically, most groups really don't. It's probably not for a lack of trying either.

watch 1:40 onwards. and btw south asian, black men are rated lower than east asian men according to this 5 year ok cupid survey. So east asians have it better than indian and black men it seems


11-26-2018, 01:15 AM
Yeah. Indians, especially Sikhs can pull off the macho brown "Italian" look amazingly well sometimes. They're tall and masculine looking so with North Indians there is potential with some tweaks here and there. Asians are simply shit outta luck.

Yeah but that's a small minority of them that are able to do that. I think East Asian men are simply screwed over by the fact that their women tend to date out much more. I think that's the only aspect where Indian men beat them out.

11-26-2018, 01:17 AM
Yeah but that's a small minority of them that are able to do that. I think East Asian men are simply screwed over by the fact that their women tend to date out much over. I think that's the only aspect where Indian men beat them out.

The main difference being that Indians, north Indians at the very least can still control their destiny in this regard. Asians can't. That's where you lot have the advantage.

11-26-2018, 01:17 AM
watch 1:40 onwards. and btw south asian, black men are rated lower than east asian men according to this 5 year ok cupid survey. So east asians have it better than indian and black men it seems


This video makes the world seem unfair

11-26-2018, 01:18 AM
watch 1:40 onwards. and btw south asian, black men are rated lower than east asian men according to this 5 year ok cupid survey. So east asians have it better than indian and black men it seems


I'm skeptical of that survey. Point is, you guys have some tools to work with. Asian men dont.

11-26-2018, 01:19 AM
This Indian woman looks very Beautiful and kinda resembles Kylie Jenner .


11-26-2018, 01:19 AM
This video makes the world seem unfair

It is.

11-26-2018, 01:19 AM
This Indian woman looks very Beautiful and kinda resembles Kylie Jenner .


No she does not.

11-26-2018, 01:20 AM
It is.

Yes but even moreso now

11-26-2018, 01:20 AM
This video makes the world seem unfair

well this video is close to reality it seems.

best: white men, east asian women
worst: indian men, black women

11-26-2018, 01:20 AM
No she does not.

Stop it bish trying to cheer up our emotional friend here.

11-26-2018, 01:20 AM
No she does not.


11-26-2018, 01:22 AM
well this video is close to reality it seems.

best: white men, east asian women
worst: indian men, black women

It's a bit strange how this was even allowed.

Seems like a survey they (the government) would stop because it just reinforces racism and and racial superiority

11-26-2018, 01:25 AM
It's a bit strange how this was even allowed.

Seems like a survey they (the government) would stop because it just reinforces racism and and racial superiority

It really doesn't. Unless you act on it, it simply portrays the reality of peoples' preferences. You can't berate those that dont find you attractive and neither can they force you to like a group of people that you arent attracted to.

11-26-2018, 01:27 AM
It's a bit strange how this was even allowed.

Seems like a survey they (the government) would stop because it just reinforces racism and and racial superiority

i disagree things like these need to be discussed. If we're sensitive over issues like these we'll get no where and will be sensitive to bigger issues than these that one might face in life.

There are other surveys that show such forms of racism as well through income, education levels, poverty, etc so this is not anything different imo. It just shows the reality and since we're in a globalized society things like these should be addressed. Basically what we're doing on this forum is what's being portrayed in this video

11-26-2018, 01:29 AM
It really doesn't. Unless you act on it, it simply portrays the reality of peoples' preferences. You can't berate those that dont find you attractive and neither can they force you to like a group of people that you arent attracted to.

Well if this survey is real and accurate that means that racial superiority is part of evolution and that most people are inherently racist. Stopping prejudice is therefore a stupid thought.

11-26-2018, 01:31 AM
Negrito admixture make them ugly. Some high caste people can be good looking; but the biggest past is very ugly (the face traits are ugly).

11-26-2018, 01:33 AM
i disagree things like these need to be discussed. If we're sensitive over issues like these we'll get no where and will be sensitive to bigger issues than these that one might face in life.

There are other surveys that show such forms of racism as well through income, education levels, poverty, etc so this is not anything different imo. It just shows the reality and since we're in a globalized society things like these should be addressed. Basically what we're doing on this forum is what's being portrayed in this video

Where was the survey based? Don't you think that African men and women in South Africa are less likely to accept white people living in South Africa than the other way round? Isn't it based on the race that drives the country? In America white people drive the country, so that's why I think black/asian people will go for the white race more than their own and get rejected more often

11-26-2018, 01:34 AM
Well this forum is very odd. There's a lot of intelligent but also very odd people on it. I assume we are all odd though since we are even on this forum as normal people wouldn't go on here or even question stuff such as ethnicity, race and taxonomy lol. I have not come across those posts or threads as I do not search for them but to me Indian women can be very beautiful. As a child I used to adore the actress Aishwarya Rai (even though she has atypical light eyes) she still has Indian facial features.

Here is her:


Indian men I do not find attractive myself as I am European and they are not my type but I assume they can be good looking to some people as well. They are not ugly to me though. Every nation has attractive and beautiful people.

11-26-2018, 01:36 AM
Well this forum is very odd. There's a lot of intelligent but also very odd people on it. I assume we are all odd though since we are even on this forum as normal people wouldn't go on here or even question stuff such as ethnicity, race and taxonomy lol. I have not come across those posts or threads as I do not search for them but to me Indian women can be very beautiful. As a child I used to adore the actress Aishwarya Rai (even though she has atypical light eyes) she still has Indian facial features.

Here is her:


Indian men I do not find attractive myself as I am European and they are not my type but I assume they can be good looking to some people as well. They are not ugly to me though. Every nation has attractive and beautiful people.

This is a great answer (and I agree with you) but contrary to what even the Indians have said.

11-26-2018, 01:41 AM
Well this forum is very odd. There's a lot of intelligent but also very odd people on it. I assume we are all odd though since we are even on this forum as normal people wouldn't go on here or even question stuff such as ethnicity, race and taxonomy lol. I have not come across those posts or threads as I do not search for them but to me Indian women can be very beautiful. As a child I used to adore the actress Aishwarya Rai (even though she has atypical light eyes) she still has Indian facial features.

Here is her:


Indian men I do not find attractive myself as I am European and they are not my type but I assume they can be good looking to some people as well. They are not ugly to me though. Every nation has attractive and beautiful people.

Your opinion holds no weight. As a woman, you're not attracted to women, so you dont know what it is really attractive in them.

11-26-2018, 01:46 AM
Well if this survey is real and accurate that means that racial superiority is part of evolution and that most people are inherently racist. Stopping prejudice is therefore a stupid thought.

Having a sexual preference doesnt necessarily mean that you are racist. Just because I find Australian Aboriginals to be hideous doesn't mean I am racist or want to cause them any harm. It simply means that I dont find them physically attractive. Theres no need to overcomplicate things or search for solutions when a problem doesnt exist.

11-26-2018, 01:48 AM
Where was the survey based? Don't you think that African men and women in South Africa are less likely to accept white people living in South Africa than the other way round? Isn't it based on the race that drives the country? In America white people drive the country, so that's why I think black/asian people will go for the white race more than their own and get rejected more often

its based on an online american dating website called okcupid and they conducted a survey with five years worth of data.

Just cause white people are less in number in south africa doesnt mean they're not considered the elite group over there. White people still rule south africa and based on a south african survey white people were considered the most attractive as well, followed by colored(mixed black/white), indian, black, etc.


Not just south africa, Indians make up most of the countries like UAE, qatar, kuwait, etc but they are considered the least attractive in that area while middle easterners, whites and to an extent east asians are considered the elitist groups, most beautiful regardless of their small numbers

In south east asia, chinese people are a minority but they are considered the elite over there since most of the actors/celebs have partial or full chinese ancestry, are the richest, the ones that drive the economy.

you might argue that cause they are elites and driving the economy, thats the case they find them beautiful. that could be part of the reason, but definitely not the major one. White women then should be considered the best in US but it seems like Asian women are considered as more beautiful even though they have less drive in the economy, less privilege.

11-26-2018, 02:07 AM
Having a sexual preference doesnt necessarily mean that you are racist. Just because I find Australian Aboriginals to be hideous doesn't mean I am racist or want to cause them any harm. It simply means that I dont find them physically attractive. Theres no need to overcomplicate things or search for solutions when a problem doesnt exist.

Racial superiority is different from racism

11-26-2018, 02:11 AM
Your opinion holds no weight. As a woman, you're not attracted to women, so you dont know what it is really attractive in them.

Yes I know what is attractive in women. I am not a lesbian or bi but I can certainly tell what is beauty and what is sexy etc. I don't need to be a man to see that. Men find anything attractive that's lean, remotely naked and womenly looking. Only race can sometimes play a part in attractiveness and prejudices that society decided on however I have known many men and analysed many men and I know how the male organ functions in part to attractiveness lol

11-26-2018, 02:16 AM
its based on an online american dating website called okcupid and they conducted a survey with five years worth of data.

Just cause white people are less in number in south africa doesnt mean they're not considered the elite group over there. White people still rule south africa and based on a south african survey white people were considered the most attractive as well, followed by colored(mixed black/white), indian, black, etc.


Not just south africa, Indians make up most of the countries like UAE, qatar, kuwait, etc but they are considered the least attractive in that area while middle easterners, whites and to an extent east asians are considered the elitist groups, most beautiful regardless of their small numbers

In south east asia, chinese people are a minority but they are considered the elite over there since most of the actors/celebs have partial or full chinese ancestry, are the richest, the ones that drive the economy.

you might argue that cause they are elites and driving the economy, thats the case they find them beautiful. that could be part of the reason, but definitely not the major one. White women then should be considered the best in US but it seems like Asian women are considered as more beautiful even though they have less drive in the economy, less privilege.

That survey had an extremely small sample size, furthermore, the Cupid website had a disproportionate number of white people in it (more white people than any other race) these surveys don't show anything. As Carl Jung once said "power is beauty to the eye of the beholder". There is no denying that the most progressive and most powerful people (politically) are white people, so men and women of other races tend to get their eyes drawn towards power and progression. If it was Indians who ran the industry of the world, I'm sure they would have the same effect to other races. What we view as ugly and disgusting could look like a perfect sculpture in the future. We mould our perception of beauty, beauty doesn't mould our perception.

11-26-2018, 02:16 AM
Racial superiority is different from racism

Still doesnt imply that one is superior. Not even close.

11-26-2018, 02:20 AM
Still doesnt imply that one is superior. Not even close.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that certain races Feel superior. I'm taking about a superiority complex. This is what will eventually lead to the separation of races. If the survey is true then it could mean that deep inside white people view darker, less caucasoid races as inferior. Everyone has a "Hitler" complex.

11-26-2018, 02:26 AM
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that certain races Feel superior. I'm taking about a superiority complex. This is what will eventually lead to the separation of races. If the survey is true then it could mean that deep inside white people view darker, less caucasoid races as inferior. Everyone has a "Hitler" complex.

Or people are simply more attracted to their own? I'll ask you; why do Persians marry Persians mostly? Do they view the darker and less Caucasoid races as inferior? Why dont they marry blacks instead? Do they have a superiority complex?

11-26-2018, 02:32 AM
indians are mixed with the wrong kinds, with one of the populations being very ancient. while another big mixed nation like brazil has the best kind of mix available in nature thats why they are arguably the best looking people on this planet. And no westernized indians are considered the worst too. Funny thing is indians dont have trouble dating within at all, but interracially they struggle so much even if they are very westernized, well fed, popular, etc. Its definitely not malnourishment.

Curiosity mentioned she went to Dublin, which is filled with well fed westernized punjabis and punjabis are the most caucasoid shifted indians and if they are considered ugly, then most indians will be considered ugly as well. I mean women can be better looking in other parts of india like south and eastern india but men definitely are better looking in the northwestern region of india.

not just them but look at gypsies. They are considered the ugliest in europe. funny thing is its not cause they look non european/foreign. you dont see them talking shit about mongol, turan mix in east europe. Infact they fantasize it. The best looking female on this forum Seya has turan, mongoloid admixed features and many consider such features to be very beautiful/aesthetic.

sure grooming could be part of it not denying it but there is something off in symmetry of features in many many indians and seems to be the case with gypsies as well even though they are heavily mixed with euros. Some feature is very off in many of them like some have small face, some have very big eyes, some have round bulbous nose, some have very thin lips, terrible jawline, some are too hairy for their own good. There are multiple factors adding to finding indians unappealing from looks, hygiene, personality, etc but looks definitely form the vast majority for the "lack" of attraction towards indians.

You could be partly right but partly wrong. Well my opinion is only one man and others might disagree but I dont think find amerindians and africans to be better looking then majority of Indians (i do find the heavy australoid Indians to be unattractive though but dont know in percent how many are australoid)

there is a anthropology plate of Indians, there is indid, indobrachid, indo-melanid and australoid. the indo-melanid is still attractive to me eventhough very dark. only australoid is unattractive, and aboriginals are unattractive too. but the rest of the Indians i dont find less attractive then SSA or amerindians (in case of Brasil).


I also dont find east asian women to be more attractive then White women (like you claimed), not even more attractive then mideastern, gypsy or indid type indian women.

Also non-roma might consider gypsies as ugly, but they consider them also filthy, stupid, and without any morals, criminals they consider them every bad Thing under this earth and ugly is only one Thing. So thats why it is very hard for a gypsy to date a european woman for example, not only because he is ugly.

I consider gypsy women very attractive, and in real life I found them attractive too when I was in Serbia. But Im only one man.

I find this woman stunning, her fiance is good looking too


this woman is stunning too and i think her husband is a serb (but im not sure if he is a light gypsy but think he is serb)

same guy with a obvious gypsy man,, the gypsy man is a bit short but otherwise a decent guy


But Im only one man and my opinions is worth only one opinion but if all others think that we are ugly, then im outnumbered. But important is to appreciate yourself. I also dont think Im ugly just have extra weight but foreigner thinks im hideous and ugly.

11-26-2018, 02:35 AM
Or people are simply more attracted to their own? I'll ask you; why do Persians marry Persians mostly? Do they view the darker and less Caucasoid races as inferior? Why dont they marry blacks instead? Do they have a superiority complex?

I felt like I had to comment because this comment hit a personal note. I knew a Persian girl in London and she was in love with the only Persian dude in the school even though there was a ton of other hot dudes from similar nations or others. When I asked her why she said it was because she felt similar to him due to having the same background and I assume she wanted to speak Persian with him and that spiked the attractiveness aspect even more.

It is not uncommon for certain nations to keep intermarrying within the same nation as it keeps the nation alive in a foreign country as well as the language and religion they practice and values of that said nation.

It is not always because of attractiveness purposes lol

11-26-2018, 02:54 AM
You could be partly right but partly wrong. Well my opinion is only one man and others might disagree but I dont think find amerindians and africans to be better looking then majority of Indians (i do find the heavy australoid Indians to be unattractive though but dont know in percent how many are australoid)

there is a anthropology plate of Indians, there is indid, indobrachid, indo-melanid and australoid. the indo-melanid is still attractive to me eventhough very dark. only australoid is unattractive, and aboriginals are unattractive too. but the rest of the Indians i dont find less attractive then SSA or amerindians (in case of Brasil).

I also dont find east asian women to be more attractive then White women (like you claimed), not even more attractive then mideastern, gypsy or indid type indian women.

Also non-roma might consider gypsies as ugly, but they consider them also filthy, stupid, and without any morals, criminals they consider them every bad Thing under this earth and ugly is only one Thing. So thats why it is very hard for a gypsy to date a european woman for example, not only because he is ugly.

I consider gypsy women very attractive, and in real life I found them attractive too when I was in Serbia. But Im only one man.

I find this woman stunning, her fiance is good looking too

this woman is stunning too and i think her husband is a serb (but im not sure if he is a light gypsy but think he is serb)

same guy with a obvious gypsy man,, the gypsy man is a bit short but otherwise a decent guy

But Im only one man and my opinions is worth only one opinion but if all others think that we are ugly, then im outnumbered. But important is to appreciate yourself. I also dont think Im ugly just have extra weight but foreigner thinks im hideous and ugly.

yeah all your points make sense bro. Btw the second woman with the baby, she's really beautiful wow.

I was speaking based on views of most people on this forum, online on other forums, youtube, real life interactions, surveys, etc. I've formed my statements after thorough observations. Please dont get me wrong and I wasn't attacking gypsies or any group. I was just speaking objectively on what most of the world, atleast in diverse regions, consider beautiful/ugly. The standards are very similar across the globe as much as people try to deny it. People have other reasons for marrying/dating within, preferring certain partners, etc but in terms of of physical attraction I think the video I posted earlier on racial preferences sums up the global standards pretty well.

In certain nations you are not used to seeing certain groups that often, so thats why certain people might have some inaccurate perceptions of those groups due to lack of personal interactions. In western countries like UK, US, Australia, and other nations in europe, parts of the gulf region there are diverse groups from all over the world and such surveys conducted in these areas give out accurate results on whats considered "ideal" and what not in terms of appearance since they are exposed to most groups from different parts of the world.

In Russia, people consider Indians as very beautiful. Bollywood actors and movies were very popular during the soviet era. But once many russian tourists visit india, areas like goa especially, most are surprised that they look nowhere close to the image they had of indians and find them quite repulsive.

I posted this before but there was a blog by russian tourist who went to india and was SHOCKED to see lack of attractive women in india, even in big cities like mumbai.
he says

Sure, some of this chicks are alright, as to expected when you pick the best 100 out of a 500-600 million, but even the hottest ones are really rather so-so in the grand scheme of things. None of these chicks would ever contend for a local beauty contest in Russia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Latvia, Vietnam, or a host of other places. And some are downright disgraceful.

video from dubai on indian men. Its hilarious. everyone says indians are unattractive. It is literally universal lol.


11-26-2018, 03:01 AM
Yes I know what is attractive in women. I am not a lesbian or bi but I can certainly tell what is beauty and what is sexy etc. I don't need to be a man to see that. Men find anything attractive that's lean, remotely naked and womenly looking. Only race can sometimes play a part in attractiveness and prejudices that society decided on however I have known many men and analysed many men and I know how the male organ functions in part to attractiveness lol

See this is the thing that bothers me. Any time this topic comes up, a woman mentions how she finds certain women from that particular race attractive to try to seem progressive. You even made it clear you are not attracted to the men. Do you guys realize that if you were men, you would likely feel the same way about women of that race?

11-26-2018, 03:02 AM
most likely cause indians have the ancient admix of australoid/negrito which mixed with caucasoid popped out some weird looking mongrels who are physically weak and facially unaesthetic. many said it word to word as well in the mexican vs. indian thread. there was no need to ask "why" with a new thread lol. It is what it is. you can't change people's opinion by asking why they are attracted/not attracted to a particular group. you can't explain who you feel sexual tension towards. Even many indians dislike being called/looking indian so why would anyone else be attracted towards them?

But you have to ask why such a mix is considered ugly. Do you think people are biologically wired to consider such looks ugly or is it culturally inherited? Its culturally inherited IMO. Lankans are even more Australoid and stereotypically Indian-looking than Indians themselves and they always get mistaken for Indian, yet they hate being associated with India or being mistaken for being Indian. The reason being that the word "Indian" comes with a certain association. I've seen a Lankan on Quora state how when he went to Thailand, a driver was acting all stingy and rude towards him cause he thought he was Indian. Then he told the Indian that he was from Sri Lanka and the driver had a complete 180 in his attitude. Gypsies are more European in genetics and looks than Punjabis are, yet I've seen Punjabis (and other Indians) often try to distance themselves from Gypsies. When the association of the negative stereotypes of Indian culture gets heavily intertwined with that of the Indian phenotype, then a mental association gets built with specific facial features and physical characteristics around negative stereotypes. Khmer (ethnic Cambodian) people created a myth around their first royal dynasty having Indian (Brahman) origin. So this distaste towards being connected with Indians is not something innate.

11-26-2018, 03:05 AM
Or people are simply more attracted to their own? I'll ask you; why do Persians marry Persians mostly? Do they view the darker and less Caucasoid races as inferior? Why dont they marry blacks instead? Do they have a superiority complex?

Most people marry their own ethnicity for cultural reasons.

11-26-2018, 03:07 AM
yeah all your points make sense bro. Btw the second woman with the baby, she's really beautiful wow.

I was speaking based on views of most people on this forum, online on other forums, youtube, real life interactions, surveys, etc. I've formed my statements after thorough observations. Please dont get me wrong and I wasn't attacking gypsies or any group. I was just speaking objectively on what most of the world, atleast in diverse regions, consider beautiful/ugly. The standards are very similar across the globe as much as people try to deny it. People have other reasons for marrying/dating within, preferring certain partners, etc but in terms of of physical attraction I think the video I posted earlier on racial preferences sums up the global standards pretty well.

In certain nations you are not used to seeing certain groups that often, so thats why certain people might have some inaccurate perceptions of those groups due to lack of personal interactions. In western countries like UK, US, Australia, and other nations in europe, parts of the gulf region there are diverse groups from all over the world and such surveys conducted in these areas give out accurate results on whats considered "ideal" and what not in terms of appearance since they are exposed to most groups from different parts of the world.

In Russia, people consider Indians as very beautiful. Bollywood actors and movies were very popular during the soviet era. But once many russian tourists visit india, areas like goa especially, most are surprised that they look nowhere close to the image they had of indians and find them quite repulsive.

I posted this before but there was a blog by russian tourist who went to india and was SHOCKED to see lack of attractive women in india, even in big cities like mumbai.
he says

video from dubai on indian men. Its hilarious. everyone says indians are unattractive. It is literally universal lol.


I didnt met many Indians, and was never in India. So I dont know if i would find them attractive. But I find gypsy women attractive and many would pass in india one way or the other. Like I said Im only one man though but to me it is important to appreciate yourself. You did said you are content being a desi, and that you would date a indian woman though so nothing wrong if you make these general observations. Also I dont need to think like majority of people or like the people in those Videos, to me it is not true though.

11-26-2018, 03:09 AM
See this is the thing that bothers me. Any time this topic comes up, a woman mentions how she finds certain women from that particular race attractive to try to seem progressive. You even made it clear you are not attracted to the men. Do you guys realize that if you were men, you would likely feel the same way about women of that race?

I do not know how I would feel as a man about women because I am female and know how my brain functions. I am not trying to seem progressive at all. I just commented my opinion on of if I find Indians attractive. You made it something else though. You turned it into an argument that women do not know what men find attractive and that they are not allowed to comment women's attractiveness. I did not mention men in my post at all. I am just a female that appreciate's beauty prob because I am female. I do not know how males pick up women at clubs (based on what factors of attractiveness and appearance) or what they find attractive. I am allowed to comment on a gender's beauty though.

I can also say Emma Stone is beautiful and not everyone has to agree with me on her attractiveness level as it's not always the same as what beauty means to someone especially a female like myself:


11-26-2018, 03:12 AM
yeah all your points make sense bro. Btw the second woman with the baby, she's really beautiful wow.

I was speaking based on views of most people on this forum, online on other forums, youtube, real life interactions, surveys, etc. I've formed my statements after thorough observations. Please dont get me wrong and I wasn't attacking gypsies or any group. I was just speaking objectively on what most of the world, atleast in diverse regions, consider beautiful/ugly. The standards are very similar across the globe as much as people try to deny it. People have other reasons for marrying/dating within, preferring certain partners, etc but in terms of of physical attraction I think the video I posted earlier on racial preferences sums up the global standards pretty well.

In certain nations you are not used to seeing certain groups that often, so thats why certain people might have some inaccurate perceptions of those groups due to lack of personal interactions. In western countries like UK, US, Australia, and other nations in europe, parts of the gulf region there are diverse groups from all over the world and such surveys conducted in these areas give out accurate results on whats considered "ideal" and what not in terms of appearance since they are exposed to most groups from different parts of the world.

In Russia, people consider Indians as very beautiful. Bollywood actors and movies were very popular during the soviet era. But once many russian tourists visit india, areas like goa especially, most are surprised that they look nowhere close to the image they had of indians and find them quite repulsive.

I posted this before but there was a blog by russian tourist who went to india and was SHOCKED to see lack of attractive women in india, even in big cities like mumbai.
he says

video from dubai on indian men. Its hilarious. everyone says indians are unattractive. It is literally universal lol.


Can you add on to this? My gym is full of eastern Europeans and some of the older women I've noticed staring at me. I think they are curious.

11-26-2018, 03:22 AM
Men find anything attractive that's lean, remotely naked and womenly looking.

Not true. Men don't have such low standards in terms of dating. Men will only have very low standards when it comes to simply having sex or whatever. In terms of having a serious relationship (where attractiveness is properly judged), its a whole other story.

11-26-2018, 03:25 AM
Not true. Men don't have such low standards in terms of dating. Men will only have very low standards when it comes to simply having sex or whatever. In terms of having a serious relationship (where attractiveness is properly judged), its a whole other story.

Also men may have sex with anything but the way they rate the woman in question is something else. Unlike women they will have sex with people they dont find attractive.

11-26-2018, 03:29 AM
But you have to ask why such a mix is considered ugly. Do you think people are biologically wired to consider such looks ugly or is it culturally inherited? Its culturally inherited IMO. Lankans are even more Australoid and stereotypically Indian-looking than Indians themselves and they always get mistaken for Indian, yet they hate being associated with India or being mistaken for being Indian. The reason being that the word "Indian" comes with a certain association. I've seen a Lankan on Quora state how when he went to Thailand, a driver was acting all stingy and rude towards him cause he thought he was Indian. Then he told the Indian that he was from Sri Lanka and the driver had a complete 180 in his attitude. Gypsies are more European in genetics and looks than Punjabis are, yet I've seen Punjabis (and other Indians) often try to distance themselves from Gypsies. When the association of the negative stereotypes of Indian culture gets heavily intertwined with that of the Indian phenotype, then a mental association gets built with specific facial features and physical characteristics around negative stereotypes. Khmer (ethnic Cambodian) people created a myth around their first royal dynasty having Indian (Brahman) origin. So this distaste towards being connected with Indians is not something innate.

In thailand they are used to seeing people from all over so they might have different attitudes towards different groups of south asians. It is partially cultural based, not denying it but its overwhelmingly physical based imo. A hot guy gets away with almost anything, whether it's staring at a women, uncomfortable gestures while an ugly guy will be judged before he even starts talking. Actually all subcontinental people have it bad in thailand based on what i read on quora. I'm not sure about pakstanis but bangladeshis, indians seem to go there quite often and they are the least liked by the general public to prostitutes over there, even though a lot of their culture, religion is heavily influenced by the indic ideologies.

I honestly do think its internally wired/innate in judging less appealing people and looking down on them. For example, chinese tourists have worst reputation for their attitudes in southeast asia and many other foreign regions in general but thai people worship chinese people more than white folks when it comes to looks and would love to be like them even though they talk shit about their behavior. Such is the case in indonesia and malaysia where chinese are hated but they consider them as high class elites, look up to them, wish to be like them, sexually prefer them. Its definitely not just culture imo.

yes i agree with the bolded statement, that could be a pretty big reason but a lot of those stereotypes come into place since since they end up being true quite often. Many people from other ethnic groups break negative stereotypes associated against them but for some reason, god knows why, indians perpetuate their negative strerotypes even more.

11-26-2018, 03:31 AM
In thailand they are used to seeing people from all over so they might have different attitudes towards different groups of south asians. It is partially cultural based, not denying it but its overwhelmingly physical based imo. A hot guy gets away with almost anything, whether it's staring at a women, uncomfortable gestures while an ugly guy will be judged before he even starts talking. Actually all subcontinental people have it bad in thailand based on what i read on quora. I'm not sure about pakstanis but bangladeshis, indians seem to go there quite often and they are the least liked by the general public to prostitutes over there, even though a lot of their culture, religion is heavily influenced by the indic ideologies.

I honestly do think its internally wired/innate in judging less appealing people and looking down on them. For example, chinese tourists have worst reputation for their attitudes in southeast asia and many other foreign regions in general but thai people worship chinese people more than white folks when it comes to looks and would love to be like them even though they talk shit about their behavior. Such is the case in indonesia and malaysia where chinese are hated but they consider them as high class elites, look up to them, wish to be like them, sexually prefer them. Its definitely not just culture imo.

yes i agree with the bolded statement, that could be a pretty big reason but a lot of those stereotypes come into place since since they end up being true quite often. Many people from other ethnic groups break negative stereotypes associated against them but for some reason, god knows why, indians perpetuate their negative strerotypes even more.

But do you really consider Thais more beautiful then Indians?

11-26-2018, 03:31 AM
Not true. Men don't have such low standards in terms of dating. Men will only have very low standards when it comes to simply having sex or whatever. In terms of having a serious relationship (where attractiveness is properly judged), its a whole other story.

Yeah I understand that. It's about personality, compatibility etc however if a woman who is what I said she is compatible personality wise and compatibility wise then the man might end up dating her and a woman might say that that woman is average but to that man she is attractive because of those things I said and because they fit personality wise. In any case women and men don't find the same thing beautiful in a woman.

11-26-2018, 03:32 AM
Can you add on to this? My gym is full of eastern Europeans and some of the older women I've noticed staring at me. I think they are curious.

cause you look hot :) and you dont even look 'stereotypically' indian

But do you really consider Thais more beautiful then Indians?

women definitely yes, men roughly equal.

11-26-2018, 03:33 AM
you might argue that cause they are elites and driving the economy, thats the case they find them beautiful. that could be part of the reason, but definitely not the major one. White women then should be considered the best in US but it seems like Asian women are considered as more beautiful even though they have less drive in the economy, less privilege.

You are looking at specific countries by listing USA and RSA. The preference for certain traits is largely based on success globally. White and East Asian countries are the most successful globally. I also disagree that White (NW Euro) women are not seen as the best in the US. In regards to the US, many East Asian women are desired cause they're seen as exotic, submissive, feminine, and even easy (though they're still less desired than White women).

11-26-2018, 03:34 AM
You are looking at specific countries by listing USA and RSA. The preference for certain traits is largely based on success globally. White and East Asian countries are the most successful globally. I also disagree that White (NW Euro) women are not seen as the best in the US. In regards to the US, many East Asian women are desired cause they're seen as exotic, submissive, feminine, and even easy (though they're still less desired than White women).

I agree. East Asian women are not more desired then White women.

11-26-2018, 03:36 AM
Also men may have sex with anything but the way they rate the woman in question is something else. Unlike women they will have sex with people they dont find attractive.

Yeah that's totally true and I tend to think women are more picky about a woman's prettiness than a man is. For example to me Emma Stone is prettier than Cameron Diaz even though Cameron is hotter to men and more "attractive" but to me Emma Stone is more well kept and looks more like a porcelain doll and cat with big eyes and such. Women tend to be prefer childlike beauty hence why many baby faced actresses have more female than male fans and male fans end up saying they're cute but not attractive whereas Cameron who is average faced is more attractive to them because of a hot body etc.

11-26-2018, 03:36 AM
women definitely yes, men roughly equal.

I consider gypsy women much more attractive then thai women. Well Im not Indian and Indians might really be very ugly, if i went to india i would maybe be shocked how ugly they are if you as Indian and other Indians say so. But I comment because gypsies are said to pass in india easy and that they are associated with Indians, but i dont speak about actual Indians neither know them.

11-26-2018, 03:40 AM
cause you look hot :) and you dont even look 'stereotypically' indian

No I think it has more to do with the fact that with my hair and lighter skin I probably resemble the Bollywood actors who they are used to seeing in movies. One of them even told me I looked like SRK. But Ive also been told I resemble the guy from life of pi and Aziz Ansari, so I dont know if these people can even differentiate various Indians.

11-26-2018, 03:41 AM
I consider gypsy women much more attractive then thai women. Well Im not Indian and Indians might really be very ugly, if i went to india i would maybe be shocked how ugly they are if you as Indian and other Indians say so. But I comment because gypsies are said to pass in india easy and that they are associated with Indians, but i dont speak about actual Indians neither know them.

This cracked me up so hard.

11-26-2018, 03:42 AM
This cracked me up so hard.

why? thambi says they are very ugly and he is Indian. you also say that.

11-26-2018, 03:42 AM
why? thambi says they are very ugly and he is Indian. you also say that.

No Im just saying its really funny how you worded it.

11-26-2018, 03:43 AM
Mortimer you think I can pass as Gypsy? If you remembered my blurry pics lol I think I look what I'm Latin American new world mixed person.

11-26-2018, 03:43 AM
why? thambi says they are very ugly and he is Indian. you also say that.

These people try to say so to look cool & cover shortcomings. There are really handsome men & beautiful women both rich & poor.

11-26-2018, 03:45 AM
Mortimer you think I can pass as Gypsy? If you remembered my blurry pics lol I think I look what I'm Latin American new world mixed person.

Can you send me a normal good Quality Picture in pm? But I think you could pass at least as atypical. There were others who would have passed, including a indo-mestiza from peru/bolivia, its not that hard to pass at least as atypical.

11-26-2018, 03:46 AM
These people try to say so to look cool & cover shortcomings. There are really handsome men & beautiful women both rich & poor.

First he said he makes General observations as to why the majority thinks like that but then he revealed he himself thinks like that too.

11-26-2018, 03:46 AM
These people try to say so to look cool & cover shortcomings. There are really handsome men & beautiful women both rich & poor.

Yeah that's true. Like Aishwarya Rai.


11-26-2018, 03:47 AM
Most people marry their own ethnicity for cultural reasons.

Let's not pretend that genetics dont play a part in this either.

11-26-2018, 03:48 AM
Yeah that's true. Like Aishwarya Rai.


Their eyes are simply too big. Disproportionate.

11-26-2018, 03:49 AM
You are looking at specific countries by listing USA and RSA. The preference for certain traits is largely based on success globally. White and East Asian countries are the most successful globally. I also disagree that White (NW Euro) women are not seen as the best in the US. In regards to the US, many East Asian women are desired cause they're seen as exotic, submissive, feminine, and even easy (though they're still less desired than White women).

the preference based on success could be explained with men. White men might be more preferred by women due to wealth, social status, etc. What about women? In western society no one cares on what woman you marry and what racial group she's from. That has nothing to do with status imo. Its just pure innate preference. White people colonized the entire world but outside their race, they had the strongest fetish for asian women back from colonial times. It started ever since they colonized areas like Hongkong, vietnam, singapore/malaysia, and heavy realtions with korea, china, japan. They were exposed to these women and thats where the yellow fever started. what status did asian women have at that time? True white women are seen as best currently cause again it comes to exposure. In areas with high asian population, its not the case. In hawaii most people prefer japanese women over white women even though there are equal proportions of both in that state. In areas like san francisco, vancouver, seattle where there is a huge asian presence, asian women have way higher status than white women.

11-26-2018, 03:49 AM
Let's not pretend that genetics dont play a part in this either.

Could be. Genetics are known as a cause for many decisions.

11-26-2018, 03:50 AM
Could be. Genetics are known as a cause for many decisions.

Yes I believe so too.

11-26-2018, 03:50 AM
woman from india, in Canada. i think she is a sikh. i know her from my ratedesi times. i follow her on Twitter. she is really extremely beautiful to me. she could also easy pass as gypsy. her Name is shereen.



11-26-2018, 03:54 AM
woman from india, in Canada. i think she is a sikh. i know her from my ratedesi times. i follow her on Twitter. she is really extremely beautiful to me. she could also easy pass as gypsy. her Name is shereen.



I thought Shreen was a Muslim name. I know some women in my family with that name.

11-26-2018, 03:56 AM
the preference based on success could be explained with men. White men might be more preferred by women due to wealth, social status, etc. What about women? In western society no one cares on what woman you marry and what racial group she's from. That has nothing to do with status imo. Its just pure innate preference. White people colonized the entire world but outside their race, they had the strongest fetish for asian women back from colonial times. It started ever since they colonized areas like Hongkong, vietnam, singapore/malaysia, and heavy realtions with korea, china, japan. They were exposed to these women and thats where the yellow fever started. what status did asian women have at that time? True white women are seen as best currently cause again it comes to exposure. In areas with high asian population, its not the case. In hawaii most people prefer japanese women over white women even though there are equal proportions of both in that state. In areas like san francisco, vancouver, seattle where there is a huge asian presence, asian women have way higher status than white women.

Sometimes I say I have no Preference etc. and that I date every race, and its true and I also dont want to offend anyone really and there are very beautiful asian women, but i cannot agree that asian women are generally more attractive then White women, no way. Most asian women have very flat faces and the ones that are hotter are less mongoloid like less flat and resemble more caucasoids, they also have double eye lid surgery and such to look more caucasoid even their Anime characters look more cauasoid. Im sure White is better then asian. I think thats your personal Preference and you generalise. The only reason why asian women are preferred is because its harder to get a White woman, and thats the next best Thing, and because White women might be seen as whores, and asians as submissive and more traditional.

11-26-2018, 03:56 AM
I thought Shreen was a Muslim name. I know some women in my family with that name.

It is a persian Name, thats what she told me, but she is sikh i think, i think so but she might be hindu as well, but im sure she is not muslim.

11-26-2018, 03:58 AM
Their eyes are simply too big. Disproportionate.

Well maybe to you but she's a very famous Bollywood actress because of her lighter eye color and beautiful facial features. She's old now but she was very famous back in her day and even starred in some Hollywood movies like Pink Panther 2 which is where I got to see her. I'll post some other pictures because this one doesn't do her justice:



11-26-2018, 04:02 AM
In thailand they are used to seeing people from all over so they might have different attitudes towards different groups of south asians. It is partially cultural based, not denying it but its overwhelmingly physical based imo. A hot guy gets away with almost anything, whether it's staring at a women, uncomfortable gestures while an ugly guy will be judged before he even starts talking. Actually all subcontinental people have it bad in thailand based on what i read on quora. I'm not sure about pakstanis but bangladeshis, indians seem to go there quite often and they are the least liked by the general public to prostitutes over there, even though a lot of their culture, religion is heavily influenced by the indic ideologies.

I honestly do think its internally wired/innate in judging less appealing people and looking down on them. For example, chinese tourists have worst reputation for their attitudes in southeast asia and many other foreign regions in general but thai people worship chinese people more than white folks when it comes to looks and would love to be like them even though they talk shit about their behavior. Such is the case in indonesia and malaysia where chinese are hated but they consider them as high class elites, look up to them, wish to be like them, sexually prefer them. Its definitely not just culture imo.

yes i agree with the bolded statement, that could be a pretty big reason but a lot of those stereotypes come into place since since they end up being true quite often. Many people from other ethnic groups break negative stereotypes associated against them but for some reason, god knows why, indians perpetuate their negative strerotypes even more.

It is based on physical features and I've even said so myself, but the distaste towards physical features has cultural roots if you go back far enough.

I don't think Thais are that familiar with Lankans. He probably suddenly became all polite towards him because of the fact he was a non-Indian rather than specifically Lankan.

Regarding the high status of Chinese folk in Southeast Asia, its because they have a better global image and are seen as less ugly cause of that. Being bad tourists is just one small negative aspect, there is much more to that. Think of the fact that East Euros are whiter and more Nordic than South Euros yet have a worse reputation. Do you think preference for SEs over EEs is also innate? In the past, West Asians were seen in a better light than North Euro barbarians and pale skin had a negative connotation. Nowadays, telling a South Euro they look like an Arab is seen as an insult.

Even though Indians now have a big distaste for dark-skin, this wasn't always the case. Here are some paintings from the Ajantha Caves of dark-skinned women: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-in-INDIA-have-so-much-hatred-for-dark-skinned-Indians

And I already gave the Cambodia example. I can't imagine Cambodians today inventing stories connecting themselves to Brahmans. These kinds of stuff changes all the time.

11-26-2018, 04:02 AM
Well maybe to you but she's a very famous Bollywood actress because of her lighter eye color and beautiful facial features. She's old now but she was very famous back in her day and even starred in some Hollywood movies like Pink Panther 2 which is where I got to see her. I'll post some other pictures because this one doesn't do her justice:

whats your ethnicity if you dont mind me asking?

11-26-2018, 04:04 AM
whats your ethnicity if you dont mind me asking?

I'm Serbian, Slovak, German, Bosniak and Croatian

11-26-2018, 04:05 AM
I thought Shreen was a Muslim name. I know some women in my family with that name.

Some Hindus and Sikhs, especially Punjabis, will use Persian/Arabic names. For example, Fateh Singh.

11-26-2018, 04:08 AM
the preference based on success could be explained with men. White men might be more preferred by women due to wealth, social status, etc. What about women? In western society no one cares on what woman you marry and what racial group she's from. That has nothing to do with status imo. Its just pure innate preference. White people colonized the entire world but outside their race, they had the strongest fetish for asian women back from colonial times. It started ever since they colonized areas like Hongkong, vietnam, singapore/malaysia, and heavy realtions with korea, china, japan. They were exposed to these women and thats where the yellow fever started. what status did asian women have at that time? True white women are seen as best currently cause again it comes to exposure. In areas with high asian population, its not the case. In hawaii most people prefer japanese women over white women even though there are equal proportions of both in that state. In areas like san francisco, vancouver, seattle where there is a huge asian presence, asian women have way higher status than white women.

White women and men are much more likely to date each other than either are to date Black men or East Asian women. Some just date out of their race cause they view their own race as "boring" and/or they have negative stereotypes about the opposite sex in their race (e.g. "White women aren't submissive", "White men aren't masculine", etc). But these people are a minority. Also, some East Asians have surgery to look European whereas the same doesn't happen the other way around (except in rare freak cases like that one Brazilian guy that had surgery to look Korean).

11-26-2018, 04:21 AM
yeah all your points make sense bro. Btw the second woman with the baby, she's really beautiful wow.

I was speaking based on views of most people on this forum, online on other forums, youtube, real life interactions, surveys, etc. I've formed my statements after thorough observations. Please dont get me wrong and I wasn't attacking gypsies or any group. I was just speaking objectively on what most of the world, atleast in diverse regions, consider beautiful/ugly. The standards are very similar across the globe as much as people try to deny it. People have other reasons for marrying/dating within, preferring certain partners, etc but in terms of of physical attraction I think the video I posted earlier on racial preferences sums up the global standards pretty well.

In certain nations you are not used to seeing certain groups that often, so thats why certain people might have some inaccurate perceptions of those groups due to lack of personal interactions. In western countries like UK, US, Australia, and other nations in europe, parts of the gulf region there are diverse groups from all over the world and such surveys conducted in these areas give out accurate results on whats considered "ideal" and what not in terms of appearance since they are exposed to most groups from different parts of the world.

In Russia, people consider Indians as very beautiful. Bollywood actors and movies were very popular during the soviet era. But once many russian tourists visit india, areas like goa especially, most are surprised that they look nowhere close to the image they had of indians and find them quite repulsive.

I posted this before but there was a blog by russian tourist who went to india and was SHOCKED to see lack of attractive women in india, even in big cities like mumbai.
he says

video from dubai on indian men. Its hilarious. everyone says indians are unattractive. It is literally universal lol.


lol in the dubai video , the girls on 4:10 are most likely pakis(going by name), they are laughing like they really think of Indian men as lowly creatures.

11-26-2018, 04:27 AM
White women and men are much more likely to date each other than either are to date Black men or East Asian women. Some just date out of their race cause they view their own race as "boring" and/or they have negative stereotypes about the opposite sex in their race (e.g. "White women aren't submissive", "White men aren't masculine", etc). But these people are a minority. Also, some East Asians have surgery to look European whereas the same doesn't happen the other way around (except in rare freak cases like that one Brazilian guy that had surgery to look Korean).

There are many factors taken into consideration when people decide to marry/date. Physical attraction is not that high imo in terms of relationships. I see ugly guys with hot girls and vice versa all the time. personality comes in way more in relationships. I'd say you could judge preferences in terms of physical attraction through sex tourism, mail order brides, etc.. The regions with the most sex tourism are in east/se asia, east europe and south america.. There is a reason why these areas clicked. They fully use their women to their advantage in these regions due to their attractive looks. Even on this forum most admit that russian/east european women are the most attractive physically speaking among europeans while british women are considered the ugliest. With southern euros, med women, northern euros most have mixed feelings but with russians most seem to agree that they are very beautiful.

And koreaboos, weaboos, kpop preference exists all over the world. People werent exposed to east asians and their culture that much before so they had no idea. once they realized how good looking they are, many got into it. east asians dont try to look european, they just want more defined nose bridges, double eyelids in the entertainment industry. such features are not even uncommon among east asians so it has nothing to do with looking euro like. the brazilian guy however intentionally wanted to look east asian so thats different. koreans, northern chinese, japanese have very defined features that look pseudo european by coincidence. northern asians evolved in similar harsh northern environments as many euros so it could just be convergent evolution. Actually most famous kpop idols are monolids so they look more tungid influenced than anything. Based on the east asian discussions on AS, it seems like most east asians prefer the tungid appearance over anything else.

11-26-2018, 04:34 AM
There are many factors taken into consideration when people decide to marry/date. Physical attraction is not that high imo in terms of relationships. I see ugly guys with hot girls and vice versa all the time. personality comes in way more in relationships. I'd say you could judge preferences in terms of physical attraction through sex tourism, mail order brides, etc.. The regions with the most sex tourism are in east/se asia, east europe and south america.. There is a reason why these areas clicked. They fully use their women to their advantage in these regions due to their attractive looks. Even on this forum most admit that russian/east european women are the most attractive physically speaking among europeans while british women are considered the ugliest. With southern euros, med women, northern euros most have mixed feelings but with russians most seem to agree that they are very beautiful.

And koreaboos, weaboos, kpop preference exists all over the world. People werent exposed to east asians and their culture that much before so they had no idea. once they realized how good looking they are, many got into it. east asians dont try to look european, they just want more defined nose bridges, double eyelids in the entertainment industry. such features are not even uncommon among east asians so it has nothing to do with looking euro like. the brazilian guy however intentionally wanted to look east asian so thats different. koreans, northern chinese, japanese have very defined features that look pseudo european by coincidence. northern asians evolved in similar harsh northern environments as many euros so it could just be convergent evolution. Actually most famous kpop idols are monolids so they look more tungid influenced than anything. Based on the east asian discussions on AS, it seems like most east asians prefer the tungid appearance over anything else.

Many people are ignorant about kpop and as an avid kpop fan I can vouch that not all idols get surgery and most are naturally pretty if anything and White people like that because it's different to their looks and the industry is also about looking pretty and making good music and choreography which is something that's lacking in Western music atm

11-26-2018, 04:44 AM
lol in the dubai video , the girls on 4:10 are most likely pakis(going by name), they are laughing like they really think of Indian men as lowly creatures.

Yup, a lot of Pakistanis see Indians as a different species.

11-26-2018, 04:48 AM
Maybe black circles under the eyes?

11-26-2018, 05:39 AM
Yup, a lot of Pakistanis see Indians as a different species.

yeah pakistanis like having association with persians, afghans, etc way more than with indians.

11-26-2018, 05:42 AM
yeah pakistanis like having association with persians, afghans, etc way more than with indians.

A lot of them can legitimately pass as those things too.

11-26-2018, 05:44 AM
A lot of them can legitimately pass as those things too.

true but there are more that pass as indians as well. you dont see any pakistani claim being related to indians that often unless its a muhajir.

11-26-2018, 05:51 AM
true but there are more that pass as indians as well. you dont see any pakistani claim being related to indians that often unless its a muhajir.

Do Pakistanis commonly get mistaken as Indians from what you've seen? I feel like although many do look Indian, very few look "stereotypical".

Grace O'Malley
11-26-2018, 05:54 AM
There are many factors taken into consideration when people decide to marry/date. Physical attraction is not that high imo in terms of relationships. I see ugly guys with hot girls and vice versa all the time. personality comes in way more in relationships. I'd say you could judge preferences in terms of physical attraction through sex tourism, mail order brides, etc.. The regions with the most sex tourism are in east/se asia, east europe and south america.. There is a reason why these areas clicked. They fully use their women to their advantage in these regions due to their attractive looks. Even on this forum most admit that russian/east european women are the most attractive physically speaking among europeans while british women are considered the ugliest. With southern euros, med women, northern euros most have mixed feelings but with russians most seem to agree that they are very beautiful.

And koreaboos, weaboos, kpop preference exists all over the world. People werent exposed to east asians and their culture that much before so they had no idea. once they realized how good looking they are, many got into it. east asians dont try to look european, they just want more defined nose bridges, double eyelids in the entertainment industry. such features are not even uncommon among east asians so it has nothing to do with looking euro like. the brazilian guy however intentionally wanted to look east asian so thats different. koreans, northern chinese, japanese have very defined features that look pseudo european by coincidence. northern asians evolved in similar harsh northern environments as many euros so it could just be convergent evolution. Actually most famous kpop idols are monolids so they look more tungid influenced than anything. Based on the east asian discussions on AS, it seems like most east asians prefer the tungid appearance over anything else.

Cop on there. :)

I'd say you could judge preferences in terms of physical attraction through sex tourism, mail order brides, etc.. The regions with the most sex tourism are in east/se asia, east europe and south america.

I'd say it has most likely to do with these women's choices? No women would put herself up to be a mail order bride if she lived in places like Western Europe, Australia, USA etc. Look at the men they offer themselves to and the countries they want to go to. Sex tourism is to do with availability and where you can exploit people. Yes there is a reason why certain parts of the world are targeted but it isn't just to do with attractiveness.

A lot of mail order brides come here from the Philippines. Most of the men looking for mail order brides aren't exactly attracting a lot of the local women.

Anyway I think there is a lot of rubbish on the internet. Most people just read blogs and take too much heed of polls on the "most attractive" blah blah. Anyone reading these blogs and polls would think Brazilians and Swedes are the most attractive people on earth. Next few years it will be a different population.

I've seen some stunning Indian women. The guy who wrote that blog piece sounds like a real arsehole anyway. It comes across as nasty and mean spirited. Why did he go to India anyway? Some people just don't come across as very nice. Personally I think the sari is beautiful and feminine but I'm looking from a different perspective than him.

11-26-2018, 05:57 AM
Do Pakistanis commonly get mistaken as Indians from what you've seen? I feel like although many do look Indian, very few look "stereotypical".

Not the pathans but many punjabis, etc can pass as indians although not stereotypical similar to you. But to me the punjabis, sindhis they just look like sharp featured indians for the most part.

11-26-2018, 05:57 AM
Cop on there. :)

I'd say it has most likely to do with these women's choices? No women would put herself up to be a mail order bride if she lived in places like Western Europe, Australia, USA etc. Look at the men they offer themselves to and the countries they want to go to. Sex tourism is to do with availability and where you can exploit people. Yes there is a reason why certain parts of the world are targeted but it isn't just to do with attractiveness.

A lot of mail order brides come here from the Philippines. Most of the men looking for mail order brides aren't exactly attracting a lot of the local women.

Anyway I think there is a lot of rubbish on the internet. Most people just read blogs and take too much heed of polls on the "most attractive" blah blah. Anyone reading these blogs and polls would think Brazilians and Swedes are the most attractive people on earth. Next few years it will be a different population.

I've seen some stunning Indian women. The guy who wrote that blog piece sounds like a real arsehole anyway. It comes across as nasty and mean spirited. Why did he go to India anyway? Some people just don't come across as very nice. Personally I think the sari is beautiful and feminine but I'm looking from a different perspective than him.

Lovely analysis clap clap

11-26-2018, 06:25 AM
I don't know

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11-26-2018, 06:28 AM
Not the pathans but many punjabis, etc can pass as indians although not stereotypical similar to you. But to me the punjabis, sindhis they just look like sharp featured indians for the most part.

Yes, to me those sharp features are one of the the most important distinguishing things. The more Caucasoid you look the less likely you are to be mistaken as Indian.

Moje ime
11-26-2018, 10:04 AM
Simple answer because they look like Gypsies and there are many things people associate and don't like about Gypsies.

11-26-2018, 10:53 AM
This cracked me up so hard.


11-26-2018, 08:32 PM

Same ngl

11-26-2018, 08:35 PM
true but there are more that pass as indians as well. you dont see any pakistani claim being related to indians that often unless its a muhajir.

I have pakistani friends in this country and one thing I realised is that they dont like being associated with indians eventhough their language is very similiar, most of them (apart from those in the northern parts) look so similiar to them as well, except having sharper features. Many pakistanis find looks (and history i suppose) so important that even having any relations to indians will make them cringe.

11-26-2018, 08:38 PM
Simple answer because they look like Gypsies and there are many things people associate and don't like about Gypsies.

Many gypsies I have seen are beautiful actually. indian white mixes can be pretty often times.

11-26-2018, 08:40 PM
Do Pakistanis commonly get mistaken as Indians from what you've seen? I feel like although many do look Indian, very few look "stereotypical".

I can distinguish between them. However almost all people in the UK say they cant tell the difference.

Look at these student room threads lol

11-26-2018, 11:59 PM
Many gypsies I have seen are beautiful actually. indian white mixes can be pretty often times.

modern mixes of any sort turn out decent. It doesnt mean much. and besides the indian mix with white is no where as striking as asian-white, black-white mix

11-27-2018, 12:05 AM
I think Indians can be very attractive, especially their women. But their men aren't as bad as people make them out to be and they are very underrated. Whilst I think black men can be pretty good looking, I would say Indian men on average are more attractive. Mainly because, I don't know, they look more like us than blacks do as they're Caucasoids? Something tells me, if America brought in Indian slaves instead, Indian guys (just like black guys) would be sexualized and white women would be chasing them. The only reason why white girls find South Asians unattractive, I believe, is because of the negative and 'comical' stereotypes associated with the region, which is really unfortunate.

I mean, if people find this attractive (and this guy is handsome):

Then why would this not be attractive to them?

11-27-2018, 12:27 AM
I think Indians can be very attractive, especially their women. But their men aren't as bad as people make them out to be and they are very underrated. Whilst I think black men can be pretty good looking, I would say Indian men on average are more attractive. Mainly because, I don't know, they look more like us than blacks do as they're Caucasoids? Something tells me, if America brought in Indian slaves instead, Indian guys (just like black guys) would be sexualized and white women would be chasing them. The only reason why white girls find South Asians unattractive, I believe, is because of the negative and 'comical' stereotypes associated with the region, which is really unfortunate.

I mean, if people find this attractive (and this guy is handsome):

Then why would this not be attractive to them?

I disagree on all these points. First off, they are not Caucasoids. Second, they usually are not "very" attractive. Even the best ones are just above average by western standards. And the woman imo are not much better than the men.

11-27-2018, 01:01 AM
true but there are more that pass as indians as well. you dont see any pakistani claim being related to indians that often unless its a muhajir.

I met a pakistani in hospital when I had abscess surgery. We shared a room. He was very dark but with sharp features similar as the UP brahmin in your korean Indian couple thread. I immediately knew he is Pakistani, also by his Name I knew he is muslim not hindu so I knew he is probably Pakistani not Indian. He said there are castes in Pakistan and that it is because Pakistanis were once Hindus too. So he admittet that Pakistanis are related to Indians. He didnt seemed to hate Indians.

11-27-2018, 01:08 AM
I met a pakistani in hospital when I had abscess surgery. We shared a room. He was very dark but with sharp features similar as the UP brahmin in your korean Indian couple thread. I immediately knew he is Pakistani, also by his Name I knew he is muslim not hindu so I knew he is probably Pakistani not Indian. He said there are castes in Pakistan and that it is because Pakistanis were once Hindus too. So he admittet that Pakistanis are related to Indians. He didnt seemed to hate Indians.

did you ask him about castes? I mean i dont think subcontinental people randomly talk about the caste system with foreigners unless asked since its a very foreign concept for most of the world.

11-27-2018, 01:09 AM
did you ask him about castes? I mean i dont think subcontinental people randomly talk about the caste system with foreigners unless asked since its a very foreign concept for most of the world.

I asked him alot of questions. About Pakistan/Indian, Pakistani/Indian Food. Islam, Ramadan (it was Ramadan at this time). About castes, Restaurants, communities of Pakistanis in Austria etc. He was very open and talked about it freely.

11-27-2018, 01:11 AM
I asked him alot of questions. About Pakistan/Indian, Pakistani/Indian Food. Islam, Ramadan (it was Ramadan at this time). About castes, Restaurants, communities of Pakistanis in Austria etc. He was very open and talked about it freely.

well thats probably why he mentioned about the caste system and then about indians. Naturally no paksitani would say they are close to indians unless asked but they quite often do say we are similar to arabs, persians, afghans, etc.

11-27-2018, 01:14 AM
well thats probably why he mentioned about the caste system and then about indians. Naturally no paksitani would say they are close to indians unless asked but they quite often do say we are similar to arabs, persians, afghans, etc.

But he didnt seem to hate Indians or distance himself eventhough he was first asked about it. He could have said Pakistanis are not like Indians at all but he didnt said that. I asked him alot of questions also about sikhs and such and he was a Punjabi I asked him if he is a Punjabi and he said he is. Also punjabis can be both Indians or Pakistanis. There is Punjab in both countries. Also there is a Restaurant which was owned by a Pakistani now is owned by a Indian but its the same Restaurant same Food etc.

11-27-2018, 01:15 AM
But he didnt seem to hate Indians or distance himself eventhough he was first asked about it. He could have said Pakistanis are not like Indians at all but he didnt said that. I asked him alot of questions also about sikhs and such and he was a Punjabi I asked him if he is a Punjabi and he said he is. Also punjabis can be both Indians or Pakistanis. There is Punjab in both countries. Also there is a Restaurant which was owned by a Pakistani now is owned by a Indian but its the same Restaurant same Food etc.

Are you Indian?

11-27-2018, 01:16 AM
Are you Indian?

No. Read my Profile if you want to know who I am.

11-27-2018, 01:40 AM
Many gypsies I have seen are beautiful actually. indian white mixes can be pretty often times.

I agree Gypsies are beautiful. But Moje Ime would never date a Gypsy. But I said already its important to appreciate yourself despite what others say who are not part of your community. There is always someone who will say you are ugly. For example on another Forum someone said "Give back that ugly coat" but i looked for that coat specificially i seeked it online and i like it. Also many here said Indians arent that ugly. Many users, some will always say you are ugly.


11-27-2018, 01:46 AM
I agree Gypsies are beautiful. But Moje Ime would never date a Gypsy. But I said already its important to appreciate yourself despite what others say who are not part of your community. There is always someone who will say you are ugly. For example on another Forum someone said "Give back that ugly coat" but i looked for that coat specificially i seeked it online and i like it. Also many here said Indians arent that ugly. Many users, some will always say you are ugly.


I agree that beauty is based on perception but there is no denying that a large group of people are, on average, less pretty or even unattractive to the majority. Before making this thread I was more on "beauty lies on the eye of the beholder" idea but after this thread, I'm pretty sure it's a mix between the 2. I mean even the Indians on this forum say that Indians are ugly, a lot of the proof is also pretty accurate.

11-27-2018, 01:53 AM
I agree that beauty is based on perception but there is no denying that a large group of people are, on average, less pretty or even unattractive to the majority. Before making this thread I was more on "beauty lies on the eye of the beholder" idea but after this thread, I'm pretty sure it's a mix between the 2. I mean even the Indians on this forum say that Indians are ugly, a lot of the proof is also pretty accurate.

I dont know why the Indians say this. And its only two Indians. Of which ones hates Indians and thinks he is very different from them and doesnt like them. He also thinks he is different then them but still speaks about other Indians in a negative way. https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?268718-What-it-feels-like-to-not-fit-in-among-any-race-or-ethnic-group

Other Indians said that Indians are ok and that there are beautiful People among them. and that they are ok to them. Also how can there be "proof" that someone is ugly or beautiful? There is no such Thing as "proof" when it Comes to Beauty. Only what perception is, and I agree that there can be a majority which thinks someone is ugly, but there still might be someone else who thinks this guy is not ugly and likes him. In this case there is no "proof" because to the other Person the truth is that this Person is beautiful.

11-27-2018, 01:56 AM
For example on another Forum someone said "Give back that ugly coat" but i looked for that coat specifically i seeked it online and i like it.

And in my opinion, you look great in it. Nice choice. :thumb001:

11-27-2018, 01:58 AM
And in my opinion, you look great in it. Nice choice. :thumb001:

I heard opinions already that Im "hideous" and "very ugly" (TheForeigner for example). But I disagree and I dont think of myself as ugly.

11-27-2018, 02:03 AM
I heard opinions already that Im "hideous" and "very ugly" (TheForeigner for example). But I disagree and I dont think of myself as ugly.

Everyone is entitled to their respective opinions and preferences. But in MY opinion, nothing can be farther from the truth.

11-27-2018, 02:06 AM
I dont know why the Indians say this. And its only two Indians. Of which ones hates Indians and thinks he is very different from them and doesnt like them. He also thinks he is different then them but still speaks about other Indians in a negative way. https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?268718-What-it-feels-like-to-not-fit-in-among-any-race-or-ethnic-group

Other Indians said that Indians are ok and that there are beautiful People among them. and that they are ok to them. Also how can there be "proof" that someone is ugly or beautiful? There is no such Thing as "proof" when it Comes to Beauty. Only what perception is, and I agree that there can be a majority which thinks someone is ugly, but there still might be someone else who thinks this guy is not ugly and likes him. In this case there is no "proof" because to the other Person the truth is that this Person is beautiful.

The thing is bro, I'm talking about percentages here. Yes some people might not find a Dravidian ugly but a greater majority do. I know there is perception (I already agreed on this) but let's not forget the percentages involved.i don't find Indians ugly btw, I just wanted to know why a greater portion think they are.

11-27-2018, 02:15 AM
The thing is bro, I'm talking about percentages here. Yes some people might not find a Dravidian ugly but a greater majority do. I know there is perception (I already agreed on this) but let's not forget the percentages involved.i don't find Indians ugly btw, I just wanted to know why a greater portion think they are.

What is a Dravidian? Some think that all Indians are "Dravidians" though. And its a useless question "why they find them ugly" because you cant do anything about your preferences and your perception or why you find someone attractive or ugly. And there is no reason, its how you see it and what you are attracted to. Its like asking you why you like Pamela anderson (just example i dont know if you do) its just because you "do"

You could be partly right but partly wrong. Well my opinion is only one man and others might disagree but I dont think find amerindians and africans to be better looking then majority of Indians (i do find the heavy australoid Indians to be unattractive though but dont know in percent how many are australoid)

there is a anthropology plate of Indians, there is indid, indobrachid, indo-melanid and australoid. the indo-melanid is still attractive to me eventhough very dark. only australoid is unattractive, and aboriginals are unattractive too. but the rest of the Indians i dont find less attractive then SSA or amerindians (in case of Brasil).


But Im only one man and my opinions is worth only one opinion but if all others think that we are ugly, then im outnumbered. But important is to appreciate yourself. I also dont think Im ugly just have extra weight but foreigner thinks im hideous and ugly.

11-27-2018, 02:15 AM
The thing is bro, I'm talking about percentages here. Yes some people might not find a Dravidian ugly but a greater majority do. I know there is perception (I already agreed on this) but let's not forget the percentages involved.i don't find Indians ugly btw, I just wanted to know why a greater portion think they are.

i dont think people find indians necessarily ugly but rather they find all other populations better looking in comparison. thats what im getting at least. its just someone has to be the least attractive on average and indians take the cake for that. but i dont think people will purposefully think indians are ugly cause they are "indian looking".

11-27-2018, 02:59 AM
I disagree on all these points. First off, they are not Caucasoids. Second, they usually are not "very" attractive. Even the best ones are just above average by western standards. And the woman imo are not much better than the men.
Um no, these Indian men I handpicked are mostly Caucasoid in racial makeup. You disagreeing about their attractiveness is subjective, I guess - Even though you're a hetero male (I take it) - So you may not view guys the way I do to be fair. Again, replace Indian men with all the black guys in America (in pop culture, modelling, music, film, etc) and your perspective would be different on them. Just saying. You're just used to the negative and rather comical stereotype associated with Indians (accents, costumes, traditions, etc).

Anyway, I thought the first Indian guy and the shirtless last one were incredibly attractive. And they are Caucasoids. Are you telling me that they're more Australoid or Dravidian? :confused:

P.S. A man doesn't need to be "above average" in order to be sexually enticing. The so-called "most beautiful men in the world" usually lack sexual chemistry. The most attractive men to me are usually around average or slightly below it. You don't need to look like Brad Pitt to be attractive. Lmao.

11-27-2018, 03:08 AM
i dont think people find indians necessarily ugly but rather they find all other populations better looking in comparison. thats what im getting at least. its just someone has to be the least attractive on average and indians take the cake for that. but i dont think people will purposefully think indians are ugly cause they are "indian looking".

Um no, these Indian men I handpicked are mostly Caucasoid in racial makeup. You disagreeing about their attractiveness is subjective, I guess - Even though you're a hetero male (I take it) - So you may not view guys the way I do to be fair. Again, replace Indian men with all the black guys in America (in pop culture, modelling, music, film, etc) and your perspective would be different on them. Just saying. You're just used to the negative and rather comical stereotype associated with Indians (accents, costumes, traditions, etc).

Anyway, I thought the first Indian guy and the shirtless last one were incredibly attractive. And they are Caucasoids. Are you telling me that they're more Australoid or Dravidian? :confused:

P.S. A man doesn't need to be "above average" in order to be sexually enticing. The so-called "most beautiful men in the world" usually lack sexual chemistry. The most attractive men to me are usually around average or slightly below it. You don't need to look like Brad Pitt to be attractive. Lmao.

I agree you dont need to be Ultra Special to be attractive. You might be average but still appealing.

11-28-2018, 09:07 PM
Sunny leone is an attractive indian,

11-30-2018, 03:13 AM
Sunny leone is an attractive indian,

First off I think she is overrated and two, she is very far from being typical.

11-30-2018, 04:03 AM
First off I think she is overrated and two, she is very far from being typical.

can you post a picture of how typical Indian american woman look?

11-30-2018, 04:06 AM
can you post a picture of how typical Indian american woman look?

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTUyMjU5MDk3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzE2MjU0NTE@._ V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg

11-30-2018, 04:11 AM
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTUyMjU5MDk3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzE2MjU0NTE@._ V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg

she look alright

are these people typical of Indian americans?


11-30-2018, 04:19 AM
she look alright

are these people typical of Indian americans?


No, Indian americans i.e. children of immigrants tend to look more refined than most of those people.

11-30-2018, 04:28 AM
No, Indian americans i.e. children of immigrants tend to look more refined than most of those people.

do you think, Indians back in India are more veddoid than Indians in US?

11-30-2018, 04:30 AM
do you think, Indians back in India are more veddoid than Indians in US?

100%. Absolutely. Indians in US are often south Indian but they tend to be mid-high caste from what I have seen.

New user
11-30-2018, 05:20 AM
Don't take this the wrong way, but honestly most of the best looking Indian guys usually just come off as Chinese knockoff versions of Med or Arab hunks. Wait, that was offensive as fuck. But seriously idunno maybe it's the features, something just doesn't sit well with me with the Indian phenotype. Like a combination of many features that just don't mesh well. Like med hunks are usually sexually attractive, have symmetry, but there's something very comical about a lot of "good looking" Indian dudes. Thambi I think explains it better than I.

indians are mixed with the wrong kinds

sure grooming could be part of it not denying it but there is something off in symmetry of features in many many indians and seems to be the case with gypsies as well even though they are heavily mixed with euros. Some feature is very off in many of them like some have small face, some have very big eyes, some have round bulbous nose, some have very thin lips, terrible jawline, some are too hairy for their own good. There are multiple factors adding to finding indians unappealing from looks, hygiene, personality, etc but looks definitely form the vast majority for the "lack" of attraction towards indians.

That said I do find some of the pseudo-levatine/pseudo-med looking Indians attractive. Like......


Not these though, if I had to pinpoint one feature, that's not so appealing it would be the bulging big eyes.

And in general most of the ones we have here are like this

http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/bg/Aziz+Ansari+30+Minutes+Less+World+Premiere+xTzLIOS H-fhl.jpg

12-02-2018, 05:39 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, but honestly most of the best looking Indian guys usually just come off as Chinese knockoff versions of Med or Arab hunks. Wait, that was offensive as fuck. But seriously idunno maybe it's the features, something just doesn't sit well with me with the Indian phenotype. Like a combination of many features that just don't mesh well. Like med hunks are usually sexually attractive, have symmetry, but there's something very comical about a lot of "good looking" Indian dudes. Thambi I think explains it better than I.

That said I do find some of the pseudo-levatine/pseudo-med looking Indians attractive. Like......


Not these though, if I had to pinpoint one feature, that's not so appealing it would be the bulging big eyes.

And in general most of the ones we have here are like this

http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/bg/Aziz+Ansari+30+Minutes+Less+World+Premiere+xTzLIOS H-fhl.jpg

Those first indians look more like north pakistanis rather than "levantines".

12-02-2018, 05:41 PM
she look alright

are these people typical of Indian americans?


Most of those people were old. Not typical of younger Indians.

12-02-2018, 05:42 PM
First off I think she is overrated and two, she is very far from being typical.

I know but she is very beautiful. A lot more beautiful than even most levantines truthfully.

12-02-2018, 07:16 PM
can you post a picture of how typical Indian american woman look?

Here's some videos of Indian-Americans in California:


And here's specifically Indian Punjabi/Sikh Americans:


12-02-2018, 07:17 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, but honestly most of the best looking Indian guys usually just come off as Chinese knockoff versions of Med or Arab hunks. Wait, that was offensive as fuck. But seriously idunno maybe it's the features, something just doesn't sit well with me with the Indian phenotype. Like a combination of many features that just don't mesh well. Like med hunks are usually sexually attractive, have symmetry, but there's something very comical about a lot of "good looking" Indian dudes. Thambi I think explains it better than I.

lol what indian dudes look like that haha? chinese knockoff versions of meds/arabs? do you mean kashmris or pahari, himalayan people? If thats who you are talking about then yes i sort of agree. This dude fits your description I guess. sort of.


12-02-2018, 08:46 PM
lol what indian dudes look like that haha? chinese knockoff versions of meds/arabs? do you mean kashmris or pahari, himalayan people? If thats who you are talking about then yes i sort of agree. This dude fits your description I guess. sort of.


No, what he means by "Chinese knockoff version" is just cheap quality, the way Chinese goods are shitty versions of those found elsewhere.

12-02-2018, 08:51 PM
Here's some videos of Indian-Americans in California:


And here's specifically Indian Punjabi/Sikh Americans:


This. This is basically what the vast majority look like lmfao. The ones posted here are very atypical and do not represent the Indian population as a whole. Even in that video of Punjabis/Sikhs I struggled to find anyone who looked exotic or good looking. I dont usually say this sort of thing but I think even I look atypical compared to them.

12-02-2018, 08:52 PM
They are not.

12-02-2018, 08:53 PM
No, what he means by "Chinese knockoff version" is just cheap quality, the way Chinese goods are shitty versions of those found elsewhere.

yeah when he said knockoff I thought that as well but when he included chinese knockoff I thought he was talking about ancestry/admix for some reason lol.

12-02-2018, 08:53 PM
They are not.

Pics or gtfo

12-02-2018, 08:55 PM
This. This is basically what the vast majority look like lmfao. The ones posted here are very atypical and do not represent the Indian population as a whole. Even in that video of Punjabis/Sikhs I struggled to find anyone who looked exotic or good looking. I dont usually say this sort of thing but I think even I look atypical compared to them.

actually in the first video they were quite decent looking. The other two, that rahman girl was nice, but the rest werent that great I agree. The punjabi/sikh ones looked quite average.

12-02-2018, 08:57 PM
actually in the first video they were quite decent looking. The other two, that rahman girl was nice, but the rest werent that great I agree. The punjabi/sikh ones looked quite average.

Yeah I thought the one named Rahman was also. Do you think Indian Muslims look better than Hindus on average?

12-02-2018, 09:02 PM
Yeah I thought the one named Rahman was also. Do you think Indian Muslims look better than Hindus on average?

yeah she had a decent body as well.

Not sure actually. I think indian muslims might be slightly better on average.

honestly I've not met that many indian muslims. most muslims i know from south asia are pakistani/bengali. I did see some muslim areas in hyderabad and some of them did look fairly good looking.

12-02-2018, 09:09 PM
They are not.

Indians are puurty as fuck, too bad their hearts are ugly as shit and they are also the most uptight racist mofos above earth and beneath heaven.

12-02-2018, 09:11 PM
It depends north indian looks better than South,due to middle eastern blood

12-02-2018, 09:12 PM
It depends north indian looks better than South,due to middle eastern blood

Soooo puuurrty

12-02-2018, 09:13 PM
You pretentious little pieces of shit.

12-02-2018, 09:21 PM
You pretentious little pieces of shit.

Who the fuck are you talking to?

12-02-2018, 09:22 PM
Who the fuck are you talking to?

probably to all indians on here lol

12-02-2018, 09:22 PM
It depends north indian looks better than South,due to middle eastern blood


12-02-2018, 09:23 PM
Who the fuck are you talking to?

To myself.

12-02-2018, 09:25 PM

Puurtu people fucking everywhere.

12-02-2018, 09:26 PM
Pics or gtfo

Pics of what ?

12-02-2018, 09:27 PM
Are romas also ugly

12-02-2018, 09:27 PM
Yeah I thought the one named Rahman was also. Do you think Indian Muslims look better than Hindus on average?

yeah she had a decent body as well.

Not sure actually. I think indian muslims might be slightly better on average.

honestly I've not met that many indian muslims. most muslims i know from south asia are pakistani/bengali. I did see some muslim areas in hyderabad and some of them did look fairly good looking.

Slightly off topic, but I've been wondering this for a while. Are Hyderabadi Muslims of North Indian origin? I heard that they speak Urdu instead of Telugu. Is it cause they have origins from the north? Do they identify as ethnic Telugu (like Hindus) or are Deccani Muslims considered their own distinct group separate from Telugu Hindus? Are Muslims from the rest of Telangana-Andhra considered ethnic Telugu?

12-02-2018, 09:27 PM
I'm convinced I was a fucking abo in my previous life.

12-02-2018, 09:28 PM

12-02-2018, 09:29 PM
Slightly off topic, but I've been wondering this for a while. Are Hyderabadi Muslims of North Indian origin? I heard that they speak Urdu instead of Telugu. Is it cause they have origins from the north? Do they identify as ethnic Telugu (like Hindus) or are Deccani Muslims considered their own distinct group separate from Telugu Hindus? Are Muslims from the rest of Telangana-Andhra considered ethnic Telugu?

I don't think so. They are their own distinct ethnic group and do not identify as Telugu. Their dialect is distinct.

12-02-2018, 09:29 PM
That's why I'm talking to myself. It's the boomerang effect.

12-02-2018, 09:31 PM
Gujurati muslim in uk look same as gujurati hindu!

12-02-2018, 09:31 PM
I don't think so. They are their own distinct ethnic group and do not identify as Telugu. Their dialect is distinct.

Do Deccani Muslims speak Telugu as a second language (in addition to Urdu) or do they only speak Urdu? Why isn't Telugu their mother tongue and why don't they identify as Telugu?

12-02-2018, 09:34 PM
Slightly off topic, but I've been wondering this for a while. Are Hyderabadi Muslims of North Indian origin? I heard that they speak Urdu instead of Telugu. Is it cause they have origins from the north? Do they identify as ethnic Telugu (like Hindus) or are Deccani Muslims considered their own distinct group separate from Telugu Hindus? Are Muslims from the rest of Telangana-Andhra considered ethnic Telugu?

no hyderabadi muslims do not identify as telugu muslims. Same with surrounding areas in telangana northern kannada, deccan marathi muslims are all deccan/dakhini muslims and they just identify as such. They all share similar heritage as well. In terms of origin, they are just linked to the nizams of the region who probably did come from the north but mixed with the local populations eventually. However, andhra muslims and rest of south indian muslims are rather just converts I think from low castes.

12-02-2018, 09:35 PM
Do Deccani Muslims speak Telugu as a second language (in addition to Urdu) or do they only speak Urdu? Why isn't Telugu their mother tongue and why don't they identify as Telugu?

I think many of them know it but dont really speak it. It is not their mother tongue because they lived under a Muslim monarchy.

12-02-2018, 09:36 PM
It's a fact I'm a abo at heart. That is why I don't fit in here. I have also abo forehead, and forehead reveals personality, character, race, blood and soul.

12-02-2018, 09:37 PM
no hyderabadi muslims do not identify as telugu muslims. Same with surrounding areas in telangana northern kannada, deccan marathi muslims are all deccan/dakhini muslims and they just identify as such. They all share similar heritage as well. In terms of origin, they are just linked to the nizams of the region who probably did come from the north but mixed with the local populations eventually. However, andhra muslims and rest of south indian muslims are rather just converts I think from low castes.

some from the city have arab, pashtun, persian ancestry.

12-02-2018, 09:41 PM
I'm also racist dirtbag which is essential abo trait.

12-02-2018, 09:42 PM
actually in the first video they were quite decent looking. The other two, that rahman girl was nice, but the rest werent that great I agree. The punjabi/sikh ones looked quite average.

I thought some of the Punjabi/Sikh ones were pretty good-looking.

12-02-2018, 09:46 PM
I thought some of the Punjabi/Sikh ones were pretty good-looking.

I swear to god I will drive all caucasoids out of aboland. Back to hyperborea you go.

12-02-2018, 09:49 PM
I swear to god I will drive all caucasoids out of aboland. Back to hyperborea you go.

Dra åt helvete

12-02-2018, 09:54 PM
Dra åt helvete

lol you are already there.


12-02-2018, 09:59 PM
I know what Indians are. I have had dealings with them :) DO NOT THINK FOR FUCKING MOMENT THAT I FORGET.

12-02-2018, 10:03 PM

Seth MacFarlane
12-02-2018, 10:06 PM
I’ve actually seem some pretty Indian woman because I grew up around Indians all my life . But there’s pretty and ugly Indian woman. There’s pretty and ugly white woman , and pretty and ugly woman Hispanic woman etc , it may be a different story about how girls feel about the men but some Indian woman are very pretty . East Asian woman aren’t my type like Chinese , Japanese , etc. Vietnamese and phillipono can be attractive at times but they lack the curves usually. My type is more Brazilian , colombian , etc

12-02-2018, 10:12 PM
I’ve actually seem some pretty Indian woman because I grew up around Indians all my life . But there’s pretty and ugly Indian woman. There’s pretty and ugly white woman , and pretty and ugly woman Hispanic woman etc , it may be a different story about how girls feel about the men but some Indian woman are very pretty . East Asian woman aren’t my type like Chinese , Japanese , etc. Vietnamese and phillipono can be attractive at times but they lack the curves usually. My type is more Brazilian , colombian , etc

blah blah with your spiritually empty drivel.

Seth MacFarlane
12-02-2018, 10:15 PM
blah blah with your spiritually empty drivel.

Shut up clown your yellling At nobody in the 5 other posts , your brain damaged .

12-02-2018, 10:21 PM
Shut up clown your yellling At nobody in the 5 other posts , your brain damaged .




We are spriritually from different fucking universe. I'm a abo.

12-02-2018, 10:21 PM
someone should be "the uglies" anyway..if not indians then someone else would win this title and then the question would be about them. imo indians are unique..no one else look similar to them...it might be a reason that people are not use to such a look and therefore they find it unattractive

The Blade
12-02-2018, 10:22 PM
It is a matter of personal preference. I have seen some Caucasoid Indians I consider aesthetically appealing and others that I have not. There is quite an amount of diversity in India from what I know, and North Indians differ from those from Southern India. I think a great many people here largely prefer women closest to their own race, including myself, and the majority are European.
Agree with this post.

12-02-2018, 10:38 PM
no hyderabadi muslims do not identify as telugu muslims. Same with surrounding areas in telangana northern kannada, deccan marathi muslims are all deccan/dakhini muslims and they just identify as such. They all share similar heritage as well. In terms of origin, they are just linked to the nizams of the region who probably did come from the north but mixed with the local populations eventually. However, andhra muslims and rest of south indian muslims are rather just converts I think from low castes.

I've seen Hyderabadi muslims where I live, they in no way look stereotypical South Indian. They usually easily look North Indian to Pakistani.

12-02-2018, 10:40 PM
I thought some of the Punjabi/Sikh ones were pretty good-looking.

yeah i meant the guys mostly. some of the girls were indeed quite good looking.

12-02-2018, 10:45 PM
The strangest thing is that many Indians see themselves as being ugly ! Especialy the darker Indians are ridiculed and looked down on by the fairer ones. Also, Indians are known to consider blacks and even people from the far east as unattractive. Add to that the fact that european prostitutes are far more expensive in India than native ones, plus that for a white girl to walk around unattended equals suiside.
My understanding is that it has to do with that huge inferiority complex the Indian nation has developed since the time of the British Raj.
If you ask me , some Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi / Sri Lankan girls are gorgeous.

12-02-2018, 10:56 PM
Yeah I thought the one named Rahman was also. Do you think Indian Muslims look better than Hindus on average?

Indian Muslims can actually be distinctively different looking from hindus - This includes Gujrati muslims, UP, Bihar and Hyderabadi muslims.

Indian Muslims


12-02-2018, 11:17 PM
Indian Muslims can actually be distinctively different looking from hindus - This includes Gujrati muslims, UP, Bihar and Hyderabadi muslims.

Indian Muslims


Those guys definitely have foreign ancestry.

12-02-2018, 11:18 PM
The strangest thing is that many Indians see themselves as being ugly ! Especialy the darker Indians are ridiculed and looked down on by the fairer ones. Also, Indians are known to consider blacks and even people from the far east as unattractive. Add to that the fact that european prostitutes are far more expensive in India than native ones, plus that for a white girl to walk around unattended equals suiside.
My understanding is that it has to do with that huge inferiority complex the Indian nation has developed since the time of the British Raj.
If you ask me , some Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi / Sri Lankan girls are gorgeous.

Painting with a very broad brush, don't you think?

12-02-2018, 11:23 PM
The strangest thing is that many Indians see themselves as being ugly ! Especialy the darker Indians are ridiculed and looked down on by the fairer ones. Also, Indians are known to consider blacks and even people from the far east as unattractive. Add to that the fact that european prostitutes are far more expensive in India than native ones, plus that for a white girl to walk around unattended equals suiside.
My understanding is that it has to do with that huge inferiority complex the Indian nation has developed since the time of the British Raj.
If you ask me , some Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi / Sri Lankan girls are gorgeous.

Maybe yeah, agree with the general inferiority complex.Its not just due to the british colonial era. Its been that way with all invaders from mughals, afghans, greeks. all were fairer, stronger, and more aesthetically pleasing in general and many people have their left over dna mixed in and feel privileged by being related to them such as SexyLionman. He always talks about how he gets guessed as greek, afghan, persian, etc. Youre right though, indians are the only ones that generally see their own ethnicity as ugly quite often, while its not the case with any other group.

Black people find themselves very attractive. They are very proud to be black, whether they are african americans, british africans or native africans, all seem to be very proud of their black roots. They generally have positive stereotypes associated with them such as athleticism, build, and are popular in the entertainment/music industry.

12-02-2018, 11:41 PM
Maybe yeah, agree with the general inferiority complex.Its not just due to the british colonial era. Its been that way with all invaders from mughals, afghans, greeks. all were fairer, stronger, and more aesthetically pleasing in general and many people have their left over dna mixed in and feel privileged by being related to them such as SexyLionman. He always talks about how he gets guessed as greek, afghan, persian, etc. Youre right though, indians are the only ones that generally see their own ethnicity as ugly quite often, while its not the case with any other group.

Black people find themselves very attractive. They are very proud to be black, whether they are african americans, british africans or native africans, all seem to be very proud of their black roots. They generally have positive stereotypes associated with them such as athleticism, build, and are popular in the entertainment/music industry.
I don’t know about your experiences but from my experiences it’s generally the medium brown people who insult the people darker then them, theirs even that stereotype of the dark skinned south Asian aunts and mothers who insult their daughters and nieces for being dark while being dark skinned themselves, Sexylionmans a troll no point even using him as a reference point on how fair south Asians act lol.

12-03-2018, 01:34 AM
I don’t know about your experiences but from my experiences it’s generally the medium brown people who insult the people darker then them, theirs even that stereotype of the dark skinned south Asian aunts and mothers who insult their daughters and nieces for being dark while being dark skinned themselves, Sexylionmans a troll no point even using him as a reference point on how fair south Asians act lol.

yeah insulting dark skinned females is a trend among the south asian community. Check out this video. Ironic that she's not even that dark skinned according to indian standards and the others arent much lighter either lol


12-03-2018, 02:33 AM
yeah i meant the guys mostly. some of the girls were indeed quite good looking.

Not really.

12-03-2018, 02:52 AM
actually in the first video they were quite decent looking. The other two, that rahman girl was nice, but the rest werent that great I agree. The punjabi/sikh ones looked quite average.

yeah I find most Indian Punjabis/Sikhs to be quite average/monotonous looking for some reason (maybe its same type of beards and turbans that give them monotonous look), imo Hindu Khatris and Brahmins look much better.

12-03-2018, 03:14 AM
Not really.

what is your example of good looking south asian girl

Purohit ji
12-03-2018, 04:49 AM
yeah I find most Indian Punjabis/Sikhs to be quite average/monotonous looking for some reason (maybe its same type of beards and turbans that give them monotonous look), imo Hindu Khatris and Brahmins look much better.


12-03-2018, 07:56 PM
I love the ''freedom of speech'' in this site: its a combination of scientific facts and bigoted racism at the same time. Given that the bigotry is acknowled of, then , yeah, lets have fun !..

12-03-2018, 07:58 PM
Just their men are?

12-03-2018, 08:02 PM
yeah I find most Indian Punjabis/Sikhs to be quite average/monotonous looking for some reason (maybe its same type of beards and turbans that give them monotonous look), imo Hindu Khatris and Brahmins look much better.

Yeah , Pakistani girls are f..ng Hot - Happy ?

12-03-2018, 08:03 PM
yeah I find most Indian Punjabis/Sikhs to be quite average/monotonous looking for some reason (maybe its same type of beards and turbans that give them monotonous look), imo Hindu Khatris and Brahmins look much better.

Yeah , Pakistani girls are f..ng Hot - Happy ?

12-03-2018, 08:45 PM
yeah I find most Indian Punjabis/Sikhs to be quite average/monotonous looking for some reason (maybe its same type of beards and turbans that give them monotonous look), imo Hindu Khatris and Brahmins look much better.

Yeah , Pakistani girls are f..ng Hot - Happy ?

ah man lets end this topic bro, its getting really annoying at this point haha.. It doesnt matter. In the end most indians just stick to themselves regardless of whether we are considered attractive or not.

Tooting Carmen
12-03-2018, 08:57 PM
Just their men are?

Not necessarily. Try watching a contemporary Bollywood film...

12-03-2018, 08:59 PM
Not necessarily. Try watching a contemporary Bollywood film...

Sure, just taking the piss. I find Indian women attractive (seen some very hot ones at least), and I'm just not into dudes. Not dissing my Aryan bros. ;)

Tooting Carmen
12-03-2018, 09:05 PM
Sure, just taking the piss. I find Indian women attractive (seen some very hot ones at least even talked to some), and I'm just not into dudes. Not dissing my Aryan bros. ;)

So none of these actors would make you reconsider your sexuality then?:D
https://st1.bollywoodlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/salman-teaser.jpghttps://img.timesnownews.com/story/1515564130-a7f95c14f290b209c8b2cf910745385c_PINTEREST_rp.jpgh ttp://www.magnamags.com/upload/Additional/John20140204170212957.jpg?maxwidth=770https://veryfilmi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ranveer-singh-shirtless.jpghttp://mrpopat.in/admin/upload/wallpaper/2013061413712152711978190381.jpghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTsf785rm7ceGEwq0CR5lmhJWrvlmqUA lMVzqkpEw4hMr48--VezA

12-03-2018, 09:06 PM
So none of these actors would make you reconsider your sexuality then?:D

Haha. Never! But I can tell they won't struggle attracting women of all ethnicities. I'm so out of shape, thanks for reminding me. ;)

Tooting Carmen
12-03-2018, 09:07 PM
Haha. Never! But I can tell they won't struggle attracting women of all ethnicities. I'm so out of shape, thanks for reminding me. ;)

That makes two of us.;)

12-04-2018, 10:29 PM
That's why I'm talking to myself. It's the boomerang effect.


12-04-2018, 10:31 PM



We are spriritually from different fucking universe. I'm a abo.

Bro are you fucking alright? Why do you keep posting random shit on this thread that has no relations with the topic of the thread? Are you taking some drugs or drunk when on this forum or something?

12-04-2018, 10:34 PM
The strangest thing is that many Indians see themselves as being ugly ! Especialy the darker Indians are ridiculed and looked down on by the fairer ones. Also, Indians are known to consider blacks and even people from the far east as unattractive. Add to that the fact that european prostitutes are far more expensive in India than native ones, plus that for a white girl to walk around unattended equals suiside.
My understanding is that it has to do with that huge inferiority complex the Indian nation has developed since the time of the British Raj.
If you ask me , some Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi / Sri Lankan girls are gorgeous.

How does it make you white people feel that a large proportion of a whole nation basically worship you (whites) because of being taken over by them.

12-04-2018, 10:36 PM
What do you expect people to say when most Indians look like this (bear in mind that I could have posted much uglier photos since there are so many of them):




12-04-2018, 10:37 PM
yeah insulting dark skinned females is a trend among the south asian community. Check out this video. Ironic that she's not even that dark skinned according to indian standards and the others arent much lighter either lol

She fine as hell and lol those “light skinned girls” would be considered dark in northern AJK lol

12-04-2018, 10:37 PM
Maybe yeah, agree with the general inferiority complex.Its not just due to the british colonial era. Its been that way with all invaders from mughals, afghans, greeks. all were fairer, stronger, and more aesthetically pleasing in general and many people have their left over dna mixed in and feel privileged by being related to them such as SexyLionman. He always talks about how he gets guessed as greek, afghan, persian, etc. Youre right though, indians are the only ones that generally see their own ethnicity as ugly quite often, while its not the case with any other group.

Black people find themselves very attractive. They are very proud to be black, whether they are african americans, british africans or native africans, all seem to be very proud of their black roots. They generally have positive stereotypes associated with them such as athleticism, build, and are popular in the entertainment/music industry.

The thing I don't understand is that white people have ruled many non-white countries but those non-white countries don't have this inferiority complex. Genghis Khan rules more than half the world but I don't see many Russians, central Asians, and other east euros having inferiority complexes over being Caucasoid and not mongoloid.

12-04-2018, 10:38 PM
What do you expect people to say when most Indians look like this (bear in mind that I could have posted much uglier photos since there are so many of them):




Bro if I showed you a picture of fat, malnourished Americans, than I would not be surprised to see a similar reaction.