View Full Version : Srem District - Serbia

12-30-2018, 05:06 AM

https://scontent-fco1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/cd9331c22c12511ea04827666a016d7c/5CC145AA/t51.2885-15/e35/29094555_200161973913094_3384616894207098880_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-fco1-1.cdninstagram.com
https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/8262785f5c9fb396c9cf76a26074d666/5CC38015/t51.2885-15/e35/25011935_1020262364779929_3665467082025205760_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com
https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/Vwnk9lMaHR0cDovL29jZG4uZXUvaW1hZ2VzL3B1bHNjbXMvTnp JN01EQVvOGZjMGUxNDIyNjY0MGYwYTUyYzJiNTk5MjRiZjBjOT AuanBlZ5CBoTAB
http://pecinci.org/upload/images/news/2018/oktobar_decembar/20181015_Sajam_stvaralastva_seoskh_zena_Vojvodine_ v2.jpg
http://pecinci.org/upload/images/news/2018/oktobar_decembar/20181127_Podela_hum_paketa_hrane_i_novcane_pomoci_ f.jpg
http://pecinci.org/upload/images/news/2018/oktobar_decembar/20181203_CK_Pecinci_svetski_dan_borbe_protiv_AIDS_ v3.jpg
http://pecinci.org/upload/images/news/2018/april_jun/20180524_dodela_jednokratnog_novcanog_dodatka_f.jp g
http://pecinci.org/uploads/images/news/2018/april_jun/20180412_Opstinska_smotra_decjeg_scenskog_stvarala stva_v2.jpg
http://pecinci.org/upload/images/news/2018/januar_mart/20180309_Urucene_prve_penzionerske_kartice_u_Pecin cima_v.jpg
http://pecinci.org/upload/images/news/2018/oktobar_decembar/20181022_KC_Jubilej_Tamburasko_i_literarno_vece_f. jpg
http://pecinci.org/upload/images/news/2018/april_jun/20180412_Opstinska_smotra_decjeg_scenskog_stvarala stva_v2.jpg

12-30-2018, 06:44 AM
Mainly Alpines, Meds, Dinarics few Baltics and Nordics.

Best fit in ex-Yugo.

12-30-2018, 06:48 AM
I'd say, best fit ex-Yugo.. but within those pics are many looks that could pass in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece

12-30-2018, 07:04 AM
Gorid, Dinarid, Baltid and Pontid.

Fit in Hungary, Croatia, Romania and Slovakia.

12-30-2018, 08:26 AM
https://scontent-fco1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/cd9331c22c12511ea04827666a016d7c/5CC145AA/t51.2885-15/e35/29094555_200161973913094_3384616894207098880_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-fco1-1.cdninstagram.com

The second girl on the right is textbook Baltic.

Can pass among these Karelian girls easily.


12-30-2018, 08:33 AM
The second girl on the right is textbook Baltic.[/IMG]

Can pass among these Karelian girls easily.


Baltid is more common among our women than among men.

Most common light type among our women is Baltid, and among men is Norid.

12-30-2018, 08:37 AM
Baltid is more common among our women than among men.

Most common light type among our women is Baltid, and among men is Norid.

Yes, among East Slavs pure Baltic is more common among women than men.

Even in Sweden average woman is Baltic - Nordic mix than pure Nordic.

12-30-2018, 08:39 AM
Yes, among East Slavs Baltic is more common among women than men.

Even in Sweden average woman is Baltic - Nordic mix than pure Nordic.

Our women are more "Slavic" looking than men on average. Not only because of lighter pigmentaton, but also they have more "Slavic" features on average.

12-30-2018, 08:40 AM
Nice. Among East Slavs...

12-30-2018, 08:41 AM
Nice. Among East Slavs...

Sample is still small, but for now R1a is the stronger haplo among Syrma (Srem) Serbs.

12-30-2018, 08:42 AM
Sample is still small, but for now R1a is the stronger haplo among Syrma (Srem) Serbs.

Ya, we can see :D

12-30-2018, 08:55 AM
Our women are more "Slavic" looking than men on average. Not only because of lighter pigmentaton, but also they have more "Slavic" features on average.

Why do you write that word in quotation marks?

Are not Serbs Slavs?

In Russia Russian women are very proud of their Slavic origin.

If you tell a Russian woman that she looks like real Slavic woman, that would be the best compliment for her.

Among Russian women there is a cult of Slavic beauty.

This phrase "Slavic beauty" is very often used on TV, in Newspapers in social networks, etc.

Eastern Slavs are proud of their Slavic origin.

12-30-2018, 09:02 AM
Our women are more "Slavic" looking than men on average. Not only because of lighter pigmentaton, but also they have more "Slavic" features on average.

I agree

12-30-2018, 09:04 AM
Why do you write that word in quotation marks?

I think it is because, as of yet, there is still clarity lacking in how exactly Slavicism should be understood/interpreted.. especially in the genetico-historical sense..

But I'll let the man answer for himself

12-30-2018, 09:07 AM
Ya, we can see :D

It will change on higher sample, I2a comming... Still Syrma is our region with higher R1a than Seriban average. Syrma has strong Krajina migration current (in the last 300 years), unlike Banat for comparation where most of Serbs orignated from eastern/southern Serbia and Kosovo (Banat because of that has higher EV-13 than Serban average).

12-30-2018, 09:07 AM
Vojvodina, and thus Srem, had series of newcomers from Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia in the last century, so most of those tall people are fresh addition from south.

12-30-2018, 09:16 AM
Vojvodina, and thus Srem, had series of newcomers from Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia in the last century, so most of those tall people are fresh addition from south.

Most of Srem (Syrma) Serbs originated from Krajina (western Bosna, Lika, Kordun, Banija and northern Dalmatia). Their ancestors arrived in 18th and 19th century. I have met a tons of Syrmans with further origin from these regions which I mentioned.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
12-30-2018, 09:18 AM
you should post videos,photos can always be cherrypicked

12-30-2018, 09:18 AM
It will change on higher sample, I2a comming... Still Syrma is our region with higher R1a than Seriban average. Syrma has strong Krajina migration current (in the last 300 years), unlike Banat for comparation where most of Serbs orignated from eastern/southern Serbia and Kosovo (Banat because of that has higher EV-13 than Serban average).

But where is now I2a from Kosovo? Great Migrations of the Serbs.

12-30-2018, 09:21 AM
But where is now I2a from Kosovo? Great Migrations of the Serbs.

Still in Kosovo, from what I know I2a is the strongest haplo among Kosovo Serbs.

Not all Serbs from Kosovo migrated to Pannonia in 1690.

12-30-2018, 09:25 AM
Still in Kosovo, from what I know I2a is the strongest haplo among Kosovo Serbs.

Not all Serbs from Kosovo migrated to Pannonia in 1690.

Maybe, a certain part. A large number of Serbs with E-V13 came to the property of I2a...

12-30-2018, 09:29 AM
Maybe, a certain part. A large number of Serbs with E-V13 came to the property of I2a...

Part of E-V13 came to Kosovo from Montenegro in the last 200 years. There is E-V13 among Kosovo Serbs which is not conected with Montenegro, but with Shopi/Torlakian, Macedonian, Bulgarian E-V13.

12-30-2018, 09:32 AM
Part of E-V13 came to Kosovo from Montenegro in the last 200 years. There is E-V13 among Kosovo Serbs which is not conected with Montenegro, but with Shopi/Torlakian, Macedonian, Bulgarian E-V13.

Would you say Central Serbia, genetically speaking, is split between East and West rather than North and South?

12-30-2018, 09:36 AM
Would you say Central Serbia, genetically speaking, is split between East and West rather than North and South?

Autosomally Serbs has larger difference on line east-west (or southeast-northwest), than south-north.

12-30-2018, 09:40 AM
Part of E-V13 came to Kosovo from Montenegro in the last 200 years. There is E-V13 among Kosovo Serbs which is not conected with Montenegro, but with Shopi/Torlakian, Macedonian, Bulgarian E-V13.

I remember i read that. Grigorije Bozovic, writer from Ibarski Kolasin (place where my father is born), he said, people in Kolasin cyclically moved to eventually return to the starting point. Likewise, they are part of I2a. But Serbs from Montenegro (EV13) really (what I personally heard from the story of the elderly) came to the older settlements. Most churches in Kolasin were built on the foundations of earlier churches. (I2a).
All Serbs from Kosovo not Metohija can have Ibarski Kolasin roots. In almost all villages around Prishtina there is at least one family from Ibarski Kolasin.

12-30-2018, 09:42 AM
Autosomally Serbs has larger difference on line east-west (or southeast-northwest), than south-north.

Southeast-Northwest including Vojvodina and Kosovo/Metohija?

12-30-2018, 09:48 AM
Southeast-Northwest including Vojvodina and Kosovo/Metohija?

Yes, all Serbian areas.

Most northern ploting Serbs are probably from Banija. Soon I will see result of fully Banija Serb, it would be interesting...
Most southern ploting Serbs are probably from Kosovo or southeastern Serbia, maybe even Kumanovo area in Fyrom.
Usualy autosomal = geography. There is few exceptions as Romanians for example (they have too southern genetic for latitude where they live).

12-30-2018, 09:49 AM
Most of Srem (Syrma) Serbs originated from Krajina (western Bosna, Lika, Kordun, Banija and northern Dalmatia). Their ancestors arrived in 18th and 19th century. I have met a tons of Syrmans with further origin from these regions which I mentioned.

Yes, that's true today, but 100 years ago those folks you talk of would be minority.

12-30-2018, 09:49 AM
Yes, all Serbian areas.

Most northern ploting Serbs are probably from Banija. Soon I will see result of fully Banija Serb, it would be interesting...
Most southern ploting Serbs are probably from Kosovo or southeastern Serbia, maybe even Kumanovo area in Fyrom.
Usualy autosomal = geography. There is few exceptions as Romanians for example (they have too southern genetic for latitude where they live).


12-30-2018, 09:53 AM
Yes, that's true today, but 100 years ago those folks you talk of would be minority.

I don't talking about Serban colonsts from Krajina after WW1, WW2 and Serbian refugees from Krajna in 1990s.
A lot of Syrmans whch live in Syrmia 200-250 years orignated from Krajna. Colonization of Syrmia by Krajina Serbs started in mid of 18th century.

12-30-2018, 10:02 AM
I remember i read that. Grigorije Bozovic, writer from Ibarski Kolasin (place where my father is born), he said, people in Kolasin cyclically moved to eventually return to the starting point. Likewise, they are part of I2a. But Serbs from Montenegro (EV13) really (what I personally heard from the story of the elderly) came to the older settlements. Most churches in Kolasin were built on the foundations of earlier churches. (I2a).
All Serbs from Kosovo not Metohija can have Ibarski Kolasin roots. In almost all villages around Prishtina there is at least one family from Ibarski Kolasin.

Montenegrin colonists from last 100 years were majority of Serbs in Metohija and they are majority in Mitrovica and around. In other parts of Kosovo Serbs are/were native from the middle age.

Most of Kosovo Serbs speak Kosovo-Resava dialect and have ekavian reflex of yat and ths dialect have nothng to do wth Montenegro.

Montenegrin settlers speak Zeta-South Sandžak dialect whch have ijekavan reflex of yat. Most of Montenegrn settlers in KiM are ekavized, but they still don't speak as natives. Dialect of native Kosovo Serbs is much closer to Torlakian than to Montenegrin speech.

12-30-2018, 10:12 AM
in Śrem

12-30-2018, 10:45 AM

Miss of Syrmia


12-30-2018, 10:46 AM
Ex yugo + hungary, romania, moldova, greece, bulgaria

12-30-2018, 10:52 AM
Dialect of native Kosovo Serbs is much closer to Torlakian than to Montenegrin speech.

And in turn this would also make Kosovo Serbs' speech closer the sort spoken around Nis, Vranjes, Leskovac?

12-30-2018, 11:26 AM
Gorid, Dinarid, Baltid and Pontid.

Fit in Hungary, Croatia, Romania and Slovakia.

Agree +1

12-30-2018, 01:56 PM
And in turn this would also make Kosovo Serbs' speech closer the sort spoken around Nis, Vranjes, Leskovac?

Dialect of Kosovo Serbs is same as in Vranje, Leskovac and Niš.

12-31-2018, 04:10 PM
Dinaro-Alpines mainly. They do resemble people from Krajina, though it's no surprise considering their ancestry.

01-01-2019, 02:07 PM

01-01-2019, 06:43 PM
Dinaro-Alpines mainly. They do resemble people from Krajina, though it's no surprise considering their ancestry.

People from Surduk gave land for free to some Krajina Serb refugees in 1990s. Becauese their ancestors came to Surduk from Krajina in 18th nad 19th century, and they have seen Krajina Serb refugees as cousins.

Surduk and Batajnica were founded by Lika and Dalmatian Serbs 18th century